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Imran Asks Rulers To End Alliance In ‘War On Terror’


May 28, 2011
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Pakista Tehrik-i-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan on Saturday strongly condemned the unprovoked Nato attack on Salala Check Post in the Momand Agency and called upon civilian leadership to immediately withdraw from its alliance from US-led war against terrorism.

While terming the attack as an insane and immoral brutality, Khan said such attacks reflected the hollowness and counter-productivity of Pakistan’s involvement in the aimless ‘war on terror’ that had been unleashed to subdue the proud people of the region.

The PTI chief was speaking to a public gathering in Shujaabad.

He said Pakistan had already sacrificed 40,000 people and an equal number of people had been maimed and become handicapped. Pakistan had also incurred a loss of over $75 billion in the bargain, yet it was being incessantly targeted by the forces of its so-called ‘ally’, he added.

The PTI chief said that the government had failed to safeguard Pakistan’s security and strategic interests because of the compromises it had made under the National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) with foreign forces to come to power in the country.

He said government did not have the moral stature to stand up for defending Pakistan’s strategic interests and should, therefore, quit immediately.

Imran Khan said that Pakistan’s involvement in the war had radicalised its society and was also breeding anti-Americanism.

“Time has come for the government to pull out of this inhuman conflict and initiate a purposeful dialogue to bring peace to the country and the region,” said the PTI chief. Pakistan’s continued involvement in this war would only produce more militancy and destruction, he added.

But the question is, will Zardari and Co ever think of ending this alliance with the US of A? There's too much at stake here like the millions of American dollars being siphoned off by the political class. Vested interests in Pakistan will never allow disengagement, never mind if dozens of Pakistanis are being killed by the ISAF everyday. For politicians, these are only statistics meant for the record books.

Imran asks rulers to end alliance in
^ Pakistan was doing way better before this war OF terror than it is now being America's front-line ally in this war OF terror.

This war OF terror is destroying Pakistan. PPP days are numbered.

And Pakistan can survive without American aid. There has been more losses than any gain in this war.
40,000 Pakistanis killed! All for what? Supporting the Americans in THEIR war on terror? For THEIR national interests? For God's sake you are fighting AMERICA'S war. Why doesn't the political class get this into their heads?

Pakistan needs to defend it's own national interests and NOT America's!
40,000 Pakistanis killed! All for what? Supporting the Americans in THEIR war on terror? For THEIR national interests? For God's sake you are fighting AMERICA'S war. Why doesn't the political class get this into their heads?

Pakistan needs to defend it's own national interests and NOT America's!

friend the political class know it

but they r afraid of their secret bank accounts in western banks

^ Pakistan was doing way better before this war OF terror than it is now being America's front-line ally in this war OF terror.

This war OF terror is destroying Pakistan. PPP days are numbered.

And Pakistan can survive without American aid. There has been more losses than any gain in this war.

Assalam alaikum

qasam hay , i was of the same opinion from day one of this stupid war of terror

and i can go further to add that these politicians along with armed forces kind of let chaos spread in pakistan to make as it is our war ( i might be wrong )

Assalam alaikum

qasam hay , i was of the same opinion from day one of this stupid war of terror

and i can go further to add that these politicians along with armed forces kind of let chaos spread in pakistan to make as it is our war ( i might be wrong )


They along with PPP government were trying to make Pakistanis fools. It was never our war, they made it our war by copperating with the devil.
I hope Pakistanis elect representatives who more statesmen than self servers in 2013. Indians hopefully will be doing the same to throw out the corrupt and the clueless.:pop:
Pakistan has had enough

Readers of Dawn newspaper, commenting online, were in no doubt how the Pakistani government should respond to Saturday's killing by US forces of 24 soldiers on Pakistan's side of the Afghan border. "Pakistan should acquire anti-aircraft defence systems ... so that in the future Pakistan can give Nato forces a proper reply," said Ali. "This is outrageous," wrote another reader, Zia Khan. "We should cut off all ties with the US. As long as we are getting US [anti-terror] aid ... Pakistan will be attacked in such a manner. They can never be trusted." Another, Obaid, turned his wrath on the Pakistani authorities: "Our self-centred establishment with their fickle loyalties can't even demand that the killers be tried in a neutral court ... What is the ability of our armed forces? If they can't repel or intercept an attack of this intensity, then what's their purpose? This is not a time to get mad. It's time to get even."

The fury of these respondents comes as no surprise, but Washington should treat it with deadly seriousness all the same, for this latest outrage is another fateful signpost on the road to a potential security and geostrategic disaster that may ultimately make Afghanistan look like a sideshow.

The 10-year-old Afghan war, neither wholly won nor lost, is slowly drawing to a close – or so Washington postulates. But what has not stopped is the linked, escalating destabilisation of the infinitely more important, more populous, and nuclear-armed Pakistan. If Washington does not quickly learn to tread more carefully, it may find the first US-Pakistan war is beginning just as the fourth Afghan war supposedly ends.

