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How do Hotan locals see Aksai Chin area?


Sep 3, 2012
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The Aksai Chin area is administered by China as part of Hotan county in the Hotan prefecture of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region while India regards Aksai Chin as a part of the Ladakh district.

According to Chinese state perception a large chunk of land beyond the PLA controlled Aksai Chin is under Indian military occupation. Chinese perception of their land comes into conflict with that of India.

But in case of India, the Ladakhi locals whether voluntarily or under secret pressure support the Indian perception and assert their solidarity with Indian army in its claim of entire Aksai Chin as part of India.

Why can't we see such solidarity from the locals on the other side of the LAC to the Chinese PLA? Why don't the local populations of Hotan, the Uyghur or Tibetan or Han, voice the support to their own military, the PLA?

Why is not any kind of mass demonstration supporting the Chinese Govt's view even be seen in either Xinjiang or Tibet or in Beijing to say the least? Don't they care about their own land? Aren't they concerned with China's territorial integrity?

In the eastern sector, in AP/ST, the local civilians are seen shouting their anti China slogans whenever any tension rises due to misperception of border, why the local civilians on the Chinese side are never seen doing the same is something beyond my understanding.
All that PDF's famous Chacha jaan could post is what is seen above ^^^^
Indeed, these questions came to my mind just two days ago while reading Zainab's article where she observes:

"How do the Ladakhis perceive the constant state of mistrust between India and China, and routine episodes of tensions between the two armies?"

One paragraph of the article goes this way:

"In a protest held outside Jammu University on 23 April 2013, members of Ladakh Students Association shouted slogans against the incursion and urged the government against acting as a "mute spectator”. The student group urged the Centre to take measures to check the aggressive posturing of China, and said that the Ladakhis feel insecure by the repeated incursions. In the same lines, a protest demonstration was also organised by students from the Ladakh region in Macleodganj, Dharamshala, wherein they criticised the government of India for not taking necessary actions to keep the Chinese PLA away from the LAC. Tibetan students taking part in the protest reiterated the fact that they do not want Ladakh to be another Tibet, which is why they appealed to the Indian Government to take action against the incursions."

Chinese Incursion in Ladakh: Local Perspectives by Zainab Akhter

If China claims to be something belonging to the People like People's Republic, People's Army, People's Court, People's whatever, then why is not a simultaneous single mass demonstration held in China by the civilians either in the concerned province/county or in the capital itself like what the world can see in India thanks to media?
All that PDF's famous Chacha jaan could post is what is seen above ^^^^

because we are more powerful? You never see anti-Iraq protests in US, and yet there it is anti US in Iraq.

Japan is different because the perception is that it is more advanced than China and there is the humiliating Sino Japanese history.

Also why the south China sea stuff is talked about but brushed off and why the Vietnamese and Filipino are protesting while we hardly cares.

Most Chinese care very little about India and cares less about the dispute. It was not until I got interested into politics and stuff that I even knew about the 62 war.

Most everyday Chinese didn't even know about the war. Vietnam and Korea and that's it.
because we are more powerful? You never see anti-Iraq protests in US, and yet there it is anti US in Iraq.

Japan is different because the perception is that it is more advanced than China and there is the humiliating Sino Japanese history.

Also why the south China sea stuff is talked about but brushed off and why the Vietnamese and Filipino are protesting while we hardly cares.

Most Chinese care very little about India and cares less about the dispute. It was not until I got interested into politics and stuff that I even knew about the 62 war.

Most everyday Chinese didn't even know about the war. Vietnam and Korea and that's it.

What kind of nation you are? Are you really a nation? If you are, then you must have a state, you must have a territory, and you seem to be with "don't care attitude" towards your territorial integrity? Do you see yourselves as a nation with or without a state? If it is so, then you are a joke!

Did you mean to say your "don't care attitude" comes from your sense of being superior to selective others? Are you for real Sir?
What kind of nation you are? Are you really a nation? If you are, then you must have a state, you must have a territory, and you seem to be with "don't care attitude" towards your territorial integrity? Do you see yourselves as a nation with or without a state? If it be so, then you are a joke!

Did you mean to say your "don't care attitude" comes from your sense of being superior to selective others? Are you for real Sir?

