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I was shaken to the core: Modi opens up on 2002riots


Sep 29, 2011
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AHMEDABAD: Just a day after a Gujarat court
upheld the SIT's clean chit to Gujarat chief
minister Narendra Modi for his alleged role in the
2002 riots, the Bharatiya Janata Party's prime
ministerial candidate wrote on his that he 'was
shaken to the core' because of the 'mindless
Opening up for the first time since the 2002
Gujarat riots that erupted in the wake of the
burning alive of karsevaks in a train at Godhra, he
wrote that the court's verdict was a victory for
peace, unity and brotherhood.
"I was shaken to the core. 'Grief', 'Sadness',
'Misery', 'Pain', 'Anguish', 'Agony' - mere words
could not capture the absolute emptiness one felt
on witnessing such inhumanity," he wrote.

Modi, who has been often been criticised by his
opponents for his nonchalant approach as a chief
minister during the riots, wrote in his blog that
post riots he prayed to God that "never again
should such cruelly unfortunate days come in the
lives of any other person, society, state or
Modi's personal views on the riots came after an
Ahmedabad court rejected a petition seeking the
prosecution of the Gujarat CM for his alleged role
in the 2002 riots.
The metropolitan court in Ahmedabad on
Thursday had rejected the petition filed by Zakia
Jafri, wife of late Congress MP Ehsan Jafri,
challenging the clean chit given to him by the
Special Investigation Team in the 2002 Gujarat
riots. Ehsan Jafri was one of the 68 people who
were massacred at the Gulbarg Society during the
post-Godhra communal riots.
Modi also hit out at his political opponents for
blaming him for the riots. He wrote, "As if all the
suffering was not enough, I was also accused of
the death and misery of my own loved ones, my
Gujarati brothers and sisters. Can you imagine
the inner turmoil and shock of being blamed for
the very events that have shattered you!

