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Huge asteroid that 'could end human life Defying Gravity' as it moves towards Earth !


Jan 26, 2014
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LONDON: Scientists have moved closer to being able to stop a huge asteroid colliding with Earth and potentially wiping out human life. Researchers at the University of Tennessee have discovered that blowing the space rock up could make the collision worse by causing several devastating impacts.
Instead, small changes could be made to its surface to disrupt the forces keeping it together and cause it to break up in outer space.
They were studying Asteroid 1950 DA, which has a one in 300 chance of hitting the planet on March 16, 2880.

Although the odds seem small, it is the most likely asteroid to collide with Earth and the odds are higher than being shot dead in the US.

Astroid 1950 DA ,courtesy: NASA

The University of Tennessee researchers said 1950 DA is rotating so quickly it “defies gravity” and is held together by cohesive forces, called van der Waals, never before detected on an asteroid.

The findings, published in the science journalNature, could prompt a change in tactics defending our planet.
Previous research has shown that asteroids are loose piles of rubble held together by gravity and friction but by calculating 1950 DA’s thermal inertia and bulk density, the team detected the action of cohesive forces that stop it breaking up.

Ben Rozitis, a postdoctoral researcher, said if only gravity were holding it together, the spinning would cause it to fly apart.
The rotation is so fast that at its equator, 1950 DA effectively experiences negative gravity and if an astronaut were to attempt to stand on the surface, he or she would be thrown off into space.
The presence of cohesive forces has been predicted in small asteroids but definitive evidence has never been seen before.

Following the February 2013 asteroid impact in Chelyabinsk, Russia, there is renewed interest in figuring out how to deal with the potential hazard of an asteroid impact,” Dr Rozitis said.

“Understanding what holds these asteroids together can inform strategies to guard against future impacts.”
An estimated 1,500 people were injured when an undetected meteor exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, releasing more than 30 times the explosive energy of the Hiroshima bomb.
It ripped through the atmosphere at 19 kilometres per second and was equivalent to between 500,000 and 600,000 tons of TNT, scientists found.

People directly under the flight of the meteor were knocked off their feet and many others suffered sunburn or eye damage as they looked at the intense fireball.
A shockwave following the impact knocked out thousands of windows and destroyed parts of buildings, injuring anyone nearby with flying debris.

Huge asteroid that 'could end human life' defying gravity as it moves towards Earth, scientists say - Science - News - The Independent
They were studying Asteroid 1950 DA, which has a one in 300 chance of hitting the planet on March 16, 2880 :o
Did they just said 2880 Means after 866 years ? :/ Do we all know that till they will leave all of us without having war ?. Before that world would be finished.
Before that world would be finished.
you never know, even that cant be proved :D , but the intresting part of studying this astroid is its ''Gravity defyning'' spin ,which haven't yet been seen on any other astroid.

Before that world would be finished.
you never know, even that cant be proved :D , but the intresting part of studying this astroid is its ''Gravity defyning'' spin ,which haven't yet been seen on any other astroid.

LONDON: Scientists have moved closer to being able to stop a huge asteroid colliding with Earth and potentially wiping out human life. Researchers at the University of Tennessee have discovered that blowing the space rock up could make the collision worse by causing several devastating impacts.
Instead, small changes could be made to its surface to disrupt the forces keeping it together and cause it to break up in outer space.
They were studying Asteroid 1950 DA, which has a one in 300 chance of hitting the planet on March 16, 2880.

Although the odds seem small, it is the most likely asteroid to collide with Earth and the odds are higher than being shot dead in the US.

Astroid 1950 DA ,courtesy: NASA

The University of Tennessee researchers said 1950 DA is rotating so quickly it “defies gravity” and is held together by cohesive forces, called van der Waals, never before detected on an asteroid.

The findings, published in the science journalNature, could prompt a change in tactics defending our planet.
Previous research has shown that asteroids are loose piles of rubble held together by gravity and friction but by calculating 1950 DA’s thermal inertia and bulk density, the team detected the action of cohesive forces that stop it breaking up.

Ben Rozitis, a postdoctoral researcher, said if only gravity were holding it together, the spinning would cause it to fly apart.
The rotation is so fast that at its equator, 1950 DA effectively experiences negative gravity and if an astronaut were to attempt to stand on the surface, he or she would be thrown off into space.
The presence of cohesive forces has been predicted in small asteroids but definitive evidence has never been seen before.

Following the February 2013 asteroid impact in Chelyabinsk, Russia, there is renewed interest in figuring out how to deal with the potential hazard of an asteroid impact,” Dr Rozitis said.

