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How Americans destroyed Ukraines best Military devices, the Tu 160 Bomber

You just can not imagine the level of corruption in Ukraine. In the 90s were sold all the secrets of Soviet science and defense industries. People quietly gave that was created by persistent, hard work of several generations of Soviet citizens. Some years earlier for such a treasons peopla were executed , and now polite uncles gave dollars for it. Unimaginable how citizens os superpower in a few years turned into the Aboriginal who give gold in exchange for glass beads ...
The Ulyanovsk was 20% built when work stopped. It looks like nobody had the money to see it finished otherwise they would still have been building it. So it was languishing in their shipyard. So yes, to make sure it was never restarted, it looks like big money contracts were dangled in front of them to get it to be removed from the shipyard.

Later all those so-called contracts were breached, it is just a deceptive tactic to lure the shipyard to dismantle the unfinished supercarrier.

yeah Ukraine cant afford putting the planes into a warehouse and covering them with plastic bags, its too expensive

If You check the Belbek air base (just north of Sevastopol) on Google Maps there are around 50 fighters
of different kinds, and apparently only a handful were in flying condition.

Watch this Russophobes, if you want to blame anyone why Ukraine cant defend itself from a possible Russian Invasion watch this who dismantled their best weapons in the first place.

America is to be blamed for it, with these soviet bombers the current situation would look completely different. Always remember guys doesnt matter where you live america is your worst enemy, with these bombers russia wouldnt dare to take over crimea or eastern ukraine.
How ? Did the US stole the jets ? :lol:

The video said NOTHING about how the US acquired those jets. It said Russia BOUGHT them -- via debt credit -- from Ukraine. So may be we can say that Russia is to 'blamed' for Ukraine having no defense ? Smart move by the Russians, actually.

But here is something you are ignorant about...After the spectacular collapse of the Soviet Union, former Soviet satellites need cash in order to survive, so they called US if we wanted to buy Soviet military hardware that the Russians could not take back to Russia. What we bought from anyone ranged from jets to tanks to guns and even whole ICBMs and the entire list is still secret.

So it is absurd to 'blame' US for the defenseless condition Ukraine is in. Get a clue.
How ? Did the US stole the jets ? :lol:

The video said NOTHING about how the US acquired those jets. It said Russia BOUGHT them -- via debt credit -- from Ukraine. So may be we can say that Russia is to 'blamed' for Ukraine having no defense ? Smart move by the Russians, actually.

But here is something you are ignorant about...After the spectacular collapse of the Soviet Union, former Soviet satellites need cash in order to survive, so they called US if we wanted to buy Soviet military hardware that the Russians could not take back to Russia. What we bought from anyone ranged from jets to tanks to guns and even whole ICBMs and the entire list is still secret.

So it is absurd to 'blame' US for the defenseless condition Ukraine is in. Get a clue.

ukraine was forced by US pressure to sign a de weaponisation act while you gave the special cutting machines to destroy them go lookat the video
ukraine was forced by US pressure to sign a de weaponisation act while you gave the special cutting machines to destroy them go lookat the video
Ukraine was 'forced' to do anything. What we acquired from the former Soviet satellites, we acquired them with consent of the countries.

You are not a very intelligent man, we can see that now. You think that those cash strapped countries could have survived without assistance ? If those bombers were not 'acquired' in some ways, whether for our study or for destruction, if Ukraine could not maintain them for the last 30-something yrs, what good will those bombers do for Ukraine today ? Even if Ukraine could fly them, how often to maintain combat proficiency ? It is bad enough that you are NOT very intelligent, you also have no military experience to know any better. What a pathetic combination in a military oriented forum.

Your Russian leadership is just as thuggish as its Soviet incarnation and that thug mentality is reflected in your arguments. By your way of thinking, if a monk took a vow of non-violence and peace, his religion is to blame if he is mugged.
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