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How many Jihadi John’s were Created Today Alone?

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Jan 2, 2012
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How many Jihadi John’s were Created Today Alone? | Bilal Abdul Kareem Journalist

Security Services are Creating More Enemies than they can Ever Fight.

Mohamed Emwazi AKA “Jihadi John” has appeared in numerous videos with innocent prisoners: Alan Henning, abdul Rahman Kassig, John Foli, and others. He is a British citizen born in Kuwait but raised in London. There is an ugly and bloody war between Muslims and non Muslims that seems to be coming closer with every passing day. If clear thinking level headed people are to prevail then the time to understand and act is now. Note, I said “understand” before I said “act”.

So often I am asked why certain individuals become extreme. Bearing in mind the word “extreme” does not mean someone who fights, even physically, for his or her rights. Extreme is someone who passes all bounds of cinventional warfare and cannot differentiate between the innocent and those who fight against him. Mohamed Emwazi is extreme. However we must learn from his situation. He was not born bloodthirsty, there were events that contributed to him being the image you see today. Those “events” we’re not perpetrated by some clandestine Muslim group hiding in the shadows trying to avoid law enforcement officials. It was law enforcement officials themselves who bear a portion of responsibility for who and what Emwazi has become.

Before you simply click onto another article because you feel there is absolutely no justification for what Emwazi has done, I would like to humbly request you to read Mohamed Emwazi’s story. You’re right, there is no justification for the despicable acts he and his group have done. However you must know what created “Jihadi John” because more “Jihadi John’s” are being created to every day. Below is the text from Cageuk.org a prisoner rights activist group. Emwazi reached out for help to Cage from UK authorities’ incessant harassment (the word harassment is an understatement) as far back as 2009. Please read his story so you will understand that some security agencies are creating far more enemies intent on harming the average person than they could ever hope to contain. At the conclusion of reading the following, I would ask you to put yourself in Emwazi’s position. I don’t ask you if you would walk the same path that he is walking, but I will ask you if this is acceptable behavior from security services acting in your name. Here is his story:

Mohamed Emwazi
Mohammed Emwazi is a British citizen who was subjected to security agency harassment for at least four years.

He was repeatedly detained at airports, deported, barred from entering countries and even allegedly assaulted by officers. This treatment prevented him from leading a normal life while having no means to obtain redress, even though no evidence was ever presented to suggest he committed any wrongdoing.

A Washington Post investigation recently alleged he was the British IS member known as “Jihadi John”.

Mohammed Emwazi is a 26 year old British citizen. He was born in Kuwait in 1988, but he moved to the UK at the age of 6.

Raised and educated in London, he completed his university studies in 2009. He hoped that with this degree, he could build a successful career in Arab countries, as he was fluent in Arabic, English and a British citizen.

As many students, upon completing his studies Mohammed wanted a break and planned a summer holiday go to Tanzania with one of the key attractions there being safari.

Detention in Tanzania at the British request
In August 2009, he landed in Tanzania but was soon stopped at the airport.

Without being given an official reason, he was denied entry. A number of armed officers were shouting and threatening; when a man called “Emmanuel” introduced himself.

He eventually physically dragged him to a car waiting outside and taken to a police station. He was thrown into a cell while officers tried to strip him to his underwear.

He remained there for about 24 hours without food or drink, being threatened by officers armed with guns and sticks.

At night, Mohammed did not trust the police and stayed up to guard the other sleeping detainees. At that time, he had a gun pointed at him through the cell and was again threatened.

The following day, he managed to secure a consular visit but was simply informed that the Tanzanians could remove him if they wanted.

Just before being deported, he pressed “Emmanuel” for an explanation.

“This is not the Tanzanian government.” said “Emmanuel”.

He then showed a paper with his name, flight details and at the bottom, a piece of writing which said“refuse entry and send back to the UK with the same flight.”

You know it could be the British, your government, who were the reason for your rejection.” He added.

He suggested he finds out in the UK the reason for his rejection and comes back.

In the afternoon, he was taken to the airport and put on a plane to Amsterdam in Holland.

MI5 interrogation in Amsterdam
As soon as he landed, armed men were waiting. They stopped him and took him in a room for interrogation.

An immigration officer took him to a cell where to agents were waiting. They introduced themselves as“Fernando, from Dutch intelligence and “Nick, from MI5”.

“When he said that I thought wow! I can’t believe it. Am I so special?”

Mohammed was asked to introduce himself and was asked for the reason of his trip to Tanzania. He gave detailed answers, however “Nick” said he thought he was lying and that his real intent was to travel to Somalia.

In response, he pointed out that he had a return ticket and that Tanzania was far from Somalia. Most importantly, he said there was a civil war there and he had no intention to be part of it.

“He said that at the end of the day they had been following us and watching us closely. I told him that it was news to me and I had no idea about it. He knew everything about me; where I lived, what I did, the people I hanged around with”, Mohammed recalled.

At some point, “Nick” became more threatening, pointed his finger at him and said:

“Don’t try to play smart and lie on my face. Don’t try to fool me. You wanted to go to Somalia.”

He added that he would visit him and call him regularly and keep a close track of all his activities.

“It was like a threat”, he explained.

Attempt to recruit him as an informant
However, the agent soon drifted away from accusing him of terrorism and moved to courting him to work for the MI5 in front of the Dutch intelligence officer.

“Listen Mohammed: You’ve got the whole world in front of you; you’re 21 years old; you just finished Uni – why don’t you work for us?”

He declined the offer and explained that being a normal person, there was nothing he could even help them with.

Upon this refusal, the MI5 agent issued a threat:

“You’re going to have a lot of trouble … You’re going to be known … you’re going to be followed … life will be harder for you.”

