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In Madrid people throw their garbage at the banks entrance


Oct 2, 2013
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Viet Nam
The french zionist Dominique Strauss Kahn was director of the International Monetary Funds in 2007, when he gave all the money of the westerners countries for the banks to "help" them

It was the start of the economic crisis and now everybody must pay, we have a constant headaches with them at power


All i know is without the zionists leaders i don't have headaches, my pockets were full.
All i know is without the zionists leaders i don't have headaches, my pockets were full.

I understand your frustration. People from Cypress earlier in the year lost 20% of their savings by having money in their account. The most effective way to fight these guys are to go back to a physical gold and silver backed currency. This way they cannot print paper money and drive up inflation.

Also, banks in their respective countries should not be allow foreign ownership. You do not know who these people are and they are they not looking for the local's best interest.
Ok i stop speaking with a zionist, you call beheaders freedom democrats

All you can do is denying

Of course when France has given 360 billions for the banks it was because the banks crooked everybody with their toxic credits

When we give each year 50 billions dollars for the zionists banks it's good for the israelis

What do they produce to earn a living?
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Name them,so i know who you mean.
You can google Rothschild, Rockefeller, Carnegie, English royalty, etc. 
All i know is without the zionists leaders i don't have headaches, my pockets were full.

Imagine it's 1971. $35/USD vs. $35/oz gold. Who has more buying power now? The sad part is, even though we make more, but our money buys less.

Look at inflation charts and you will see inflation beginning to rise each year after Nixon took the USD off pegging against the gold standard. Just part of the agenda.
hard to believe
Real Madrid just paid 100 million for Bale and Barcelona 60 for Neymar. There's been a few 30+ million dollar deals here and there for madrid too this year.

I though Spain was doing better, hence the crazy spending.
Imagine it's 1971. $35/USD vs. $35/oz gold. Who has more buying power now? The sad part is, even though we make more, but our money buys less.

Look at inflation charts and you will see inflation beginning to rise each year after Nixon took the USD off pegging against the gold standard. Just part of the agenda.
They control the dollar that everybody use and can play with it like it's good for them
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