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I love my wife, but she denies me intimacy sometimes and I’m frustrated

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New Recruit

Mar 24, 2013
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I love my wife dearly. I just can't imagine how life would be without her. When I am with her its like I have the whole world in my hands. We are both very good-looking and romantic and I happen to have a high sex-drive. Yes my wife does give me some intimacy, but at some times she always refuses.

I have mixed feelings about this because I know its her body and I don't want to force myself on her and hurt her but I have this burning passion to go into her. Don't get me wrong, I have no desire to cheat on her nor do I want a second wife -I never want to hurt her feelings that is why - but I become desperate at times.

As a teenager I used to masturbate and (sometimes I even watched ****, but not as much as other kids in my class). I used to repent to Allah every time and I tried to give up this haram activity and I would give up such haram activities for months on end before I fell into these sins again. Eventually the frequency of haram activity declined to the extent that I only masturbated occasionally after months. Eventually I stopped, Alhamdulillah, and kept my gaze down. I felt guilty for my haram activities as a teenager and thought to myself I don't deserve to get married to a good girl or virgin.

I got married years later, Alhamdulillah, and I loved my wife very much. I burnt up all my passion with her and this strengthened our love. However at times she becomes moody and denies me intercourse because she is simply not in the mood. I know everyone says that the angels will curse her for not coming to my bed but I ask Allah to forgive her each time she does that because I understand that she may not be in the mood for intimacy at times just as I am not in the mood of doing certain things at time..it's human nature.

She doesn't always deny me intimacy always, just sometimes. And I never want t o hurt her feelings by getting a second wife or cheating on her, so I contemplated masturbation as that would not hurt her if she ever knew. But masturbation is also a sin. So I thought of fasting but I knew that fasting isn't of much help as she gives me sex some days and other days she doesn't, depending on her mood and so I don't know her schedule.

I fear masturbating or even falling onto other worse sins, so I want to take testosterone reducing drugs which will reduce my desire compatible to a level with her. That way all my problems will be solved, and as far as I have researched they are not haram either. That way I won't fall into sin nor will I ever risk hurting my wife's feelings.

Sisters, I'd like to ask you how you would feel about your husband if he masturbated behind your back when you deny him intimacy only because he feels that if he doesn't he will cheat on you or remarry and doesn't want to do those things because it will hurt your feelings?

P.S. By wanting more sexual activity, I do not mean a desire for more women. When I mean more desire, it means more frequent sex with my wife. I have NO desire for any other woman besides my wife.
There are some foods which will increase sex drive, try them ...... :D, May be she is upset try to find out the reason .....,

It is weird to think angels will curse if wife denies sexual intercourse and who says masturbation is sin ........ :lol:
epic proportions lol

indians are trolling false flag
There are some foods which will increase sex drive, try them ...... :D, May be she is upset try to find out the reason .....,

It is weird to think angels will curse if wife denies sexual intercourse and who says masturbation is sin ........ :lol:

ya us ke khany main goli milaoo beta :woot: maza a jaay ga and then you said to her i have no mode baby let her burn whole night :devil:
Sounds like a Personal Problem , Mate.

What you want me to do ?:omghaha:
Woman saying no to her man, ends of time :coffee:
I heard of a magic cure called Dhaniya ka Paani :cheesy:
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