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India aid to Bhutan, ties with Russia worrying China



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India aid to Bhutan, ties with Russia worrying China
Saibal Dasgupta, TNN, 8 February 2010, 08:19pm IST

BEIJING: India is “intensifying military penetration” in Nepal and Bhutan, a Chinese analyst said in a government-run website. The Himalayan kingdoms have become theatres of conflict between military strategists from India and China, it suggested.

The analyst, Dai Bing, also raised a rare issue saying that the Bhutan Air Force has deployed defense equipment along the border with China after getting them from India. It did not say what kind of equipment has been deployed.

“The struggle between pro-India and pro-China forces in Nepal is at a critical stage and China needs to pay more attention to its interests there,” the analyst said while citing a news report that New Delhi was building an air base in Nepal.

India has also “encouraged Russia” to provide military helicopters and logistical support to Bhutan, the article complained. It said India has helped establish and equip the Bhutan Air Force. It also expressed worry over rising military cooperation between New Delhi and Moscow. The article might seems to actually congratulate India on its defense diplomacy in persuading Russia to take actions that would make China unhappy besides commanding considerable influence over the two Himalayan kingdoms.

This is interesting because Beijing is dangling two lucrative offers before Katmandu. They are the offer to extend the Tibet railway to Nepal and send large numbers of tourists to the Himalayan nation. In turn, it wants an assurance that Tibetan separatists would not operate in Nepal. “In a quest for military advantage along its border with China, India is intensifying its military cooperation with the United States and Russia and stepping up its military penetration of small border states adjoining China and India,” it said. The past decade has seen India buying arms worth $50 billion from the United States, Russia, Britain, Israel and France making it the biggest arms importer in the developing world, it said. It also mentioned the recent agreement between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the Russian president on military matters.

“But despite its arms purchases from the great powers and military penetration of neighboring countries, it remains extremely unlikely that India will unleash all-out conflict with China,” the article said. The main reason is India is focused on fighting terrorism and on Its “pressing missions are to contain Pakistan”. “For the foreseeable future, therefore, while a "cold war" between the two countries is increasingly likely, a ‘hot war’ is out of the question,” the article concluded.
India aid to Bhutan, ties with Russia worrying China
Saibal Dasgupta, TNN, 8 February 2010, 08:19pm IST

BEIJING: India is “intensifying military penetration” in Nepal and Bhutan, a Chinese analyst said in a government-run website. The Himalayan kingdoms have become theatres of conflict between military strategists from India and China, it suggested.

The analyst, Dai Bing, also raised a rare issue saying that the Bhutan Air Force has deployed defense equipment along the border with China after getting them from India. It did not say what kind of equipment has been deployed.

“The struggle between pro-India and pro-China forces in Nepal is at a critical stage and China needs to pay more attention to its interests there,” the analyst said while citing a news report that New Delhi was building an air base in Nepal.

India has also “encouraged Russia” to provide military helicopters and logistical support to Bhutan, the article complained. It said India has helped establish and equip the Bhutan Air Force. It also expressed worry over rising military cooperation between New Delhi and Moscow. The article might seems to actually congratulate India on its defense diplomacy in persuading Russia to take actions that would make China unhappy besides commanding considerable influence over the two Himalayan kingdoms.

This is interesting because Beijing is dangling two lucrative offers before Katmandu. They are the offer to extend the Tibet railway to Nepal and send large numbers of tourists to the Himalayan nation. In turn, it wants an assurance that Tibetan separatists would not operate in Nepal. “In a quest for military advantage along its border with China, India is intensifying its military cooperation with the United States and Russia and stepping up its military penetration of small border states adjoining China and India,” it said. The past decade has seen India buying arms worth $50 billion from the United States, Russia, Britain, Israel and France making it the biggest arms importer in the developing world, it said. It also mentioned the recent agreement between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the Russian president on military matters.

“But despite its arms purchases from the great powers and military penetration of neighboring countries, it remains extremely unlikely that India will unleash all-out conflict with China,” the article said. The main reason is India is focused on fighting terrorism and on Its “pressing missions are to contain Pakistan”. “For the foreseeable future, therefore, while a "cold war" between the two countries is increasingly likely, a ‘hot war’ is out of the question,” the article concluded.

Bhutan and Russia are our one of the oldest and time tested friends.

Also one ha to remember as per the agreement Bhutan's security is India's responsibility.
This article got to be really silly. China worried because of Indian friendship with Bhutan. Yes, having Bhutan with India will alter military balance. That is really silly!

India always had Russia as its friend while is getting more friendlier with China in last decade with SCO and supplying some high-tech weapons to the dragon.

