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Imran Khan: Hear this loudly and clearly - You screwd up.


Sep 7, 2008
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Call a spade a spade. Imran Khan was trapped by the Bharti reporter [watch the full interview below] and he screwed up– it was as plain and simple as that–an error in judgement and a bad choice of words. Obvioulsy we also saw exceprts. A seasoned politician like Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto would not have been able to get trapped so easily. It does show some level of immaturity on the part of IK, who has never held any office.

We talked to some senior PTI folks over the weekend. They agreed, that IK made a disasterous mistakes during the interview. disasterous mistakes during the interview. They did not agree with him or what he said to the Bharati reporter. They were relieved that the national press has not picked it up–perhaps the press is engulfed in Memogate. Mr. Zardari was also trapped by the same interviewer in forcing Zardari to say bad stuff about Kashmir and no first use of Nukes. That cost Zardari the nuclear command psot which was given to Gilani.

Imran Khan and the PTI should remember that 40% of Lahore is Kashmiri, and if he ever wants to come back to Lahore and hold another “jalsa”, he should better shed his baggage, and come clean.

All is not lost. Imran Khan needs some serious coaching. Kashmir is a territorial dispute. He should hear this loud and clear. Kashmir is not just a “humanitarian issue”! He did not defend Shireen Mazari, and she was incensed. If IK ever repeats this nonsense, there will be a serious erosion in his popularity. Right now, this mistake is not fatal–and we all think that it was a “faux pas”. He has made other blunders like this–I walked out on him once for his silly statement.

Right now we condemn his statements, refute the thought of putting Kashmir on the backburner, but we do not oppose him.

All indications are that the Pakistani establishment is supporting Mr. Imran Khan. If he repeats any of the stuff that he said

to the Bharati establishment, Imran Khan will end up like Asghar Khan–sent to the dustbin of history without much notariety or power. Being the head of another kings party has its disadvantages also–which all of us know about. Asghar Khan and his PNA held massive rallies also–but could not get to power and would not have, even if Zia had not taken over.

Insiders have informed me that the PTI-MQM agreement will allow Imran Khan to have an historic “jalsa” in Karachi fully supported by various parties in Sindh. This is a good sign. Imran Khan has a huge opportunity to set the record stratigh on Kashmir and hold one of the biggest rallies that Karachi has seen. He should use 25th of December to heal the rifts of Karachi, and offer a future vision that can attract all ethnicities to the PTI.

For his sake and our sake, we hope and wish that Imran Khan will listen to the advice of his well wishers.

Imran Khan: Repeat three times. “Kashmir is a territorial dispute’.


Kashmir slogan. Pakistan ka matlab kiyaa: 4 slogans chanted by Indian Occupied Kashmiris as reported by Arundhoti Roy. The slogans with the Pakistani flag reverberate in the Valley​

Kashmir, the oldest dispute at the UN Agenda


Map of Kashmir as drawn by the Government of Pakistan. Image via Wikipedia​

The Kashmir dispute is the oldest unresolved international conflict in the world today. Pakistan considers Kashmir as its core political dispute with India. So does the international community, except India.

India’s forcible occupation of the State of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947 is the main cause of the dispute. India claims to have ‘signed’ a controversial document, the Instrument of Accession, on 26 October 1947 with the Maharaja of Kashmir, in which the Maharaja obtained India’s military help against popular insurgency. The people of Kashmir and Pakistan do not accept the Indian claim. There are doubts about the very existence of the Instrument of Accession. The United Nations also does not consider Indian claim as legally valid: it recognizes Kashmir as a disputed territory. With the exception of India, the entire world community recognizes Kashmir as a disputed territory. The fact is that all the principles on the basis of which the Indian subcontinent was partitioned by the British in 1947 justify Kashmir becoming a part of Pakistan: the State had majority Muslim population, and it not only enjoyed geographical proximity with Pakistan but also had essential economic linkages with the territories constituting Pakistan.

