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Imam who reported terror suspect to authorities was doing his duty


Sep 5, 2012
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Imam who reported terror suspect to authorities was doing his duty - The Globe and Mail

It’s good news that a tip from an unnamed Toronto imam is the reason the police were able to foil an al-Qaeda-affiliated plot to derail a passenger train on Canadian soil, and the RCMP were right to make a talking point out of it. It is important to prevent incidents like Monday’s arrests from arousing divisive and harmful prejudices.

On the other hand, we should not go too far in praising the tipster. It is everyone’s civic duty to report a person who poses a threat to innocent people. A balance between gratitude and expectation needs to be struck.

The RCMP took the trouble to invite members of the Toronto Muslim community to a briefing prior to the news conference on Monday at which they announced the arrests of two men in connection with the derailment plot. Participants in the briefing said the police told them they would not have been able to track, and ultimately foil, the plot were it not for the imam who went to authorities in the first place. The community leaders said the police thanked them and urged them to spread the message.

According to imam’s lawyer, the imam became concerned when one of the two suspects in the plot tried to spread extremist propaganda among young Muslims. No one has said what the propaganda was, or whether there was specific talk of a terrorist act, but it was clearly enough to alarm the man, who went to the authorities.

It would be good to know exactly what the imam saw and heard. Radicalism in the Muslim community is an obvious problem that no one should paper over. Canada has produced its share of young, radical muslims who have taken part in, or planned, acts of terror here and abroad. The Muslim community has struggled with this complex issue, but the fact an imam came forward with important information is concrete proof the community is coming to terms with the role it absolutely must play.

Because the bottom line is that every person in Canada who comes across an obvious threat to the public has a duty to speak out.
And no one wants to discuss this.Not appreciating good is evil in its own right.

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And no one wants to discuss this.Not appreciating good is evil in its own right.


Doesn't matter, the massage got delivered to right people, Canadian public in general!
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And no one wants to discuss this.Not appreciating good is evil in its own right.


mon ami aeronaut, I have told you numerous time that most folks here do not want to discuss the good news ever, they always want a witch hunt to blame radicals and in extension the communitie, but in this case as a communitie, we found these scums and hopefully they are thrown in jail and once again credits to CSIS and RCMP down in Ottawa. As far as the long term implication, this will be a clear warning to the these radical scums that Canadienne musuluman communitie will not tolerate these immoral and heinious behavior but seriously, this is the first I will say that but we have to fix our visa/immigration policy as the good hard working people are coming less due to our criteria and more of these thugs that have no love for the countrie!

Once again merci/thanks to the person for opening these thread!
:) , bonne chance
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mon ami aeronaut, I have told you numerous time that most folks here do not want to discuss the good news ever, they always want a witch hunt to blame radicals and in extension the communitie, but in this case as a communitie, we found these scums and hopefully they are thrown in jail and once again credits to CSIS and RCMP down in Ottawa. As far as the long term implication, this will be a clear warning to the these radical scums that Canadienne musuluman communitie will not tolerate these immoral and heinious behavior but seriously, this is the first I will say that but we have to fix our visa/immigration policy as the good hard working people are coming less due to our criteria and more of these thugs that have no love for the countrie!

Once again merci/thanks to the person for opening these thread!
:) , bonne chance

I disagree. The younger one had good education. Did his masters, and joined a PhD in a rather obscure:lol: topic. I doubt he had any bad intention in the start otherwise he would not work so hard for his research. He probably was brainwashed. The older one though was, reportedly, under financial trouble.

Then again, I might be wrong.

Positive is, even those generally considered fundamentalist, like this Imam, are against terrorism.
I disagree. The younger one had good education. Did his masters, and joined a PhD in a rather obscure:lol: topic. I doubt he had any bad intention in the start otherwise he would not work so hard for his research. He probably was brainwashed.

Well, I might be wrong though.

Positive is, even those generally considered fundamentalist, like this Imam, are against terrorism.

The big point from this story is that our imams in the congregation are alert for these nutjobs and that is a very pleasent news for the communitie. I actually posted a new thread on the Americanne section about the new testifying rules and would love to have your input as a fellow canadienne on the matter mon ami.
The big point from this story is that our imams in the congregation are alert for these nutjobs and that is a very pleasent news for the communitie. I actually posted a new thread on the Americanne section about the new testifying rules and would love to have your input as a fellow canadienne on the matter mon ami.

Sorry, as an atheist and a not too liberal, I cannot present other side of the coin. I cant help but agree to the judge, so better ask a Muslim Canadian or anyone who opposes the move.
Sorry, as an atheist and a liberal, I cannot present other side of the coin. I cant help but agree to the judge, so better ask a Muslim Canadian or anyone who opposes the move.

ahahah I wanted someone to play devils advocate but sadly look like everyone agrees with the ruling, wish we had some Ron paul liberty folks :)
ahahah I wanted someone to play devils advocate but sadly look like everyone agrees with the ruling, wish we had some Ron paul liberty folks :)

You can try changing the title a bit, make it look like oppression of rights. You would be flooded!
Doesn't matter, the massage got delivered to right people, Canadian public in general!

Well, it certainly did. Its just the guys here who get a little hot under the collar when things like this happen and get talked about.
Good job Imam saab. Muslims(and the society at large) need more of your kind unlike the terrorist apologists and conspiracy theorists that we often see here.
All Muslims whether they live in the West or the East , in the North or the South, should be conscious of their duty towards each other and the larger community, by separating these islamist enemy from the community of Muslims - The Islamist enemy seeks to hide among Muslims by arguing that they too are Muslims, but they are in fact the enemy of humanity itself. Whereas Muslims seek to have faith in God, to the Islamist enemy Islam is merely a political utility, a tool that they fashion into a weapon to use against humanity but first and primarily against Muslims.

Look wherever the Islamist enemy is active and you will see, dead Muslims, Pakistan is a prime example, as is Afghanistan, as is Iraq, as is Syria, as Libya, as is Tunis, as is Algeria, as is Indonesia, as is the Caucasus - unfortunately many are seduced by the Islamist enemy.
And no one wants to discuss this.Not appreciating good is evil in its own right.


Just saw that, I appreciate him for the same.these people are need of the hour.

And no one wants to discuss this.Not appreciating good is evil in its own right.


Just saw that, I appreciate him for the same.these people are need of the hour.
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