Anti-American feeling in Pakistan is becoming institutionalised at the higher levels of government, while opposition figures such as Imran Khan see their popularity rise on the back of diatribes aimed at Washington. Pakistan's western-educated, secular political elite is under brutal attack from Islamist militants who revile them as Washington's stooges. The knock-kneed government is mocked and despised for failing to stand up to its infidel paymasters even as Pakistan's own "war on terror" death toll rises into the tens of thousands.

Since 2001, when the Bush administration bluntly told Islamabad it must take sides, be either "for us or agin us" in the newly declared "war on terror", Pakistan has struggled under a plethora of imperious American demands, démarches and impositions that are at once politically indefensible and contrary to the perceived national interest.

The last year has been another humiliating one at the hands of the country's principal ally. Pakistanis have looked on impotently as US special forces flouted its sovereignty and killed Osama bin Laden under the army's nose; as the US stepped up drone terror attacks in Pakistani territory despite repeated protests; and as people-pleasing US senators and Republican presidential candidates have taken to picking on Pakistan and its aid bill in uninformed foreign policy rants.

Hillary Clinton and the Pentagon top brass have responded to Saturday's killing with the usual expressions of regret and of determination to "investigate", without formally admitting responsibility. Their pronouncements are worthless, transparently so.

The belief that weak, impoverished, divided Pakistan has no alternative but to slavishly obey its master's voice could turn out to be one of the seminal strategic miscalculations of the 21st century. Alternative alliances with China or Russia aside, Muslim Pakistan, if bullied and scorned for long enough by its western mentors, could yet morph through external trauma and internal collapse into quite a different animal. The future paradigm here is not another well-trained Indonesia or Malaysia. It is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Pakistan has had enough | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | The Guardian
^ Pakistan was doing way better before this war OF terror than it is now being America's front-line ally in this war OF terror.

This war OF terror is destroying Pakistan. PPP days are numbered.

And Pakistan can survive without American aid. There has been more losses than any gain in this war.

majority of pakistanis are not that literate(same with indians)i bet 90% people of pakistan do not know about all these day to day activities going on in pakistan,they do not have acess to internet the main source of information,Its highly likely that they will vote for either zardari or nawaj sharif(they both know how to use dirty tricks to win) and there parties are also mature,imran khan may be famous in urban areas but i highly doubt that rural voters will vote for him.
But the question is, will Zardari and Co ever think of ending this alliance with the US of A? There's too much at stake here like the millions of American dollars being siphoned off by the political class. Vested interests in Pakistan will never allow disengagement, never mind if dozens of Pakistanis are being killed by the ISAF everyday. For politicians, these are only statistics meant for the record books.

Imran asks rulers to end alliance in

but millions of dollars are already costed pakistan not taking into account the mistrust of investors which is syphoning our pakistan money and 40,000 plus lives already lost, and peace

so you indians only think on one direction, we didnt start the war uncle sam did, so we have no moral obligation let lone responsibility to carry on with this war

---------- Post added at 05:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 AM ----------

majority of pakistanis are not that literate(same with indians)i bet 90% people of pakistan do not know about all these day to day activities going on in pakistan,they do not have acess to internet the main source of information,Its highly likely that they will vote for either zardari or nawaj sharif(they both know how to use dirty tricks to win) and there parties are also mature,imran khan may be famous in urban areas but i highly doubt that rural voters will vote for him.

majority of pakistani does have access because if it doesnt, it already negates the bharti notion of **** watchers in the world :lol::lol:
Imran calls for end to CIA operations, moving SC against drone attacks

SUKKUR: Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan demanded stoppage of the operations of the CIA in Pakistan and called for ousting operatives of the CIA from the soil of the country.

Addressing a big public meeting at Ghotki on Sunday, Imran Khan said we need a new policy over drone attacks. He said Pakistan should abandon the American war. He said even America is not fully aware of the results of the war. He said the cost of the war for the country was that 40,000 people had been killed and several thousand of our Army men were martyred.

Imran said it was the right time to come out of darkness and shove the slavery of America away. He advised to rulers to go to Security Council over the issue of drone attacks without further delay.

The PTI chief said corruption should be uprooted and people should come forward for a New Pakistan and a New System to bring Pakistan on the road to progress, development and to make Pakistan a sovereign country.

He said Chaudhry Nisar will hear very soon about two wickets falling on a single ball.

Imran Khan said the PTI is a not a traditional political party based on families. He said Qureshi was not involved in any corruption and his image was clear and remained clear so he thinks that Qureshi will repose upon the party. He invited Qureshi to join the PTI, saying the party believes in political merit.

He said for ensuring the party strength, election on merit on every party designation would be held after which his party would be the only a merit-based political party of Pakistan.

Imran calls for end to CIA operations, moving SC against drone attacks
Pakistan has had enough

Readers of Dawn newspaper, commenting online, were in no doubt how the Pakistani government should respond to Saturday's killing by US forces of 24 soldiers on Pakistan's side of the Afghan border. "Pakistan should acquire anti-aircraft defence systems ... so that in the future Pakistan can give Nato forces a proper reply," said Ali. "This is outrageous," wrote another reader, Zia Khan. "We should cut off all ties with the US. As long as we are getting US [anti-terror] aid ... Pakistan will be attacked in such a manner. They can never be trusted." Another, Obaid, turned his wrath on the Pakistani authorities: "Our self-centred establishment with their fickle loyalties can't even demand that the killers be tried in a neutral court ... What is the ability of our armed forces? If they can't repel or intercept an attack of this intensity, then what's their purpose? This is not a time to get mad. It's time to get even."

