I think i am pretty grown up.
Sonars only provide you with establishing contour maps, identifing possible geological trapping mechanism. The "sniffing" oil your article talks about is highly unreliable and can easily be confused with underground saline aquifers.... Which are a lot more common than hydrocarbon pools!
It's only when you have drilled the well maybe obtained a core, done your open hole logging, and flowed the well can you estimate that you have reserves with economical viability.
You will then couple both the reservoir and geological data to come up with pool boundaries and net pay maps.
Hope you learnt something beyond your googling.
It is actually a legal liability (criminal) to claim "reserves" based on sonars.
Read what I wrote .. I'm talking about booking reserves not estimating optimal drilling locations.
Definitely not the highest probability of finding hydrocarbons. But possible trapping mechanism. You need a source rock, trapping mechanism, and a geolocally established cap rock... Reserves are only established and indentified by drilling.
There are good chances of finding hydrocarbons in those basins... But we cannot quantify those by reserve estimations.