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Illegal Immigration from Bangladesh has to be Stopped: Aung Suu Kyi

Who cares what she says?

Most people. Including the West and the Chinese intelligentsia.

1. Bangladeshis do not migrate to Burma which is

a: A poverty stricken land
b: Apparently has only 13% of its population with electricity
c: about 5-6 insurgencies
d: many parts of the country under the control of rebel warlords
e: Rohingyas are not allowed to marry without the approval of racist officials who despise them.
f: Rohingyas are not allowed passports
g: Rohingyas are not allowed to move from one town to another without state approval.

2. Rohingyas are in fact seeking to flee from this racist Nazi state and are going by boat to as far as Malaysia, Thailand and even Indonesia.

3. Bangladesh has been relatively pacific about the whole Rohingya crisis despite the more aggressive attitude taken by other Muslim countries such as Turkey, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

However sooner or later we may have to consider the military option to liberate mainly Muslim Rohingya north Arakan or back an independent Muslim-Buddhist Arakan state.

The Burmese boy-soldier army can do very little against our military.


Burmese boy soldiers.

I don't want to get in the way of your amusingly little tirade but that boy is clearly not Myanmar Army. He is a child soldier fighting for one of the rebel armies. The M-16 is a giveaway.
Rohingyas are not bangladeshis,because that time there were no bangladesh.they should be called illegal indians?
I doubt if any sane minded would want to migrate,those 2 countries are simply shitholes.
Most people. Including the West and the Chinese intelligentsia.

Well, not relevant to us now is it?

I am all for cooperation in solving this matter with all concerned (including the US and China). And I admit, my country's government is not active enough to formulate something to reach a satisfactory conclusion in regards to this complicated matter.

But such blunt statements coming from Aung Saan do not help in solving anything.

Blunt statement to say the least.

Rohingyas are not bangladeshis,because that time there were no bangladesh.they should be called illegal indians?
I doubt if any sane minded would want to migrate,those 2 countries are simply shitholes.

Google Kingdom of Mrauk U.

Hell, the Rohingyas don't even speak Bengali.
I must confess I haven't read much about the topic so I may be way off base. But I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to migrate to Burma unless they were industrialists setting up some sweatshop to exploit cheap labor. Bangladesh's population density is high but it is not as if the whole country is packed like a can of sardines. That's as absurd as saying that Chinese are migrating to Mongolia because Mongolia has a lesser population density. I have seen products manufactured in Bangladesh - clothes, towels etc. - who the hell has ever used a product made in Burma? Except for family heirlooms. Why would anyone want to migrate to Burma?
Most importantly illegal bangladeshi immigration to india must be stopped,they are increasig poverty in bengal and creating unrest in NW states.
I must confess I haven't read much about the topic so I may be way off base. But I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to migrate to Burma unless they were industrialists setting up some sweatshop to exploit cheap labor. Bangladesh's population density is high but it is not as if the whole country is packed like a can of sardines. That's as absurd as saying that Chinese are migrating to Mongolia because Mongolia has a lesser population density. I have seen products manufactured in Bangladesh - clothes, towels etc. - who the hell has ever used a product made in Burma? Except for family heirlooms. Why would anyone want to migrate to Burma?
Its not due to population density, but better life or simply to avoid starvation.
I dont know enough about burma to compare the quality of life there. It has nothing to do with export too.
I must confess I haven't read much about the topic so I may be way off base. But I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to migrate to Burma unless they were industrialists setting up some sweatshop to exploit cheap labor. Bangladesh's population density is high but it is not as if the whole country is packed like a can of sardines. That's as absurd as saying that Chinese are migrating to Mongolia because Mongolia has a lesser population density. I have seen products manufactured in Bangladesh - clothes, towels etc. - who the hell has ever used a product made in Burma? Except for family heirlooms. Why would anyone want to migrate to Burma?

they went to Burma before 1947 and and we have many people who came from Myanmar like Khumi, mro

Khumi people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mro people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barred By Muslim Countries, Rohingya Muslims Sneaking Into India - Analysis Eurasia Review

This news is a music to the ears of Congress thugs who are governing India both at Central Govt. and in many states. A perfect one for vote bank politics being practised and perfected by Congress(I) party.

Congress party allowed thousands of Muslims with links to hardline Islamist organizations to settle in Assam and look what happened in Assam state last month.

The primary aim of Nehru-Gandhi gang is to bleed and destroy India and Hindus.

India is fast becoming a dumping ground for all the scum in this world which nobody wants.
Its not due to population density, but better life or simply to avoid starvation.
I dont know enough about burma to compare the quality of life there. It has nothing to do with export too.

I know enough about Burma to know that the country was ruled by a military junta which kept the country in the dark. I mean we share a border with Burma and still know nothing about it.
I must confess I haven't read much about the topic so I may be way off base. But I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to migrate to Burma unless they were industrialists setting up some sweatshop to exploit cheap labor. Bangladesh's population density is high but it is not as if the whole country is packed like a can of sardines. That's as absurd as saying that Chinese are migrating to Mongolia because Mongolia has a lesser population density. I have seen products manufactured in Bangladesh - clothes, towels etc. - who the hell has ever used a product made in Burma? Except for family heirlooms. Why would anyone want to migrate to Burma?

They're probably there for the same reason 2 million illegal Bengalis are in Pakistan (predominantly Karachi). And the reason being 'livelihood', I'm sure even with the Military Junta & bad conditions there are opportunities in Burma that attract some of them over there but in this case these guys are pre-47 Bengalis who went there before there was a Burma & should be counted as Burmese citizens of Bengali Ethnicity instead of as illegal Bangladeshis.
better life in burma?good joke mate.
Its a closed country and not much info is available. So I dont know how it is like (for a poor person) to live there.
Bangladeshis have been caught trying to sneak into pakistan from India border. Some bangladeshis died when they were being rescued from libya (they jumped from the boat).
So its not really a stretch to think they will not go to myanmar if there is opportunity.
More will do it seems with the rising sea level.. ironically, it's china their greatest saviour who are behind the spectacular rise in Global warming of late !!

you and your wet dreams...dnt worry we will ask the brahmin to build some boats, then we will float towards irrawardy, godavari and settle there. Then we will name that land Bangladesh.....happy :P
Mahathir Muhammad gave an interview to Al jazeera yesterday..... where he claimed that these people are not Bangladeshis, but living there for generations....many rohingyas migrated to malaysia during his time .. Aung Suu Kyi is not a trustworthy source as she needs votebank in myanmar
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