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India ahead of China in wasting food


Jun 28, 2010
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India ahead of China in wasting food
India ahead of China in wasting food - Hindustan Times

When it comes to wasting food items, India is ahead of China, says a UN report on food waste and its impact on natural resources.

The grim news comes at a time when prices of most vegetables and fruits are high. The waste also takes a high toll on the country’s natural resources because many of these items, rice for example, consume large quantities of water.

It is estimated more than 230 cubic kilometers of fresh water, enough to provide drinking water to 10 crore people a year, goes into producing food items that are ultimately wasted. China is second with 140 cubic km and Pakistan third with 55 cubic km.

Globally, one-third of the food produced is wasted, costing the world economy about $750 billion (more than Rs. 47 lakh crore), the Rome-based Food and Agriculture Organisation’s report said. It said Asian countries, especially India and China, were the worst culprits causing loss of 1.3 billion tonnes of food every year.

India is a significant contributor on account of both pre and post harvest waste in cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables.

Replying to a parliamentarian’s question, agriculture minister Sharad Pawar recently told Parliament that agriculture produce to the tune of Rs. 50,000 crore---40% of the total produce---was wasted every year in the country.

In terms of overall food waste—agricultural produce, poultry and milk—India ranks seventh, with the Russian Federation at the top of the list. India’s lower ranking is because most of the countries ranking above it utilise much of their land in raising poultry, while a major chunk of land in India is under agriculture. That is why the highest wastage of cereals, pulses, fruits and vegetables occurs in India.

Meat accounts for just four percent of the food wastage but contributes 20% in the economic cost of the wastage. Wastage of vegetables and fruits is 70% of the total produce, but it translated into only 40% of the economic losses.

Also, rice crop emits methane, a potent global warming gas, because of the decomposition of organic matter in submerged paddy fields. Therefore, its wastage means bigger environmental impact, the report added.

“We simply cannot allow one-third of all the food we produce to go waste or be lost because of inappropriate practices, when 870 million people go hungry every day," food agency's director general Jose Graziano da Silva told reporters.
In most offices where employees are served lunch I have seen boards that say.

' Amount of food wasted yesterday.......Kgs. This could have fed....people"

It has had a salutatory effect on the employees. The qty of food wasted / left over in the plates has reduced.
At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in." Hungry not only for bread - but hungry for love. Naked not only for clothing - but naked of human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a home of bricks - but homeless because of rejection. Mother Teresa

Its a reality that food is wasted in Indian households and offices both
Ive seen pictures of fields filled with sacks upon sacks of grain exposed to the elements, without even tarps to cover them. I wonder what percentage of such poorly stored grains make it to the bellies of the poor.
Good to know that we are ahead of China in some fields ...... :hitwall:
[Bregs];4761513 said:
Its a reality that food is wasted in Indian households and offices both

What about marriages and other functions?? I guess there was an helpline number which collect the left overs and feed the poor.. I am not sure whether it is genuine or just a facebook prank..
What about marriages and other functions?? I guess there was an helpline number which collect the left overs and feed the poor.. I am not sure whether it is genuine or just a facebook prank..

Maybe this service is available in some countries not a bad idea though
[Bregs];4762571 said:
Maybe this service is available in some countries not a bad idea though

I was talking about India mate.. Hope there is a organisation like that.. We need to implement taxes on those luxurious weddings and other functions to stop this inhuman activity to an extend..
I was talking about India mate.. Hope there is a organisation like that.. We need to implement taxes on those luxurious weddings and other functions to stop this inhuman activity to an extend..

i dont think its the waste in household, its the waste due to poor storage and distribution... not many waste food in household... in restaurants and function may be.
Sadly, I must admit that it is a fact in India, a stark reality. Actually my suggestion is that it(awareness) should start from families to teach children not to waste food. Also Govt. also should advt. against this instead of Bharat Nirman, may be!!
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