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Baby Leone

Aug 25, 2011
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I am not just terrorism, Corruption.
I am Abdul Sattar Edhi’s philanthropy.
I am Ansar Burney’s Compassion.
I have the courage of Rashid Minhas.
I possess the beauty of Sadequain’s calligraphy.
I am Arfa Karim’s brilliance.
I am Pervez Masih’s sacrifice.
I am Shahid Afridi’s exuberance.
I am Jahangir Khan’s consistency.
I am the 1992 Cricket World Cup.
I am Sharmeen Obaid’s Oscar.
I am Cowasjee’s pen.
I am Dr. Abdus Salam’s Nobel Prize.
I am Gulgee’s Masterstrokes.
I am Noor Jehan and Mehdi Hassan’s Voice.
I am Ayub Ommaya’s Invention.
I am Adeeb Rizvi’s humanitarianism.

I am home to the ancient civilization of Indus Valley, Moenjodaro, Taxila and Harappa. Himalayas and The Hindu Kush are part of me.
The world’s 2nd highest mountain peak K2, is my strength.
I am Shandur, the highest Polo ground in the world.
I am Gwadar, one of the world’s largest deep sea ports.
Karakoram Highway, the 8th wonder of the world, resides within me.
I have Khewra mines, the world’s second largest and oldest salt mine.
I am Shah Faisal Mosque, the ninth largest mosque in the world.
I am Multi-Ethnic and I speak more than 60 languages.
I am the 6th largest milk producer and the 4th lasgest cotton producer in the world.
I have the 5th largest coal and gold reserves.
I am blessed with the 10th largest workforce in the world.
I have the 27th largest economy.
I have the potential to become the 5th largest telecom market in the world.
I am Asia’s 2nd best performing stock exchange.
I am the 9th largest English-Speaking nation in the world.
I am the 7th largest standing armed force.

I am a country of 180 million people.
I am an ever-expanding middle class.
A proud nuclear-armed state yet peace-loving.
I have the highest number of peace keeping troops in UN missions.
I am a model of survival.
I am 40,000 deaths for global peace.
I am an epitome of resilience.
I am hospitality.
I am a sea of untapped potential.
I am a goldmine of opportunities.


Proud to be a Pakistani...:)

God Bless Pakistan,
God Bless World.

Self proclaimed titles are not good, but yes Pakistan is a resilient nation.
Haters gonna hate because of what I am , n what I am destined to become, A prosperous Nation and I am Pakistan

Long Live Imran Khan , Pak Army and Pakistan.
2nd Bravest Brother After Turks :D :D:azn:



16 Turkish Empires


World War 1 - Turks vs Greece , Armenians , French Empire + French West Africa , British Empire + British Inida + New zealand + Australian , United States Naval Support , Italy , Russian Empire

I am not just terrorism, Corruption.
I am Abdul Sattar Edhi’s philanthropy.
I am Ansar Burney’s Compassion.
I have the courage of Rashid Minhas.
I possess the beauty of Sadequain’s calligraphy.
I am Arfa Karim’s brilliance.
I am Pervez Masih’s sacrifice.
I am Shahid Afridi’s exuberance.
I am Jahangir Khan’s consistency.
I am the 1992 Cricket World Cup.
I am Sharmeen Obaid’s Oscar.
I am Cowasjee’s pen.
I am Dr. Abdus Salam’s Nobel Prize.
I am Gulgee’s Masterstrokes.
I am Noor Jehan and Mehdi Hassan’s Voice.
I am Ayub Ommaya’s Invention.
I am Adeeb Rizvi’s humanitarianism.

I am home to the ancient civilization of Indus Valley, Moenjodaro, Taxila and Harappa. Himalayas and The Hindu Kush are part of me.
The world’s 2nd highest mountain peak K2, is my strength.
I am Shandur, the highest Polo ground in the world.
I am Gwadar, one of the world’s largest deep sea ports.
Karakoram Highway, the 8th wonder of the world, resides within me.
I have Khewra mines, the world’s second largest and oldest salt mine.
I am Shah Faisal Mosque, the ninth largest mosque in the world.
I am Multi-Ethnic and I speak more than 60 languages.
I am the 6th largest milk producer and the 4th lasgest cotton producer in the world.
I have the 5th largest coal and gold reserves.
I am blessed with the 10th largest workforce in the world.
I have the 27th largest economy.
I have the potential to become the 5th largest telecom market in the world.
I am Asia’s 2nd best performing stock exchange.
I am the 9th largest English-Speaking nation in the world.
I am the 7th largest standing armed force.

I am a country of 180 million people.
I am an ever-expanding middle class.
A proud nuclear-armed state yet peace-loving.
I have the highest number of peace keeping troops in UN missions.
I am a model of survival.
I am 40,000 deaths for global peace.
I am an epitome of resilience.
I am hospitality.
I am a sea of untapped potential.
I am a goldmine of opportunities.


Proud to be a Pakistani...:)

God Bless Pakistan,
God Bless World.


ah forgot Turks + Pakistani Brothers + Caucasian Azerbaijani Brothers and few other Turk
Pakistani people are like Turks. They do not harm anybody but beeing to brave will cause internal problems by the emperialist elites and causing for civil war or devide situations.
well i respect pakistan because they are battered by almost every country in the world. even the biggest superpower is now not sparing them. even with tiny economy and being broke split into 2 parts still survived as a nation and is rising ahead. its a nation that is sufferring due to its bad leaders and wrong policics.
We are back to Page 1 - Congrats!!!

now Stick to the topic or get yourself banned

Only positive comments about Pakistan are welcomed in this thread as this is not a debatable thread

These kinds of threads are required for some moral boost, and all nations give birth to people worth mentioning.
Pakistan can become the bravest nation if Pakistanis wake up and turn the tides around, take responsibility for all that has happened and get their hands dirty to clean the mess up. Pakistan needs a peaceful revolution without another coup.
Self proclaimed titles are not good, but yes Pakistan is a resilient nation.

I must agree with you - Pakistan is indeed a resilient country. To merely survive through the our existence must be commended. With more than our fair share of corrupt bent retards (so called leaders) and on occasion our over zealous neighbours - we have done well. The everyday people of our nation have learnt to do so much with so little. The latest battering from the USA will not break our resilience. Not in a million years.....

If pakistan say its a brave nation.....fine....but when it says bravest, the self proclaimed title becomes debatable.

How about one of the bravest. !!!......does that satisfy your dilemma.
Only positive comments about Pakistan are welcomed in this thread as this is not a debatable thread
Yes, lord, every Pakistani has the right to consider himself/herself as pure and admirable as can be, no question, no debate. No doubt that's the way for Pakistan to move forward, no doubt at all, yessir, yessir.
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