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How IAF is gonna deal with PLAAF's huge 4.5/5 gen fleet?

The gap between PLAAF and IAF is wide and wide day by day, it is just the start.
J10B now mass production by CAC.
Our only defence is peace....

We do not and cannot fight plaaf.

However if we have too fight then I hope agni five icmb and arihant and akula nuke subs may make chins think twice.

Failing this I say help
We must improve our deterance. We must avoid direct collision with China.
First make that huge 4.5/5 gen fleet to capable of crossing over the Himalayas with weapons underneath, then India is going to worry about you seriously. Till then keep scaring the the Viets and Filipinos. Theres still a very long way for the Chinese to go in terms of avionics and on-board sensors and even the engine tech. PLA-AF is still meant for the Eastern side rather than the western side
J20's cockpit

First make that huge 4.5/5 gen fleet to capable of crossing over the Himalayas with weapons underneath, then India is going to worry about you seriously. Till then keep scaring the the Viets and Filipinos. Theres still a very long way for the Chinese to go in terms of avionics and on-board sensors and even the engine tech. PLA-AF is still meant for the Eastern side rather than the western side

FYI, Vietnam has agreed co-develop oil and gas with China in SCS by Li Ke Qiang's recent visit. India has tried to exploit oil at SCS for several years, but you fail technically in the end. See the difference?
Here is another similar thread opened by the same thread starter a few days back:


What is the point of opening troll threads like this, who's only aim is to chant "We so strong, you so weak, ha ha ha"? Is it for feeding personal ego?

@wanglaokan : Grow up. Seriously.

@Aeronaut @Oscar : Troll thread, with no other purpose. And duplicate of similar troll threads started in the past by the same OP. Do the needful.
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chinese airplanes are plain stupid and crap... chinese would never pitch them against any airforce...plus air combt credentials of chinese air force are very dismal.
I have right to post here, this is a public forum. You try to kick me out when you don't like it. Any idea to deal with PLAAF instead of whining here.

chinese airplanes are plain stupid and crap... chinese would never pitch them against any airforce...plus air combt credentials of chinese air force are very dismal.
delusion...China's fighters are crap, that's your anwser? live like a ostrich is not gonna solve the problem you face.
Here is another similar thread opened by the same thread starter a few days back:


What is the point of opening troll threads like this, who's only aim is to chant "We so strong, you so weak, ha ha ha"? Is it for feeding personal ego?

@wanglaokan : Grow up. Seriously.

@Aeronaut @Oscar : Troll thread, with no other purpose. And duplicate of similar troll threads started in the past by the same OP. Do the needful.

The point is to tell you not to mess with China when you are damn weak.
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I have right to post here, this is a public forum. You try to kick me out when you don't like it. Any idea to deal with PLAAF instead of whining here.

You already posted the exact same thing a few days back, and got 177 replies. What more are you looking for?

I'll save everyone the trouble. Just tell me what you want to hear, and I'll type it out. Do you want to hear that IAF will not be a match for PLAAF and India is doomed, and China will reign supreme? There, I said it. Are you happy now?
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