“Nick” left his number on a piece of paper and the words and added:

“We’ll see you in London, mate”.

He was made to book his own ticket back to the UK and was taken to the ferry.

Questioned at Dover
Upon reaching Dover, he was stopped again – just as he was warned. Suited men claiming to be from the Anti-Terror Unit were waiting at the doors, though they didn’t show any identification. He was escorted by two officers and taken to a room in the port. His bags were searched again, and then the main interrogation began which lasted a couple of hours.

Mohammed was questioned by two anti-terror officers about his thoughts regarding 7/7 and 9/11, where he prayed, who his friends were, and the same questions asked by the MI5 agent in Holland claiming that they had information Mohammed wanted to go to Somalia having nothing to hide, Mohammed answered them all.

Then, in what came as a complete shock to Mohammed and revealing the sinister intentions of the officers, he was told that, “Oh by the way Mohammed, we spoke to your fiancée” – they had paid her a visit. At this Mohammed was left speechless. However, he soon realised, and pointed out, that the intelligence officers actually knew that his plans never involved Somalia and that he always intended to return and get married. Also he realised that intelligence officers were listening to his phone calls before he even planned his holiday. When Mohammed challenged them regarding listening to his private conversations one of the officers casually shrugged his shoulders saying “well that’s part of our job mate”.

This contact with Mohammed’s fiancée had the effect of scaring her and her family from him – the marriage was off.

Later during the search, an officer pulled a safari style jacket and said:

“This jacket looks like a bit military, Mohammed.” I started laughing and asked how he could even suggest that it was military, what he was trying to prove. I had another jumper, a stylish rocker wear jumper, so I asked him what about this jumper. Was he not going to make any comment about that? He fell silent then.

At the end of the encounter, Mohammed requested the officer’s badge number.

“I told him that when I go back to London and I will speak to my solicitors, then he would want to know who on earth was he. But he said that he could not show me his badge. I felt stuck. I did not know what to do. The door was shut and I just wanted to walk out of the room. How could I be treated like that? I am a British citizen and my government was threatening me and throwing allegations at me”.

Eventually, he was given his luggage and allowed to go free, albeit without any money and any means to get home – something which the anti-terror police didn’t care much about.

After managing to collect enough change to return home, Mohammed explained to his family what had happened. At this his family informed him they had been visited while he was away in Tanzania (most probably either by anti-terror police or MI5 agents) – meaning that they knew Mohammed was in Tanzania and picked this time to make the visit.

A couple of weeks later, in September, his family had come with the idea of Mohammed going to stay in Kuwait to avoid being further harassed in the UK; so later that month he left.

Settling in Kuwait and more MI5 harassment
Mohammed Emwazi stayed in Kuwait for over 8 months, settled and had a contract working for a well-known computer programming company. As everything had been going well he decided to return to London in late May to visit his family for 8 days.

However, even while he was trying to start a life security agencies were still trying to reach out to him.

One or two months before he returned, a family member called and told him someone wanted to speak to him.

The phone was immediately taken by an English lady who did not identify herself.

He asked if she was MI5 to which she responded in the negative and that they were just concerned about him. She inquired about when he would be back asking if she could speak to him when he returned rather than over the phone, but he informed her that he had nothing to say and if she wanted to speak about something it should be made clear over the phone.

Stopped at Heathrow airport
When Mohammed returned, in late May 2010, he was stopped while going through Heathrow airport. When he gave his passport to be checked, Mohammed’s name was taken down and he was requested to stand on the side.

Everyone went through apart from him, who had to wait for some people to come – a lady and a man that came. They said that they were normal passport patrol officers and took his passport, phones and SIM cards – they were taken to a room and then given back. Mohammed was then questioned, in front of everybody, about his life in Kuwait. When asked what this was about, they answered that this was simply a routine check about passports.

After being let through, Mohammed went home to see his family who said that they had been visited a number of times.

Mohammed told his family not to let those visitors in the house again and gave them a solicitor’s telephone number just in case they returned.

Return to Kuwait
Eight days later, in early June 2010, Mohammed went back to Kuwait, working for the same company as before. His father was visited by the same people again, whether it was the anti-terror police or MI5, but after he rang the solicitor Mohammed instructed him to, he was left alone.

He was there for around two months, but after making new plans to get married, Mohammed wanted to come back and see his family again, just for a couple of days, before making the final step. It was late July 2010 when he returned.

UK – No way out
When Mohammed Emzawi returned to Heathrow airport to go back to Kuwait, he didn’t even make it past the check-in stage. He was told that a message had been flagged up and could not be checked-in; he would have to wait for someone.

Three men and a woman, all suited, came and took him and his luggage aside to an open room next to the check-in for searching. He asked whether they had the right to search his bags and was told that they had the power to under counter-terrorism law.

Interrogation and police brutality
He was questioned for six long hours about his time in Kuwait, the reason for his travel there, which mosque he went to, who his friends were, his feelings about what is happening in the world, if he was a hafiz (someone who memorized the whole Quran).

Parts of the interrogation happened in a room with no CCTV and no recording. This allowed agents to allegedly engage in violent behaviour.

“During the process of answering these questions and many more, one random officer wearing an Indian turban entered, and started also searching through my bags.

He reached out for the Holy Quran and put it on the floor & I asked him to put it onto the chair rather than on the floor. He started to get aggressive, changing his tone of voice.

He said “I’ve put it onto the chair now, so just shut up!”. I replied: “You shut up!”

He stood up aggressively and came into my face, pushing me back onto the chair. At that point I told the other officers that I was not going to answer any more questions until this aggressive and angry person, that had hate for me for no reason, got out of the room.”

