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Horrible crime against a 2 year old child


Jun 28, 2010
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Indian-origin Kiwi resident stuffs toddler in washer after double murder
Indian-origin Kiwi resident stuffs toddler in washer after double murder

An Indian-origin New Zealand man has admitted stabbing a two-year-old toddler 10 times, stuffing her body in a washing machine and turning the machine on, only minutes after killing her mother.

Deepak Nagpal was boarding with Dev and Ravneet Sangha at the family home in Tauranga when he murdered Ravneet and her two-year old daughter Anna after a fight about money, a court was told.

Ravneet complained about Nagpal to friends on June 4 via a text message, saying she had asked him to leave the house over money issues, the New Zealand Tribune reports.

Moments later Nagpal stabbed Ravneet more than 100 times using different knives that he found in the kitchen.

Crown prosecutor Rob Ronayne said the "determined, frenzied, violent and sustained attack" left serrations in Ravneet's skull.

The court heard that Anna tried to run away from Nagpal, making bloody footprints throughout the house, but he grabbed her, took her to the laundry and stabbed her.

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Nagpal put Anna's body in the washing machine along with one of her booties, her dummy and a cell phone. Nagpal then turned the machine on and cleaned himself up.

He changed his clothes and took jewellery and bank cards belonging to the Sangha family and went on a spending spree.

Nagpal made several cash withdrawals and purchases around Tauranga including a 1049-dollar cell phone, a 3000-dollar transfer to a relative's bank account in India and a 1100 dollar one-way flight to Delhi.

He later travelled with a friend to Auckland where he made more cash withdrawals.

The slightly built 23-year-old Nagpal, a kiwi fruit worker, appeared yesterday in the Tauranga District Court where he pleaded guilty before a packed gallery to the double murder of Ravneet Sangha, 32 and her daughter Anna.

Nagpal, who showed little emotion while the grisly summary of facts was being read out, will appear in the High Court at Rotorua for sentencing on February 18.

"Nothing can change my life," Dev Sangha said as he walked away from the court.

Shame on this mentally sick killer.
This is probably the most horrifying murder I have come to know of... May he be stabbed and rolled in the hellfire for eternity... How could a person commit such a crime and not lose his sanity! He needs to die the way he killed his victims...

stabbed the mother a 100+ times!
then stabbing a 2 yr daughter 10 times!

May Our LORD protect us from such sons of satan. Ameen
Actually I have seen several such cases. In an certain (not Pakistan or UAE) country I was living in, a woman choked her child to death. Another woman let her dog kill her baby and protected her dog in court- saying that it was the baby's fault.
Oh my gosh!!

This is soo...soo.....HAVE GOT NO WORDS!
Astagh-far-ul-allah ...
Maaz-Allah ..
I never heard of such brutality before.
Horrible indeed.
This is probably the most horrifying murder I have come to know of... May he be stabbed and rolled in the hellfire for eternity... How could a person commit such a crime and not lose his sanity! He needs to die the way he killed his victims...

stabbed the mother a 100+ times!
then stabbing a 2 yr daughter 10 times!

May Our LORD protect us from such sons of satan. Ameen

Actually I have seen several such cases. In an certain (not Pakistan or UAE) country I was living in, a woman choked her child to death. Another woman let her dog kill her baby and protected her dog in court- saying that it was the baby's fault.

the fact that someone committed a murder has nothing to do with his Indian origin...neither is stands as an evidence that people of Indian origin are more likely to commit murder and serious crimes...lets keep racist tones down

I beg to differ. I don't really mind people referring to him as Indian-Origin man or whatever.

When we can take credit in an American born scientist or something when he does something of repute, we should also be ready to take such instances in our stride.

Although, I must say, in this particular incident, it is irrelevant how you refer the person concerned since he is most likely mentally retarded.

Only a psychopath can stab someone 100 times.
the man should be tortured, put into washing machine and drowned to death

-ve * -ve = +ve .... ONLY IN AIRTHMATIC.......

Please dont refer to talibani methods...... if hes a sicko doesnt mean we shud also be sickos...shud we?

he deserves punishment but in a humanitarian way.....poison injections are the best way ! definately not stoning to death or TORTURING ! thats inhumane !
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-ve + -ve = +ve .... ONLY IN AIRTHMATIC.......

Please dont refer to talibani methods...... if hes a sicko doesnt mean we shud also be sickos...shud we?

he deserves punishment but in a humanitarian way.....poison injections are the best way ! definately not stoning to death or TORTURING ! thats inhumane !

How about chopping of his head with a sword? maybe for him we could keep the sword less sharp :angry:
-ve + -ve = +ve .... ONLY IN AIRTHMATIC.......

Please dont refer to talibani methods...... if hes a sicko doesnt mean we shud also be sickos...shud we?

he deserves punishment but in a humanitarian way.....poison injections are the best way ! definately not stoning to death or TORTURING ! thats inhumane !

why being humane to him when he was not humane to the innocent kid???, if some body fcked you up, will you suggest a humane punishment for that criminal??

will you suggest humane punishment for ajmal kasab, taliban etc??
How about chopping of his head with a sword? maybe for him we could keep the sword less sharp :angry:

the man should be tortured, put into washing machine and drowned to death

Alright guys we get it, you don't have to one up each other in how sadistic one can get in punishing this guy.

How about letting the judicial system take care of it? There is a reason we have law in civilized countries.
sick!!! how can such people even breath the same air as us
Alright guys we get it, you don't have to one up each other in how sadistic one can get in punishing this guy.

How about letting the judicial system take care of it? There is a reason we have law in civilized countries.

that barbarian deserves a painful punishment, and just 2 yr confinement maybe send him to gitmo or abu gharib
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