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Hong Kong Won’t Delay Sanctions Against the Philippines


Jun 28, 2010
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Hong Kong Won’t Delay Sanctions Against the Philippines | China Power | The Diplomat

Hong Kong has no plans to delay economic sanctions against the Philippines, despite the destruction of Typhoon Haiyan, Filipino media reported on Tuesday, citing Hong Kong media outlets.

Last week, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying announced plans to impose economic sanctions against the Philippines unless it met the demands of the victims of the 2010 Rizal Park hostage-taking incident within one month.

His call was answered by Hong Kong’s Legislative Council who last week passed a non-binding resolution calling for economic sanctions and an end visa-free entry into Hong Kong for Filipinos. Many Filipinos work in Hong Kong. The legislature is now considering passing a bill to implement economic sanctions.

According to Philippine news sources, which cited Hong Kong sources, on Tuesday Hong Kong announced that it does not plan to delay the sanctions on account of the super typhoon that has wrecked parts of the Philippines and left over 1,800 people dead.

Leung said of the sanctions: “We have been in contact with the Philippine government over the last couple of days and they have not raised the question of extending the deadline” by which the Philippine government must meet the demands of the Hong Kong victims.

One Hong Kong legislator dismissed the idea of delaying sanctions, arguing that there was no link between the recent storm and the 2010 bus incident.

“I wouldn't agree to delaying the sanction. I think we should, on one hand, provide humanitarian relief to the best we can if that is being called for, but, on the other hand, the hostage incident is a matter of justice for the Hong Kong people and especially the victims,” said Fernando Cheung, a Hong Kong lawmaker.

Other lawmakers said that Hong Kong should stay in contact with the Philippines government to see if a delay was needed.

Earlier in the week it appeared that Hong Kong was going to delay the sanctions when a lawmaker shelved the bill to implement them.

The Manila hostage crisis occurred in the Philippine capital in 2010. A disgruntled Philippine police officer who had lost his job took a coach full of mostly Hong Kong residents hostage in a desperate attempt to win his job back. After an 8-hour standoff a gun fight ensued between police and the hostage taker, which left eight of the Hong Kong tourists dead and injured seven others. The shootout was broadcast live on TV and on the Internet.

In separate investigations both the Philippines government and the Hong Kong government identified the Philippine police’s handling of the situation as a factor that led to the deaths.

Hong Kong is demanding an apology from the Philippine President Benigno Aquino, compensation for survivors and the families of the deceased, and that the officials involved in trying to free the hostages are held accountable. Although the new mayor of the city of Manila apologized earlier this year — citing that it was Manila police under the mayor’s command who tried to free the hostage — Hong Kong has demanded that Aquino himself apologize.

The Philippine government has said it is quietly trying to resolve the issue with Hong Kong authorities behind the scenes.

Despite the threat of sanctions, Leung has said that all requests for aid relating to the typhoon will be processed according to “procedure and humanitarian policy.” He was also expected to ask the Legislative Council for US$5.1 million in assistance for the Philippines. This is considerably more than the US$200,000 China has said it will give to the Philippines and the Red Cross in the wake of the damage.
After what the Philippines has done to Hong Kong, Hong Kong still willing to help the Philippines. That is such a symbol of mercy.
However different business is different business, that doesn't mean you can write off the other debt.
After what the Philippines has done to Hong Kong, Hong Kong still willing to help the Philippines. That is such a symbol of mercy.
However different business is different business, that doesn't mean you can write off the other debt.

According to TVB News, a rich Hong Kong Tycoon is giving the Mayor of manila $10Million to compensate the victim's family of the Massacre of the 8 chinese tourists from HK in the Philippines.
According to TVB News, a rich Hong Kong Tycoon is giving the Mayor of manila $10Million to compensate the victim's family of the Massacre of the 8 chinese tourists from HK in the Philippines.
Is that true? What is the sense in that?
The natural disaster that has afflicted the Philippines is unfortunate and regrettable, but should have no bearing on the application of sanctions by the HK authorities. A criminal is not relieved of criminal liability because of the state of his/her medical health, and I so no reason why this principle should not be extended to the international system.

These sanctions will be lifted as soon as the PH govt expresses a sincere apology for their role in the 2010 bus massacre, and awards appropriate redress to the victims.
stop wasting time impose sanctions on Philippines immediately
China can blow a pipe we down right now and doing this bull screw chinese
After what the Philippines has done to Hong Kong, Hong Kong still willing to help the Philippines. That is such a symbol of mercy.
However different business is different business, that doesn't mean you can write off the other debt.

Betting up Filipinos mostly maid treating them inhumanely for decades and bashing our national anthem and our national team just typical examples of their so called mercy. 
stop wasting time impose sanctions on Philippines immediately

Heck i welcome it bring it one its just like the banana sanction, Thanks to it we got more customer like Russia, US, Canada, Singapore etc again a door close other open so go you chinamen and suck it.
Betting up Filipinos mostly maid treating them inhumanely for decades and bashing our national anthem and our national team just typical examples of their so called mercy.