At some point, he was taken in a room which CCTV by an officer had named “Jo”, likely from MI5. He asked him why he went to Umrah (Muslim pilgrimage) and then started to ask questions about the incident in Tanzania, the “ordeal that completely changed my life”, as put by Muhammad.

Once again, he explained the whole trip and incident in detail.

After the questioning, he was informed that he would be released shortly. It is then that he was subjected to a violent assault by an officer.

“Whilst waiting, an Asian officer appeared into the room, an officer that I had never seen before. He sat right next to me, & asked the officers why I was here? I had been allowed to use my phone to contact my father and friend so that they can come and pick me up as it was past midnight. So when my phone rang I picked-it up like usual, but this new Asian officer (…) told (me) to give him my phone I said to him “No!! I’m allowed to answer the phone” as the police officers have been letting me. “He said I don’t care, I’m not them”

So he just stood up reached to snatch the phone of me, but was unsuccessful. So he then grabbed onto my t-shirt and throw [sic] me onto the wall, garbing onto my beard and lasting strangling me by my neck. All this was happing to me while the officers sat down casually not stopping or doing anything. When the Asian officer realised I was having difficulty breathing, he finally let go of my neck. At this point I was absolutely shocked and completely baffled. I took a minute to myself because I didn’t know why he had done such a thing, so I asked him “Why!!” he said “You had your phone out and it’s a threat towards me”

He later requested for the details of the officers but they refused to provide any information.

He was eventually released at 1 am and returned to his family, planning to come back the following day to take the next flight to return to his life in Kuwait.

Banned from Kuwait
He returned to Heathrow the following day hoping to be able to board for Kuwait.

However, just like the previous day, he was not allowed through the check-in. An airline official came and informed Mohammed that he could board the plane and go to Dubai (where the plane was due to stop-over), but that he wouldn’t be able to go to Kuwait as his visa had been refused. The official had learned this information from a phone-call and knew nothing more.

Of course there was no point boarding the flight only to be stranded in Dubai, so Mohammed declined the offer.

Seeking redress
He went to the Kuwaiti embassy to find out why his visa had been rejected, but was met with more ignorant faces. Nobody seemed to know why he had been allowed to enter Kuwait, and it didn’t make sense as he never had any such problems with the nation before.

After making some phone calls back to Kuwait, speaking with friends and relatives and receiving news from officials, it became apparent that the reason for Mohammed’s rejection came as a result of the UK Intelligence informing the Kuwaiti Intelligence not to let him enter the land. That is why Mohammed lost his job and another marriage.

Mohammed Emwazi sought the assistance of both lawyers and human rights groups in order to have his situation changed.

He filed a complaint to the IPCC with regard to the physical assault he was subjected to.

However, the IPCC explained it could only go as far as informing the officers that a complaint had been made against them with the addition of a mention “complaint file” under their name in the “police force database”.

Name change
In 2012, Mohammed chose to completely change direction in pursuing a future life outside of the UK. His frustration with his predicament resulted in him choosing to undertake a SELTA course with two other friends, which he passed well.

Following this success, Mohammed Emwazi undertook interviews with a number of English language centres in Saudi Arabia, only to find out the while his two friends had been accepted, he had been rejected and would not be able to make the new life he desired.

In early 2013, Mohammed’s father suggested that he should think about changing his name by deed poll, so that perhaps the name that he had been known under thus far, might not cause him further problems as he sought to travel. He complied with his father’s suggestion, and before long officially became known as Mohammed al-Ayan.

With one final roll of the dice, Mohammed bought a ticket for Kuwait, and attempted to travel there. Once again, he was frustrated as he was barred from travel, and once again questioned by the security agencies.

Missing person
One week after Mohammed was barred from Kuwait again for the third time; Mohammed Emwazi left his parents home to travel abroad. Worried about him after three days of waiting for his return, the parents reported him as a missing person.

It was four months before the police visited the family home. They explained that they had information that he had entered into Syria. The father said that this could not be true, as far as they were concerned; their son was in Turkey assisting refugees with the limited contact they had managed with him during that period.
@monitor @khair_ctg @kalu_miah @kobiraaz @extra terrestrial @Bilal9 @aazidane @Saiful Islam @asad71 @idune @MBI Munshi @iajdani@Skallagrim @UKBengali @mb444 @fallstuff @the just @Khalid Newazi @Jay12345 @Loki @Al-zakir @Bengal.Tiger@Abdullah Bangladeshi @T-Rex @masud

@Akheilos@Armstrong @balixd @chauvunist@pkuser2k12 @Sedqal @Zarvan @Donatello @Pakistani shaheens @Pakistanisage @PWFI @S.U.R.B. @airmarshal @patriotpakistan@Abu Zolfiqar @aks18 @Horus @Chak Bamu @qamar1990 @Musalman @tesla @Arabian Legend @al-Hasani @Al Bhatti @Hazzy997 @karakoram @American Pakistani @ShowGun @قناص @K-Xeroid @Hakan @Falcon29 @IbnTaymiyyah @TankMan @AXO4D@Pakistani sipahi @terry5 @Jamaal Yelmaaz @syedali73 @Rakan.SA @JUBA @DRaisinHerald @Umair Nawaz @Alienoz_TR @Oublious
If these facts check out there should be a proper inquiry into why this happened.
Illegal and inhumane treatment of what people troll and accuse others of 2nd class citizens seems to be the case for even British citizens of a foreign background....

