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IAF trying to rope in another PSU to Increase LCA Production Level?

Manufacturing capability? Seriously?

The situation in India is that 80% of R&D labs are owned by Govt., while 95% of Indian production is in Pvt. hand.

Just for starters, start to check sub contractors in LCA or SU-30 MKI programs. Or even in ISRO.

Then, it would be foolish to rope them a 4th Generation Plane assembly.
Instead NAL should be roped in & other private sector players should take active participation in it & graduate in assembly step by step.
Then, it would be foolish to rope them a 4th Generation Plane assembly.
Instead NAL should be roped in & other private sector players should take active participation in it & graduate in assembly step by step.
NAL is Defence R&D lab, filled with scientists, not even with engineers.

You want to give a production program to a R&D lab?
NAL is Defence R&D lab, filled with scientists, not even with engineers.

You want to give a production program to a R&D lab?

They can hire people.
I want to transform this R&D lab in full fledge aerospace companies.
Its make me cry that in India HAL, BEML, BEL or BDL treated as just production agency.
They can hire people.
I want to transform this R&D lab in full fledge aerospace companies.
Its make me cry that in India HAL, BEML, BEL or BDL treated as just production agency.
They cant, as NAL is under DRDO, DRDO is under MoD.

ADA is far far better than this because of LCA program, and right now topmost R&D agency in Aerospace.
They cant, as NAL is under DRDO, DRDO is under MoD.

ADA is far far better than this because of LCA program, and right now topmost R&D agency in Aerospace.

Wrong, NAL is under CSIR (NAL deemed to become counterpart of HAL in civilian aerospace)
ADA is one of the worthless organization in the DRDO.
It would be lot better if LCA project handled by HAL solely (too many cooks makes food mess)
Wrong, NAL is under CSIR (NAL deemed to become counterpart of HAL in civilian aerospace)
ADA is one of the worthless organization in the DRDO.
It would be lot better if LCA project handled by HAL solely (too many cooks makes food mess)
Sorry, about the NAL, but ADA is not under DRDO, its directly under MoD.

In DRDO majority of scientists are Engineers.
There is difference between research & producing product for end user.
Yes there is. I am not denying this, just correcting you that DRDO's researcher are Engineers.
Hiring engineers for research is pretty different than what engineers do in organizations like HAL or MDL.

So, yes they fall in category of Scientists, not engineers.
Show me?

Why source, just check there sites?


What's the reason behind IAF not inviting private sectors?
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