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How India targets Pakistan.


Mar 18, 2006
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Targeting Pakistan

India attaches great importance to the media and invests heavily to mould world opinion in its favour. Since the end of the cold war and emergence of the new world order, the United States remains the sole super power with the ability to effectively influence world politics, labelling countries responsible and irresponsible, thereby determining their future.
In the post cold war era, India has made a marked shift in her foreign policy, aligning herself with the US and her allies. Since media plays significant role in image building of a nation, it has, therefore, taken unprecedented steps in this field and has invested heavily at home and abroad, especially in the US to woo US lawmakers for favourable opinion to elevate her image and discredit countries not falling in line with Indian policy objectives.

Lately, Pakistan has been the favourite target of Indian propaganda, aimed at undermining Pak-US relations.India has hired a number of lobbyists in the US for propaganda purposes. A Washington Post report, quoting filings with the US justice department, has pointed out that former US Ambassador to India Robert D. Blackwill went to work for Barbour Griffith Rogers LLC, which was hired last August by the Indian government for an annual fee of $700,000. The controversial deal will give India access to US nuclear technology. Blackwill has emerged as a strong lobbyist for India and during his stint with the company has written several articles on US-India relations which have appeared in newspapers around the world. Barbour Griffith, according to the Washington Post report, also received $520,000 from the Confederation of Indian Industry last September.
Two powerful lobbying groups for the nuclear deal are the US-India Business Council and the US Indian Political Action Committee. The US-India Business Council, which was formed in 1975 and consists of 180 companies, describes itself as "the principal interlocutor for American industry operating in India." It includes the lobbyists Vickery International and Barbour Griffith; as well as Monsanto, the seeds giant now involved in the US-India agriculture initiative; The Washington-based US Indian Political Action Committee has in turn been organising fund-raising events for US legislators.

Apart from promoting the Indian image, these lobbyists have been specifically targeting Pakistan's nuclear programme, Pakistan's role in the war on terrorism and supply of US military hardware to Pakistan. The deal for supply of F-16s to Pakistan became a major subject of Indian propaganda to prevent the deal getting through Congress.
It is interesting to note that in May 2006, a month before the notification was sent to Congress, former US ambassador to India and a paid Indian lobbyist, Robert Blackwill, speaking the Indian language questioned any US sale of F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan by accusing Pakistan of cross border terrorism. He said that the F-16 models Pakistan was seeking were nuclear-capable and could be used against India.

The Indian lobby unleashed another tirade to sabotage the F-16 deal by arranging publication of an article by the Institute of Science and International Security in the Washington Post on 24 June about the Khushab reactor. This publication came just 4 days before the bill on the F-16s was presented in Congress. The new reactor being built at Khushab was no new revelation and was known to US officials through satellite monitoring since years. It's publication at this stage speaks for itself and exposes the ill intent of lobbyists.

This disinformation had put the F-16 deal in jeopardy but fortunately it survived as US officials recognized the true picture. Frederick Jones, National Security Council spokesman told the NYT on 3 August, "We have consulted with our experts and believe the analysis is wrong. The reactor is expected to be substantially smaller and less capable than reported. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior intelligence official said the United States has been tracking the new reactor for years. "This has been looked at for a long time and hasn't generated a lot of hand-wringing," the official said. "It could be a replacement of Pakistan's existing nuclear reactor at Khushab."

The Indian lobbyists have been successful in securing the US-India nuclear deal but have failed to sabotage the US-Pak F-16 deal. Pakistan needs to be wary of Indian designs and must also hire lobbyists in the US to counter Indian propaganda.
The same type of stories are stated about Pakistan.

Great story lines.....always finds a receptive audience. However, life still goes on and without anything changing.

Inspite of the journalists, the India nuke deal chugs along and likewise the F 16 deal soars.

The journalists will soon find something else to keep the adrenalin pumping!

After all, they have to also feed their families.
I dont think its anti india or anything, just the facts about the inner workings of the india mafia. One can only admire the cunning and deceptive ways they work in...but in the end, Pakistan has no choice but to counter it. I think this article just shows how well organized the indian disinformation mafia is worldwide and how comitted they are to this cause...its nothing new.

It also shows how well the NRIs have organized themselves in the US thanks to decades of support from the Jewish lobby. Pakistan can only aspire to be that effective in propaganda or disinformation.
Very plausible, very plausible!

Indeed, Pakistan must do something about it.

Notwithstanding, I prefer not to take it as a life and death question for Pakistan, as you are doing.

