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‘I was framed’: Court outburst by mining tycoon Liu Han as he is sentenced to death


Mar 1, 2012
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‘I was framed’: Court outburst by mining tycoon Liu Han as he is sentenced to death | South China Morning Post

A Sichuan mining tycoon with links to former domestic security tsar Zhou Yongkang erupted in anger when he was sentenced to death yesterday for leading a mafia-style gang.

In a brief hearing in Xianning, Hubei province Liu Han, 48, yelled "I've been framed" and "I've been wronged" to the court before guards took him away, two court witnesses said.

He was found guilty of 13 charges, including murder, running casinos and illegally selling firearms. His younger brother, Liu Wei, also known as Liu Yong, also received a death sentence, according to the microblog account of the Xianning Intermediate People's Court.

The case of Liu Han was considered by investigators to be a prelude to a highly anticipated case against Zhou, commonly referred to as the "giant tiger" who was closely connected with the mining magnate.

The term echoes President Xi Jinping's pledge to crack down on both "tigers" and "flies" (top and junior officials) in his anti-corruption campaign.

Zhou, a former member of the Politburo Standing Committee, is under detention while he is investigated for corruption.

People familiar with the situation said Zhou used to ask Liu Han to look after his elder son, Zhou Bin, who had at least two business dealings with Liu.

The court also ordered the confiscation of the Liu brothers' personal assets. Liu Han's Hanlong group - a conglomerate founded in 1997 with interests ranging from energy to real estate - was fined 300 million yuan (HK$377 million) for crimes including the use of fraudulent information to obtain bank loans.

"Liu Han and Liu Wei are bounded with heinous minds and sinister acts, which had extremely negative effects on society," the court said in a post.

Thirty-three other defendants were given sentences ranging from three years in jail to the death penalty, the court said.

Sun Xiaodong, a key player in the Hanlong Group, escaped punishment because he testified to the court.

Liu Han denied most of the allegations against him, including running a criminal gang, when he appeared in court in April. Liu Wei told the court his confessions were obtained under torture.

"The police beat me every day when I was detained in Beijing," court witnesses quoted Liu Wei as saying. "They said if I didn't make the confessions, they would arrest my wife and child."

Liu Han said he would forgive his brother for any wrong he had done. "We will still be brothers for the next life," he said.

"No, brother, I did not do anything wrong," Liu Wei replied.

A family member who declined to be named said earlier that Liu Han was innocent. "You could charge him with anything, including economic crimes. But he is not a gangster," the family member told the South China Morning Post. "He is so rich and has wide connections. He has no reason to lead a gang."

Liu's political connections ensured his case was marked as a top priority by Xi, a source close to the case said earlier.

More than 150 Communist Party officials went to oversee Liu Han's trial, including the vice-president of the country's top court, Li Shaoping, deputy chief prosecutor Zhu Xiaoqing and other security and propaganda higher-ups.

"This might have set a very bad example for future cases linked to Zhou Yongkang," said another person close to the case, who indicated it would give the impression the court was not independent. "It is impossible for the judges to make independent rulings when this many senior officials supervise the case."

The Post has previously reported that Liu built his empire into a vast web connecting senior officials across the country. Sources said the long list of senior cadres who may have received money from Liu Han included high-ranking current or former officials from Hainan, Yunnan and the Sichuan capital of Chengdu .

Zhou and his son are under detention for corruption investigations, while the rest of the officials that had connections with Liu Han remain in office.

Seems the noose is tightening around Zhou Yongkang :coffee:.
This is China's internal issues, don't post this in a foreign forum.

Do you want to give those anti-China foreigners more chance to click on CPC?

Yeah, behind Zhou Yongkang you got Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Mianheng. So what? These individuals don't represent the original CPC, they were formed because of Deng's irregulated economic reform.

BTW, i am glad that we got a Maoist leader like Xi Jinping to stop this trend of corruption.
This is China's internal issues, don't post this in a foreign forum.

Do you want to give those anti-China foreigners more chance to click on CPC?

Yeah, behind Zhou Yongkang you got Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Mianheng. So what? These individuals don't represent the original CPC, they were formed because of Deng's irregulated economic reform.

BTW, i am glad that we got a Maoist leader like Xi Jinping to stop this trend of corruption.

It's a discussion forum not a gulag....chill...

On topic..."that's what they all say..."
This is China's internal issues, don't post this in a foreign forum.

Do you want to give those anti-China foreigners more chance to click on CPC?

Yeah, behind Zhou Yongkang you got Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Mianheng. So what? These individuals don't represent the original CPC, they were formed because of Deng's irregulated economic reform.

BTW, i am glad that we got a Maoist leader like Xi Jinping to stop this trend of corruption.

Look at on the bright side, our leader is doing something against corruption. Plenty anti China members here often addressed we have lots of corruption. In China it could lead to death penalty whereas in the western countries those corrupt businessmen can get away easily.
Look at on the bright side, our leader is doing something against corruption. Plenty anti China members here often addressed we have lots of corruption. In China it could lead to death penalty whereas in the western countries those corrupt businessmen can get away easily.

Yeah, we could be proudly declared when CPC has arrested Jiang Zemin's son, since none of the western government dares to arrest anyone from their corporate elites.
This is China's internal issues, don't post this in a foreign forum.

Do you want to give those anti-China foreigners more chance to click on CPC?