And then they wonder why soo many joined the other side?!
How dare MI5 not let terrorists to do whatever they want.
Unfortunately that's exactly what they HAVE done. They always demand more powers to spy on us but rarely do they actually take action despite knowing exactly who the suspects are.
How dare MI5 not let terrorists to do whatever they want.
He wasnt a terrorist then but after continuous harassment and breaking off his marriage, loosing a job, heck people in USA kill for far less!!
He wasnt a terrorist then but after continuous harassment and breaking off his marriage, loosing a job, heck people in USA kill for far less!!
Poor boy, he wouldn't have hurt a fly. :cry: I am sure MI5 has been rounding people up randomly. :cry:


Britain is one of the softest countries when it comes to counter terrorism and treatment of crimes done by ethnic minorities. In America apes like him would end up in gitmo the moment they decide to join their fellow apes in Syria.
He wasnt a terrorist then but after continuous harassment and breaking off his marriage, loosing a job, heck people in USA kill for far less!!

Koi apni maa ki kokh se daaku paida nahi hota, ye samaz , ye log usse daaku bana dete hai.

konsa samosa? :unsure:

Poor boy, he wouldn't have hurt a fly. :cry: I am sure MI5 has been rounding people up randomly. :cry:
No one needs to swing at extremes....But Every agency post 9/11 did harass....no secrets there! So you crying foul tears is not convincing at all!

Britain is one of the softest countries when it comes to counter terrorism and treatment of crimes done by ethnic minorities.
No doubt it is soft hence why the rapist gang wasnt caught for soo long even when they knew about it!

But I am talking about harassment of thee kind which happen in every country....Responsibility should be taken if your dept misused their powers or went wild....

Terrorism isnt gonna defeat itself esp not if you live in denial!

In America apes like him would end up in gitmo the moment they decide to join their fellow apes in Syria.
And we are well aware of the apes that were in charge of the gitmo detention center and the amount of harassment there is also no secret!

He didnt go to Syria prior to being harassed! - at least not stated by the article...

Though I do agree no matter how much you are harassed it is not an excuse to suddenly behead people!
Mohammed Emwazi expelled from Tanzania for being 'drunk and disorderly'
'Jihadi John' said to have become drunk and abusive onboard flight from Amsterdam to Tanzania, and was subsequently denied entry

Video: Jihadi John: first video of Mohammed Emwazi unmasked - Telegraph

Jihadi John's mother screamed 'that's my son' when she saw first beheading video - but no evidence she reported him
Ghania Emwazi realised that the the knife-wielding executioner who appeared in video showing murder of US journalist James Foley was her son Mohammed

Jihadi John's mother screamed 'that's my son' when she saw first beheading video - but no evidence she reported him - Telegraph

This Is The Full Story Of How Mohammed Emwazi Became “Jihadi John”
How a teenager from west London became the world’s most notorious killer.

posted on March 6, 2015, at 6:08 p.m.

Hussein Kesvani

BuzzFeed Staff

Last week, British authorities revealed the identity of ISIS’s most notorious member – the masked, British-accented figure known as “Jihadi John”.

Still from ISIS video / Via archive.org
Mohammed Emwazi, a Kuwaiti-British man who lived in London, was formally identified as the masked man who has appeared in a number of ISIS hostage videos.

Emwazi is believed to have carried out the executions of American journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, British aid workers David Haines and Alan Henning, and American aid worker Peter Kassig, or at the very least to have been present at their deaths. More recently, he is said to have been responsible for the murder of Japanese hostages Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto in October last year.

Yet with so much conflicting information swirling around, it can be hard to get a handle on what we actually know about Emwazi – and what his story tells us about Islamic radicalisation. Here, BuzzFeed News attempts to set out the facts as we know them.

Emwazi was born on 17 August 1988 in Jahra, Kuwait.

Gavin Hellier / Getty Images
He moved to the UK in 1994, along with his policeman father, Jassem, his mother, Ghaneyah, and his younger brother, Omar.

Before moving to west London, the Emwazi family lived in the Tayma’a, a town in Jahra. The Guardian reported that the family fled Jahra due to concerns over their safety following Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

The Emwazis are classed as “Bedoon”, a term used in the Arab world to describe communities deemed to be stateless. The vast majority of “Bedoon” in Kuwait have Iraqi ancestry.

The Emwazi family moved to the UK in 1993, but didn’t receive asylum until 1996.

Steve Parsons / PA Wire / Press Association
According to the Daily Mail, the family moved into a council home worth around £600,000 and received government benefits.

They lived in several residential areas around west London, including near Lord’s Cricket Ground, through a local housing association. The family moved to their current residence in Queen’s Park (pictured) in 2007.

Emwazi attended a British primary school in Maida Vale, west London.

Brians101 / Getty Images
In 1995, he went to St Mary Magdalen primary school, a short walking distance from the family’s house.

While little is known about his time there, reports have claimed he was a normal child who “appeared to embrace British life”. Emwazi was said to like playing football and supported Manchester United.

The young Emwazi also reportedly liked S Club 7, and wanted to be a professional footballer.

Emwazi’s classmates have told some bizarre stories about his primary school days.

Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images
One told LBC that his personality changed after a playground accident.

“’We were in the playground and Mohammed was running away from someone, I think he was just about to get into a fight,” he said. “And as he was running, another guy blocked his path. And he ran into a goalpost and hit his head on a metal goalpost and fell to the floor.

“This was year 6 – we didn’t see him for six weeks. He was not the same ever since that brain injury. I am telling you one million per cent. He was not the same.”

Other classmates described Emwazi as “quiet” but “popular” because of his football skills.

In 1999, Emwazi went to Quintin Kynaston Community Academy in north London, a specialist technology college.

Peter Macdiarmid / Getty Images
Other alumni include R&B singer Shola Ama, Stevenage midfielder Dean Parrett, and N-Dubz singer Tulisa Contostavlos.

This is the first video that has emerged of the young Emwazi at the school:

The video shows Emwazi playing football in the school playground. In the short footage, his friends refer to him as “Emwazi”.

He also covers his face whenever he notices the camera is on him.

