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IAF gives Black Cat Commandos wings to fly to crisis situations

why c-130j? AN-32s or IL-76s would have been enough! NSGs need aircrafts just for transportation,right? Why give such a sophisticatd bird for them?

I would like to add to the Sancho's post that not all the regions in our country has well built airstrips so hence the need of C130 arises here for example if a terror situation arises in a area where there are no airstrips then the Nsg will have to travel to a nearby airport(to the terror location) if they are travelling by a IL76 as IL76 cannot land in small or half prepared runways or they have to reach at the situation without any specialised vehicle or unsufficient equipment if they are travelling in an An32 which doesn't have enough lift capabillity hence C130 is a requirement here.
NSG is not a special force that is supposed to undertake operation against any external threats in a war like scenario.

That's right of course, but these aircrafts are meant not only for NSG, but for all Indian commando forces too, so incase any IA commando will be send behind enemy borders, these C130Js will be used!

From the starting post:

NSG trooper have carried out practice runs on the Hercules over the past six months, familiarising themselves with the working of the super-efficient aircraft.

The Air Force has also decided to train men of the Garud force -- its own commando force -- on the C-130Js to develop synergy.

The primary task for the Hercules, however, remains transportation and employment with the Army's Parachute Regimentunder which India's largest Special Forces operate.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...ings-fly-crisis-situations.html#ixzz20awjCpkh

Besides,IAF An-32s and IL-76s have night flying capability.

The An 32 not until they are upgraded afaik:

The AN-32 upgrade program appears to have survived India’s contract to purchase 6-12 C-130J Hercules aircraft configured for special forces operations, and appears to be complementary to it. On Oct 14/08, Zee News quoted Agra Air Station’s Air Officer Commanding Air Commodore Shouvik Roy:

“With special operations being the focus of the Air Force in the days to come, the upgraded aircraft will be used increasingly for operations involving tactical transport. The improved on-board avionics will facilitate night operations and even search and rescue.”

India Refurbishing its AN-32 Transport Fleet
They don't necessarily need to para-drop, the C-130s can land like any other aircraft, and then the troopers can disembark, just like from any other aircraft. And thats what they will be doing.

then threes no point ...a passenger plane will suffice ,or any heavy lift CHopper.

A C-130 j is meant to drop of units and supplies simultaneously and its mostly done via para drops.
For the First Time In India, the Armed Forces and NSG have been Gifted with The Latest and the Best Available Aircraft, A Very Positive Step Towards Modernisation and Thanks For Avoiding Rejected and Old Equipment, Hope the Trend Continues in all sectors of Imports in Refurbishing the Old and Rusted Assets, All The Best. A Happy Indian
I just love them :guns:





As we know IAF had set up to dedicated squads of these C130J-30s for special operations, personally, I would like to see another one in the south too, and that will increased with some other specialised aircrafts too, that IAF operates to transport and support the special forces:

- CV22 (SAR and penetration operations, for smaller commandos with vertical landing capability)
- C130J-30s (transport and penetration operations, paradroping and medium range operations for bigger commandos)
- A400 (same roles as C130J-30s + the capability to carry bigger vehicles to longer ranges, tanker roles to refuel CV 22s and C130Js)
- C130J or A400 fire support aircraft (credible fire support for ground forces)
Whilst I welcome this news I do hope it is merely temporary. Either the NSG are allowed to procure their own C-130Js (the most basic version would do, no need for the highly customized C-130Js the IAF has for SOF ops) or the C-130Js assigned to this role are replaced by 2-3 C-27J/CN-295 which will replace the Avros soon. I am pleased this capability has been given to NSG- with the Hercs going to each of the hubs across India this means an NSG CT taskforce can be anywhere in India in very short time and will defiantly help the NSG fight any future terror attack even if there are multiple targets. However using a C-130j-30 and that too the type the IAF have is incredible overkill, all you need is a taxi-like plane wherein you hop in and hop off at the other end. The NSG have no need for the special avionics on the C-130Js the IAF posses ie FLIR, AAR, MAWS, SATCOM etc. The C-130js the IAF procured were specifically for the IA/IN/IAF SOFs for penetrating enemy airspace and deep insertion missions. With these 4 being deployed across India that leaves 2 at Hindon on stand-by to undertake any mission the plane was actually bought to do ie support the true SOFs and this severely reduces this capabilities of the nation to launch these missions (not wholly but to a significant degree). I suspect that the reason these C-130s were selected by IAF was because of the high serviceability of these planes and as such they can be depended upon to be ready when needed, a trait most of the exisiting transport fleet (AN-32, IL-76, Avro etc) can not boast. As such I do expect in the future we could see the IAF C-130s relived of this duty. Additionally we can see the logic in this decision- if you read the article, it says the ARC is meant to support the NSG and transport them across the country (which I always thought was stupid as they operate mainly ELINT/SIGNIT a/c and limited transports) but the majority of the ARC is positioned well away from any of the NSG hubs and these assets are not ideally suited to supporting transport ops. Addtionally these C-130s are for the 4 hubs not the main taskforce located at Delhi airport so does this mean the ARC (located at the same location) is still responsible for transporting this force or does this duty now fall to the 2 C-130s based at Hindon?
I see that finally MOD seems to be waking up to this. It should have been there before 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai. But better late than never.