I am sure Pakistan can survive without the media nudges or your rather interesting allusion that India is a mafia. I am sure the Sonia Gandhi equation leads you to that belief.

Though she is not from Sicily, you have made me think. Could it be that she is actually a CIA trojan horse, financed by the evil Jewish lobby?

Could be.

I am sure the RSS will profit by your belief.

You remind me of Shylock. He, BTW, was a Jew.

To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else,
it will feed my revenge. He hath disgraced me, and
hindered me half a million; laughed at my losses,
mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my
bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine
I dont think its anti india or anything, just the facts about the inner workings of the india mafia. One can only admire the cunning and deceptive ways they work in...but in the end, Pakistan has no choice but to counter it. I think this article just shows how well organized the indian disinformation mafia is worldwide and how comitted they are to this cause...its nothing new.

It also shows how well the NRIs have organized themselves in the US thanks to decades of support from the Jewish lobby. Pakistan can only aspire to be that effective in propaganda or disinformation.

i tell u in short. pakistan gotto develop herself first. this is funny that hardly $380bn pakistani economy thinks she is target of $3800bn indian economy. more you will compare pakistan with India, more u will hurt yourself.
The same type of stories are stated about Pakistan.

Great story lines.....always finds a receptive audience. However, life still goes on and without anything changing.

Inspite of the journalists, the India nuke deal chugs along and likewise the F 16 deal soars.

The journalists will soon find something else to keep the adrenalin pumping!

After all, they have to also feed their families.

Well said Ray/salim.

But...as a indian, can you tell us why indians in general are so obsessed with Pakistan? If they want to be such a great superpower and have daily flights to the moon and what not...why dont they just quit obsessing over Pakistan? Is it Jealousy? Inferiority complex? 1000 years of Moslem rule?
Pakistanis in general think of india as a far off distant land with strange customs and beliefs. They have much more in common with the Middle East,Central Asia than india.

But...this is not to say that all indians are bad people , infact most seem to be very friendly....but its the few bad apples that give your country that particular reputation of being so obsessed with everything Pakistan.
Therez no doubt that Indian Propoganda is at its best and far better thn ours.
Being in the journalism filed i know they are very good at it. And its nothing new. The practic is pretty old.
I still remmmber that when i was 6th grade student at school i used to listen to Radio to add to my knowledge and current affairs situation.
Even at that time when i used to tune Indian radios i would amazed by the propoganda they used to transmite on wave length.
I remmber whil listning to songs suddenly another announcement whould be heard wherein they say dear lisnters now you are lisning to a current affairs progarmme.
"Kashmir ki sorate hal per tabsara karain gae Mr so and so"
And believe me at times when i used to listen to Indian Radios about issues between Inadia and Pakistan i used to started believing them.
Although i was just 6th grade student. That is the power of their propoganda and i admire them for that.

Its time for our Media to make itself strong not to talk in the air.
As if you guys don't target us.. :P
every rival country does that .

I was talking about the form of and effectiveness of Indian propoganda and no doubt you guys are at best at it.

as far as targeting we dont have that much time to initiate a propoganda and its always you who do that :). Than countering is our right
Very True Jana, their entire diplomacy is based on deciet and disinformation. Take this as an example...

"The Indian lobby unleashed another tirade to sabotage the F-16 deal by arranging publication of an article by the Institute of Science and International Security in the Washington Post on 24 June about the Khushab reactor. This publication came just 4 days before the bill on the F-16s was presented in Congress. The new reactor being built at Khushab was no new revelation and was known to US officials through satellite monitoring since years. It's publication at this stage speaks for itself and exposes the ill intent of lobbyists.

This disinformation had put the F-16 deal in jeopardy but fortunately it survived as US officials recognized the true picture. Frederick Jones, National Security Council spokesman told the NYT on 3 August, "We have consulted with our experts and believe the analysis is wrong. The reactor is expected to be substantially smaller and less capable than reported. Speaking on condition of anonymity, a senior intelligence official said the United States has been tracking the new reactor for years. "This has been looked at for a long time and hasn't generated a lot of hand-wringing," the official said. "It could be a replacement of Pakistan's existing nuclear reactor at Khushab."

More so, even their embassies worldwide indulge in propaganda and disinformation against Pakistan..Its another thing most of them work for RAW. But the good news is that the Bush administration knows the little hearted indian mindset quite well and dont pay much attention to their lies concerning Pakistan.
Jana said:
I was talking about the form of and effectiveness of Indian propoganda and no doubt you guys are at best at it.

