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India, A threat to itself and to Neighbors


Feb 8, 2010
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India: A threat to itself and to Neighbors
A macabre terrorist incident like the one descending upon German Bakery, involving the death of nine innocent people on February 13, deserves to be abhorred and condemned; yet this despicable tragedy may bear the proverbial silver lining in context of the Indo-Pak interaction.

The crudely assembled device not only smashed a bakery much frequented by foreigners, but also demolished quite a few myths and sound bytes that have dominated the Indian media and the official rhetoric. It could even have seriously jolted the perception of terrorism that most of Indians have come to perceive as bearing a “crossborder” lineage and may serve to open their eyes to a threat that is entirely made in India and help in correcting a state of denial that is spreading its vicious tentacles into the body politic of Indo-Pak relations.

Pune blast, just preceding the efforts to resuscitate a comatose peace process, and grudgingly acknowledged as India’s own by a section of intelligentsia, provides revealing insights into the rise of indigenous terror in India and the country’s persistent application of terror politics to achieve political ends at the cost of Pakistan.

In studying the rise of indigenous terror in India nothing can be more revealing than the state of Mahrashtra, where Pune is located; an area which has become a crucible of anti-Muslim hatred and where the resultant desperate Muslim backlash, trying to get even with the system, is most apparent. No wonder the state, particularly its jewel in the crown (Mumbai), has become the lodestone for terrorists. Being the fiefdom of Bal Tha-ckary, the rabid maverick who has acquired a larger than life stature for his anti-Muslim rhetoric and leadership of Shiv Sena’s Muslim intimidating hooligan gangs, Maharashtra, particularly its Marathwada Region provides ideal grounds to nurture made-in-India terrorists.

The pattern set by six terrorist bombings, that have rocked Maharashtra since 2003, amply reflects the pattern followed by the Hindu terrorists; target Muslim community and then brazenly pass on the blame to “cross border terrorism” involving non-state actors like LeT as well as Pakistan’s ISI. A peculiar and recurring aspect of these strikes is their timings and the place of attack; mostly occurring on Fridays between 1.45 and 2 pm at the towns’ most prominent mosques when the attendance is maximum. The Prabhani blast occurred at Mohammadiya Masjid on Friday, November 21, 2003; Purna blast occurred on Friday, August 27, 2004 targeting Meraj-ul-Uloom Madrassa and Masjid Siddharth Nagar; the Jalna blast also occurred on August 27, 2004 at Quadriya Masjid; the Nanded Bomb that killed its Hindu mastermind was intended to detonate on Friday, April 7 at the mosque near the Railway station at Aurangabad and the Malegaon I blast too occurred on a Friday (September 8, 2006). In all these cases, the leads provided by the forensic, as well as the circumstantial evidence, poignantly pointed to the Hindu hand but were ignored by CBI. Indian intelligence and police combine alleging that Muslim extremist modules, sponsored by Pakistan, were behind such blasts simply does not make sense unless one accepts that Muslim ‘terrorists’ involved were so senseless as to target devout Muslims offering Juma prayers to raise communal frenzy so that they could invite a Hindu communal backlash.

To every action there is bound to be a reaction and the nearly 15 percent segment of Indian population i.e. Muslims, humiliated and left at the bottom of social heap, has responded in kind to seek retribution. Despite widely held perception of the secular ethos of the Indian democracy, Muslims are mired in mass poverty, lack of education and is mostly excluded from the pale of a Shining India; becoming victim of a rising wave of Hindutva driven extremism.

Pune blast has served to underscore the persistent Indian trend of blaming Pakistan for all and sundry acts of ‘made in India’ terrorism on its soil and using the occurrences as propaganda ploys to regulate the ebb and flow of political and diplomatic interaction with Pakistan. Coming at a time, when India is under pressure from the global community to pick up the threads of negotiations, it is not hard to discern as to who assembled the device and what the bombers’ motives were. Already the leads are pointing to internal dynamics; Hindu Right wing organisations as well as Muslim activists. The hard reality, underscored by Pune blast is that terrorism made, sustained and nurtured in India is acquiring a momentum of its own. The question remains that how long will it take India to acknowledge its presence and objectively formulate an effective response instead of holding Pakistan to ransom for each and every incident of terrorism on its soil. If this reality makes a mark in India, the life of the victims of the Pune blasts would not be, after all, such a tragic waste.
brother they wont understand .... thell make anti pakistan post now....the circle of life
If you can then at-least try to read the article and then you may realize the fact about "Shining India"

But who care. Because its not a good article for you. I guess.

362 posts and you are still stereotyping, making generalizations and posting tit for tat threads.
they are just trying to run away from the reality .
Even if a fly gets hurt in india they will say tht it was ISI tht did all this . =D

I just cant understand indian psychology ,even in the recent Moists killing of 83 security personals they just blamed China for sponsering the terror n ther country.
Why is it that every time when there is an anti-pakistan thread. Pakistanis mostly come up with an answer to the material posted and bring counter facts to prove the article wrong whereas when an article brings India in a negative light, its always that Indian membes come up bashing the guy with personal attack without even saying a single word about the article ????

Is this because there is no answer to the things mentioned? if you all consider this article to be a troll or fake then y dont u bring counter-facts to prove THE ARTICLE wrong ?? instead of starting personal attack on thread starter.

But unfortunately its always like Indian fellows mostly either starting bashing the source or the thread starter but no comments or answer to the facts in material. Perhaps this is an easy escape.

Even some Rare fools come up saying why do we explain when they themselves are raising questions on others, for those Jerks, if u don't feel any responsibility to answer then you don't have any right to question either!!
Why is it that every time when there is an anti-pakistan thread. Pakistanis mostly come up with an answer to the material posted and bring counter facts to prove the article wrong whereas when an article brings India in a negative light, its always that Indian membes come up bashing the guy with personal attack without even saying a single word about the article ????

Is this because there is no answer to the things mentioned? if you all consider this article to be a troll or fake then y dont u bring counter-facts to prove THE ARTICLE wrong ?? instead of starting personal attack on thread starter.

But unfortunately its always like Indian fellows mostly either starting bashing the source or the thread starter but no comments or answer to the facts in material. Perhaps this is an easy escape.

Well.....You might have noticed that whenever any anti-Pakistan thread is opened, it is generally started using an article or an event.
However it is an strange thing that several anti-India threads (including this one) are opened as some member themselves write an essay about India. :what: They took so much pain writing this much amount of stuff. We are certainly loved. :P

Added: Some member shown the link as ruppenews. It is actually worse than member's fantasy.
rupee news? i wasted my time for this f. . . crap
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You Indians always try to run from your reality!

Some Pakistanis try to run away from your reality ..and try to create fantasy land for yourself....to satisfy your complexes.....just like rupee news....
Read the article ( plz give the link also)

hard to find mention of India's neighbours .
I wonder how the title is suitable for this article.

The article speaks mainly of Maharastra , but the writer seems to forgot that maharastra is alone dont make India.

He says that Bal thakaray and like supresses minorities, but Bal thakaray' Shiv sena is not in power in maharastra.

The writer says that these activities are carried out by locals, ( with ref to Pune tragedy ), Can someone tell me how someone from Uttar Pradesh can be local of Pune??

this shows that the article was written with half the knowledge....or may be he willingly hide that fact to make article one sided.

the writer didnt mentioned the arrest of suspect wanna be militants by Maharastra ATS a month ago...........who are claimed to be in touch with a "CHACHA" that isnt Indian nor lives in India.
so writer tried to hide another fact about foreign links to so home growns.

One more thing, the writer tries to say that these are supressed muslims who are retaliating against hindus by bombing them.
But can he make me clear that how many Hindus were killed in Pune blast???.............Mostly innocents who died were students of foreign countries that included many middle eastern islamic countries.


as the writer should check this news .........and see what some neighbours thinks about India.......

We owe it to India: Bhutan King

Which movie still??

Whats it got to do with this thread??
get ur facts right!!!
if u so badly wanna test ur pathetic contraptions which u so call 'bombs', test them in ur own backyard!
u travel 2 times pakistan's length to place a bomp which duzn even detonate n blame it on indians for doin t. what is this hindus hate muslims nonsense. these are all reasons that ur folk post to get away!!!

so boi, get ur facts rite before u go pointin fingers :blah:
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