Channel 4 / Via channel4.com
There have been conflicting reports on what Emwazi was like during his time at Quintin Kynaston.

Speaking to BBC News, Jo Shuter, who was head of the school until 2013, said Emwazi was not seen as a “huge concern”. She said:

I am not prepared to say when the radicalisation took place. All I can say is absolutely hand on heart, we had no knowledge of it. If we had we would have done something about it.

He had some issues with being bullied, which we dealt with, and by the time he got into the sixth form he was to all intents and purposes a hard-working, aspirational young man who went on to the university he wanted to go to.

One of Emwazi’s teachers, who did not want to be named, told Sky News:

I would describe him as vulnerable. I would also describe him as having low self-esteem and therefore needing reassurance that he was doing well with his work.

But he did achieve well at the school, and there were plenty of signs for him to be able to feel good about himself.

The teacher said Emwazi “didn’t particularly stand out”, and had a “small group of friends”:

I recollect that he certainly enjoyed football and he was very passionate about football. I think there were examples or instances of arguments with other boys and students and that did lead to allegations of bullying.

But they were dealt with through normal school procedures and nothing again stood out that was particularly concerning.

However, a classmate said that Emwazi had made several anti-Semitic remarks in class.

“The teacher told us the Nazis drew up plans to get rid of all the Jews,” the anonymous 27-year-old told the Daily Mirror.

“‘I heard Mohammed mutter ‘Good, they deserved it’. I thought he was joking but later he told me that he hated all Jews and blamed them for the plight of Muslims.”

Other classmates say that despite being religious, Emwazi drank alcohol and took drugs.

One former friend told The Sun that Emwazi took part in “rowdy vodka-drinking sessions” and “smoked cannabis” despite his Muslim faith.

Ahlam Ajjot, a girl Emwazi was said to have a crush on, told the Sunday Mirror that he was “awkward”, “painfully shy”, and “never spoke to girls unless he had to”.

“I never knew Mohammed liked me and I can’t believe it now when I think about him feeling that way,” she said. “I was so shocked when I saw the news that he was Jihadi John. I couldn’t believe the pictures of him in a balaclava and in Syria.”

Another former classmate told the Sunday Mirror that Emwazi was bullied while in school:

He was so painfully shy that he barely spoke to anyone. Whenever he did, he had this habit of pulling his hand up to his mouth. He’d done it ever since a different girl had told him in front of loads of other kids that he had bad breath. Everyone laughed. He tried to laugh it off, but it was obvious that it had hurt him. His eyes teared-up and he wandered off on his own to a corner of the playground.

Girls thought he was weird and tried to stay away from him. He was short and got the nickname ‘Little Mo’. He shuffled around with his head down and his shoulders hunched. He had no confidence and held himself in a really nervous way. But at the same time, he wore trendy baseball caps and trainers. It made him look even more odd. Instead of coming across as cool, he became a figure of fun who everyone took the mickey out of.

Emwazi did not attend his local mosque at the time, but went to local shisha bars, according to the Mail.

Bruno Vincent / Getty Images
The paper said he “looked up to older Asian men who drove flash cars, smoked cannabis and bragged of womanising”.

By the time Emwazi was in sixth form, reports said, he was part of a young network of would-be jihadis, some of whom also attended Quintin Kynaston.

Two British jihadis had previously attended the school: Choukri Ellekhlifi, who was killed aged 22 in Syria in 2013 after joining a militant group linked to al-Qaeda, and Mohammed Sakr, who died fighting for al-Shabaab in Somalia in 2012.

While it is unclear whether there was a formal link between Emwazi and the two men, a former pupil suggested that Sakr’s younger brother was Emwazi’s best friend. One source told The Telegraph: “They lived in the same area and they were friends all the way through school. I knew they went to mosque together too.

“I heard that after school that they were getting radical views.”

Ellekhlifi and others were reportedly part of a gang known as “the London Boys”.

Bloomberg / Getty Images
Emwazi is said to have been involved in a gang with Ellekhlifi that was known for carrying out violent robberies in the Belgravia area using weapons such as Tasers.

Reports said also that the “London Boys” were raising funds and recruits for the Somalian militant group al-Shabaab while in London.

One of Emwazi’s associates was a British militant who was killed by a US drone in Somalia.

According to documents seen by the BBC, Emwazi was linked to Bilal Berjawi, one of the “London Boys”, who lived in the St John’s Wood area of London, a few miles away from Emwazi.

Berjawi, who was born in Lebanon, travelled to Somalia to train with al-Qaeda, before returning to the UK to raise funds for the militant group.

Berjawi was detained by authorities in Kenya in early 2009 while en route to Somalia, but managed to enter the country in October. He was stripped of his British citizenship in 2010 by the Home Office, and was eventually killed by a US drone strike in 2012.

Other members of the gang also ended up in Somalia.

Nation Media / Getty Images
Alleged members of the “London Boys” included Reza Afsharzadegan, a former IT student from Ladbroke Grove, west London.

A family member of Afsharzadegan told the Sunday Times that he had tried to visit Yemen twice during this period.

Afsharzadegan was rescued from Somalia by the Foreign Office in 2007 along with three other British men – Mohammed Ezzouek, Hamza Chentouf, and Shahajan Janjua. They had been imprisoned there since the US began air strikes on al-Shabaab.

Records from Guantanamo Bay seen by the Daily Mail suggest that a senior al-Qaeda leader in Africa, known as “Harun Fuzal”, trained a number of British militants in Somalia.

“In the fall of 2006, a group known as the ‘London Boys’ attended Harun Fazul’s training in Mogadishu,” the report said.

Between 2006 and 2009, Emwazi studied information systems and business management at the University of Westminster.