Our don't care attitude comes from the fact we can steam roll everyone we have a dispute with. Except Japan, that'll be a hard won battle.

We know about the Sino japanese why? We were defeated and we want revenge, that and Japan was superior for so many decades even after the war.

We know about Korea why? Against America we pretty much lost again, at least in terms of loses and stuff not result.

Vietnam? Less and less young people know about that one now, though it is still known cause it was more recent.

It's like do Indians protest Pakistan Indian disputed territories? If you do then sorry didn't know.
Our don't care attitude comes from the fact we can steam roll everyone we have a dispute with. Except Japan, that'll be a hard won battle.

We know about the Sino japanese why? We were defeated and we want revenge, that and Japan was superior for so many decades even after the war.

We know about Korea why? Against America we pretty much lost again, at least in terms of loses and stuff not result.

Vietnam? Less and less young people know about that one now, though it is still known cause it was more recent.

It's like do Indians protest Pakistan Indian disputed territories? If you do then sorry didn't know.

I think you are trying to sideline the real fact by making a fake explanation. In India, in Tamil Nadu in particular, Tamils held mass demonstrations, protests, rallies, against Sri Lanka during the recent civil war despite the fact that Sri Lanka is militarily far weaker than India. There are other examples of course.

I think the real fact is just the opposite, you are after Japan because you know Japan is militarily nowhere near China and you deliberately avoid India as you know India is almost equal to China in terms of military.

Or may be there are other reasons, may be your govt does not allow anyone to hold a mass protest as the practice of people's protest in a dictatorial system might backfire.

What is the truth?
I think you are trying to sideline the real fact by making a fake explanation. In India, in Tamil Nadu in particular, Tamils held mass demonstrations, protests, rallies, against Sri Lanka during the recent civil war despite the fact that Sri Lanka is militarily far weaker than India. There are other examples of course.

I think the real fact is just the opposite, you are after Japan because you know Japan is militarily nowhere near China and you deliberately avoid India as you know India is almost equal to China in terms of military.

Or may be there are other reasons, may be your govt does not allow anyone to hold a mass protest as the practice of people's protest in a dictatorial system might backfire.

What is the truth?

Ok first you said China held rallies against Japan and then said China doesn't allow rallies. IS this law just for India or something can you clarify here?

Second did you just say you think Japan is weaker militarily than India? Japan is self defense in name only. Their men are well trained, equipped, paid, ultra nationalistic, and everything. They are about as powerful as US in terms of infantry though less numbers obviously, their navy with a rich history and high tech equipments is power, air force they have access to the latest including F-35 when that is available.

Against China the only disadvantage they'll have is numbers and nothing else. You think it is true with Indians stationed at the Sino Indian border? Where the numbers thing is also true for some reason along with many others.

BTW Japan spends way more than India for a very long time, and still do and will still for some years.
Ok first you said China held rallies against Japan and then said China doesn't allow rallies. IS this law just for India or something can you clarify here?

Second did you just say you think Japan is weaker militarily than India? Japan is self defense in name only. Their men are well trained, equipped, paid, ultra nationalistic, and everything. They are about as powerful as US in terms of infantry though less numbers obviously, their navy with a rich history and high tech equipments is power, air force they have access to the latest including F-35 when that is available.

Against China the only disadvantage they'll have is numbers and nothing else. You think it is true with Indians stationed at the Sino Indian border? Where the numbers thing is also true for some reason along with many others.

BTW Japan spends way more than India for a very long time, and still do and will still for some years.

You did see how your Govt tried to put the massive mass protests against Japan under control as soon as it appeared to be leading to disruptions of the authoritarian order which itself had encouraged the protests, if not mobilized them directly. You did see how tense the Beijing politburo was as things appeared to go out of control. That is what I meant.

As for Japan, it is technologically high but is still not a nuclear power, nor does it have the space to engage a big country like China in military conflict under the present circumstance.
You did see how your Govt tried to put the massive mass protests against Japan under control as soon as it appeared to be leading to disruptions of the authoritarian order which itself had encouraged the protests, if not mobilized them directly. You did see how tense the Beijing politburo was as things appeared to go out of control. That is what I meant.

