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I have been diagnosed with cancer.

I have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer,about a week ago.
I hope you guys don't think that i am being pretentious.
I have been diagnosed with cancer at stage 0 and my radiotherapy will start on Monday.
Just wanted your best wishes guys :)

Good luck with the treatment and dont worry. Its curable, at most they will surgically remove the gland and you might have to take essential thyroid hormones for the rest of your life, daily. You will get over this soon.
I have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer,about a week ago.
I hope you guys don't think that i am being pretentious.
I have been diagnosed with cancer at stage 0 and my radiotherapy will start on Monday.
Just wanted your best wishes guys :)
dont worry its good thing that its diagnosed at early stage and the prognosis of thyroid cancer is very good except Anaplastic thyroid cancer which has poor prognosis . so dont worry you will be fine .
Best of luck for your treatment
BTW can you tell me what type of thyroid cancer you have ? Papillary , follicular , medullary or anaplastic ?
I have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer,about a week ago.
I hope you guys don't think that i am being pretentious.
I have been diagnosed with cancer at stage 0 and my radiotherapy will start on Monday.
Just wanted your best wishes guys :)

Is it papillary ?? You say stage 0 so it should be micro carcinoma at this point... Have you already been thru the surgery or was this diagnosed via FNAC ?

btw, I am a fellow survivor ..
f caught in its early stages, this "throat cancer" can be cured 85% of the time by surgery or radiation.

Later stages are more problematic. Douglas says his doctors have diagnosed "late stage IV" cancer.

"For the advanced stage IV cancers, it depends on the situation with the lymph nodes in the neck," Har-El says. "There is over a 60% chance of remission if it has not spread to the lymph nodes. But if it already has spread to the lymph nodes in the neck, the odds of remission are more like 40% or 30%."

Douglas says his cancer has spread to his head and neck, but that his doctors say his odds of survival are 80%.

Teknos says there's no reason to doubt this assessment.

"We think he is still in the curable category, stage IVa," he says. "Of course we don't know, but his curability could be quite acceptable."

Interestingly, oropharyngeal cancer caused by HPV is much more easily cured -- even at late stages -- than cancer caused by smoking and drinking.
Very fortunate that you have been diagnosed at an early stage.Nonetheless you must be freaked out,we are all here on your side.Do keep us in the know on your progress.God bless.
Really sad to hear that buddy. get well soon. May All-mighty God bless you

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