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Laanat on Generals. Every single one serving who hasn’t resigned for few plots.

See a privileged group that has all the power and perks will never resign. They would want to consolidate more power and will use whatever means to keep it. All of them are on same page to exert their control and influence. They want their "Teka" to be shown to civilians. To show themselves as "above law". They literally like it to show themselves a part from "bloody civilians". You got to know their mindset and only then you will not have such hopes from them.
Arrest the whole of Pakistan, why don’t you? lol

Govt is harassing opponents while army is digging its (what’s left of its reputation) grave.
Sara kutti ka bacha akhata hua hain or Khan ka pessimism he nahi khatam hota.
Why they are trying so hard to prove that they, the PDM Cabal and the Handlers Mafia, have lost all the mental faculties out of hatred and revenge.

There is a deliberate attempt by the Military to put the Awam against the Military, how can they be so thickheaded and arrogant.

Or they are compromised and didn't have the power to reign in, and course correct.
Yes yes arrest those who have opposite political views. But terrorists kill 100s of civillians and the army cannot do sh!t.
To be very honest, Pakistan army is incompetent. The security of nation come under their preview and look how they have failed!
We need to now start calling spade a spade and call these generals out at every forum.
The sad reality we were told india is our enemy (which i believe is) but the actual enemy of the state was this DHA mafia
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