History of the dispute

The State of Jammu and Kashmir has historically remained independent, except in the anarchical conditions of the late 18th and first half of the 19th century, or when incorporated in the vast empires set up by the Mauryas (3 rd century BC), the Mughals (16th to 18th century) and the British (mid-19th to mid-20th century). All these empires included not only present-day India and Pakistan but some other countries of the region as well. Until 1846, Kashmir was part of the Sikh empire. In that year, the British defeated the Sikhs and sold Kashmir to Gulab Singh of Jammu for Rs. 7.5 million under the Treaty of Amritsar. Gulab Singh, the Mahraja, signed a separate treaty with the British which gave him the status of an independent princely ruler of Kashmir. Gulab Singh died in 1857 and was replaced by Rambir Singh (1857-1885). Two other Marajas, Partab Singh (1885-1925) and Hari Singh (1925-1949) ruled in succession.

Gulab Singh and his successors ruled Kashmir in a tyrannical and repressive way. The people of Kashmir, nearly 80 per cent of who were Muslims, rose against Maharaja Hari Singh’s rule. He ruthlessly crushed a mass uprising in 1931. In 1932, Sheikh Abdullah formed Kashmir’s first political party—the All Jammu & Kashmir Muslim Conference (renamed as National Conference in 1939). In 1934, the Maharaja gave way and allowed limited democracy in the form of a Legislative Assembly. However, unease with the Maharaja’s rule continued. According to the instruments of partition of India, the rulers of princely states were given the choice to freely accede to either India or Pakistan, or to remain independent. They were, however, advised to accede to the contiguous dominion, taking into consideration the geographical and ethnic issues.

In Kashmir, however, the Maharaja hesitated. The principally Muslim population, having seen the early and covert arrival of Indian troops, rebelled and things got out of the Maharaja’s hands. The people of Kashmir were demanding to join Pakistan. The Maharaja, fearing tribal warfare, eventually gave way to the Indian pressure and agreed to join India by, as India claims, ‘signing’ the controversial Instrument of Accession on 26 October 1947. Kashmir was provisionally accepted into the Indian Union pending a free and impartial plebiscite. This was spelled out in a letter from the Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten, to the Maharaja on 27 October 1947. In the letter, accepting the accession, Mountbatten made it clear that the State would only be incorporated into the Indian Union after a reference had been made to the people of Kashmir. Having accepted the principle of a plebiscite, India has since obstructed all attempts at holding a plebiscite.

In 1947, India and Pakistan went to war over Kashmir. During the war, it was India which first took the Kashmir dispute to the United Nations on 1 January 1948. The following year, on 1 January 1949, the UN helped enforce ceasefire between the two countries. The ceasefire line is called the Line of Control. It was an outcome of a mutual consent by India and Pakistan that the UN Security Council (UNSC) and UN Commission for India and Pakistan (UNCIP) passed several resolutions in years following the 1947-48 war. The UNSC Resolution of 21 April 1948–one of the principal UN resolutions on Kashmir—stated that “both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”. Subsequent UNSC Resolutions reiterated the same stand. UNCIP Resolutions of 3 August 1948 and 5 January 1949 reinforced UNSC resolutions.



Indian Occuped Kashmir: Protesting for merger with Pakistan​

The current agitation in Indian-Held Kashmir is rooted in the struggle of the people for the exercise of the right of self-determination. Peaceful processions chanting demands for freedom were fired upon by Indian Army and police. Thousands of men, women and children have been killed or wounded.

1. New Delhi’s allegation of assistance to the Kashmiri people from the Pakistan side is unfounded. Objective reports in foreign media testify that the Kashmiri agitation is indigenous.

2. Pakistan upholds the right of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to self-determination in accordance with the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council. These resolutions of 1948 and 1949 provide for the holding of a free and impartial plebiscite for the determination of the future of the state by the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

3. The basic points about the UN resolution are that:

• The complaint relating to Kashmir was initiated by India in the Security Council;

• The Council explicitly and by implications, rejected India’s claim that Kashmir is legally Indian territory;

The resolutions established self-determination as the governing principal for the settlement of the Kashmir dispute. This is the world body’s commitment to the people of Kashmir;

• The resolutions endorsed a binding agreement between India and Pakistan reached through the mediation of UNCIP, that a plebiscite would be held, under agreed and specified conditions.