Nah.. the Chinese are no doubt the best at it.. Even Hezbollah showed some excellent PR skills during the latest conflict.. Imho India really sucks at PR.. All our politicians are oldies who don't really understand the changing importance of the media.. Ever since Musharraf, your regime has paid great importance to the media as well..

Anyhow, after all the talk is over, the substance is what really matters!
Well said Ray/salim.

But...as a indian, can you tell us why indians in general are so obsessed with Pakistan? If they want to be such a great superpower and have daily flights to the moon and what not...why dont they just quit obsessing over Pakistan? Is it Jealousy? Inferiority complex? 1000 years of Moslem rule?
Pakistanis in general think of india as a far off distant land with strange customs and beliefs. They have much more in common with the Middle East,Central Asia than india.

But...this is not to say that all indians are bad people , infact most seem to be very friendly....but its the few bad apples that give your country that particular reputation of being so obsessed with everything Pakistan.

Are we obsessed with Pakistan?

In fact, if one observes your newspapers you will find that there is always some comparison made in articles with India.

As far as the Mughal rule, there is nothing for Indians to feel upset about. It is a part of our history and nothing can wipe it out. And why should anyone feel uncomfortable about one's history?

It appears that you rue the fact that Moslem rule has vanished from India!

Further, here in this forum where people allude to Pakistan being 1000 years old etc, when there was no entity called Pakistan. If indeed there is complex, I presume it is very evident where it lies.

In fact, I don't have to go to far to show who is obsessed with whom. Just check the number of threads you, yourself, have initiated on India and India related or alluded to India or Hindus, when there was no requirement. You dream of India and apparently wake up with cold sweat and fear from violent nightmares! I presume, I don't have to go further to prove the point!

I presume rotten apples reside in all countries.

Are you provoking me in stating that India has strange culture and habit?

I am on this forum because I have been invited by a dear friend of mine and hence I do pull punches and not hand over classic one- two that some so richly deserve.

May I request you to not drag me into drivel, unless you wish to improve your English and knowledge, including about your country and your religion? Ask Asim. He will bear me out that I know a little more than the average non Moslem or non Pakistani. In fact, even though I do not visit PDF, I believe my knowledge is so "profound" that I am seen as a RAW enchilada!Bless their Souls.

I do admit that you are an interesting distraction in an otherwise interesting discussion. Maybe a paid performer to entertain and electrify the forum?!

Let's discuss evenly and learn from each other.

Of course, if there is something wrong about my country, do discuss. The same thing that you write in rather vulgar or coarse terms can be written in more of a civilised and learned manner. But then, that would be asking you for too much!
Well said Ray/salim.

But...as a indian, can you tell us why indians in general are so obsessed with Pakistan?

Please explain how you arrived at this conclusion. There are quite a few Indians and Pakistanis here. In conversations with Indians, Pakistan never really is brought as the "topic du jour". When Pakistanis invite me over for a party on the other hand, they always seem to have an Indian movie or two to watch (thank God for sub-titles). btw, why are there always a million songs and dances???
every rival country does that .

I was talking about the form of and effectiveness of Indian propoganda and no doubt you guys are at best at it.

as far as targeting we dont have that much time to initiate a propoganda and its always you who do that :). Than countering is our right

It is not that Indians are good at propaganda.

It is just that maybe Indians look at the picture in its totality and not in a narrow chauvinistic way. The problem is that maybe you appear to have an agenda right at the start and that puts people on guard and they are put off.

Take that post which someone wrote starting with "Islam is the truth to us" and he went on to justify that just because it is the truth for you all, it shall have to be the truth for non Moslem and thus sacrosanct in international law.

Pray, why? Would you accept if Bush says Christianity is the truth for him and Moslems must accept it as international law!

In fact, there was a hue and cry when he used the word Crusade in a manner of speaking to mean resolute action.

Therefore, if you are failing, which I do not think so, it is because you make everything an agenda and put off people. Look at your President. He does not make everything an agenda. He is a great PR success! In the midst of the world finding Pakistani trained terrorists all over, not a spot of blame sticks to General Musharraf. Just like water falling off a duck's back!Take your other Ministers. They appears as leaden footed and crass.

So, it is just that you all are so India obsessed that you think everything India does, is super but negative for Pakistan!
Come on Sir Ray its not that Indians see thing in totality as far as obssesion is conerned yes Indians are obssesed with Pakistan.
I had experinced this. If u take it honestly just go through any forum on net u will see that.
even a person like u with brain in his head just stoop to their level on other forums rather than this one.
You just visist paktribune site sir and its articles and even forums and other conents you will see how all those comments are Indians and they do so even if their is no mention of India.
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