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Imran Khan in Silicon Valley


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
"We will rid the country of corruption within the first 90 days in office...I condemned the attack on Malala within 48 hours and was the first to visit her in the hospital...Taliban have killed hundreds of ANP workers...If I condemn the Taliban, they'll kill my workers too." PTI Chief Imran Khan in San Jose, CA. Oct 28, 2012

There were many contradictions in PTI chief Imran Khan's San Jose speech that attracted about 500 Pakistani-Americans. The attendees were quite enthusiastic in their welcome of the national cricket hero who has turned to politics with a strong anti-corruption platform. Imran was accompanied by PTI leader Fauzia Kasuri and sufi rock singer- songwriter Salman Ahmad of Junoon fame.

When Imran Khan arrived, the fundraiser-dinner quickly turned into an urban middle class rally reminiscent of the PTI events in major Pakistani cities like Lahore and Karachi. The banquet hall at Dolce Hayes Mansion came alive with slogans of "Pakistan Zindanad" and "Imran Khan Zindabad" following Pakistan's national anthem played by Salman Ahmad.

The well-attended Silicon Valley event was a confirmation of the fact that PTI is essentially an urban middle class phenomenon drawing support from people who are looking for new leadership to rid the country of corruption and misrule by Pakistan People's Party and Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz), the two major political parties which have dominated Pakistani politics since 1980s.

Anti-Corruption, being the key theme of Imran's speeches, elicited a number of questions from the audience. One questioner suggested that "99% of the people are involved in some form of corruption" and asked how would Imran Khan end it? Imran responded by citing low government salaries as the main cause. He said bureaucrats like his father were not corrupt because their monthly salary was large enough to buy a car back in 1950s. He did not elaborate as to how he would raise government employee salaries to such lofty levels in Pakistan as part of his plan to end corruption in 90 days, nor did he elaborate on the role of the elite colonial-era civil service to control the population rather than serve the people.

Continuing on the theme of low salaries, Imran Khan mentioned that one of his brilliant classmates at Aitcheson College became a top scientist but had such "low income that he could not afford to send his children to Aitcheson College". After hearing this answer, the first thought that ran through my mind was to compare Imran Khan with the Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney who is being portrayed as "out of touch" and "disconnected" from the ordinary folks.

A woman questioner asked him how he would "end corruption in 90 days when it takes 9 months to make a baby?" In response, Imran said "I am not talking about making babies". Then he proceeded to cite an example of an "honest police superintendent" in some small town near Dera Ismail Khan who ended all crime within 90 days. He also saw the chief minister of the Indian state of Bihar as an inspiration for ending corruption and achieving double-digit economic growth.

Addressing a question about how he intends to deal with the Taliban, Imran blamed it on the US presence in the region and the use of drones. He said dialog is the way to end it. He also said that the number of "irreconcilable" Taliban militates was very small and could be defeated by a "small military military operation" by Pakistan Army after the US exit from the region.

Responding to a question about PTI's election strategy, Imran Khan said he did not believe in "constituency politics" and would not give his party tickets based on the notions of electability. Instead, he is counting on a PTI landslide victory similar to the 1970 elections in which Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's PPP won big in West Pakistan.

After Imran's speech, I was asked by some PTI-USA officers about what I thought of it. I told them that I felt Imran was confused when he said he condemned the Taliban after the Malala shooting but then proceeded to ask "who will protect my workers if I condemn the Taliban". Three of the PTI officers, including Dr. Nasrullah Khan, rose to defend their leader's remarks on the Taliban by asking me "who do you think attacked Malala?" When I said the TTP has claimed responsibility for it, they claimed it was "someone other than the Taliban". As the discussion continued, Dr. Nasrullah Khan pulled up a picture of injured Malala on his iPhone and said "I am a cardiologist and I have seen gun-shot victims" and the nature of Malala's head injury shows the "attack was staged".

It seems that Dr. Nasrullah Khan and his fellow PTI members I met are discounting the fact that the Taliban have a long track record in both Afghanistan and Pakistan of attacking anyone, regardless of age and gender, who disagrees with their goals or tactics. They have a record of using extreme violence to silence those who dare to criticize them.

My assessment of Imran Khan after yesterday's event is that he has very enthusiastic support among young urban middle class Pakistanis who are probably participating in the political process for the first time in Pakistan's history. This augurs well for the country in the long run. However, PTI's chances of emerging with a majority of seats in Pakistani parliament in 2013 elections appear remote.

I also believe that Imran Khan is well-meaning but he appears to be naive, even disconnected with the reality, when it comes to Pakistan's current electoral politics which is based on a system of patronage. He is also significantly underestimating the serious national threat posed by the Taliban and other militant groups and the widespread culture of corruption in the country.

Haq's Musings: Imran Khan Draws 500 Pakistani-Americans in Silicon Valley
Wow! Imran Khan is either scared of taliban for his life or supports them, that is why he is not strongly condemning them for the terrorists act they have perpetrated over the years in Pakistan. This is his major flaw. If he comes to power, what is he going to do with the taliban?
............. Dr. Nasrullah Khan pulled up a picture of injured Malala on a his iPhone and said "I am a cardiologist and I have seen gun-shot victims" and the nature of Malala's head injury shows the "attack was staged"...............