C-130Js would give the NSG a big boost in case (heavens forbid) there's a crisis situation. I just hope that during such a situation, NSG have the full power to operate the aircraft rather than IAF demanding stupid paper work from them before clearing them to use it.
That's right of course, but these aircrafts are meant not only for NSG, but for all Indian commando forces too, so incase any IA commando will be send behind enemy borders, these C130Js will be used!

From the starting post:

The An 32 not until they are upgraded afaik:

India Refurbishing its AN-32 Transport Fleet

I thought the An-32s upgradation are nearing completion in ukraine.
Also its no problem if NSG is allowed to use Super hercs,i am against but giving them a dedicated herc.

I would like to add to the Sancho's post that not all the regions in our country has well built airstrips so hence the need of C130 arises here for example if a terror situation arises in a area where there are no airstrips then the Nsg will have to travel to a nearby airport(to the terror location) if they are travelling by a IL76 as IL76 cannot land in small or half prepared runways or they have to reach at the situation without any specialised vehicle or unsufficient equipment if they are travelling in an An32 which doesn't have enough lift capabillity hence C130 is a requirement here.

In a terror situation in an area with no adequate landing strip,the normal procedure will be to land in an available landing strip and then take on in an heli or by road.

Also in an area with no perfect landing strip,but with a dirt landing strip will be an area where the armed forces presence is there. In such case the NSG is least likely to respond.

and i repeat:
Also its no problem if NSG is allowed to use Super hercs,i am against but giving them a dedicated herc.
I thought the An-32s upgradation are nearing completion in ukraine.
IAF has recieved three batches (5 each) of upgraded An-32s.Looking at the previous schedule it takes 5 to 6 months to upgrade a batch of planes.

India receives upgraded An-32s from Ukraine
India has taken delivery of a third batch of five upgraded Antonov An-32 transports, following their modernisation in Ukraine.

Ukrainian defence export agency Ukrspecexport announced the delivery on its web site. Under a 2009 deal Antonov is modernising 40 aircraft in Ukraine and another 65 at the Indian air force base in Kanpur.

The first batch of five modified aircraft were handed over in May 2011, followed by a second batch of five last September.

The upgraded An-32s have updated equipment including collision avoidance and ground proximity warning systems, satellite navigation, distance measuring equipment, upgraded radio altimeters, new radars with multifunctional indicators, plus new oxygen systems and improved crew seats.

The An-32 is similar to the An-26, but has more powerful turboprop engines mounted higher on the wing. It can operate from airfields up to 14,800ft (4,500m) above sea level, as well as in hot conditions. The type has proved effective at linking India's high mountain settlements with bigger cities.
i think Indian Army make
An Assessment & simulation

Make a battle field and fight them with Ajmal Kasab.
let see how can they survive and make an combat against him if he will good equipped with arms.
i did see its videos. with out any concern i think he is good fighter .....:thinktank:
NSG had been authorised to use any commercial airlines during the time of need after 26/11.
They already have BSF Helos at their disposal.
The C 130 fleet may be seen as backup and since this is not the primary roles of these aircrafts.
Most likely NSG will use the first commercial aircraft available on the runway during any situation.
i think Indian Army make
An Assessment & simulation

Make a battle field and fight them with Ajmal Kasab.
let see how can they survive and make an combat against him if he will good equipped with arms.
i did see its videos. with out any concern i think he is good fighter .....:thinktank:

Remember, he was caught ALIVE with Kalashnikov by policemen who were poorly armed with LATHIS and service pistols.
NSG had been authorised to use any commercial airlines during the time of need after 26/11.
They already have BSF Helos at their disposal.
The C 130 fleet may be seen as backup and since this is not the primary roles of these aircrafts.
Most likely NSG will use the first commercial aircraft available on the runway during any situation.

No, I'd say what was more likely would be that these C-130js would be the first option the NSG would now use as commendering a civil airliner is not going to be the quickest option avalible- you have to select an airliner, ask the airline, then find adequete flight crews, have the plane fuelled then have equipment loaded this could take hours. The C-130J would take a fraction of the time- the IAF crews would be ready and waiting and would be well drilled in what they are doing and cargo could be loaded quickly. The C-130l option is clearly going to faster in every case and the crews will know what they are doing.
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