1. The Security Council has rejected the Indian contention that the people of Kashmir have exercised their right of self-determination by participating in the “election” which India has from time to time organized in the Held Kashmir. The 0.2% turn out during the 1989 “elections” was the most recent clear repudiation of the Indian claim.

2. Pakistan continues to adhere to the UN resolutions. These are binding also on India.

3. The Simla Agreement of 2 July 1972, to which Pakistan also continues to adhere, did not alter the status of Jammu and Kashmir as a disputed territory:

· Para 6 of the Agreement lists “a final settlement of Jammu and Kashmir” as one of the outstanding questions awaiting a settlement.

· Para 4 (ii) talks of a “Line of Control” as distinguished from an international border. Furthermore, it explicitly protects “the recognized position of either side.” The recognized position of Pakistan is the one, which is recognized by the United Nations and the World Community in general.

· Article 1(iv) obviously refers to the Kashmir issue when it talks of “the basic issues and causes of conflict which have bedeviled the relations between the two countries for the last 25 years”
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Chalo phir ek aur chawanni bit thrown into the arena. Even poor Imran Khan is not going to be immune to them!
Oye Ganja supporters. What is your plan for Kashmir? How can we get Indian Occupied Kashmir? Any thoughts?

Even Nawaz being an ethnic Kashmiri gave into American pressure on Kargil.

Lets see now if Dr Shireen Mazari will ever leave PTI to join PML-N ;)

Imran Khan is a Pathan.

Pathans freed half of Kashmir in 1948, and this Pathan leader will free the rest of Kashmir by 2018 :pakistan:

Well said !!!!!! Imran khan is Altaf hussian samething !!Only difference is face colors
Well said !!!!!! Imran khan is Altaf hussian samething !!Only difference is face colors

How is he like Altaf Hussein? Did he say Pakistan was a mistake? Did he say Pakistan should have a confederation with India? Did he say International Borders between Pakistan and India should disappear?

Your Ganja master is much more like Altaf Hussein:

Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is pushing for visa-free travel with India, and has gone to the extent of saying Islamabad might do it unilaterally if New Delhi is not prepared to go the distance.

As ideas go, visa-free travel in a globalised world isn’t anything remarkable. In the context of the tortured India-Pakistan relationship this, however, would be nothing short of a political masterstroke.

For people like my parents’ generation, among the millions who crossed the border from Pakistan following the bloody partition of India never to go back, visa-free travel would be akin to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Likewise for the millions of Muslims who moved in the opposite direction, leaving homes and some family members behind in India, before the curtain dropped.

Thinking the unthinkable: visa-free travel between India and Pakistan | Pakistan: Now or Never?

Thats just the first step in making indian people's dream of akhand bharat.

For all the Ganja supporters:

Nawaz Sharif saying there has never been terrorism in India (including no terrorism on Kashmiris by indian soldiers in Indian Occupied Kashmir)

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Oye Ganja supporters. What is your plan for Kashmir? How can we get Indian Occupied Kashmir? Any thoughts?

Even Nawaz being an ethnic Kashmiri gave into American pressure on Kargil.

Lets see now if Dr Shireen Mazari will ever leave PTI to join PML-N ;)

Imran Khan is a Pathan.

Pathans freed half of Kashmir in 1948, and this Pathan leader will free the rest of Kashmir by 2018 :pakistan:


Imran khan is a Pakhtoon not a 'pathan'. I can see what the Urdu language has done to you...

Let me tell you something about myself. One side of my ancestors founded the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front. They even hijacked and Indian plane. I know form day one what the problem is... Nawaz Sharrif is ethnicaly kashmiri and he is a coward; absolutely no doubt about that. He has no Kashmir policies, and for this reason, PML-N is cannot be trusted.

Yes i don't like Urdu speaking community for many other reasons. But at the same time i also don't trust punjabis that much. I may be not ethnically punjabi but culturally i am. They hold the majority of this country's population therefore they should be blamed in a way for current mess. We kashmiris have given many lives and we have been torcherd ever since the start of year 1947. If i were you, i would be ashamed. You talk about Kashmir and its policies in Pakistan's favour and then again you talk about against Kashmiri people just like me.
Absolutely, Pakhtoons have given many lives for this territory. But people like you again have done nothing. You hold the majority of this country's population and you have no one else but your own selves to blame for current situation.

