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Illegal Immigration from Bangladesh has to be Stopped: Aung Suu Kyi


Jun 12, 2011
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Even as the country accommodates thousands of Rohingyas despite its own population and poverty problems, Aung San Suu Kyi says illegal immigration from Bangladesh has to be stopped.

Suu Kyi, on a visit to neighbouring India, yesterday said she had declined to speak out on behalf of stateless Rohingya Muslims who live on both sides of the border because she wanted to promote reconciliation after the recent bloodshed.

More than 1,00,000 people have been displaced in Myanmar since June in two major outbreaks of violence in the western state of Rakhine.

But, for Bangladesh, the intrusion of Rohingyas from Myanmar is nothing new. It has already become a common feature of the bordering area at Teknaf since their first influx as refugees in 1978.

The country has sent back around 2,36,490 Rohingya refugees from 1992 to 2004.

It now accommodates around 29,000 registered Rohingya refugees, although different estimates suggest the number of the Myanmarese minorities unofficially living in and around Cox's Bazar ranges between 2.5 and 5 lakh.

"Don't forget that violence has been committed by both sides. This is why I prefer not to take sides and also I want to work towards reconciliation," she told NDTV news channel.

"Is there a lot of illegal crossing of the border [with Bangladesh] still going on? We have got to put a stop to it. Otherwise there will never be an end to the problem."

"Bangladesh will say all these people have come from Burma [Myanmar] and the Burmese say all these people have come over from Bangladesh."

The Nobel laureate, who was released from military-imposed house arrest in 2010, has faced criticism from human rights groups for her muted response to the ethnic violence in her homeland, reports AFP.

"This is a huge international tragedy and this is why I keep saying that the government must have a policy about their citizenship laws," she said.

Nicholas Farrelly, a Myanmar expert at Australian National University, told AFP that Suu Kyi's comments reflected domestic opinion.

"If she makes a mis-step, she could alienate her political base which is reluctant to have anything to do with the Rohingya," he said.

"She appears to be pivoting away from international human rights groups and is echoing sentiments inside Myanmar.

"Leaders in Myanmar feel international support flowing towards the Rohingya is inappropriate and that it misunderstands the situation."

Myanmar's 800,000 Rohingya are seen by the government and many in the country as illegal immigrants from neighbouring Bangladesh. They face severe discrimination that activists say has led to a deepening alienation.

"There are quarrels about whether people are true citizens under law or whether they have come over as migrants later from Bangladesh," Suu Kyi said.

"The security of the border surely is the responsibility of both countries."

The Rohingya, who make up the vast majority of those displaced in the recent fighting, are described by the UN as among the world's most persecuted minorities.

Suu Kyi, who is now a member of parliament after dramatic changes overseen by a quasi-civilian regime that took power last year, dismissed criticism that her response to the unrest in Rakhine had been inadequate.

"I am not ambivalent about my views on violence; violence is something that I abhor completely," she said.

"All those entitled to citizenship under the laws must be given citizenship, we say this very clearly."

Representatives of the Rohingya say their people have been in Myanmar for centuries but their ethnic history is the subject of fierce dispute.

US President Barack Obama's visit to Myanmar next week will underline the end of the country's pariah status since the recent reforms were initiated.

Suu Kyi declines to back Rohingyas
One thing I do not understand is of all this places ,
why a Bangladeshi would immigrate to Burma?
Why? Do they have better wages? Government support?
Social security?

Is it a common trait in our neighboring pits to label minority
muslims as Bangladeshis?

Minority population enjoys a greater freedom in our country it
Banana from Goa has a serious interest in Bangladesh and the Bangladeshi sub-forum.

Note how no Bangladeshi even cares about India and posts articles in the India sub-forum to provoke Indians.

Anyway let's see our friend "Banana" and his psychopathic fixation with Bangladesh.

1. First the hate-filled Indian from the former Portuguese colony of Goa posts an article about Bangladesh and Burma and a naval arms race, making sure to highlight in red the comments of a Burmese exile about Bangladesh being poor.


2. His psycopathic obsession with Bangladesh and all things Bangladeshi even extends to another part of the world, Saudi Arabia and the Indian from the former Portuguese colony of Goa opens this thread: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangladesh-defence/219580-saudi-beheads-bangladeshi-man.html

3. He then opens another thread about Bangladesh and goes back to Burma.


Notice how he does not comment in any of these threads, but merely starts the threads to insult, belittle and provoke Bangladeshis and then leave the thread for everyone to fight and argue whilst he - having achieved his mission of causing trouble - laughs with glee and perverse enjoyment.

A truly sick and disgusting psychopathic little man with a obsessive fixation with Bangladesh.
Who cares what she says? Most of the Rohingyas are still in Myanmar. And apparently, they would like to settle them in a "third country".

The ball is ultimately in their court.

This I just have to see....
Bangladeshi population density is already at it's tripping point, they won't even hesitate to immigrate to Somalia. Good to see India and Myanmar sharing their concerns.

Do you have any evidence to support that Bangladeshis migrate to Myanmar?

FYI, Cox's Bazar has some of the highest per capita incomes in the nation.

Thanks to tourism.
Do you have any evidence to support that Bangladeshis migrate to Myanmar?

FYI, Cox's Bazar has some of the highest per capita incomes in the nation.

Thanks to tourism.

Tourism doesn't cater large segment of the society, neither can it give employment to the majority. It has to be manufacturing or agriculture, don't know how Cox Bazar region fares in that.
More will do it seems with the rising sea level.. ironically, it's china their greatest saviour who are behind the spectacular rise in Global warming of late !!
Yes, we are migrating there to convert them to Islam. It's our duty to spread the message and this is how India was -islamized by our ancestors. Stop if you can.

So when you calling for 'Shariah for US'? :D
Yes, we are migrating there to convert them to Islam. It's our duty to spread the message and this is how India was -islamized by our ancestors. Stop if you can.

what are you smoking dude? Smells like crap :P
1. Bangladeshis do not migrate to Burma which is

a: A poverty stricken land
b: Apparently has only 13% of its population with electricity
c: about 5-6 insurgencies
d: many parts of the country under the control of rebel warlords
e: Rohingyas are not allowed to marry without the approval of racist officials who despise them.
f: Rohingyas are not allowed passports
g: Rohingyas are not allowed to move from one town to another without state approval.

2. Rohingyas are in fact seeking to flee from this racist Nazi state and are going by boat to as far as Malaysia, Thailand and even Indonesia.

3. Bangladesh has been relatively pacific about the whole Rohingya crisis despite the more aggressive attitude taken by other Muslim countries such as Turkey, Indonesia and Saudi Arabia.

However sooner or later we may have to consider the military option to liberate mainly Muslim Rohingya north Arakan or back an independent Muslim-Buddhist Arakan state.

The Burmese boy-soldier army can do very little against our military.


Burmese boy soldiers.
Yes, we are migrating there to convert them to Islam. It's our duty to spread the message and this is how India was -Islamized by our ancestors. Stop if you can.

The Islamic Army of the Islamic Republic of Bangladesh is Killing the same Illegal Bangladeshis when they get their A*s kicked by the Burmese.

In recent weeks, helicopter gunships of the Bangladesh Armed Forces have been allegedly bombing boats carrying Rohingyas fleeing from refugee camps in the Rakhine State in order to prevent their re-entry into Bangladesh.
Barred By Muslim Countries, Rohingya Muslims Sneaking Into India - Analysis Eurasia Review

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