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If there was a war between India and Bangladesh who would win it?

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Stop wishing about war, Go back to your Home and do what you are good for (Period) increasing your population.


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This is some serious shit, I guess we better hasten our procurement of 5th gen fighters, add a few more nuke subs, add a couple of more ACC'S and build a 1000 more A5 Nukes.
You mean against Mighty Pakistan??? Which one East Pakistan or Waste Pakistan ????

The one that keeps on attacking you but you don't have balls to retaliate . The one that you have countless debates on your shitty media . The one that killed alot of your soldiers in 2013 and 2014 cross border firings and you couldn't do shit . The one that beat you more times in Cricket and hockey head to head then it can remember . That Pakistan . :D
Please stay on "topics". Otherwise he will have to teach you all 'strategies' worked out by him which are kept secret and which you can't understand as they are war strategies and you don't know military 'technologies'.

@Rain Man don't troll thread posting sense please. Stick to topics. Hu hu hu
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