The fury of these respondents comes as no surprise, but Washington should treat it with deadly seriousness all the same, for this latest outrage is another fateful signpost on the road to a potential security and geostrategic disaster that may ultimately make Afghanistan look like a sideshow.

The 10-year-old Afghan war, neither wholly won nor lost, is slowly drawing to a close – or so Washington postulates. But what has not stopped is the linked, escalating destabilisation of the infinitely more important, more populous, and nuclear-armed Pakistan. If Washington does not quickly learn to tread more carefully, it may find the first US-Pakistan war is beginning just as the fourth Afghan war supposedly ends.

Anti-American feeling in Pakistan is becoming institutionalised at the higher levels of government, while opposition figures such as Imran Khan see their popularity rise on the back of diatribes aimed at Washington. Pakistan's western-educated, secular political elite is under brutal attack from Islamist militants who revile them as Washington's stooges. The knock-kneed government is mocked and despised for failing to stand up to its infidel paymasters even as Pakistan's own "war on terror" death toll rises into the tens of thousands.

Since 2001, when the Bush administration bluntly told Islamabad it must take sides, be either "for us or agin us" in the newly declared "war on terror", Pakistan has struggled under a plethora of imperious American demands, démarches and impositions that are at once politically indefensible and contrary to the perceived national interest.

The last year has been another humiliating one at the hands of the country's principal ally. Pakistanis have looked on impotently as US special forces flouted its sovereignty and killed Osama bin Laden under the army's nose; as the US stepped up drone terror attacks in Pakistani territory despite repeated protests; and as people-pleasing US senators and Republican presidential candidates have taken to picking on Pakistan and its aid bill in uninformed foreign policy rants.

Hillary Clinton and the Pentagon top brass have responded to Saturday's killing with the usual expressions of regret and of determination to "investigate", without formally admitting responsibility. Their pronouncements are worthless, transparently so.

The belief that weak, impoverished, divided Pakistan has no alternative but to slavishly obey its master's voice could turn out to be one of the seminal strategic miscalculations of the 21st century. Alternative alliances with China or Russia aside, Muslim Pakistan, if bullied and scorned for long enough by its western mentors, could yet morph through external trauma and internal collapse into quite a different animal. The future paradigm here is not another well-trained Indonesia or Malaysia. It is the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Pakistan has had enough | Simon Tisdall | Comment is free | The Guardian

But is it enough for Mr. Ten Percent and his top generals whose children are having luxurious lives in the US? I don't think so.
Do you think Pakistan can walk out form WoT??? And USA will let it happen?? If you forget let me remind how Pakistan joined WoT,

The US threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" unless it joined the fight against al-Qaeda, President Pervez Musharraf has said.

Imran is in opposition, Once he become PM, he will also do the same.
The Best Pakistan can do is help USA and ask them soft stand for Pakistan.
Do you think Pakistan can walk out form WoT??? And USA will let it happen?? If you forget let me remind how Pakistan joined WoT,

The US threatened to bomb Pakistan "back to the stone age" unless it joined the fight against al-Qaeda, President Pervez Musharraf has said.

Imran is in opposition, Once he become PM, he will also do the same.
The Best Pakistan can do is help USA and ask them soft stand for Pakistan.

No, Pakistan as it is cannot walk away but a Pakistan transformed into something like the Islamic Republic of Iran will surely not only walk away but also extract a price from the warmongers in Washington. There are some fools who think that america in 2001 and america in 2011 are same.
Imran slams rulers on Nato strike

Pakistan is facing challenges and threats because it is being ruled by 'NRO beneficiaries'.

Zardari has not so far issued any statement on the tragic loss of army officers and Jawans because all his assets are abroad, alleged Tehreek Insaf Chief Imran Khan here Monday.

He was talking to media after offering condolence with Ahmed Ali Mirani, the elder brother of martyred Major Mujahid Hussain, who embraced martyrdom in the Nato strike on Pakistani check-post on Afghan border.

Khan said Pakistan should offer resistance to Nato attacks, as this was not the first attack.

He demanded that all airbases should be got vacated and logistic support to Nato should be stopped.

He said that the matter should also be taken up at the United Nations Security Council.

He said the war on terror is not our war and it has given nothing but destruction to Pakistan and its people.

He said that precious funds are being spent on this war instead of on education and health.

"We are being killed by Nato forces while we still claim that we are fighting terrorism jointly with Nato forces."

Imran Khan said that during the recent All Parties Conference it was decided that political solution of this issue would be sought but nothing has yet been done.

He said that Pakistan is receiving threats because 'NRO beneficiaries' are running the government.

Khan later left for Kehar village to attend a meeting.

Imran slams rulers on Nato strike | Business Recorder
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