"For so many years, they incessantly kept up their
attack, leaving no stone unturned. What pained
even more was that in their overzealousness to
hit at me for their narrow personal and political
ends, they ended up maligning my entire state
and country. This heartlessly kept reopening the
wounds that we were sincerely trying to heal. It
ironically also delayed the very justice that these
people claimed to be fighting for. Maybe they did
not realize how much suffering they were adding
to an already pained people."
Read the entire blog below:
Satyameva Jayate: Truth Alone Triumphs
My dear sisters and brothers,
The law of nature is that Truth alone triumphs -
Satyameva Jayate. Our judiciary having spoken, I
felt it important to share my inner thoughts and
feelings with the nation at large.
The end brings back memories of the beginning.
The devastating earthquake of 2001 had plunged
Gujarat into the gloom of death, destruction and
sheer helplessness. Hundreds of lives were lost.
Lakhs were rendered homeless. Entire livelihoods
were destroyed. In such traumatic times of
unimaginable suffering, I was given the
responsibility to soothe and rebuild. And we had
whole heartedly plunged ourselves into the
challenge at hand.
Within a mere five months however, the mindless
violence of 2002 had dealt us another unexpected
blow. Innocents were killed. Families rendered
helpless. Property built through years of toil
destroyed. Still struggling to get back on its feet
from the natural devastation, this was a crippling
blow to an already shattered and hurting Gujarat.
I was shaken to the core. 'Grief', 'Sadness',
'Misery', 'Pain', 'Anguish', 'Agony' - mere words
could not capture the absolute emptiness one felt
on witnessing such inhumanity.
On one side was the pain of the victims of the
earthquake, and on the other the pain of the
victims of the riots. In decisively confronting this
great turmoil, I had to single-mindedly focus all
the strength given to me by the almighty, on the
task of peace, justice and rehabilitation; burying
the pain and agony I was personally wracked
During those challenging times, I often recollected
the wisdom in our scriptures; explaining how
those seating in positions of power did not have
the right to share their own pain and anguish.
They had to suffer it in solitude. I lived through
the same, experiencing this anguish in searingly
sharp intensity. In fact, whenever I remember
those agonizing days, I have only one earnest
prayer to God. That never again should such
cruelly unfortunate days come in the lives of any
other person, society, state or nation.
This is the first time I am sharing the harrowing
ordeal I had gone through in those days at a
personal level.
However, it was from these very built up
emotions that I had appealed to the people of
Gujarat on the day of the Godhra train burning
itself; fervently urging for peace and restraint to
ensure lives of innocents were not put at risk. I
had repeatedly reiterated the same principles in
my daily interactions with the media in those
fateful days of February-March 2002 as well;
publically underlining the political will as well as
moral responsibility of the government to ensure
peace, deliver justice and punish all guilty of
violence. You will also find these deep emotions
in my recent words at my Sadbhavana fasts,
where I had emphasized how such deplorable
incidents did not behove a civilized society and
had pained me deeply.
In fact, my emphasis has always been on
developing and emphasizing a spirit of unity; with
the now widely used concept of 'my 5 crore
Gujarati brothers and sisters' having crystallised
right at the beginning of my tenure as CM itself
from this very space.
However, as if all the suffering was not enough, I
was also accused of the death and misery of my
own loved ones, my Gujarati brothers and sisters.
Can you imagine the inner turmoil and shock of
being blamed for the very events that have
shattered you!
For so many years, they incessantly kept up their
attack, leaving no stone unturned. What pained
even more was that in their overzealousness to
hit at me for their narrow personal and political
ends, they ended up maligning my entire state
and country. This heartlessly kept reopening the
wounds that we were sincerely trying to heal. It
ironically also delayed the very justice that these
people claimed to be fighting for. Maybe they did
not realize how much suffering they were adding
to an already pained people.
Gujarat however had decided its own path. We
chose peace over violence. We chose unity over
divisiveness. We chose goodwill over hatred. This
was not easy, but we were determined to commit
for the long haul. From a life of daily uncertainty
and fear; my Gujarat transformed into one of
Shanti, Ekta and Sadbhavana. I stand a satisfied
and reassured man today. And for this, I credit
each and every Gujarati.
The Gujarat Government had responded to the
violence more swiftly and decisively than ever
done before in any previous riots in the country.
Yesterday's judgement culminated a process of
unprecedented scrutiny closely monitored by the
highest court of the land, the Honourable
Supreme Court of India. Gujarat's 12 years of trial
by the fire have finally drawn to an end. I feel
liberated and at peace.
I am truly grateful to all those who stood by me
in these trying times; seeing through the facade
of lies and deceit. With this cloud of
misinformation firmly dispelled, I will now also
hope that the many others out there trying to
understand and connect with the real Narendra
Modi would feel more empowered to do so.
Those who derive satisfaction by perpetuating
pain in others will probably not stop their tirade
against me. I do not expect them to. But, I pray
in all humility, that they at least now stop
irresponsibly maligning the 6 crore people of
Emerging from this journey of pain and agony; I
pray to God that no bitterness seeps into my
heart. I sincerely do not see this judgement as a
personal victory or defeat, and urge all - my
friends and especially my opponents - to not do
so as well. I was driven by this same principle at
the time of the Honourable Supreme Court's 2011
judgement on this matter. I fasted 37 days for
Sadbhavana, choosing to translate the positive
judgement into constructive action, reinforcing
Unity and Sadbhavana in society at large.
I am deeply convinced that the future of any
society, state or country lies in harmony. This is
the only foundation on which progress and
prosperity can be built. Therefore, I urge one and
all to join hands in working towards the same,
ensuring smiles on each and every face.
Once again, Satyameva Jayate!
Vande Mataram!
Narendra Modi

I was shaken to the core: Modi opens up on 2002 riots - Yahoo News India
poor guy being targetted just because he is in BJP...
he is not even an upper caste...
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