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HK journalists kicked out of APEC for shouting at Aquino



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May 28, 2013
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Monday, 07 October, 2013

Staff at the Apec summit in Bali, Indonesia have been accused of stifling press freedom after Hong Kong journalists were ejected from the venue and their press passes taken away for "screaming" questions at Philippine President Benigno Aquino.

Lawmaker James To Kun-sun said he suspected Manila had pressed organisers of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation summit to take the action and urged the Hong Kong government to step in.

However, APEC hosts Indonesia on Monday denied stifling press freedom, insisting that they had posed a security threat. And despite protests from Hong Kong's main journalist group, President Benigno Aquino's spokesman also said the journalists had "crossed the line" by aggressively questioning him about the Manila hostage siege in 2010.

Reporters from Now TV, RTHK and Commercial Radio were questioning Aquino in a non-restricted area of the Bali International Convention Centre in Nusa Dua yesterday at about 2pm when the incident took place. He was asked if he would meet Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying and apologise to the families of the victims of the Manila hostage crisis three years ago. He did not reply to the questions.

Now TV footage showed an Apec staff member telling a reporter: "You know that decency includes not screaming … Now, out." The reporter's press pass was then confiscated.

Another Apec staff member told the reporters: "You ambushed one of our visitors." The passes of the other two reporters and two cameramen were then taken away. The Apec staff did not say if they had been acting on the orders of the Philippine authorities or summit host Indonesia.

Another reporter, cameraman and two technicians from Now TV who were not there at the time later found their passes had been cancelled when they were unable to get into the venue.

At least nine media staff from the three stations were affected.

"We deemed it improper for media to act that way, as they didn't talk normally but they were very demonstrative, like they were protesting," Gatot Dewa Broto, the Indonesian communications ministry official who is in charge of the APEC media centre in Bali, said.

"So we did this due to security concerns," he said, adding that the press badges of four Hong Kong journalists had been deactivated.

Journalists Association chairwoman Sham Yee-lan said the "rudeness" of the Apec staff had stifled press freedom. "Whether they're loud or not, it's very subjective. Even if they were loud, it doesn't mean they were impolite," Sham said. "This has deprived Hongkongers of media reports on the rest of the summit."

Aquino's spokesman Ricky Carandang said the journalists had crossed an ethical boundary.

"As a former journalist I know what it's like to aggressively question a subject," he said.

"The behaviour of these reporters crossed the line from mere questioning to heckling, and was even construed by Indonesian security personnel assigned to the president as a potential physical threat to him," he added.

Now TV expressed its regret over the incident and asked the Hong Kong government to step in to help get their passes back. RTHK said it was following up the matter with the government.

A government spokeswoman said it would pursue the matter.

Seven Hong Kong tourists and their guide were killed and several others hurt when a sacked Manila policeman took them hostage at gunpoint aboard their tour bus in the Philippine capital in 2010. A bungled rescue saw the gunman shot dead by police.

This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as HK reporters kicked out of Apec summit

source: scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1326103/hong-kong-reporters-kicked-out-apec-summit-screaming-questions
Trying to embarrass the President of whatever country is really unethical, to think that journalist are professionals. They should always consider a good conduct aside from delivering news and update.
I think this HK journalist can't tell the different between the US-Ally Philippine government and Pro-Beijing HK government.

You will be rewarded and praised for doing the same thing to Pro-Beijing HK government, but not to one of US ally. