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Inconsistency in design of AMCA’s Internal Weapons Bay

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Your language shows who is raised by dogs.

Glad we agree.

Largest airforce in the world by quantity and low on quality. Mig-21s are a joke in 21st century air combat. And how exactly does India have a good idea of stealth in threat scenario when India has no stealth technology till date? Not even at the experimental stage.

India does not know how to build a modern aircraft. Even a basic flight trainer needs to be imported. LCA is a joke and will go down as a failure.

I was talking about this. You post a lot of unnecessary comments which to a gullible poster would sound very "technical". Cutting through the gibberish let's say scientists at DRDO and HAL are more ignorant than me if they cannot come with a working aircraft model.

What material is used has little bearing on the design of the door bay. Are the edges of the bomb door bay angular or not, does opening the bomb doors compromise the stealth features of the aircraft, do the dimensions of the bomb doors allow for heavier weapons load? Questions like this are more important.

What magical wand will HAL get?

That thing called AMCA.

It is related. We are talking aircraft here and a country with no knowledge on aircraft manufacturing will have serious handicaps.

I would have certainly done so if I was aware of the rules. I was not and I did not contest them. You once handed out negative ratings to an American guy, he complained against you and you had to take down the negative ratings after your duplicity was exposed. Let's not go down that road, we all know the truth.

Of course they do to you. Remember how you whined and cried about giving respect to DRDO losers?

Hindi is not allowed in this forum, only English please. Your post has been reported.

You joined today and you know who is who? LOL!! How many times were you banned?

What is written in that Post. You must have read that.
Doesn't change the funny fact that you don't know sh** about military. Your knowledge on military affairs is laughable to say the least.

You discarded the article by attacking he journalist but your small brain could not rake up enough facts to rebut his claims. This is because you have no idea what a 5th generation fighter aircraft is.

India has not been able to develop and design a 4th gen aircraft thanks to the grossly corrupt and incompetent boobs in DRDO and HAL. How will India develop and design a 5th generation aircraft? Then you come up with your ridiculous fantasy of Indian achievements in aeronautics which again does not exist outside the perimeter of your wild imagination. Not a single country acknowledges India's prowess in aircraft design, so why do you lie so blatantly?

Calling others a worthless moron would have earned you a couple of negative ratings yourself, but then hypocrisy is the identity of hindus. Aamir Khan was right.
Maybe you are inventor of Time Machine, and concluded even when first prototype is not rolled out.
Hindi is not allowed in this forum, only English please. Your post has been reported.

You joined today and you know who is who? LOL!! How many times were you banned?
1time but does it matter

Btw I am not a troll like you
Glad we agree.

Largest airforce in the world by quantity and low on quality. Mig-21s are a joke in 21st century air combat. And how exactly does India have a good idea of stealth in threat scenario when India has no stealth technology till date? Not even at the experimental stage.
with MKI, M2K's, Mig 29's, Jaguars, A50 Phalcons, C130's, C17 Globemasters, IL76/78, IAF is still relatively modern, maybe not as modern as the USAF or other developed nations, but for a developing nation - IAF fleet is quite respectable.
How does India have good idea of stealth, - Direct beam tracking on pdr are not utilized as they were back in the 60's and 70's for tracking and detection, having the experience with ground radars and having worked with all four tracking algorithms like Nearest Neighbor, Probabilistic Data Association, Multiple Hypothesis Tracking and Interactive Multiple Model (IMM), user groups in Indian armed forces can understand the limitation of the tracking algorithms and how to confuse or beat them based on source emitters of different frequency. Given that we are not pioneers but in the game of catch up, stealth mitigation is carried out by developing different types of tracking algorithms and testing material and surfaces to evaluate absorption and reflection coefficients. So a usergroup cannot understand the the concept of radar evasion although it has been dealing with the technology for years and has number of international partners is naive, simplistic. But then again you are free to hold the same view.

India does not know how to build a modern aircraft. Even a basic flight trainer needs to be imported. LCA is a joke and will go down as a failure.
That is your opinion, and I do not agree to your assessment, not that you care. True LCA may not have been an outright success, but it is a work in progress.

I was talking about this. You post a lot of unnecessary comments which to a gullible poster would sound very "technical". Cutting through the gibberish let's say scientists at DRDO and HAL are more ignorant than me if they cannot come with a working aircraft model.
And why must they release engineering models to the public, if anything these matters are highly classified, the image released is more akin to the concept of design, to treat it anything more than that would be just foolish. As far as unnecessary part of it is concerned, of you deem my line of reasoning or the verbiage used irrelevant, while you bringing in LCA tejas development, India's aviation sector performance and HAL's attributes as paramount in the discussion, then what can I say. Readers here can judge for themselves.

What material is used has little bearing on the design of the door bay. Are the edges of the bomb door bay angular or not, does opening the bomb doors compromise the stealth features of the aircraft, do the dimensions of the bomb doors allow for heavier weapons load? Questions like this are more important.

materials have no bearing on stealth?
is this the confirmed frozen design?
what is the ejection time for the ordinance from the internal weapons bay?
is there a ASHQ requirement on stealth characterization at vulnerable mode of operations like at the instance of opening weapons bay, certain AoA angles, externally mounted ordinance.etc?
How would you know which type of ordinance is compliant without the dimensional data,
Will surface treatment of the material will also play a role in reflection coefficents?
Relative radar cross section with the doors open and close, is there any criterion set forth for it by ASHQ?

Without testing a scaled prototype and actual subsystems in free field environment for testing Radar reflection and absorption, EMF Signature for passive tracking, flight configuration vulnerable mode which includes your weapons bay door open, external hard-point mounts and it's effect on rcs, Schlieren effect for Opto trackers etc. How can one validate the stealth parameters?
Surely by not looking at a Surface modelling image - I presume.

What magical wand will HAL get?
HAL is not the design agency for AMCA or the LCA.

That thing called AMCA.
Nothing in my post is AMCA specific, my comments are actually quite general.

It is related. We are talking aircraft here and a country with no knowledge on aircraft manufacturing will have serious handicaps.
Well you are absolutely wrong on that count, sure India has limited experience on design on aircrafts, but on manufacturing part you are quite wrong. With MKI, Mig21MF, BIS, Bison, Mig27M, Cheetah, Cheetak, ALH, LCH, ,DO228, HS 748, Folland Gnats and HF 24's, India has significant experience in manufacturing aircraft.

I would have certainly done so if I was aware of the rules. I was not and I did not contest them. You once handed out negative ratings to an American guy, he complained against you and you had to take down the negative ratings after your duplicity was exposed. Let's not go down that road, we all know the truth.
You still can, please go ahead and contest them. the response on this thread itself shows where the duplicity and moral turpitude lies.

Of course they do to you. Remember how you whined and cried about giving respect to DRDO losers?
I will make my point, I don't need to whine and cry about anything dude, life is quite good for me, and isn't that evident from the exchange. And yes offcourse, they are my fraternity, I will stand with them when it comes to worthless individuals who are neither smart nor have had a single contribution to the defence industry make malicious comments on engineers especially from HAL, I will respond appropriately. If you take offense to that that is your problem.

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What is written in that Post. You must have read that.

Which part of HINDI IS NOT ALLOWED your hinduvta mind did not understand?

Maybe you are inventor of Time Machine, and concluded even when first prototype is not rolled out.

Or maybe I am a logical person and base my assumptions on recent history and factual data instead of mindless jingoism.

1time but does it matter

Btw I am not a troll like you

It matters because you are a fake profile. It has hardly been a day or two since you joined and you claim to know everything about everybody? Just walk out voluntarily before you get your a$$ banned again. Loser!
Which part of HINDI IS NOT ALLOWED your hinduvta mind did not understand?

Or maybe I am a logical person and base my assumptions on recent history and factual data instead of mindless jingoism.

It matters because you are a fake profile. It has hardly been a day or two since you joined and you claim to know everything about everybody? Just walk out voluntarily before you get your a$$ banned again. Loser!
:lol: so this is your achievement, hilarious coming from a poster like you
:lol: so this is your achievement, hilarious coming from a poster like you
ignoare that false flagger and you just might escape a few negetive ratings and potentially a ban as he purposelly does these things to provoke indians
with MKI, M2K's, Mig 29's, Jaguars, A50 Phalcons, C130's, C17 Globemasters, IL76/78, IAF is still relatively modern

No it is not. You might impress the kids here with your clever words but I believe only in facts.

MKI is the only credible platform in IAF, followed by Mirage 2000. Mig-29, Jaguars etc. are being upgraded now and then but they are past their shelf-life. India has 6 C130 Js intended for the special forces (one crashed making it 5) and 10 Globemasters. Is 10 aircraft enough to mobilise the mammoth Indian army, its supplies, cargo and other equipment? Ilyushins are certainly not modern but India is working with them.

IAF needs a MAJOR upgrade and with the current funds it is not possible. Mig-21s are not an asset but a major cash drain for IAF. IAF operates ~240 Mig-21s and it must be taking a lot of money and manpower to maintain these obsolete pieces. On such grounds boasting about "one of largest air forces" is not feasible.

How does India have good idea of stealth, - Direct beam tracking on pdr are not utilized as they were back in the 60's and 70's for tracking and detection, having the experience with ground radars and having worked with all four tracking algorithms like Nearest Neighbor, Probabilistic Data Association, Multiple Hypothesis Tracking and Interactive Multiple Model (IMM), user groups in Indian armed forces can understand the limitation of the tracking algorithms and how to confuse or beat them based on source emitters of different frequency.

Countries like Russia has not been able to come up with a 100% fool-proof anti-stealth radar and you want us to believe India has a magic wand? LOL!!

India has to import Green Pine radars from Israel and Phalcon AWACs as well, that in itself should explain how less India knows about radar technology. You come up with really fanciful words but you use them to shield your ignorance. India has no damn clue about how to track and shoot down stealth aircraft. India has even less knowledge on how to design a stealth aircraft.

All aircraft produce heat because of the engines. India does not even manufacture aircraft engines, how the eff is India supposed to make an aircraft that can cloak its heat signature? Stealth is about design and material used. What is the history of Indian aircraft design, how much experience does India have? Your hypothesis, algorithms and etc. are just empty words here. Talk sense not rhetoric.

Given that we are not pioneers but in the game of catch up, stealth mitigation is carried out by developing different types of tracking algorithms and testing material and surfaces to evaluate absorption and reflection coefficients. So a usergroup cannot understand the the concept of radar evasion although it has been dealing with the technology for years and has number of international partners is naive, simplistic. But then again you are free to hold the same view.

Let me decode the gibberish you have typed.

India is not an expert in making radars. The best radars in India are imported and it is doubtful they can detect stealth. Indian stealth radar still remains a pipe-dream and beyond India's current capability.

That is your opinion, and I do not agree to your assessment, not that you care. True LCA may not have been an outright success, but it is a work in progress.

The problem with LCA.

1. It is working with an imported engine.

2. Has no AESA radar. (Again exposes India's lack of expertise in radars).

3. Has no air-to-air refueling. For a "think tank" like you it is too big a thing to be missed out.

4. Has no BVR capability. This is again a disaster for modern aircraft.

5. Has an extremely low combat radius of only 400 km.

6. Has a low load bearing capability and it has to compromise between carrying fuel tanks or ordnance.

7. Due to size constraints no upgrades could be made without redesigning the whole thing.

And why must they release engineering models to the public, if anything these matters are highly classified,

LOL!! Spoken like the novice you are.

USA private channels make documentaries about the proposed 5th gen fighter bid competition between Boeing and Lockheed Martin. There they not only show the models but also explain in detail the design used, materials (some not all), how the thing is manufactured, its capabilities and many other stuff. The best thing is that it is all in public domain.

USA has a dozen documentaries on F-22, F-35 and it has displayed working models in exhibitions and in public. Russia has shown the PAK-FA, even China has shown off its J-20 aircraft. But only India has to make everything "highly classified".

Why don't you admit the truth for once, it is not so difficult.

As far as unnecessary part of it is concerned, of you deem my line of reasoning or the verbiage used irrelevant, while you bringing in LCA tejas development, India's aviation sector performance and HAL's attributes as paramount in the discussion, then what can I say. Readers here can judge for themselves.

Your beloved HAL cannot even make a basic flight trainer for the IAF. That is the "attribute".

materials have no bearing on stealth?

Yes, under some conditions it has no bearing. F-117 was shot down over Kosovo because its open bomb doors compromised its stealth design.

is this the confirmed frozen design?

Let them make a design first, confirmations can wait later.

what is the ejection time for the ordinance from the internal weapons bay?

Its spelled ordnance not ordinance. Both are very different things. A "think tank" needs to be more careful.

is there a ASHQ requirement on stealth characterization at vulnerable mode of operations like at the instance of opening weapons bay, certain AoA angles, externally mounted ordinance.etc?

Again, let them make the doors first. Without designing the door how will they determine how much time it will take. The article talks about the inconsistency in designing the weapons bay. If ther is inconsistency in design how long will it take them to build the doors?

How would you know which type of ordinance is compliant without the dimensional data,

LOL!! Is India going to design new weapons to be inducted into AMCA? AMCA will be carrying the current weapons in IAF inventory. Do the scientists in HAL/DRDO etc. do not have any idea about measuring tapes? Is it so hard for them to know the weight and dimensions of IAF weapons?

Will surface treatment of the material will also play a role in reflection coefficents?

How is the surface treatment of the material affecting the design? Or are you trying to say that material "X" is such a tricky substance that if they design the weapons bay as rectangle it will be stealthy and if they design it as a parallelogram the stealth will be compromised? LOL!!

You talk a lot of hype and trash which to the gullible mind sounds very technical but which in reality is just a lot of hot air with no substance.

Relative radar cross section with the doors open and close, is there any criterion set forth for it by ASHQ?

Without any directives the objective for Boeing and LM was to make their aircraft as stealthy as possible. But HAL/DRDO is so special they need to be spoon-fed everything. Do those morons even understand what is meant by stealth?

Why the hell will anybody make an aircraft less stealthy if they have the potential to make it stealthy enough?

The size of the doors will have to be such that it should be able to accommodate and launch every weapons type in IAF inventory. How hard is it for you and the losers in HAL/DRDO to understand that? How they manage to make the doors of that dimension is their challenge.

Without testing a scaled prototype and actual subsystems in free field environment for testing Radar reflection and absorption, EMF Signature for passive tracking, flight configuration vulnerable mode which includes your weapons bay door open, external hard-point mounts and it's effect on rcs, Schlieren effect for Opto trackers etc. How can one validate the stealth parameters?
Surely by not looking at a Surface modelling image - I presume.

Again a lot of gibberish you are desperately trying to pass of as "technical" data.

To test a prototype you need a model, to need a model you need to fix a design and these idiots have failed to even make a proper design. Here we are talking about inconsistency of design. HAL has not even learned the alphabets properly and you are expecting them to write a paragraph.

HAL is not the design agency for AMCA or the LCA.

Makes you wonder what good HAL is, they should close it down.

Nothing in my post is AMCA specific, my comments are actually quite general.

This thread is about AMCA. If you want to talk about other topics feel free to open a new thread. Don't digress here.

Well you are absolutely wrong on that count, sure India has limited experience on design on aircrafts, but on manufacturing part you are quite wrong. With MKI, Mig21MF, BIS, Bison, Mig27M, Cheetah, Cheetak, ALH, LCH, ,DO228, HS 748, Folland Gnats and HF 24's, India has significant experience in manufacturing aircraft.

India has been an expert in assembling aircraft, not manufacturing them. India does not manufacture the material, engine, spare parts etc. India has to import spare parts in case you forgot. Assembling an aircraft is screwdriver job.Does India manufacture the engines for its advanced aircraft? Does India make the radars for its aircraft? Has Russia even shared full technology with India on its aircraft?

You still can, please go ahead and contest them. the response on this thread itself shows where the duplicity and moral turpitude lies.

I don't keep a track of 6-8 month old threads. Your language shows your duplicity and moral turpitude, show why don't you just watch your mouth?

I will make my point, I don't need to whine and cry about anything dude, life is quite good for me, and isn't that evident from the exchange

Oh yes you did. I remember that time very well. You cried about me not showing "respect" to the losers of DRDO, HAL, OFB.

I will stand with them when it comes to worthless individuals who are neither smart nor have had a single contribution to the defence industry make malicious comments on engineers especially from HAL, I will respond appropriately. If you take offense to that that is your problem.

The only worthless scum I see are those retarded engineers in HAL who till date have done nothing except drain public tax money and yet fail to show any results. Even more worthless are the people who have no sense of professionalism and responsibility but out of some outdated jhumla they think they must have some thieves honor and scratch each others back.

Respect is earned, you want those losers in HAL to be given respect? Tell those effing losers to earn it.

Respond whichever way you like kid, just make sure you don't break forum rules and don't earn negative ratings. Your hypocrisy is legendary stuff in PDF.

so this is your achievement, hilarious coming from a poster like you

Why were you banned, because you are stupid?
No it is not. You might impress the kids here with your clever words but I believe only in facts.

MKI is the only credible platform in IAF, followed by Mirage 2000. Mig-29, Jaguars etc. are being upgraded now and then but they are past their shelf-life. India has 6 C130 Js intended for the special forces (one crashed making it 5) and 10 Globemasters. Is 10 aircraft enough to mobilise the mammoth Indian army, its supplies, cargo and other equipment? Ilyushins are certainly not modern but India is working with them.

IAF needs a MAJOR upgrade and with the current funds it is not possible. Mig-21s are not an asset but a major cash drain for IAF. IAF operates ~240 Mig-21s and it must be taking a lot of money and manpower to maintain these obsolete pieces. On such grounds boasting about "one of largest air forces" is not feasible.

Countries like Russia has not been able to come up with a 100% fool-proof anti-stealth radar and you want us to believe India has a magic wand? LOL!!

India has to import Green Pine radars from Israel and Phalcon AWACs as well, that in itself should explain how less India knows about radar technology. You come up with really fanciful words but you use them to shield your ignorance. India has no damn clue about how to track and shoot down stealth aircraft. India has even less knowledge on how to design a stealth aircraft.

All aircraft produce heat because of the engines. India does not even manufacture aircraft engines, how the eff is India supposed to make an aircraft that can cloak its heat signature? Stealth is about design and material used. What is the history of Indian aircraft design, how much experience does India have? Your hypothesis, algorithms and etc. are just empty words here. Talk sense not rhetoric.

Let me decode the gibberish you have typed.

India is not an expert in making radars. The best radars in India are imported and it is doubtful they can detect stealth. Indian stealth radar still remains a pipe-dream and beyond India's current capability.

The problem with LCA.

1. It is working with an imported engine.

2. Has no AESA radar. (Again exposes India's lack of expertise in radars).

3. Has no air-to-air refueling. For a "think tank" like you it is too big a thing to be missed out.

4. Has no BVR capability. This is again a disaster for modern aircraft.

5. Has an extremely low combat radius of only 400 km.

6. Has a low load bearing capability and it has to compromise between carrying fuel tanks or ordnance.

7. Due to size constraints no upgrades could be made without redesigning the whole thing.

LOL!! Spoken like the novice you are.

USA private channels make documentaries about the proposed 5th gen fighter bid competition between Boeing and Lockheed Martin. There they not only show the models but also explain in detail the design used, materials (some not all), how the thing is manufactured, its capabilities and many other stuff. The best thing is that it is all in public domain.

USA has a dozen documentaries on F-22, F-35 and it has displayed working models in exhibitions and in public. Russia has shown the PAK-FA, even China has shown off its J-20 aircraft. But only India has to make everything "highly classified".

Why don't you admit the truth for once, it is not so difficult.

Your beloved HAL cannot even make a basic flight trainer for the IAF. That is the "attribute".

Yes, under some conditions it has no bearing. F-117 was shot down over Kosovo because its open bomb doors compromised its stealth design.

Let them make a design first, confirmations can wait later.

Its spelled ordnance not ordinance. Both are very different things. A "think tank" needs to be more careful.

Again, let them make the doors first. Without designing the door how will they determine how much time it will take. The article talks about the inconsistency in designing the weapons bay. If ther is inconsistency in design how long will it take them to build the doors?

LOL!! Is India going to design new weapons to be inducted into AMCA? AMCA will be carrying the current weapons in IAF inventory. Do the scientists in HAL/DRDO etc. do not have any idea about measuring tapes? Is it so hard for them to know the weight and dimensions of IAF weapons?

How is the surface treatment of the material affecting the design? Or are you trying to say that material "X" is such a tricky substance that if they design the weapons bay as rectangle it will be stealthy and if they design it as a parallelogram the stealth will be compromised? LOL!!

You talk a lot of hype and trash which to the gullible mind sounds very technical but which in reality is just a lot of hot air with no substance.

Without any directives the objective for Boeing and LM was to make their aircraft as stealthy as possible. But HAL/DRDO is so special they need to be spoon-fed everything. Do those morons even understand what is meant by stealth?

Why the hell will anybody make an aircraft less stealthy if they have the potential to make it stealthy enough?

The size of the doors will have to be such that it should be able to accommodate and launch every weapons type in IAF inventory. How hard is it for you and the losers in HAL/DRDO to understand that? How they manage to make the doors of that dimension is their challenge.

Again a lot of gibberish you are desperately trying to pass of as "technical" data.

To test a prototype you need a model, to need a model you need to fix a design and these idiots have failed to even make a proper design. Here we are talking about inconsistency of design. HAL has not even learned the alphabets properly and you are expecting them to write a paragraph.

Makes you wonder what good HAL is, they should close it down.

This thread is about AMCA. If you want to talk about other topics feel free to open a new thread. Don't digress here.

India has been an expert in assembling aircraft, not manufacturing them. India does not manufacture the material, engine, spare parts etc. India has to import spare parts in case you forgot. Assembling an aircraft is screwdriver job.Does India manufacture the engines for its advanced aircraft? Does India make the radars for its aircraft? Has Russia even shared full technology with India on its aircraft?

I don't keep a track of 6-8 month old threads. Your language shows your duplicity and moral turpitude, show why don't you just watch your mouth?

Oh yes you did. I remember that time very well. You cried about me not showing "respect" to the losers of DRDO, HAL, OFB.

The only worthless scum I see are those retarded engineers in HAL who till date have done nothing except drain public tax money and yet fail to show any results. Even more worthless are the people who have no sense of professionalism and responsibility but out of some outdated jhumla they think they must have some thieves honor and scratch each others back.

Respect is earned, you want those losers in HAL to be given respect? Tell those effing losers to earn it.

Respond whichever way you like kid, just make sure you don't break forum rules and don't earn negative ratings. Your hypocrisy is legendary stuff in PDF.

Why were you banned, because you are stupid?
:lol:Nop, sure about myself but not about you
I mean Look at post:lol:
No it is not. You might impress the kids here with your clever words but I believe only in facts.

MKI is the only credible platform in IAF, followed by Mirage 2000. Mig-29, Jaguars etc. are being upgraded now and then but they are past their shelf-life. India has 6 C130 Js intended for the special forces (one crashed making it 5) and 10 Globemasters. Is 10 aircraft enough to mobilise the mammoth Indian army, its supplies, cargo and other equipment? Ilyushins are certainly not modern but India is working with them.

IAF needs a MAJOR upgrade and with the current funds it is not possible. Mig-21s are not an asset but a major cash drain for IAF. IAF operates ~240 Mig-21s and it must be taking a lot of money and manpower to maintain these obsolete pieces. On such grounds boasting about "one of largest air forces" is not feasible.

Countries like Russia has not been able to come up with a 100% fool-proof anti-stealth radar and you want us to believe India has a magic wand? LOL!!

India has to import Green Pine radars from Israel and Phalcon AWACs as well, that in itself should explain how less India knows about radar technology. You come up with really fanciful words but you use them to shield your ignorance. India has no damn clue about how to track and shoot down stealth aircraft. India has even less knowledge on how to design a stealth aircraft.

All aircraft produce heat because of the engines. India does not even manufacture aircraft engines, how the eff is India supposed to make an aircraft that can cloak its heat signature? Stealth is about design and material used. What is the history of Indian aircraft design, how much experience does India have? Your hypothesis, algorithms and etc. are just empty words here. Talk sense not rhetoric.

Let me decode the gibberish you have typed.

India is not an expert in making radars. The best radars in India are imported and it is doubtful they can detect stealth. Indian stealth radar still remains a pipe-dream and beyond India's current capability.

The problem with LCA.

1. It is working with an imported engine.

2. Has no AESA radar. (Again exposes India's lack of expertise in radars).

3. Has no air-to-air refueling. For a "think tank" like you it is too big a thing to be missed out.

4. Has no BVR capability. This is again a disaster for modern aircraft.

5. Has an extremely low combat radius of only 400 km.

6. Has a low load bearing capability and it has to compromise between carrying fuel tanks or ordnance.

7. Due to size constraints no upgrades could be made without redesigning the whole thing.

LOL!! Spoken like the novice you are.

USA private channels make documentaries about the proposed 5th gen fighter bid competition between Boeing and Lockheed Martin. There they not only show the models but also explain in detail the design used, materials (some not all), how the thing is manufactured, its capabilities and many other stuff. The best thing is that it is all in public domain.

USA has a dozen documentaries on F-22, F-35 and it has displayed working models in exhibitions and in public. Russia has shown the PAK-FA, even China has shown off its J-20 aircraft. But only India has to make everything "highly classified".

Why don't you admit the truth for once, it is not so difficult.

Your beloved HAL cannot even make a basic flight trainer for the IAF. That is the "attribute".

Yes, under some conditions it has no bearing. F-117 was shot down over Kosovo because its open bomb doors compromised its stealth design.

Let them make a design first, confirmations can wait later.

Its spelled ordnance not ordinance. Both are very different things. A "think tank" needs to be more careful.

Again, let them make the doors first. Without designing the door how will they determine how much time it will take. The article talks about the inconsistency in designing the weapons bay. If ther is inconsistency in design how long will it take them to build the doors?

LOL!! Is India going to design new weapons to be inducted into AMCA? AMCA will be carrying the current weapons in IAF inventory. Do the scientists in HAL/DRDO etc. do not have any idea about measuring tapes? Is it so hard for them to know the weight and dimensions of IAF weapons?

How is the surface treatment of the material affecting the design? Or are you trying to say that material "X" is such a tricky substance that if they design the weapons bay as rectangle it will be stealthy and if they design it as a parallelogram the stealth will be compromised? LOL!!

You talk a lot of hype and trash which to the gullible mind sounds very technical but which in reality is just a lot of hot air with no substance.

Without any directives the objective for Boeing and LM was to make their aircraft as stealthy as possible. But HAL/DRDO is so special they need to be spoon-fed everything. Do those morons even understand what is meant by stealth?

Why the hell will anybody make an aircraft less stealthy if they have the potential to make it stealthy enough?

The size of the doors will have to be such that it should be able to accommodate and launch every weapons type in IAF inventory. How hard is it for you and the losers in HAL/DRDO to understand that? How they manage to make the doors of that dimension is their challenge.

Again a lot of gibberish you are desperately trying to pass of as "technical" data.

To test a prototype you need a model, to need a model you need to fix a design and these idiots have failed to even make a proper design. Here we are talking about inconsistency of design. HAL has not even learned the alphabets properly and you are expecting them to write a paragraph.

Makes you wonder what good HAL is, they should close it down.

This thread is about AMCA. If you want to talk about other topics feel free to open a new thread. Don't digress here.

India has been an expert in assembling aircraft, not manufacturing them. India does not manufacture the material, engine, spare parts etc. India has to import spare parts in case you forgot. Assembling an aircraft is screwdriver job.Does India manufacture the engines for its advanced aircraft? Does India make the radars for its aircraft? Has Russia even shared full technology with India on its aircraft?

I don't keep a track of 6-8 month old threads. Your language shows your duplicity and moral turpitude, show why don't you just watch your mouth?

Oh yes you did. I remember that time very well. You cried about me not showing "respect" to the losers of DRDO, HAL, OFB.

The only worthless scum I see are those retarded engineers in HAL who till date have done nothing except drain public tax money and yet fail to show any results. Even more worthless are the people who have no sense of professionalism and responsibility but out of some outdated jhumla they think they must have some thieves honor and scratch each others back.

Respect is earned, you want those losers in HAL to be given respect? Tell those effing losers to earn it.

Respond whichever way you like kid, just make sure you don't break forum rules and don't earn negative ratings. Your hypocrisy is legendary stuff in PDF.

Why were you banned, because you are stupid?

ignoring the utter BS that you just demonstrated, the issue at hand is examining inconsistency in AMCA;s internal weapons bay - Which is not possible on an aircraft which hasn't been yet designed even by your own estimate. - That is the Moral Turpitude which I presume stems from the widespread allegation about your allegiance too, but then again is quite expected.

hopefully that clears it.

As far as rest of your usual nonsense - is quite boring.
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:lol:Nop, sure about myself but not about you
I mean Look at post:lol:

You were banned because you are stupid and a liar?

ignoring the utter BS that you just demonstrated, the issue at hand is examining inconsistency in AMCA;s internal weapons bay -

Whatever exposes your ignorance becomes utter BS? And you are "think tank"!! LOL!!

Go and take a hike kid, your ignorance is shameful.
You were banned because you are stupid and a liar?

Whatever exposes your ignorance becomes utter BS? And you are "think tank"!! LOL!!

Go and take a hike kid, your ignorance is shameful.
granted that you are a bitter old looser, who has nothing better than crying on every thread for a shred of attention to be taken seriously, and this exactly stands out as a sore thumb, just a slight more than your lack of knowledge, your deprivation of simple logic, your disdain for India, coming a close second, third and fourth resp.

And yes, you are just a lowly troll here that i am just entertaining for the rest here.
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