How does the good doctor explain the left-sided facial paralysis caused by nerve damage? Has he seen the path of the bullet?
Criticizing Imran Khan is fine as he is a public figure and presents himself for future leadership. But all the critiques have no point of reference.

When you criticize a leader, you compare the policies and character. Sadly, whom can you compare Imran right now in the whole political spectrum? Zardari? Nawaz? Pervaiz Elahi? Altaf Hussain?

As I said criticizing is fine, but you need to give an alternate too!! You have no alternative but you keep on criticizing thats not fair. You never criticize Sharif brothers or Zaradari? They are in power and have ruined the country. If not Imran, they will come back in power and do you see Pakistan's future in any of the ruling parties? They have no guts to stand up and show leadership, as they have none!
Criticizing Imran Khan is fine as he is a public figure and presents himself for future leadership. But all the critiques have no point of reference.

When you criticize a leader, you compare the policies and character. Sadly, whom can you compare Imran right now in the whole political spectrum? Zardari? Nawaz? Pervaiz Elahi? Altaf Hussain?

As I said criticizing is fine, but you need to give an alternate too!! You have no alternative but you keep on criticizing thats not fair. You never criticize Sharif brothers or Zaradari? They are in power and have ruined the country. If not Imran, they will come back in power and do you see Pakistan's future in any of the ruling parties? They have no guts to stand up and show leadership, as they have none!

Dear brother,
I'm an observer of Pakistani politics and this means that i'm not a supporter of any party or public figure as of yet. While i agree with you that Imran Khan stands out in terms of leadership qualities, however, to be more specific, i would say that to the extent of policy making regarding Drones, Taliban, Baluchistan issue, MQM, and etc. My only concern, in fact for a very long time, has been why this man goes to visit India and praise them. Knowingly, they are equally as bad for us as any other oppressor. I have failed to understand his stance on the Kashmir issue, if not on territorial claims, but on the everyday killings by IA. If you are a supporter of him, i would like you to shed some light to us on that.
Wow! Imran Khan is either scared of taliban for his life or supports them, that is why he is not strongly condemning them for the terrorists act they have perpetrated over the years in Pakistan. This is his major flaw. If he comes to power, what is he going to do with the taliban?

says he is scared of talibans killing his workers, yet he is going to shoot down drones once in power and start a war with US which will kill 1000s of people. Imran bhai there is politics in Cricket but its not the same politics
says he is scared of talibans killing his workers, yet he is going to shoot down drones once in power and start a war with US which will kill 1000s of people. Imran bhai there is politics in Cricket but its not the same politics

I think Imran is himself confused on his stance toward the Talibs when he says he condemned the Taliban after the Malala shooting but then asks "who will protect my workers if I condemn the Taliban"....Did he or did he not condemn the Taliban? If he did, then why does he add that "If I condemn the Taliban, they'll kill my workers"?

Not only does Imran seem to be personally intimidated by the Talibs, he is also significantly understating the serious national security threat posed by the Taliban and other militant groups in the country.
With the exception of some ANP, MQM and PPP leaders, the rest of the political leadership in Pakistan has failed to rise to the occasion. Here are some recent cowardly statements on the subject of Taliban militancy by PTI and PML(N) leaders:

“Who will save my party workers if I sit here and give big statements against the Taliban.” PTI Chief Imran Khan

"I will support military operation (against the Taliban) if you can guarantee peace after it." PTI Chief Imran Khan

“Gen. Musharraf planned a bloodbath of innocent Muslims at the behest of others only to prolong his rule, but we in the PML-N opposed his policies and rejected dictation from abroad. If the Taliban are also fighting for the same cause then they should not carry out acts of terror in Punjab.” PML (N) Leader Shahbaz Sharif

Pakistan's coward politicians need to draw some inspiration from brave little Malala Yousufzai. The nation desperately needs courageous leaders at this moment in history. Pakistan's leaders, particularly those in the Opposition, are failing the basic test of leadership. They are paralyzed by the fear of the militants. They are begging the Taliban to spare them. They are unwilling to take any risks and demanding impossible guarantees of peace that no one can provide. This is a recipe for inaction in the face of the Taliban onslaught on innocent civilians.

Haq's Musings: Malala Moment: Profiles in Courage...Not!
I think Imran is himself confused on his stance toward the Talibs when he says he condemned the Taliban after the Malala shooting but then asks "who will protect my workers if I condemn the Taliban"....Did he or did he not condemn the Taliban? If he did, then why does he add that "If I condemn the Taliban, they'll kill my workers"?

