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Holy cow: smuggling Indian cows to Bangladesh

And you didnt answer me.The logic behind Islam can also to superman.why not?.who do you believe is upto you.if your path was perfect no lungis would get their butt shot at the border.nor would diwali be an every day occassion in pqkistan.

Worship animals can make you shoot you lungis at border,have double a trillion dollar economy.why not?
oh yes.no question.your God.one who tells to kill the kaffirs.oh wait does he?

Sorry, no. Our Allah does not commands such.but some radical minds with little faith and Islamic knowledge in earth does.
tit for tat :coffee: you're acting like you guys don't.
sorry,but only dumbs worship animals.

And retards worship imaginary friends.

But all this is irrelevant on this thread, why do you nutjobs keep posting the same crap, just because it involves cows and you can take potshots at hindus???

Smugglers are smugglers, they are criminals whether they smuggle cows or invisible friends or pigs or drugs or aab e zamzam. Ok I was kidding about the invisible friends, they don't exist.
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