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How to be more conversent in English


May 9, 2013
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Hey guys, I want to know how to be more conversant in English. I confess my English is not that good. Esp. English vocabulary is horrible. I can still talk decently in English but as in Bangladesh English is NOT considered a second language, its still considered a foreign language most Bangladeshi educated people are also generally poor in English. Bad education system. I am now in university level but honestly if I compare my English skill to a school level Indian I will get embarrassed easily.

My problem is when I start speaking in English something happens in my stomach. Butterflies start running inside. Very nervous. How to be more conversant / communicative in English? Please give your advice.


How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, practice, practice!
I learnt my English from watching cartoon network (the real one not the shitty one they have now), I don't even remember trying to learn but just did, of course those were the times my mind was nimble and a sponge for knowledge......try movies, newspapers and of course speak with you friends, colleagues etc

PDF is a great start to build up your vocabulary.

yes especially the derogatory ones, I never knew so many abusive and racial terms until I joined pdf....
See, I misspelled 'conversant' in my thread. How to edit it now? @ Mods
Don't read things in your head. Speak them. Try to pronounce words without accent. Watch English tv shows, movies, whatever. Say some lines after the actors. Look at how they move their mouth.
Best way is to read English novels, books, articles etc. You get to see, read, understand, learn a lot of uncommon words. Talk to self if no one else is around/ willing to converse in English.
@IamBengali your english is pretty good..
for vocab you can use a few norman lewis books (if you have not done already)... like work power made easy...
read as many newspapers and magazines are possible .. and watch English tv news.
so,can u tell us more about the mode of instruction in schools of bangladesh?
so,can u tell us more about the mode of instruction in schools of bangladesh?

There are three education systems in Bangladesh. Bengali medium, Madrasa (Arabic) Medium and English medium. Most schools are Bengali medium schools. Only tiny numbers are English medium which follow British curriculum. Madrasa (Arabic) medium is not popular medium since most militants get trained in these schools early in the morning or late at night but there are some good madrasas as well.

Bengali medium schools are dominated. English book is not good here. Not rich enough in English vocabulary. All books apart from English (1st and 2nd paper) are written in Bengali language.
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