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How Pakistan can control World Media

Foreign media representatives in Pakistan exactly whom we can say real threat for national cause in international community as their reports surely based over particular agenda so these representatives must be linked to government controlled press agencies to make surety that nothing beyond state policy transferred to international media through these representatives.

You wrote this? ..... To change International Media perception about your society in general, you want to censor them using state machinery?. And let the world see only what you want them to see? .... Is that your proposition?

Interesting. Very Interesting.
Pakistan hasn't really got much power to control the media, it can try but let me tell you, what ever America chooses to stereo type, the whole world will follow them like sheeps and agree on what ever they say. It's a shame that lots of countries are Pro-American even through all the atrocities and crimes they've committed through history till this present day. Pakistan needs to create lots of ties and relationships with other countries to somewhat change their image furthermore if they bow down to America like many people then that will also help change their image... I just hope this moment never come and Pakistan create ties with fellow Asian countries to counter the western stronghold strategies! I'm glad Pak-Chin are building ties but I'd like to see more Asian countries joining together. The plan of America is to divide and conquer and it's working so far.
its all about Money and Power, get that and you control everything.
You just cannot control the world opinion over night. This has to be sustained.

I know no other example except India , so dont hate me for my ignorance. India has aggressively tried to improve its image in the world media. Sustained effort lead to the current positive image about india. India and 'Indian'ness' are being advertised all over the world by the government and the NRI's.

We owe a lot to the Indian diaspora living in Europe, Americas for our positive image. Indians "integrate" wherever they migrate to. We try to blend in as much as possible. Yet at the same time, most of us maintain our distinction as "Indians" and advertise it as much as possible. We make no effort to hide our culture, language, taste etc. Also, the recent economic developments in India has lead to even more Indians advertising "India" abroad.

In contrast, Pakistanis living abroad (western countries), generally maintain a negative attitude towards the country that adopted them. A Pakistani will either integrate fully (give up his heritage), or not at all. Both extremes are counter-productive as far as the mother land is concerned. The former is appealing only to the host country.

Also, you cannot deny the fact that quite a few Pakistanis participate in anti-west events in the "west"; and do everything to advertise the fact that they are in fact, "anti-west".

I hope i contributed something useful here. :cheers:
It is our responsible to control all major medias,

No one controls media, not even hyperpower US. they are free to print the news. so forget about Pakistan controlling world media.
paisa phenk tamasha dekh.

if you have money to buy or penetrate, you have a a better chance.

but I believe, we ourselves are the best marketers of our image,

those who know PAKISTANIES personally, they regard us the best people on earth, those who know us through media portray us negatively, which too can be changed ofcourse with consistent efforts.
You wrote this? ..... To change International Media perception about your society in general, you want to censor them using state machinery?. And let the world see only what you want them to see? .... Is that your proposition?

Interesting. Very Interesting.

I know a country which is doing that.. INDIA.. tell me if i am wrong.. City based visas for foreign media people.. right?
I know a country which is doing that.. INDIA.. tell me if i am wrong.. City based visas for foreign media people.. right?

No, you are quite wrong there. That system of visa issuance is only for Pakistani media-persons.
Honestly first control 100+ channels of vast variety of Pakistan Tv and 1000s of Social media, and websites of Pakistanis...then think further around world.
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