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How can we keep Army out of Politics?


Sep 8, 2008
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So i was just thinking how can we keep Army out of Politics?How can we make sure ISI is not rigging elections?Army should honestly stay out Politics as it destroys whole Democratic System and OTOH, How can we keep make sure Politicians don't use Army for their personal work..?Dictatorship should be avoided at all costs IMHO.Army should be used for national security only and Political Parties as well as Politicans should be barred from meeting Army Generals without any purpose.
Though it is desirable but seeing how things have been in Pak since '47 & the manner in which PA has got intertwined with everything to do in Pak I do not think this is possible.
saadahmed sir, we all would like to see Army out of politics even if Army and ISI is fully completely out of politics do we have a political party with politicians with credible political background proper degrees lol and having a vision and plan for country for long term that rest of the political parties agree with..Look at Germany one of the world's best political parties and vison and political system in there...PPP in power 4th time u can see Pakistan's future...Nawaz tika wala...3 time in power any change?? both PPP and Nawaz had put pakistan collectively in 40 Billion dollars in debt, add mr zia ul haq as well, and then Musharaff and his party another 20 billion dollars..Any significant changes in Pakistan?? why is PPP so dull instead of asking for Aid from the word like a bheekaree why not ask them to waive and abolish debt that Pakistan owes to US/NATO counties and that which Pakistan gives away to US/NATO nations in debt use that for war on terror and developments in Pakistan only if these politicians have balls and brains...remember Singapore asked PPP that if it wants to install fibre optic cables in pakistan in 1988 at that time India and other nations were transforming going Hightech in IT fields while PPP rejected it for weird reasons..something that could have change Pakistan IT future PPP destroyed that vision...
To keep the Army out of politics the GoP must control the Army. The civilian, elected officials have to appoint the top generals of the military. The top generals have to serve at the pleasure of the civilian leaders. The civilian leaders, themselves, have to be checked by a system that divides power among judicial, financial and legislative, and executive functions. The people have to have a strong mechanism (elections and term limits of officeholders) to check the civilian politicians. Just study nations that have militaries that do not interfere with the politics of their nations and you will see these elements.
i dont think the government could be trusted.

I trust ISI then Pakistan army and then Chief Justice Iftikar Chaudhry.

Whoever puts the best interst of Pakistan and Pakistanis first deserves to be in control of the country and that is the ISI.
So i was just thinking how can we keep Army out of Politics?How can we make sure ISI is not rigging elections?Army should honestly stay out Politics as it destroys whole Democratic System and OTOH, How can we keep make sure Politicians don't use Army for their personal work..?Dictatorship should be avoided at all costs IMHO.Army should be used for national security only and Political Parties as well as Politicans should be barred from meeting Army Generals without any purpose.

You can't, to be frank.

The situation will have to be changed drastically on three fronts at a time, which is very difficult.

1. ISI and army will have to withdraw their interests from the power center. As long as they 'want' to control things, nobody can do nothing.

2. A stable, matured and patriotic govt should be in-charge of Pakistan.

3. At last, but not the least, Pakistani people should feel that their future is in safe hands of civilian govt, and there is no need for army to interfere.

But right now, every one of these targets is out of sight.
its a two way street - the civilian govt should not un-necessarily interfere in armed forces routine matters and also not create a culture of "patronage" with general staff officers. secondly, the armed forces is the most organised, disciplined and highly educated institution in the country and they expect the same level of efficiency from the civilian govt. thirdly, the armed forces should provide a level playing field to the civilian govt. to operate without fear!...and follow their role as per the constitution!
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To keep the Army out of politics the GoP must control the Army. The civilian, elected officials have to appoint the top generals of the military. The top generals have to serve at the pleasure of the civilian leaders. The civilian leaders, themselves, have to be checked by a system that divides power among judicial, financial and legislative, and executive functions. The people have to have a strong mechanism (elections and term limits of officeholders) to check the civilian politicians. Just study nations that have militaries that do not interfere with the politics of their nations and you will see these elements.
But the problem with that is Politicians try to select their favorite Generals and try to play with Army.Army alone cannot be blamed as Sir Fatman posted above.It's usually Politicians who started playing around with Army and then get their ***** kicked by Army.
To keep the Army out of politics the GoP must control the Army. The civilian, elected officials have to appoint the top generals of the military. The top generals have to serve at the pleasure of the civilian leaders. The civilian leaders, themselves, have to be checked by a system that divides power among judicial, financial and legislative, and executive functions. The people have to have a strong mechanism (elections and term limits of officeholders) to check the civilian politicians. Just study nations that have militaries that do not interfere with the politics of their nations and you will see these elements.
The Army Chiefs as well as Air Force and Navy Chief is selected by President but the problem is even our Political Parties are pretty much dictatorship.Unlike America in Pakistan Political Parties stick with one person who will stay head of Party and PM until he/she dies and In America everything has to pass through Congress and Senate where as in Pakistan sometimes Democratic Government just pass orders without passing it through Parliament..
The Army Chiefs as well as Air Force and Navy Chief is selected by President but the problem is even our Political Parties are pretty much dictatorship.Unlike America in Pakistan Political Parties stick with one person who will stay head of Party and PM until he/she dies and In America everything has to pass through Congress and Senate where as in Pakistan sometimes Democratic Government just pass orders without passing it through Parliament..

Another thing to add to your opinion is that army Cheifs don't neccesarily obey all the commands of their elected Cheifs take for example Generals that have overthrown the government. Last but not the least Only one Paksitani party has had family politics uptill now the others haven't basically lost a leader to change one.
Anyone of you remembers the OATH an officers takes before he becomes an officer in ARMY, and our Jawans too that will make this thread pretty clear.
Anyone of you remembers the OATH an officers takes before he becomes an officer in ARMY, and our Jawans too that will make this thread pretty clear.

yes sir!:enjoy:
Anyone of you remembers the OATH an officers takes before he becomes an officer in ARMY, and our Jawans too that will make this thread pretty clear.

Could you add this Oath on in apost or give a link to it please for us non PA people.
But the problem with that is Politicians try to select their favorite Generals and try to play with Army.Army alone cannot be blamed as Sir Fatman posted above.It's usually Politicians who started playing around with Army and then get their ***** kicked by Army.

Well, I understand that what I said in my post is impractical to implement now. THEREFORE, I don't think the Army should be excluded from politics. I think you had the most workable (not perfect) system when Musharraf was in charge. Better would be to elect Musharraf as president from a party with strong numbers in the Parliament. Musharraf would work as a partner with the Army, not an adversary.
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