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How the US lost the south china sea standoff

The article stated that act of USN Cowpens destroyer to avoid the collision is a lose against PLAN in the international sea region.


1. USN Cowpens actually does a shadow task to Liaoning group. Means US continue to be "offensive" not defensive status ( same to any collisions before )
But they based on the international laws as always.
2. China must does something to prove that they donot fear the US after incident of 2 B52 flied back and forth safe WITHIN the newly published AIDZ.
And China chosen the method of suicide act, like the incident of aircraft down near Hainan, that 1 Chinese pilot MIA.
This tell us some aspects :
- Chinese mind does not respect the international laws once the laws affect to Chinese interest
- US is responsible to the regional peace, so even being a super power they just try to avoid any tension, China know that and using that to prove that they have no fear to US as a counter-strike to the B52 incident. That's why US call China IRRESPONSIBLE.
So responsible country will accept face-lost to avoid damage result.
- US won 1 thing, without a bullet they show to the world, China is applying a forest rule to a freedom of navigation in SCS ( And any movement of them to SCS is reasonable ).
As what I saw before, in Tonkin gulf incident 1964, the USN Maddox sailed right beneath of Hainan islands more closer than Cowpens to enter Tonkin gul, and meet no protest from China... In fact, Paracels islands at that time still under controlled of Vietnamese ( in the territory that South Vietnam controlling )
The comment : any aggression China made cause the US or Japan has reason to build or concentrate their military movement to the region is not good for China security
Could anyone call the leaving of Japanese ship is a lost in West Pacific ?
And the Cowpens incident is not the first time, a foreign warship interfere to China drilling area,
but this time, the appearance of USN ship cause China mad,

That's US promise to Southeast Asia, in SCS region, that they will protect

China slams 'dangerous provocation' by Japan by shadowing sea drill
BEIJING Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:25am GMT

China's Ministry of Defence spokesman Colonel Yang Yujun speaks to journalists as he holds up the white paper on ''The Diversified Employment of China's Armed Forces'' during a news conference in Beijing, April 16, 2013.

Credit: Reuters/China Daily

(Reuters) - China's Defence Ministry said on Thursday it has lodged a formal diplomatic complaint over what it called "dangerous provocation" by Japan for shadowing Chinese military exercises in the western Pacific.

Sino-Japanese ties have been strained for months by a dispute over tiny islands in the East China Sea believed to be surrounded by energy-rich waters. They have also been overshadowed by what China says is Japan's refusal to admit to atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers in China between 1931 and 1945.

Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said that a Japanese naval and air patrol disrupted a Chinese live ammunition military drill last Friday, without giving the precise location.

Yang also said Japanese patrols of ships and aircraft were gathering information about the exercises.

"Not only did this interfere with our normal exercises, but endangered the safety of our ships and aircraft, which could have led to a miscalculation or mishap or other sudden incident," Yang told a news briefing.

"This is a highly dangerous provocation, and China's Defence Ministry has made solemn representations to the Japanese side," he added, according to a transcript of his remarks on the ministry's website.

Diplomatic complaints are normally lodged by the Foreign Ministry, so the Defence Ministry's unusual move signals the military's anger.

A former Japanese military officer told Reuters this week that the situation in the East China Sea was worrisome.

"As the Chinese are getting more active, we have more opportunities to confront each other," he said. "If something happens accidentally, it may very seriously deteriorate the bilateral relationship."

Ties between the two countries took a hit in September 2012 after Japan bought two of the disputed islets from a private owner, setting off a wave of protests and boycotts of Japanese goods across China.

China on Saturday criticised a Japanese media report saying Prime Minister Shinzo Abe had approved a policy for Japan to shoot down foreign drones that ignore warnings to exit its airspace.

Abe has said Japan is ready to take a more assertive stance towards China.

Posted by: Deputy Secretary for Defense News, Defense Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun Colonel

Yang Yujun: Members reporter friends, good afternoon. Welcome to the Department of Defense regular press conference this month, following an announcement first.

10 23, China announced through the International Maritime Organization, the Chinese navy is scheduled for October 24 to November 1 in the high seas in the western Pacific waters hold about military training and live firing, ships and planes to remind States prior attention avoidance. However, the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force 107 ship discourage repeated disregard of China, in at 10:41 on October 25 stormed into the Chinese exercise area, and prolonged detention, until at 7:32 on the 28th before leaving. Meanwhile, Japanese reconnaissance exercises several times to enter the Chinese area reconnaissance. In addition, the Chinese troops participating in rough seas during normal, day Guard ships and planes also continued to implement high-intensity tracking, reconnaissance and surveillance.

above acts of the Japanese ships and planes, not only for my normal exercises cause interference, and endanger the safe navigation of ships and planes I may even lead to miscarriage of justice, accidental injury accidents and other emergencies, this is a highly dangerous provocation. Chinese Defense Ministry has made solemn representations to the Japanese side.
China maintains the rule of prohibiting fish catching in SCS for several month.
Many Vietnamese and SEA countries fishboat was caught, robbed, ruined by Chinese authorized ships when do normal process.

To China rule, that's restricted area, ... no one dares to challenge China,

and then the new challenge from US in SCS ...
there is no loss for any side. it is just an instigation of Japanese media. its purpose is to instigate American to hate china more.
there is no loss for any side. it is just an instigation of Japanese media. its purpose is to instigate American to hate china more.

while China‘s strategy is to make Japan as nationalistic and militaristic as possible,so much so that the US will have 2nd thoughts about and then rescind its alliance with Japan。
while China‘s strategy is to make Japan as nationalistic and militaristic as possible,so much so that the US will have 2nd thoughts about and then rescind its alliance with Japan。

Japanese is playing victim game. first is to instigate and propagate anti china around, second is to pull more US attention, third is to 'steal' military technologies from the US as much as possible before they are able to escape the control of the USA. until a day japan completes building up its military, the USA is not able to have control over japan anymore. they will have the second thought but that would be too late for them. "the diplomat" is a propaganda tool for that goal.

the real loss of the USA is the loss of its competitivity to japan. American is mislead every day by stupid news and blame china for its economic stagnation. but they never know the US does not produce tea, textile, toys and low value products, instead the US produce high tech products like car, tv, camera, etc. and all of those, the US have lost its competitivity to japan not china, for example, GM motors went bankrupt because of the cheap car and cheap Japanese currency , the same thing for Kodax camera, RCA TV went bankrupt because of cheap TV from Japan, korea, etc.
it is funny to see people being confused between the real and fake
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