We treat our maids very nicely. We pay them multiple times what they could earn back in the Philippines, plus benefits too.

Otherwise why would they keep coming here. Take a look down in Central on a Sunday, there are Filipino maids everywhere.
The natural disaster that has afflicted the Philippines is unfortunate and regrettable, but should have no bearing on the application of sanctions by the HK authorities. A criminal is not relieved of criminal liability because of the state of his/her medical health, and I so no reason why this principle should not be extended to the international system.

These sanctions will be lifted as soon as the PH govt expresses a sincere apology for their role in the 2010 bus massacre, and awards appropriate redress to the victims.

Wow kicking people when they down typical chinese imperial arrogance heck you can only bully weak countries heck it will bite sooner or later just keep it up your economy and environment and everything else is going down the toilet so ya trash talk as much as you want its all trash anyway. 
We treat our maids very nicely. We pay them multiple times what they could earn back in the Philippines, plus benefits too.

Otherwise why would they keep coming here. Take a look down in Central on a Sunday, there are Filipino maids everywhere.

Ha then look at all the index about HK then benefits my @$$ i mean you even found ways to stop a legal process to grant them status ha your $hit%ng me right? come on imperial you have no humanity just like the majority of your population territory or the good old middle kingdom your just pure evil now and kicking us in this forum and the other forums and news letters i have read so far majority chinamen like yourselves are just full of inhuman comments and arrogance.
Ha then look at all the index about HK then benefits my @$$ i mean you even found ways to stop a legal process to grant them status ha your $hit%ng me right? come on imperial you have no humanity just like the majority of your population territory or the good old middle kingdom your just pure evil now and kicking us in this forum and the other forums and news letters i have read so far majority chinamen like yourselves are just full of inhuman comments and arrogance.

What status? What right does a Filipino national have, to get HK residency and Chinese citizenship?

They come for work, and their contract specifically states that they cannot apply for residency or citizenship. If they don't like that deal, they should stop coming.
We treat our maids very nicely. We pay them multiple times what they could earn back in the Philippines, plus benefits too.

Otherwise why would they keep coming here. Take a look down in Central on a Sunday, there are Filipino maids everywhere.

I can never see a Chinese maid in the Philippines, yet there are millions of Filipino are flowing in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, yet that creature still call us "arrogance" and think that they are important than us, how irony.

Their economy finally got some positive feedback after all those years, yet this creature dare to laugh at China the second strongest economy in the world (while the whole world is in rescission). We are "arrogance" said that creature.

That creature mentioned about the football march in Hong Kong and how some of the HK fans were not being nice to those Filipino fans, yet HK people have apologized for such inappropriate behavior. But when will Filipino apologized for their crime? When will they apologized for taking pictures from where the incident happened with their SMILING FACES? When will THIS CREATURE apologize for laughing at HK people's dead when I was mentioning about this incident in this forum?

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We treat our maids very nicely. We pay them multiple times what they could earn back in the Philippines, plus benefits too.

Otherwise why would they keep coming here. Take a look down in Central on a Sunday, there are Filipino maids everywhere.

Ya sure sure and you won the world war 2 because so great (not) if your going to spread bull make it a good one! Nicely may @$$ 
I can never see a Chinese maid in the Philippines, yet there are millions of Filipino are flowing in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, yet that creature still call us "arrogance" and think that they are important than us, how irony.

Their economy finally got some positive feedback after all those years, yet this creature dare to laugh at China the second strongest economy in the world (while the whole world is in rescission). We are "arrogance" said that creature.

That creature mentioned about the football march in Hong Kong and how some of the HK fans were not being nice to those Filipino fans, yet HK people have apologized for such inappropriate behavior. But when will Filipino apologized for their crime? When will they apologized for taking pictures from where the incident happened with their SMILING FACES? When will THIS CREATURE apologize for laughing at HK people's dead when I was mentioning about this incident in this forum?


Oh really nice pics this always your reasoning and to that this nothing compare to the decades of abuse and racism we got from you people! Its not our fault what part is that can you not understand? For on thing you people should apologies for being arrogant jerks for decades! Stop being babies for Christ sake and why now when the Philippines is down? Oh i know you people are paid to do so and beside am not just talking about the maids am talking about the racism and arrogance of you people in general its bad enough you people smuggling and stealing resources and idea if you don't like to be reminded get the heck out of the forum 
What status? What right does a Filipino national have, to get HK residency and Chinese citizenship?

They come for work, and their contract specifically states that they cannot apply for residency or citizenship. If they don't like that deal, they should stop coming.[/quote

Yes because that so called basic law say so and please don't tell me that's into racism you people always look down on other people not just Filipinos anyway get your brains back to topic or if your have nothing to say which doubt shut the hell up.
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