As for Japan, it is technologically high but is still not a nuclear power, nor does it have the space to engage a big country like China in military conflict under the present circumstance.

And yet they happened, there are no protests against India, Vietnam and Philippines, though same can't be said for them, why?

What is the difference between these countries and Japan?

Besides, there isn't even an anti Indian, Vietnam or Philippine's protest to put under control. So the government stance on protest is not important in this case.

Japan don't need to be a nuclear power, besides, with their technology all they lack is actually making the nuke, if they want they can almost instantly make nukes better than India can.

Any war fought with China in case of Japan or India will not be an invasion, it's suicidal to invade India as it is to invade Japan.

It will be a war fought either at the border or neutral area, or into the other's territory but not too far into it. So tech and level of troops are way more important.

Which is why I said Japan is way more of a threat than India, not least because they spend way more on a much smaller army.
And yet they happened, there are no protests against India, Vietnam and Philippines, though same can't be said for them, why?

What is the difference between these countries and Japan?

Besides, there isn't even an anti Indian, Vietnam or Philippine's protest to put under control. So the government stance on protest is not important in this case.

Japan don't need to be a nuclear power, besides, with their technology all they lack is actually making the nuke, if they want they can almost instantly make nukes better than India can.

Any war fought with China in case of Japan or India will not be an invasion, it's suicidal to invade India as it is to invade Japan.

It will be a war fought either at the border or neutral area, or into the other's territory but not too far into it. So tech and level of troops are way more important.

Which is why I said Japan is way more of a threat than India, not least because they spend way more on a much smaller army.

Who can buy the Japan threat theory? Tell any layman that Japan is a threat to China and see whether he gets convinced. Now if Japan is no threat to China, then there comes your previous logic that Chinese want revenge. Honestly saying, this revenge theory does not explain why Hotan locals for that matter don't care if Aksai Chin is gone from Hotan and are more concerned with water under Japan's control they would perhaps never see.

To be specific, why are the Hotan locals so silent about whatever happens to their own county?
Who can buy the Japan threat theory? Tell any layman that Japan is a threat to China and see whether he gets convinced. Now if Japan is no threat to China, then there comes your previous logic that Chinese want revenge. Honestly saying, this revenge theory does not explain why Hotan locals for that matter don't care if Aksai Chin is gone from Hotan and are more concerned with water under Japan's control they would perhaps never see.

To be specific, why are the Hotan locals so silent about whatever happens to their own county?

India presents no challenge to China in the region what so ever, maybe China won't get the disputed territory India still holds, but there is no chance India will get China's territory.

Japan isn't a "threat" in the sense that they will conquer China, but they are still per capitally way superior, militarily advanced, way more prestige and a few other things that India and the rest of Asia just don't have.

We want revenge not because of the water, but for prestige, to finally turn the chapter and make China into a global power in the real sense.

It's like Japan's Russo Japanese war that made Japan into a great power.
To be specific, why are the Hotan locals so silent about whatever happens to their own county?

Isn't simple enough? Aksai Chin is under the control of China, even though India claims it but the people in Hotan do not think India will go to war over it and the action of India does point toward that direction. So why should they protest? Where there's a need to protest? Why protest something that's totally unnecessary?
India presents no challenge to China in the region what so ever, maybe China won't get the disputed territory India still holds, but there is no chance India will get China's territory.

Japan isn't a "threat" in the sense that they will conquer China, but they are still per capitally way superior, militarily advanced, way more prestige and a few other things that India and the rest of Asia just don't have.

We want revenge not because of the water, but for prestige, to finally turn the chapter and make China into a global power in the real sense.

It's like Japan's Russo Japanese war that made Japan into a great power.

So you mean, Hotan locals have so much confidence on your military that they don't bother thinking about losing Aksai Chin? Or do they?

There can be two explanations: either your govt sucks at manipulating public opinion if there is no "J" word and fails to manufacture public anger and agitations at the periphery or the local populations have no support to your army and are fully indifferent minded about what happens to Chinese territory.

If the former is true, then recruit me with a handsome salary, because I an do that job.... just joking Lol

Thanks for the replies... will talk to you later.
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