Sky News / University of Westminster
While it is unknown whether Emwazi was a member of his university’s Islamic society or other clubs, the university has been accused of ignoring radicalism within the institution.

An ex-student told Sky News that certain groups “created a hostile environment towards non-Muslims … Anti-Israeli and homophobic remarks were rampant at the campus.” They added: “If this toxic environment endured after I left I am not surprised a ‘normal’ young Muslim struggling to find identity became radicalised.”

The university has been attacked in the past for its link to radical groups. In 2011, the student union was criticised following revelations that its president, Tarik Mahri, and his deputy, Jamal Achchi, had links to Hizb-ut Tahrir, a political party that campaigns for the imposition of a global Islamic caliphate.

The University of Westminster has denied that Emwazi was radicalised in the institution, and insisted that it is tackling extremism on campus.

Nick Ansell / PA Wire/Press Association Images
In a statement, the university said: “Mohammed Emwazi left the University six years ago. If these allegations are true, we are shocked and sickened by the news. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families.

“We have students from 150 countries and their safety is of paramount concern. With other universities in London, we are working to implement the Government’s Prevent strategy to tackle extremism.

“We are setting up a dedicated pastoral team to provide advice and support. In the meantime, we urge any students who are concerned to contact the Student Support and Well-being team.”

Emwazi may have been involved with gangs while at university.

The Evening Standard reported that while at university, Emwazi kidnapped two schoolchildren at gunpoint, forced them to strip to their underwear, and left them on the side of the M1 motorway.

A former friend told the paper that Emwazi carried out the attack in 2008 after the friend and Emwazi’s younger brother, Omar, got caught up in a fight supposedly triggered by a “postcode war”.

The source, who was aged 14 at the time, said the incident occurred as he was trying to buy a stolen bicycle from Emwazi’s brother.

“I was planning an ‘in and out job’ but two guys saw me,” the friend said. “There was a big fight. They threw a brick at my head and broke my arm, [and Omar] was punched in the face a few times and beaten up.”

The former friend recalled Emwazi appearing in Queen’s Park the following day with “two religious guys with beards”:

“They drove round in a car and found these two guys who attacked us, threatened them with a gun, made them take all their clothes off and drove off. They dumped them on the M1 motorway. They weren’t attacked physically but they were threatened. It was a message.”

The source described Emwazi as a “bit of a hard nut”, adding: “He wasn’t into gangs but people were wary of him. They were pretty scared.”

Emwazi was apparently spotted at a number of rallies held by radical Islamist groups during his studies.

Max Nash / PA Archive/Press Association Images
He was said to have attended a protest outside Harrow Central Mosque in north London with a group who were celebrating the 8th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.

While most Muslims in attendance were demonstrating against far-right groups such as the English Defence League and Stop the Islamisation of Europe, Emwazi was allegedly pictured with his face covered, waving an Islamic Raya flag.

The Arabic writing on the flag roughly translates as: “I will give the Raya tomorrow to a man who loves Allah and His Messenger, and Allah and His messenger love him; and he gave it to Ali.”

Ali refers to Ali ibn Abi Talib, the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and the fourth Caliph of Islam. He reigned between the years 656 and 661.

Michael Adebelajo, who would go on to be one of the killers of military drummer Lee Rigby in 2013, also spoke at the rally.

He was recorded saying:

“Don’t be scared of them, do not be scared of the police or the cameras. You are here only to please Allah. You’re not here for any other reason, if you are here just for a fight, please leave our ranks. We only want those who are sincere to Allah. Purify your intention.”

Both Adebolajo and Emwazi are said to have prayed at the Woolwich mosque in south London.

Hussein Kesvani / BuzzFeed
However, there is no evidence to suggest Emwazi and Adebolajo associated while at the mosque.

After graduating from Westminster in August 2009, Emwazi and two friends travelled to Tanzania, allegedly for a safari holiday, but were denied entry into the country.

According to a report from The Independent in 2010, “Muhammad ibn Muazzam” – the name Emwazi was travelling under – said he had been detained by Tanzanian authorities overnight.

He told the activist group Cage UK afterwards that he had been stripped to his underwear, and had a gun pointed at him through the cell bars.

Emwazi was flown to the Netherlands afterwards, where, he said, he was questioned by a MI5 agent known as “Nick”. The agent allegedly accused him of wanting to fight in Somalia with al-Shabaab.

In email exchanges with Cage, Emwazi said the security services had tried to recruit him as an informant. After he refused, the agent allegedly told him: “You’re going to have a lot of trouble … You’re going to be known … you’re going to be followed … life will be harder for you.”

Emwazi also told Cage that he was subjected to further interrogation by security services in Dover, who had told him they had spoken to his family and fiancée while he was in Tanzania. Emwazi said the visit had “scared off” his fiancée, forcing him to call off the marriage.

Emwazi was questioned by British and Dutch authorities as he headed back to the UK.

He told Cage he was asked about his views on the 9/11 and 7/7 attacks.

Soon after, Emwazi went to Kuwait and worked as a salesman for an IT company.

Emwazi received a contract to work at the firm, earning 300 dinars (£657) a month along with 50 dinars (£109) for expenses, according to The Guardian.

His former boss said: “He was the best employee we ever had,” and added: “He was very good with people. Calm and decent. He came to our door and gave us his CV.”

The employer also expressed confusion as to why Emwazi had chosen to pursue an IT career in Kuwait, instead of Europe or the United States.

“Muslim and Arabic people travel from here to London or the US, and they stay two years looking for a job or even a place to stay,” he said. “It always puzzled me. Why would he come here?

“But it seemed as though he faced some problems, maybe family, social, or psychological. I didn’t really ask. He wanted a good job [in London] and he wanted to get married, but he couldn’t and it made a problem for him.”

