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How Egypt’s Rebel Movement Helped Pave The Way For A Sisi Presidency

Chak Bamu

Jan 3, 2013
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Well it was no secret. But here is proof about how Egyptian establishment (Army etc...) worked behind scenes to damage and derail the democratic process with help of Useful Idiots of Tamarod.

As ever, various political factions imagine that their prescriptions are the exclusive recipes for taking their respective nations forward. When these factions value their opinions more than the process, they become tools for the deep state. Pakistanis have learned this the hard way and that is why a lot of us were imploring Egyptian brothers not to derail the process.

In any case here's the article from buzzfeed that I cam across, thanks to Tom Gara (@tomgara on twitter):

How Egypt's Rebel Movement Helped Pave The Way For A Sisi Presidency

How Egypt’s Rebel Movement Helped Pave The Way For A Sisi Presidency
For the first time, one of the five founders of the Tamarod, the movement that led the protests that ousted the Muslim Brotherhood last year, admits his movement was taking orders from the army. “We were naive, we were not responsible.”

CAIRO — On the night of July 3, 2013, Moheb Doss stood looking at his television set in disbelief as a statement was read in his name on national television.

The words coming out of the presenter’s mouth bore no resemblance to the carefully drafted statement that Doss, one of the five co-founders of the Tamarod, or Rebel, movement had helped draft hours earlier. It was a statement to mark the moment of Tamarod’s victory, as the protests the group launched on June 30 led to the ouster of the Muslim Brotherhood government just five days later. It was a statement, Doss said, that the group hoped would have a stabilizing effect on the Egyptian public, as it called for a peaceful transition toward a democratic path.

Instead, the presenter quoted Tamarod as calling for the army to step in and protect the people from “brute aggression” by terrorists during potentially turbulent days. The statement supported the army’s forcible removal and arrest of Brotherhood leader and then-President Mohamed Morsi, and dismissed charges that what was happening was a coup.

“What we drafted was a revolutionary statement. It was about peace, and going forward on a democratic path,” Doss told BuzzFeed. “What was read was a statement that could have been written by the army.”

For five days, millions of Egyptians had taken to the streets and demanded an end to the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their numbers surpassed even the wildest expectations of Tamarod, a then-largely unknown group that organized the protests. The five founders became instant celebrities, and on the night of July 3, the moment it appeared their victory was imminent, all of Egypt’s television stations had turned to them for a statement on what would happen next.

“What state TV read was as if it had been written by the army, it threatened the Brotherhood, told them they would use force if necessary,” Doss said. “I was shocked. I understood then that the movement had completely gotten away from us.”

It was, he realized later, the end of a process that began weeks earlier, in which the army and security officials slowly but steadily began exerting an influence over Tamarod, seizing upon the group’s reputation as a grassroots revolutionary movement to carry out their own schemes for Egypt.

“What they did, they did in our names because we let them,” said Doss, who admits he turned a blind eye for too long to what was happening behind the scenes at Tamarod. “The leaders of Tamarod let themselves be directed by others. They took orders from others.”

While the Tamarod movement has, in the past, been linked to Egypt’s interior ministry and its members have admitted in off-record interviews to taking phone calls from the army, never before has a member of Tamarod said that they were under the direct guidance of Egyptian army and intelligence officials. The accusations confirm the suspicions of many in Egypt that the group could not have enjoyed such widespread success without being helped along by senior Egyptian officials.

When, on the night of July 3, the military ousted the Brotherhood from government, arresting Morsi and whisking him to a secret location, they did so in the name of the tens of millions of people who had taken to the streets after Tamarod circulated a petition across Egypt that drew up a number of complaints against the Muslim-Brotherhood held government.

“How did we go from such a small thing, five guys trying to change Egypt, to the movement which brought tens of millions to the street to get rid of the Brotherhood? The answer is we didn’t. I understand now it wasn’t us, we were being used as the face of what something bigger than us wanted,” said Doss, who now has nothing to do with the Tamarod movement, or political life in Egypt. “We were naïve, and we were not responsible.”

In six weeks, Egypt will go to the polls and elect its first president since Morsi’s ouster. By all accounts, army strongman Abdel Fatah el-Sisi, who recently stepped down as the army chief, will win.

Doss now wonders if that wasn’t the plan all along.
OP, they aren't just naive people, but the hierarchy of the 'Tamarod' movement are stooges of the military. They get paid cash to rally people to support Egyptian military interests.

They even tried from Egypt to facilitate a coup in Gaza, the difference is the people of Gaza aren't naive and are very familiar with collaboration. They were claiming Hamas is done within a few weeks and that 'hundreds of thousands' would oust Hamas, yet not even 20 people showed up on the 'major' day. :lol:

The Palestinian people in Gaza know what's right for them though and they are the hope for the Arab Muslim world.
With Sisi running for president, seems like Morsi was in office just waiting for Sisi to show up while Hosni Mubarak went on vacation.

I am not current on Egyptian politics. How can a dictator-show be interesting to anyone outside of Egypt? I am not interested any more. I had honestly thought that Egypt would change for the better.

Seems like the deep state is very well-entrenched and democratic forces are not able to do much at all in Egypt. It would be a few long years before something else happens. Maybe KSA will go through a change and ripples would reach Egypt?
Its old saying worst democracy is better then dictatorship .....listen everyday in Capital talk.....So what next. It feels sometime , democracy is not for violent and very low tolerant nations. Democracy means patience , act ,wait and see the result.
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With Sisi running for president, seems like Morsi was in office just waiting for Sisi to show up while Hosni Mubarak went on vacation.

I am not current on Egyptian politics. How can a dictator-show be interesting to anyone outside of Egypt? I am not interested any more. I had honestly thought that Egypt would change for the better.

Seems like the deep state is very well-entrenched and democratic forces are not able to do much at all in Egypt. It would be a few long years before something else happens. Maybe KSA will go through a change and ripples would reach Egypt?

It's something about the Egyptians, they're accumulated to a military controlled lifestyle and system. So they will believe anything they're told especially when nationalist feelings are invoked. Not everybody there is educated, and the educated ones have a good portion of liberals anyways.

Morsi wanted a self sufficient Egypt which would have meant Egypt could have more political and strategical power. They wouldn't have to worry about the risk of any slight international isolation if they'd become self sufficient. The West and Israel don't care who rules, as long as they play by their rules. Threatening the elected President with an 24 hour curfew is no coincidence and the West knew about it before hand if not conspired with the military.

Ten years from now we'll see leaked documents which admit the West was complicit in the coup. By then though, nobody will even bother caring. So they'll call us liars and we'll be made to appear liars until decades later. This is how they play this game.
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