This was an excellent interview. The host, 'Karan', had said that he had interviewd Zardari 3 years ago and what he had said to him earlier is exactly what IK is saying now. The problem is Omar 1984 ('Imran khan kay pupee kay potar') can you trust him?

On personal level, he did a lot of things, for instance, he built the cancer hospital, building a University City, was a great cricketer, etc... But you should leave that aside and focus mainly on his Political career. Has he done anything significant from the past 15 years.? Has he arrested Altaf Hussain U.K, which he had been going after for a long time?
I guess i am in the minority but seeing the resolution of Kasmir before peace with India method has had a good run with out a result what is so wrong about the idea of peace with India then resolution of Kasmir?
^ To troll cb4: PTI is not an ethnic or linguistic based political party. So dont say we Punjabi or us Kashmiris. PTI is for all Pakistanis regardless of ethnic groups.

Its Nawaz's PML-N who uses the Punjabi card wherever he goes anywhere in Punjab. Sometimes he says he is a proud Punjabi and talks about Punjabi superiority then he talks about Kashmiri and Kashmiri superiority depending on what crowd he talks to.

All these political parties are trying to divide Pakistanis while PTI is trying to unite Pakistanis.
^ To troll cb4: PTI is not an ethnic or linguistic based political party. So dont say we Punjabi or us Kashmiris. PTI is for all Pakistanis regardless of ethnic groups.

Its Nawaz's PML-N who uses the Punjabi card wherever he goes anywhere in Punjab. Sometimes he says he is a proud Punjabi and talks about Punjabi superiority then he talks about Kashmiri and Kashmiri superiority depending on what crowd he talks to.

All these political parties are trying to divide Pakistanis while PTI is trying to unite Pakistanis.

Look, every party says we want unity. Even MQM says that. But have they brought unity? I'm giving you their example cuz they have always been in power. Why are you declaring unity when thereare people like MQM who don't want. You don't make any sense bro. I seriously have enough of this.

I don't support Nawaz Sharrif. In fact i don't support any middle men. But lets not forget that he helped MQM. He helped Altaf Hussain get out of the country. He is probably pissed now cuz Altaf Hussain talks $hit behind his back. This must be why he calls himself Punjabi on one day and a Kashmiri on another. Maybe not you, but as for myself, I have been brought up into 2 different cultures so it is very natural to say this

I don't know if you live in North America or not but the fact is, these white people have been successful because they have controlled the types of people who in reality were under pressured with. We need to do the same thing now. Pakistan, from my words, will never split. In a current situation like this, it is the best time to solve history. Now or never. Our county is running how ever it is but at least running. We should not be scared to make significant changes.

Again this is my personal view. If you choose to disagree then so be it. Its your choice i will not force you. in fact, i am no one to stop you. I am no god and or any super power as previously mentioned.
IK never said anything against Kashmir issue, what he said was a policy matter: he explained that military operations or militancy is No solution to the problem of Kashmir.

PTI hold the principle stand on Kashmir that it is a disputed territory and we shall fight its legal and political battle and find a political solution, this is unlike some raw minds who hold no calibre, trust and credibility among masses.

any reasonable person who has a developed mind, will agree with Imran khan and Pakistan tehrik-e-Insaf that Kashmir solution must be a political solution. :pakistan:
Imran needs to be aggressive on Kashmir issue and in dealing with India because his stance on this can become a disaster for him
first pakistan must economically get stronger, than pakistan will be powerful enough to force india decide kashmiri fate according to the will of kashmiris

as for now its not 1950s or 60s that we can argue the land disputes, now even kashmiri liberation leaders have changed their stance from pakistan to idependent kashmir

for kashmir, pakistan must try to solve the human rights violation in kashmir and discuss with india to give a sovereignty of kashmir state like autonomous state of kashmir etc

---------- Post added at 09:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 AM ----------

Imran needs to be aggressive on Kashmir issue and in dealing with India because his stance on this can become a disaster for him

agree with it, but he did say will of kashmiris will be considered
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