Not only does Imran seem to be personally intimidated by the Talibs, he is also significantly understating the serious national security threat posed by the Taliban and other militant groups in the country.

why is he confused?
give his workers and voters bullet proof cars and jammers 1000 elite police guards ,give him some money from coilation support fund so that he can protect safeguard himself and his workers too ,,,then he will condemn taliban too...
it all a money and power game,,,,,
why should common man on street pay for the decisions made by those who sit work and live in bunkers?general musharaf lived in bunker...if he had lived on street ,then he would have never joined american wot for dollars...he is now hiding like a rat in exile after creating all the mess.

ours is a shameless lot.....look at the women and children in drone attacks....our leaders have refused to defend our own people but for dollars and aid they are willing to defend american people....americans came into abbottabad and conducted an operation for 2 hours..no one came...radars were off...police dident came...army dident came even it was a military town....

even in a village if some one fires a round police comes withing 15 -20 minutes but here no one came for 2 hours......why?
cause we were paid not to come

who will avenge the deaths of 25 soldiers on salala?americas fired for 2 hours on salala yet not one came again to save them....why?
cause we were again paid not to intervene.....

this is our kind....look at their cursed faces.........not even one will look like a man of character and integrity...

why should imran make enemies of america his own enemies when he dident even received 10 dollars from all the billions of dollars that came in the form of aid?

those of ate billions of americans dollars should follow america cause they took money they deserve dictation';;;;those who are rotting on street in poverty....why should they join the mayhem?
I think Imran is himself confused on his stance toward the Talibs when he says he condemned the Taliban after the Malala shooting but then asks "who will protect my workers if I condemn the Taliban"....Did he or did he not condemn the Taliban? If he did, then why does he add that "If I condemn the Taliban, they'll kill my workers"?

Not only does Imran seem to be personally intimidated by the Talibs, he is also significantly understating the serious national security threat posed by the Taliban and other militant groups in the country.

This is interesting.

If Imran Khan condemns the Taliban, the Taliban will kill his workers.

So pretty much Imran Khan wants to cede sovereignty of certain areas of Pakistan to the Taliban and they can do whatever the hell they want.

Then how can Imran Khan guarantee that no terrorist plot will originate from that region which will threaten the world?

Isn't this the reason for the Drone strikes in the first place.

The only reason that USA is using drones to take out the taliban and al qaeda terrorists is that Pakistani Government and Military have pretty much ceded certain areas of the FATA to them and thus USA has to go and clean house.

Is Imran Khan really this stupid?
This is interesting.

If Imran Khan condemns the Taliban, the Taliban will kill his workers.

So pretty much Imran Khan wants to cede sovereignty of certain areas of Pakistan to the Taliban and they can do whatever the hell they want.

Then how can Imran Khan guarantee that no terrorist plot will originate from that region which will threaten the world?

Isn't this the reason for the Drone strikes in the first place.

The only reason that USA is using drones to take out the taliban and al qaeda terrorists is that Pakistani Government and Military have pretty much ceded certain areas of the FATA to them and thus USA has to go and clean house.

Is Imran Khan really this stupid?

you moron was any 9/11 suspect a Pakistani or Afghan?

they all trained on flight simulators in germany...funding came from gulf....

use your brain before you write.
you moron was any 9/11 suspect a Pakistani or Afghan?

they all trained on flight simulators in germany...funding came from gulf....

use your brain before you write.

You Bozo,

Arabs used Afghanistan to train terrorists to attack the West.

After USA attacked Afghanistan after 9/11, they moved to Pakistan, and thats why OBL was found in Pakistan.

Its irrelevant if any Pakistani or Afghani was involved in 9/11 or not.

The fact is that our territory is being used by foreign terrorists to plot terrorist attacks.

So either Pakistan wipes them out or someone else has to.

Its like you have a house full of snakes and those snakes slither into the neighbor's houses and start harming the people living there. And your neighbors tell you to take care of the snake problem and you don't do anything.

So obviously the neighbors have to take matters in their own hands since you won't do anything.

Then don't complain about sovereignty when you are scared into going into your own backyard.
You Bozo,

Arabs used Afghanistan to train terrorists to attack the West.

After USA attacked Afghanistan after 9/11, they moved to Pakistan, and thats why OBL was found in Pakistan.

Its irrelevant if any Pakistani or Afghani was involved in 9/11 or not.

The fact is that our territory is being used by foreign terrorists to plot terrorist attacks.

So either Pakistan wipes them out or someone else has to.

Its like you have a house full of snakes and those snakes slither into the neighbor's houses and start harming the people living there. And your neighbors tell you to take care of the snake problem and you don't do anything.

So obviously the neighbors have to take matters in their own hands since you won't do anything.

Then don't complain about sovereignty when you are scared into going into your own backyard.

you moron dident america used afghanistan's territory against russia in 80's?
does that means russia should now wipe out america?
you moron dident america used afghanistan's territory against russia in 80's?
does that means russia should now wipe out america?

Read my post again. Its obvious you lack reading comprehension skills.
Read my post again. Its obvious you lack reading comprehension skills.

o really?
germany's territory was used....9/11 suspects trained to fly planes in germnay not in afghanistan or Pakistan....

none of 9/11 suspects
was a Pakistani or Afghan...

america used afghanistan's territory against russia in 1980's..who will be answerable for that?
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