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India, Afghanistan discussing Kabul river projects to deny water to Pakistan

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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India and Afghanistan are actively exploring run-of-the river projects on Afghanistan’s eastern rivers.

Of particular interest is river Kabul, Times of India said in a report quoting senior Indian officials, speaking off record.

River Kabul has some features identical to River Chenab in Jammu and Kashmir, including similar recorded average flow of around 23 million acre feet and is trying to persuade Afghanistan to build run of the river projects over it.

In retaliation to Uri attacks, India had upped the ante by giving the go-ahead to three run of-the-river projects on river Chenab. These had earlier been put on hold due to objections raised by Pakistan under the Indus Waters Treaty.

Indian officials claim that Pakistan does not have any treaty with Afghanistan. The rules governing flows of Afghanistan’s eastern rivers, mainly Kabul, Kunnar and Chitral, into Pakistan are just some internationally accepted principles.

“By helping Afghanistan build some of these run-of-the-river projects, India will end up sending a very strong signal to Pakistan. So we need to examine the fallout closely,” an official familiar with the issue said.

When Afghan President Mohammed Ashraf Ghani visited India last month, officials said, he specifically raised the possibility of developing Afghanistan’s eastern river system while conveying gratitude on India completing the Salma dam project despite serious terror threats.

The two sides are in touch on this subject, said officials, adding that quiet official-level deliberations and visits are underway to discuss specific projects. Ghani is slated to be back in India in December first week to inaugurate the Heart of Asia ministerial meet on Afghanistan in Amritsar.
Pakistan can do the same with many rivers flowing to Afghanistan. Start off with Chitral River. Also ask China to up the ante. Which filthy nation on planet earth would stop the flow of water? Mind you, a source of life. Absolutely disgusting nations we have as neighbours.
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Pakistan can do the same with many rivers flowing to Afghanistan. Start off with Chitral River. Also ask China to up the ante. Which filthy nation on planet earth would stop the flow of water? Absolutely disgusting nations we have as neighbours.
Maybe we should set coordinates of our ballistic missiles right on these dams
If Pakistan can only build its own Dams , How much they can store India and Afghanistan at certain point they had to release the water which causes floods , Pakistan is some what fault of its own by not building Dams , Allah also bless Pakistan with lots of rain some times but we don't have storage to store it
Pakistan can do the same with many rivers flowing to Afghanistan. Start off with Chitral River. Also ask China to up the ante. Which filthy nation on planet earth would stop the flow of water? Absolutely disgusting nations we have as neighbours.

Koi nai rok ra pani tera. chill maar.

Too much scare mongering going on in Pakistan.

If we didn't stop water during all the wars and even after Mumbai attacks. We wont stop it now.
Koi nai rok ra pani tera. chill maar.

Too much scare mongering going on in Pakistan.

If we didn't stop water during all the wars and even after Mumbai attacks. We wont stop it now.

Look who is giving us assurances. Your government is hellbent on using water as a tool to provoke a war. Go and convince them. I'm not the one who needs any convincing.

Pakistan has never threatened to cut off water. Only India has.
Look who is giving us assurances. Your government is hellbent on using water as a tool to provoke a war. Go and convince them. I'm not the one who needs any convincing.

Pakistan has never threatened to cut off water. Only India has.

Pakistan cant threaten India, there is no river that runs from Pak to India.

India wont stop water. Mark my words. Jab hoga tab batana.
Ak he bar Kar do bhai roz roz kya baraf pani baraf pani chala rahay :-)
They can't do that. Main tributary of kabul river is Kunar river which originates from chitral. Kunar river itself contains more water than kabul but we still call it Kabul river just to please namak harams. There are already 3 dams in afghanistan on Kabul river. So i don't believe this news to be authentic.
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