“Understanding what holds these asteroids together can inform strategies to guard against future impacts.”
An estimated 1,500 people were injured when an undetected meteor exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, releasing more than 30 times the explosive energy of the Hiroshima bomb.
It ripped through the atmosphere at 19 kilometres per second and was equivalent to between 500,000 and 600,000 tons of TNT, scientists found.

People directly under the flight of the meteor were knocked off their feet and many others suffered sunburn or eye damage as they looked at the intense fireball.
A shockwave following the impact knocked out thousands of windows and destroyed parts of buildings, injuring anyone nearby with flying debris.

Huge asteroid that 'could end human life' defying gravity as it moves towards Earth, scientists say - Science - News - The Independent

Who gives a damn,even my grand children will be dead by then
Who gives a damn,even my grand children will be dead by then
No one cares about the asteroid ,the whole research i guess is about its gravity defying spin ,which at times is negative,it's kind of a scientific treasure ,say if they are able to figure out the reason behind the phenomenon ,that concept could be applied feilds like areospace :)
I guess i m suffering from star wars phobia :D
By that time the technology should be advance enough to take care of the asteroid.
In 2013 it is estimated to have a one in 4,000 chance of hitting earth in the year 2880. I wonder why the article left that information out.

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Alot of items , are not tracked if you review news there are ample articles that say , we missed a object by luck and did not knew it was this close .......

We simply cannot track every thing in darkness of space and that is our fate
2880? Who cares?

By the time 2880 arrives, we'll have the tech to destroy it.
LONDON: ..They were studying Asteroid 1950 DA, which has a one in 300 chance of hitting the planet on March 16, 2880.... 1950 DA is rotating so quickly it “defies gravity” and is held together by cohesive forces, called van der Waals, never before detected on an asteroid....

...we'll have the tech to destroy it.

There could be other rocks too, not necessarily this particular rock;that might have following effects.

Assuming that the rock does NOT collide but passes close to earth,, Could that rock exert enough gravitational pull to reverse the rotation of earth...!!! causing night to become very long in areas where there's night at that time... Then the sun to rise from the "West"...!!! and may be as the rock moves away, the usual forces take over again & earth starts to rotate again in normal direction::: and after being risen from west sun again dunks down westwards...!!!


Abdullah bin Abu-Owfa reported: I heard the Messenger of God say, "Verily a night equivalent to three of your nights will come upon people. When it comes, those who engage themselves in worship during the night will recognize it. A person will stand in prayer, read a section of the Quran and then go to sleep. Thereafter, he will wake up, stand in prayer and read a section of the Quran, then go to sleep. While this condition remains, the people will begin to shout, scream and call one another. They will say, "What is this?" With fear, they will run to the mosque. To their surprise, they will see that the sun has risen from the West. When it reaches the middle of the sky, it will return and set in the West." He said, "That is when becoming a believer (after witnessing this Sign) will no longer be of benefit (because after the sun rises from the West, God will no longer accept declarations of faith )." (Ibn Kathir's book Al-Bidaya wa An-Nihaya)
Narrated by Abu Huraira, "Messenger of God said, 'The Hour (of Resurrection) will not come until the sun rises from the West. When the people witness this, everyone who will be living on the face of the Earth will develop faith ( believe in God), but that is when believing will no longer be of benefit..."
Sahih Bukhari:Online English ref:Vol. 6, Book 60, Hadith 159,Arabic ref:Book 65, Hadith 4680.

That to-and-fro rotation could cause lots of tectonic plates to dis-engage triggering wide spread quakes & floods and earth's core boiling out on the surface...!!!?

Quran:99:1-3:"When the Earth is shaken to her (utmost) convulsion, (1) And the Earth throws up her burdens (from within), (2) And man cries (distressed): `What is the matter with her?'(3)".
جب زمین بھونچال سے ہلا دی جائے گی (۱) اور زمین اپنے (اندر) کے بوجھ نکال ڈالے گی (۲) اور انسان کہے گا کہ اس کو کیا ہوا ہے؟

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Assuming that the rock does NOT collide but passes close to earth,, Could that rock exert enough gravitational pull to reverse the rotation of earth...!!! causing night to become very long in areas where there's night at that time... Then the sun to rise from the "West"...!!! and may be as the rock moves away, the usual forces take over again & earth starts to rotate again in normal direction::: and after being risen from west sun again dunks down westwards...!!!

First of all no, you would need a much bigger rock. Second of all, this isn't a religious forum(tech/science), so take that religious stuff somewhere else please.
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