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Illegal Vietnamese Workers Rush to China's Coastal Cities


Feb 26, 2010
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Since last year, Chinese police in Guangzhou, Dongguan plant seized a large number of illegal foreign workers a row, is located in the Sino-Vietnamese border, Guangxi Dongxing, Pingxiang be regarded as illegal workers from Vietnam into China's main channel. A large number of illegal workers into China, the influx of the Pearl River Delta and other developed areas of the plant, look for "Chinese workers dream."

Illegal immigrant workers flock to factories in China

This year on March 24, Fangchenggang City, Guangxi Public Security Frontier Detachment police in the South (Ning) North (sea) Highway Datang service area, intercepted a bus on the spot and arrested illegal immigrant Vietnamese workers 56. The destination of the Vietnamese workers at a factory in Guangdong Maoming.

In the 1020 km-long land borders of Guangxi and Vietnam, the Vietnamese almost daily path across the border into China, they are through buses, trains continue to flock to Guangdong, Fujian and other places of the plant.

"China's coastal areas there 'labor shortage', many Vietnamese on Vietnamese border from illegal immigrants, trying to Fujian, Guangdong and Nanning to wage." Municipal Public Security Frontier Detachment Chongzuo Zuo Zheng, chief of staff, said this year, Chongzuo City of Nanning to the border police officers and bus Expreeway intercepted consignments of Vietnamese illegal immigrants, "a 16-person working to go to a shoe factory in Fujian and another 100 people to go to Dongguan factory workers; other 40 people want to working on construction sites to Nanning. "

The evening of April 1 this year, Guangxi Police investigate two consecutive suspected cases of illegal immigration. Nanning Railway Station police station in a train bound for Guangdong province, discovered ways to leave for Nanning Maoming, Guangdong and other places of Vietnamese workers 19. This 19 Vietnamese illegal immigrants without documents, they said to the police from the Guangxi Daxin Sino-Vietnamese border into China, then take a bus to Nanning, in preparation for the train to Guangdong was discovered by police.

Guangxi Public Security Border Defense Corps, according to statistics, since 2009, Guangxi Public Security Border Defense Corps officers seized 225 illegal immigrants were granted in 1820, block 4839, the repatriation of 2218 people.








My comment on this issue:

China is not a country for immigrants. They should go to the land of amazing magic, freedom and blue bunnies the US instead. Why come to poor stupid communist no freedom dictatorship china? We have far too many poor people in our rural areas to take care of foreigners. Some of our provinces have HDI indexes on the level of india and subsaharan africa.
US wants highly skilled and educated workforce, not to mention they have 10% unemployment rate themselves.

Vietnamese probably know that coastal manufacturing wages have gone up compared to what they can get in rural china and Vietnam

not to mention that greedy employers can hire them cheaper compared to chinese, especially if they are of illegal status
2,000 people is not a very high number considering China-Vietnam share a large border (and history). Look at how many illegal Indians are in Japan, and these countries are an ocean and continent apart. There are millions of "illegal" (I don't consider them illegal as it was originally Mexican Natives land) Mexicans in USA.

Overall, this is not a bad thing. Why you ask?

Let me explain. Just recently I read in globaltimes that China-Tawain celebrated over 300,000 inter-region marriages.

What this adds to is integration, cooperation, and understanding between both sides.

This is like when two rival kingdoms would inter-marry to enhance harmony.

China and Vietnam share a very long history, more intimate than most foreigners understand. In Canada and USA we are taught (falsely) that the Vietnamese where 'uncivilized' and it was the (basterd) French who brought the written language to the Vietnamese people. =====> THIS IS UTTER RUBBISH! Vietnam already had written language THOUSANDS years before ANY Europeans did. VN was part of China. Translated into Chinese it is called "Yue Nan", where "Nam = Nan" means south. In fact the VN kingdom along with Guangxi was under one Chinese king.

Overall, I don't think there is any net migration between China and Vietnam -- and as explained above, this is not a negative issue.

There's a good reason why China sacrificed millions of its people to save Vietnam and Korea. Before the arrival of the European Imperialists, Asia was united under China. Did you know the British fought the Chinese in MALAYSIA. These were multi-generational Chinese (not new immigrants).