Emwazi travelled between Kuwait and London during his eight months at the IT firm as he prepared to get married.

He told Cage that during an eight-day holiday in London, he was contacted by British security services.

In June 2010, as he prepared to return to Kuwait, Cage claims that Emwazi was subjected to six hours of interrogation by British authorities before being informed that Kuwait had cancelled his visa.

Emwazi filed a complaint about his treatment to the Independent Police Complaints Commission in July 2010, and met Metropolitan police officers.

In a letter seen by the Washington Post, Emwazi received a response to the complaint he filed that said the incident had been discussed with the officers in question.

The letter said he had 28 days to send a formal appeal, but it is unclear whether he did so.

After his visa cancellation, Emwazi got back in contact with Cage, telling the organisation that he “felt like a prisoner” in London.

Justin Tallis / Getty Images
He told Asim Qureshi of Cage (above) that he was “a person imprisoned and controlled by security service men, stopping me from living my new life in my birthplace and country, Kuwait”.

He added: “I have been trying to find out the reason for my refused visa issue from my home country Kuwait, and a way to solve the issue.

“So through my friends in Kuwait, it has been said to me that Kuwait has no problem with me entering, and the reason for my refusal is simply because the UK agents have told them to not let me in!!”

Cage recommended Emwazi make his story public by getting in touch with a “sympathetic journalist”.

Following Cage’s advice, Emwazi got in touch with British journalist Robert Verkaik.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Verkaik remembered Emwazi having a “persecution complex” and said he “desperately wanted his story to be told”.

Verkaik also found an email in which Emwazi claimed he sold a computer to an MI5 agent who referred to him by his first name.


The email went on to suggest Emwazi may have been contemplating suicide:

Sometimes I feel like I’m a dead man walking, not fearing they may kill me. Rather, fearing that one day, I’ll take as many pills as I can so I can sleep for ever!! I just want to get away from these people!!!

Friends said that by now Emwazi was talking about going to Syria to fight Bashar al-Assad – but he was also applying to teach English in Saudi Arabia.

Despite passing the necessary courses, he was reportedly turned down from every programme.

“He was upset and wanted to start a life elsewhere,” one friend told the Washington Post.

“He at some stage reached the point where he was really just trying to find another way to get out.”

While little is known about Emwazi’s movements during this period, a former friend told the Daily Mail that they spotted him on Edgware Road in London wearing thouba, traditional Islamic robes.

In early 2013, Emwazi changed his name by deed poll to Mohammed al-Ayan after his father suggested it might make it easier for him to travel.

However, despite the name change, Emwazi was still barred from Kuwait. A week after this final rejection, Emwazi disappeared from his west London home. His family believed he had gone to help refugees on the Turkish Syrian border.

Four months after his departure, British police visited the Emwazis to inform them their son was one of hundreds of Britons fighting in Syria.

Niklas Halle’n / Getty Images
According to testimony given by Emwazi’s father, Jassem, to Kuwaiti investigators, Emwazi’s mother recognised her son’s voice immediately after hearing it on ISIS hostage videos. The Telegraph reported that she screamed: “That is my son!” However, it is believed she did not report this to the British authorities.

Jassem apparently condemned his son’s actions, calling him a “dog, an animal, and a terrorist” and revealing that Emwazi had phoned them “for forgiveness” shortly before joining ISIS in 2013.

A former colleague who worked with Jassem at a cooperative supermarket in rural Kuwait told The Telegraph that he was “distressed”, and that “he was very emotional and crying the whole time”.

“He said, ‘my son is a dog, he is an animal, a terrorist,’” the former colleague said. “He said he had talked to him a lot trying to persuade him to return to his personal life but that the son didn’t listen to him. He said, ‘To hell with my son.’”

However, other reports suggest the Emwazis don’t believe their son is “Jihadi John”.

According to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabbas, Jassem dismissed claims that either he or his wife recognised their son’s voice in the recordings.

“There is nothing that proves what is being circulated in the media, especially through video clips and footage, that the accused is my son Mohammed, who is being referred to as the alleged executioner of Daesh [Islamic State],” he is reported to have said.

He added: “I have a message to the Kuwaiti people that many of the rumours are false.

“Because I felt that some people have believed it, I have assigned a lawyer to defend me and to prove … that what is being said is untrue.”

While Emwazi’s father is being questioned by authorities in Kuwait, it is believed his mother and siblings remain in the UK.

The family, including Emwazi’s brother Omar, are currently believed to be in the UK, under police protection.

One of Omar Emwazi’s friends, who wished to remain anonymous, told BuzzFeed news that the family were very “stressed” and “confused” since they were told of Mohammed’s alleged activities in Syria.

The friend said he had been involved in ‘Dawah’ (Islamic proselytising) with Omar, who knew him to be a “dedicated cheerful and humble young man.”

“I can’t say nothing wrong about him and he was student as much as I understand… I think that all of this is a big shock to him,” he added.

Emwazi is said to have risen rapidly within the ranks of ISIS in the past 18 months.

Carl Court / Getty / ISIS video screenshot
It’s unclear how long it took for Emwazi, who had allegedly been going under the nom de guerre “Abu Adullah al Britani”, to become “Jihadi John”, although ISIS sources told The Guardian that he rose rapidly over the past 18 months.

A source described him as a “ruthless executioner who will kill on command” and said he played a key role in the negotiations over two European hostages.

Another former ISIS fighter told the paper that Emwazi is “cold, sadistic and merciless”.

“Abu Ayman”, another defector, told the BBC that Emwazi did not spend time with other foreign fighters.

“He’d only pray with his friends … The other British brothers prayed with us, but he was strange,” Ayman said.

Scotland Yard has refused to confirm that Emwazi is “Jihadi John”.