Calm down bro, there's nothing here so secret that needs to be hidden. If they want to attack us, they'll go into the Viet thread and whine about the oil rig. I don't think they care about internal corruption.
Calm down bro, there's nothing here so secret that needs to be hidden. If they want to attack us, they'll go into the Viet thread and whine about the oil rig. I don't think they care about internal corruption.
So why did you bring it up here !? Want go to orgasm between Chinese here !? :laugh:
This is China's internal issues, don't post this in a foreign forum.

Do you want to give those anti-China foreigners more chance to click on CPC?

Yeah, behind Zhou Yongkang you got Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Mianheng. So what? These individuals don't represent the original CPC, they were formed because of Deng's irregulated economic reform.

BTW, i am glad that we got a Maoist leader like Xi Jinping to stop this trend of corruption.

Hi, tiger, just chill. It's ok, we never lack Chinese hater's trash talk, just a single thread won't change anything. China is not that perfect, but we have confidence. Those modafakas can always attack China without any cause.
This is China's internal issues, don't post this in a foreign forum.

Do you want to give those anti-China foreigners more chance to click on CPC?

Yeah, behind Zhou Yongkang you got Zeng Qinghong and Jiang Mianheng. So what? These individuals don't represent the original CPC, they were formed because of Deng's irregulated economic reform.

BTW, i am glad that we got a Maoist leader like Xi Jinping to stop this trend of corruption.

Deng is weakling. He cut the military spending and allowed western media and NGOs into China. It is because of Deng that China has most of these problems. While he was in exile, I think he had contacts with the CIA because CIA loves exiles of CPC members.
Deng is weakling. He cut the military spending and allowed western media and NGOs into China. It is because of Deng that China has most of these problems. While he was in exile, I think he had contacts with the CIA because CIA loves exiles of CPC members.

Those Dengist cults always act like it was Deng who saved China from the destruction of the cultural revolution.

But the fact is; the economic reform is an unstoppable trend that will be proceeded no matter who is in charge, it is not Deng's privilege as China's only economic reformist.

And they have left a lot of mess under the economic reform and let their family to take the opportunity to become extremely rich, the gap of the rich and the poor has increased tremdously.

Deng and his followers have simply breached the trust built by Chairman Mao's CPC and the Chinese people over the decades.

Xi Jinping now must bring the Maoism back in order to restore this lost trust under Deng and his successors.
Those Dengist cults always act like it was Deng who saved China from the destruction of the cultural revolution.

But the fact is; the economic reform is an unstoppable trend that will be proceeded no matter who is in charge, it is not Deng's privilege as China's only economic reformist.

And they have left a lot of mess under the economic reform and let their family to take the opportunity to become extremely rich, the gap of the rich and the poor has increased tremdously.

Deng and his followers have simply breached the trust built by Chairman Mao's CPC and the Chinese people over the decades.

Xi Jinping now must bring the Maoism back in order to restore this lost trust under Deng and his successors.

Deng was a liberal. He was pro-western. Just look at his glee when shaking the hand of western leaders. He did everything the western leaders wanted...everything. Chinese companies were destroyed when he let western corporations unchecked into the Chinese market. He is the reason corruption started to skyrocket in China. His liberalism has caused Chinese youth to abandon Chinese culture and worship western culture and Chinese girls to think the western man is the perfect human through the infiltration of western propaganda into China.
Deng was a liberal. He was pro-western. Just look at his glee when shaking the hand of western leaders. He did everything the western leaders wanted...everything. Chinese companies were destroyed when he led western corporations unchecked into the Chinese market. He is the reason corruption started to skyrocket in China. His liberalism has caused Chinese youth to abandon Chinese culture and worship western culture and Chinese girls to think the western man is the perfect human through the infiltration of western propaganda into China.

Also don't forget Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang, these two are even more liberal than Deng, they even attempted to overthrow Deng and made China a complete colony to the US.

While Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao are both the puppets raised by Deng, but the two puppets dislike each other as well.

Jiang wants to build up his own Shanghai faction to displace Deng's faction, while Hu is more loyal to Deng's faction.
If liberalism wins in China, then China is officially finished. Liberals are pro-west and want to be a colony of the US. Getting close to the US will be disaster for China. US is no friend of China. They want to see China weak and under the western control. Never trust Westerners (especially the Anglo-Saxons), they are snakes that believe in white supremacy and want the whole world to believe in their ideology. Liberal Chinese are in love with the Western idealogical propaganda and that is why liberals are the biggest threat to China. The more conservative China gets, the safer China will become from the western cancer. Conservatism is like a cure to the liberal and Western cancer.
If liberalism wins in China, then China is officially finished. Liberals are pro-west and want to be a colony of the US. Getting close to the US will be disaster for China. US is no friend of China. They want to see China weak and under the western control. Never trust Westerners (especially the Anglo-Saxons), they are snakes that believe in white supremacy and want the whole world to believe in their ideology. Liberal Chinese are in love with the Western idealogical propaganda and that is why liberals are the biggest threat to China. The more conservative China gets, the safer China will become from the western cancer. Conservatism is like a cure to the liberal and Western cancer.

Agreed fully. And the president agrees, either. :) The bright side is that the system is able to bring up the best and brightest. After Bush, all the US was able to get was an average

Confidence in culture will grow as the economy and general wealth grows... Cultural submission to the West is not specific to China. All poor countries admire to be one of them. But now, China is less dependent, and more confident.

Think about English reform a step in that direction.

"No country should presume that we will engage in trade involving our core interests or that we will swallow the 'bitter fruit' of harming our sovereignty, security or development interests." (Xi Jinping)
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