Let me tell you some more facts. Over 40 % of Thais are Chinese.... Okinawa was a Chinese island (like Taiwan) before the Japanese invaded and took it over. Okinawans don't have the characteristic nose most Japanese have. I personally don't have a problem with Japanese people, I state earlier I like them. They, like the Koreans are DIRECT DESCENDANTS of Chinese people. How can we 'hate' our own flesh and blood???

Now do you understand why "certain group" of people want to break up China ===> It is because without China, Asia will crumble. The glue holding Asia together is China. It has always been China for the last 10,000+ years. And it will be for the next 10,000 years... if Chinese people stay united.
I also wanted to share some more direct experiences I have.

The way forward is for a unified Asia -- including India.

When I was traveling around the globe, and in particular Asia I was very pleased. Asia is more harmonious and integrated than Canada + USA. Have you heard of the "Korean wave"???

I use this example to illustrate how we need to see the strengthening of other human beings as as strengthening of ourselves. The Korean Wave has swept all over ASIA in CJK + ASEAN. It is HUGE! Do you know even in occupied NE of India it is HUGE?!! The Korean government did a commendable and excellent and wise choice to promote Oriental Culture. That's a reason why Koreans are welcomed with open arms in Asia and around the globe. That is why their products, fashion, movies, music, dramas, etc are seen as hip & cool.

Chinese Kungfu + Bollywood + Korean Wave + Japanese Anime Sensation is as wonderful form of SOFT-POWER that benefits ALL Asians. In Arab nations they show all of this. It promotes understanding and tolerance. How do I know this? Because I interacted with Arabs, and they tell me this. So I think we need to share with each other our cultures more, to facilitate greater understanding and tolerance AND reduce the false, negative stereotypes being propagated.

Don't expect outsiders to speak the truth or positive things about us. They don't even give us the air time. We need to speak for ourselves, and to promote our own noble causes.
2,000 people is not a very high number considering China-Vietnam share a large border (and history). Look at how many illegal Indians are in Japan, and these countries are an ocean and continent apart. There are millions of "illegal" (I don't consider them illegal as it was originally Mexican Natives land) Mexicans in USA.

Overall, this is not a bad thing. Why you ask?

Let me explain. Just recently I read in globaltimes that China-Tawain celebrated over 300,000 inter-region marriages.

What this adds to is integration, cooperation, and understanding between both sides.

This is like when two rival kingdoms would inter-marry to enhance harmony.

China and Vietnam share a very long history, more intimate than most foreigners understand. In Canada and USA we are taught (falsely) that the Vietnamese where 'uncivilized' and it was the (basterd) French who brought the written language to the Vietnamese people. =====> THIS IS UTTER RUBBISH! Vietnam already had written language THOUSANDS years before ANY Europeans did. VN was part of China. Translated into Chinese it is called "Yue Nan", where "Nam = Nan" means south. In fact the VN kingdom along with Guangxi was under one Chinese king.

Overall, I don't think there is any net migration between China and Vietnam -- and as explained above, this is not a negative issue.

There's a good reason why China sacrificed millions of its people to save Vietnam and Korea. Before the arrival of the European Imperialists, Asia was united under China. Did you know the British fought the Chinese in MALAYSIA. These were multi-generational Chinese (not new immigrants).

Let me tell you some more facts. Over 40 % of Thais are Chinese.... Okinawa was a Chinese island (like Taiwan) before the Japanese invaded and took it over. Okinawans don't have the characteristic nose most Japanese have. I personally don't have a problem with Japanese people, I state earlier I like them. They, like the Koreans are DIRECT DESCENDANTS of Chinese people. How can we 'hate' our own flesh and blood???

Now do you understand why "certain group" of people want to break up China ===> It is because without China, Asia will crumble. The glue holding Asia together is China. It has always been China for the last 10,000+ years. And it will be for the next 10,000 years... if Chinese people stay united.

I understand the Tajikistan+eastern Kazakstan+Mongolia+southern Siberia+Korea+ Vietnam+Laos+Cambodia+Thailand+Burma+LiuQiuGuo, "Greater China" mentality, as they have all been previously ruled by Chinese dynasties under either sovereignty or suzerainty. But don't start claiming Japan as part of China, LOL.
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china's borders have been fluid throughout history.

maybe this will be the first time we incorporate japan.
^^^Besides time needed there might be too big a cultural difference already

I personally think if anything mongolia would be a good starting place, or north korea with economic integration.

