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Imran Khan Old video blasting Pakistan Army Operations

IK changes his views like the weather changes in the north of the country.
IK changes his views like the weather changes in the north of the country.
Imran Khan views hasn't changed either you haven't ever bothered to know his views his views about Pakistan Army entering Tribal areas have been same for past 11 years he warned from day one their would be massive backlash and Pakistan will get into bloodiest war but our forces under Musharraf were too arrogant and busy in following their master USA
Imran khan was aware of the history of the region. Credit goes to him for making accurate prediction. Jinnah took advise of british and pulled out army from tribal areas. These are not lowlander pakhtuns of kpk, tribals are highlanders like afghans....they can not be forced into submission, mughals faced sufi movement of pir roshan, british faced the movement of mad mullahs and faqeers. Pakistan is facing taliban movement. These are people of independent nature, fauji boot is the last thing you want to kick them with. Is FATA a cancer? Yes, it has always been cancer to both muslim and non-muslim invaders. 2004 military operation was an invasion, it has triggered a chain reaction.....the region would be unstable and chotic unless fauj withdraws from tribal areas. Do TTP has ambitions to enforce sharia on punjab? Not exactly, they say it to justify their movement and give it legitimacy. TNSM is different story, their movement in malakand was since 90s.
There is no doubt that the civilian casaulties have been quite considerable either in drones or army operations.But there is no option else for launching the operation now.we should launch a final showdown with full force.come what may.let's face all the horrible effects of war for once.and not in the form of daily Tit-for-tat attacks.

PM has formed the commitee and most likely you'll see it will fail because there is nothing to negotiate.we can't accept their demands and neither can they.
He still condemns military operations. What has changed?
soon ugly reality of mass murder of Tribals by our forces will be known to whole world

The world already knows the ugly reality of Hypocritical Mullah b@stards . No one is interested in listening to BS lies spread by pathological liars like you
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Then this person with idealist nature and reactionary ideas should advise us on what would have been the " best course of action " for the country after nine-eleven and what would he have done , if he was driving seat at the time when Pakistan was given the choice " to either become an ally or get bombed back to stone age " . Interesting , that these people are always ready to prove others wrong but would never say what should have been done . I can tell with certainty that even the most hardcore of Mullahs if in Govt at that time , would have done the same thing as Musharraf , if not even worse .

@Azlan Haider

I have been asking for any evidence/proof thereof , of mass murder of tribal people in the F.A.T.A. during the army operation after the attack on twin towers from the same " Zarvan " for over a year now . He repeats the same stuff like a broken tape in every thread , but will never once get me any link which can confirm this " propaganda " and made up history . Suffice to say that it doesn't exist since no such thing happened .
@Azlan Haider
I have been asking for any evidence/proof thereof , of mass murder of tribal people in the F.A.T.A. during the army operation after the attack on twin towers from the same " Zarvan " for over a year now . He repeats the same stuff like a broken tape in every thread , but will never once get me any link which can confirm this " propaganda " and made up history .

This guy @Zarvan is really a pathological liar . I have never seen this man post anything rational . He always runs away from any serious discussions and then shows up again with same BS in some other thread . People like him are a waste of life . I wonder how he managed to become a elite member here without getting banned for all the BS he tries to spread.
Imran khan was aware of the history of the region. Credit goes to him for making accurate prediction. Jinnah took advise of british and pulled out army from tribal areas. These are not lowlander pakhtuns of kpk, tribals are highlanders like afghans....they can not be forced into submission, mughals faced sufi movement of pir roshan, british faced the movement of mad mullahs and faqeers. Pakistan is facing taliban movement. These are people of independent nature, fauji boot is the last thing you want to kick them with. Is FATA a cancer? Yes, it has always been cancer to both muslim and non-muslim invaders. 2004 military operation was an invasion, it has triggered a chain reaction.....the region would be unstable and chotic unless fauj withdraws from tribal areas. Do TTP has ambitions to enforce sharia on punjab? Not exactly, they say it to justify their movement and give it legitimacy. TNSM is different story, their movement in malakand was since 90s.

Pashtuns/Arabs/Uzbeks/Chinese/Westerners in FATA are responsible for attacks in London, USA, CHINA. Multiple plots get busted leading back to FATA. If there wasn't any fauji boot, World would have obliterated Pakistan Economically, Covertly and overtly. If your pashtun brothers want to live as cave men ( honor, warriors, spreading Religion through Terrorism), then why dragging whole Pakistan in to it?

Keeping your yada yada pashtun nationalist rehtoric aside and thinking objectively, If Pashtun brethren stopped acting like the Jihadists and kept themselves to FATA only,Bloodshed would been avoided

This guy @Zarvan is really a pathological liar . I have never seen this man post anything rational . He always runs away from any serious discussions and then shows up again with same BS in some other thread . People like him are a waste of life . I wonder how he managed to become a elite member here without getting banned for all the BS he tries to spread.

Oh you pathological hypocrite secular liberal scum :D
This guy @Zarvan is really a pathological liar . I have never seen this man post anything rational . He always runs away from any serious discussions and then shows up again with same BS in some other thread . People like him are a waste of life . I wonder how he managed to become a elite member here without getting banned for all the BS he tries to spread.
Let this war end and when an independent tribunal will do the inquiry the most bloodiest truth will come and all will know how much more our forces murdered people than TTP did
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