Newscast / Getty Images
While not denying the claim, Commander Richard Walton, head of the Metropolitan police’s counter-terrorism command, said he would not reveal details of the ongoing investigation because of the risk to lives.

“We have previously asked media outlets not to speculate about the details of our investigation on the basis that life is at risk,” he said.

“We are not going to confirm the identity of anyone at this stage or give an update on the progress of this live counter-terrorism investigation.”

This Is The Full Story Of How Mohammed Emwazi Became "Jihadi John" - BuzzFeed News
konsa samosa? :unsure:

No one needs to swing at extremes....But Every agency post 9/11 did harass....no secrets there! So you crying foul tears is not convincing at all!

No doubt it is soft hence why the rapist gang wasnt caught for soo long even when they knew about it!

But I am talking about harassment of thee kind which happen in every country....Responsibility should be taken if your dept misused their powers or went wild....

Terrorism isnt gonna defeat itself esp not if you live in denial!

And we are well aware of the apes that were in charge of the gitmo detention center and the amount of harassment there is also no secret!

He didnt go to Syria prior to being harassed! - at least not stated by the article...

Though I do agree no matter how much you are harassed it is not an excuse to suddenly behead people!
What kind of harassment happens in England? Probably few questioning and travel bans and this dude was not the exact angel that you like to portray him as. UK is one of the least strict countries when it comes to anti-terrorism and as I said if he was living in the USA, he would have ended up in gitmo the moment he decided to go to Syria. It's the gitmo/Chinese treatment that really works for them. UK is too soft. It was only after he involved in dodgy actions and started associating "would-be terrorists", the MI5 started questioning him so according to your logic, MI5 should just let anyone do anything even if he/she threatens the national security. Also read his story. His family was living on benefits in a £600,000 apartment. Now if it was a normal human being, he should have some gratitude towards the state and put some commitment into education and succeed in the society but he was totally a nut job judging by the university that he chose. It's clear that he screwed up his education. Don't try to bring excuses.
What kind of harassment happens in England? Probably few questioning and travel bans and this dude was not the exact angel that you like to portray him as.
Am I portraying him as anything? I dont even know the dude! I am only talking as the article suggests....Why is it when its Islam bashing time people are following the article like a bible but when the so called "bible" (from the same paper some times) talks about the other side of the coin people act like you?

Why the 2 faces?

UK is one of the least strict countries when it comes to anti-terrorism and as I said if he was living in the USA, he would have ended up in gitmo the moment he decided to go to Syria.
Did you read the article? He was harassed BEFORE ISIS became your top news!

It's the gitmo/Chinese treatment that really works for them. UK is too soft.
Well we will find out if more stories like this surface!

It was only after he involved in dodgy actions and started associating "would-be terrorists", the MI5 started questioning him so according to your logic, MI5 should just let anyone do anything even if he/she threatens the national security
Can you proof this?
He had some issues with being bullied,
One of Emwazi’s teachers, who did not want to be named, told Sky News:

I would describe him as vulnerable. I would also describe him as having low self-esteem and therefore needing reassurance that he was doing well with his work.
he was “awkward”, “painfully shy”, and “never spoke to girls unless he had to”.
Another former classmate told the Sunday Mirror that Emwazi was bullied while in school:

Ya this kind of kid turns into this:
Emwazi did not attend his local mosque at the time, but went to local shisha bars, according to the Mail.
One former friend told The Sun that Emwazi took part in “rowdy vodka-drinking sessions” and “smoked cannabis”

And 1 day goes around slaughtering people!

Also read his story. His family was living on benefits in a £600,000 apartment. Now if it was a normal human being, he should have some gratitude towards the state and put some commitment into education and succeed in the society but he was totally a nut job judging by the university that he chose. It's clear that he screwed up his education. Don't try to bring excuses.
He graduated (according to the published story) -
Emwazi studied information systems and business management at the University of Westminster.

Either you are full of hate or delusional or just didnt read the article!

Emwazi went to Kuwait and worked as a salesman for an IT company.

Emwazi travelled between Kuwait and London during his eight months at the IT firm as he prepared to get married.
- in 2010 So please come up with a new delusional dream to being over protective of the authorities!

He told the activist group Cage UK afterwards that he had been stripped to his underwear, and had a gun pointed at him through the cell bars.

Emwazi was flown to the Netherlands afterwards, where, he said, he was questioned by a MI5 agent known as “Nick”. The agent allegedly accused him of wanting to fight in Somalia with al-Shabaab.

In June 2010, as he prepared to return to Kuwait, Cage claims that Emwazi was subjected to six hours of interrogation by British authorities before being informed that Kuwait had cancelled his visa.

Emwazi filed a complaint about his treatment to the Independent Police Complaints Commission in July 2010, and met Metropolitan police officers.

- THAT there is harassment!

@Azizam explain these cases!

His former boss said: “He was the best employee we ever had,” and added: “He was very good with people. Calm and decent. He came to our door and gave us his CV.”
“So through my friends in Kuwait, it has been said to me that Kuwait has no problem with me entering, and the reason for my refusal is simply because the UK agents have told them to not let me in!!”

Cage recommended Emwazi make his story public by getting in touch with a “sympathetic journalist”.

Following Cage’s advice, Emwazi got in touch with British journalist Robert Verkaik.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Verkaik remembered Emwazi having a “persecution complex” and said he “desperately wanted his story to be told”.

Verkaik also found an email in which Emwazi claimed he sold a computer to an MI5 agent who referred to him by his first name.


Sometimes I feel like I’m a dead man walking, not fearing they may kill me. Rather, fearing that one day, I’ll take as many pills as I can so I can sleep for ever!! I just want to get away from these people!!!
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