But only if they want too.
^^^Besides time needed there might be too big a cultural difference already

I personally think if anything mongolia would be a good starting place, or north korea with economic integration.

But only if they want too.

lol... I don't think there is much of a cultural difference between China and Japan. In fact, they are so similar most Japanese actually think I'm Japanese!!!

I kid you not. The animosity between China, Korea, and Japan has vanished among the youths. Actually, Japan now is not "war-like" (Bushido culture) anymore.

I tried to find some japanese defence forums and threads.... nothing, I mean they are more concerned with hip, cool, anime, etc.

Even the old farts are no longer 'bushido' like.... it's actually sad for me since they have become too timid. Look at all the protests against USA in Okinawa --- so peaceful. Japanese have become too polite, and anti-politics.

Let's admit it, only the Koreans and Chinese (and Indians) around the globe are gung-ho nationalists. Even the Americans have toned down (mainly due to their declining stature).
japanese defense forums don't exist because japanese defense is US defense. they aren't warlike because they're being suppressed by the US. let japan go free, and the first one they'll bite is the US for nuking them.

koreans are nationalistic to the point of irrationality. at least we admit we're behind in many aspects, the koreans think they're gods of the universe.
japanese defense forums don't exist because japanese defense is US defense. they aren't warlike because they're being suppressed by the US. let japan go free, and the first one they'll bite is the US for nuking them.

koreans are nationalistic to the point of irrationality. at least we admit we're behind in many aspects, the koreans think they're gods of the universe.

:rofl: That is so true!

And that's why the Americans are so frightened about giving Japanese (true) independence, because the first one (and only?) they'll attack will be the Americans. I understand their thinking, because I think similarly. Honor and Rectification are in our blood. :angel:

The ONLY solution is for Americans to go on their knees, admit their mistakes and earnestly ask for forgiveness!

That's also the only way Chinese and Koreans will truly forgive Japanese. That's how we think. :azn:

Also, it's only the South Koreans that are like that, and only some of them. The North Koreans are like Manchurians-Beijingers, but I think less hot tempered.

:rofl: That is so true!

And that's why the Americans are so frightened about giving Japanese (true) independence, because the first one (and only?) they'll attack will be the Americans. I understand their thinking, because I think similarly. Honor and Rectification are in our blood. :angel:

The ONLY solution is for Americans to go on their knees, admit their mistakes and earnestly ask for forgiveness!

That's also the only way Chinese and Koreans will truly forgive Japanese. That's how we think. :azn:

Also, it's only the South Koreans that are like that, and only some of them. The North Koreans are like Manchurians-Beijingers, but I think less hot tempered.


north koreans and chinese-koreans are nice ppl. the south koreans... i dont wanna talk about them, the articles about them are all over the web.

glad to see you understand japan's situation =)
north koreans and chinese-koreans are nice ppl. the south koreans... i dont wanna talk about them, the articles about them are all over the web.

glad to see you understand japan's situation =)

Of course I do.

You know when USA slapped those phoney safety fines on TOYOTA, HONDA, MAZDA, etc.....

..... we ALL knew it was phoney. Sad part was Toyota's president Mr. Toyoda had to "go on his knees and apologized" for something non-existent.

Right there I was ashamed, because a proud Asian man had to admit to non-existent faults! Even the president of one Korean Auto company stated in newspaper this was un-called for as Japanese have the BEST SAFETY RECORD in the world.

If that happened to China, we'll *****-slap those Yankees back to the stone-ages!

I don't want Japanese to become Imperialist again and treat their Asian brothers and sisters as 2nd-class people (like the Whites do to us) ===> but that doesn't mean I enjoy their humiliation and pain. Contrary, I want Japan to wake up from it's long sleep and become a productive member of the Greater Asian Community!

Japan has a few years of punishment left. once it has been humiliated for 100 years, it would have learned its lesson. and the US Army is a harsh, harsh teacher, especially when it's your "ally".

more south vietnamese were killed by americans than by north vietnamese after all.
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