IMO, China is only worried with increasing Indo-US friendship which is also pushing Russia closer to China. And India had been successful so far by playing US card, whenever China tries to do something that is too blocking for India.
Oh Please Spare Bhutan.

Do you guys ever try to be good with any of your neighbors.Every neighbor is frightened from India.Because of what India does after capturing territories example Kashmir.
Oh Please Spare Bhutan.

Do you guys ever try to be good with any of your neighbors.Every neighbor is frightened from India.Because of what India does after capturing territories example Kashmir.

look who is talkin

do i need to say ur foreign relations

s frightened; atleast we didn make them into another afghanistan(funny part is these countries still exists .I am not trying to be arrogant but look at thier military power if india wanted it could have haded its way with them)
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for the last couple of days i have been thoroughly reading out statements n messages giving by the pakis...i hav to say one thing in the context of china worriesness.....dont try to actuate India lest u (CHINA) will suffer ....
it seems china has problem with most its neighbors be it japan india bhutan vietnam this is only gonna get worse as it trys to flex its muscles as it grows,what we have to do is keep modernise our armed forces and economic reforms
look who is talkin

do i need to say ur foreign relations

s frightened; atleast we didn make them into another afghanistan(funny part is these countries still exists .I am not trying to be arrogant but look at thier military power if india wanted it could have haded its way with them)

yes my friend it was india that spurned the taliban it was india that supported them while they were in power everyone wish they had a neighbor like pakistan a peace loving nation
it seems china has problem with most its neighbors be it japan india bhutan vietnam this is only gonna get worse as it trys to flex its muscles as it grows,what we have to do is keep modernise our armed forces and economic reforms
And that they get more and more worried about India, one report after another about China is worried about this and that.
how many countries has india invaded then look what china been upto in last 60 years yet they say we causing instability it about time our goverment show abit of back bone and tell them to shut the hell up
Oh Please Spare Bhutan.

Do you guys ever try to be good with any of your neighbors.Every neighbor is frightened from India.Because of what India does after capturing territories example Kashmir.
You are amusing, buddy. Since when did the Indians start terrorizing any state that is friendly? The Kingdom of Bhutan has trusted India for a long time and even has its currency pegged to the Indian Rupee. Most of the roads, infrastructure, power lines, and other economic developments in Bhutan is done by India. Please do check Bhutan's foreign policy.

Your statement here is as immature as saying that Italy or Germany are trying to invade Switzerland by having massive economic developments here in the country.

I believe that now that you have a democratically elected government, it should concern itself with the instability that is currently there in its own country rather than worrying about a state that is in its neighbouring country's provinces. There is a lot of concern here in Europe regarding what is going on in Pakistan. Last time, many European diplomats were almost targeted in terror strikes. Recently, 3 US citizens were targeted in the bombing of a school for girls in your country.

In case of trouble, the Swiss government would worry about us rather than worrying about what is taking place in France or Italy.
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You are amusing, buddy. Since when did the Indians start terrorizing any state that is friendly? The Kingdom of Bhutan has trusted India for a long time and even has its currency pegged to the Indian Rupee. Most of the roads, infrastructure, power lines, and other economic developments in Bhutan is done by India. Please do check Bhutan's foreign policy.

Your statement here is as immature as saying that Italy or Germany are trying to invade Switzerland by having massive economic developments here in the country.

I would not say much regarding Kashmir province, but I do say that your government needs to worry about the instability that is currently there in its own country rather than worrying about a state that is in its neighbourhood. In case of trouble, the Swiss government would worry about us citizens rather than worrying about what is taking place in France or Italy.

theres no point in arguing with him in his eyes india the evil empire and pakistan is the light of the world
Oh Please Spare Bhutan.

Do you guys ever try to be good with any of your neighbors.Every neighbor is frightened from India.Because of what India does after capturing territories example Kashmir.

Mate, are you actually saying all these? :O Every neighbour? We've warm relations all of our neighbours except one?! Even china isnt an enemy china is neither pro indian nor anti indian! Nepal, Bhutan, Burma and Sri lanka all have REALLY REALLY REALLY warm relations with indian. Even your allies china and bangladesh are good friends of india.
atleast let india be friend to some of its neighbours
its not like india having military cooperation with mongolia or taiwan
and russia is offering china with su 35 .. dont forget that.
to russia,india and china are both important customers
whats new in russia -India military co-operation ?? its going on for decades, ever since it started in Cold war era...about bhutan..India enjoys highest influence in that country...even the external affairs of bhutan are guided by India...and if we talk about military, then there is no surprise either..even the bhutanese Army is trained by Indian army.
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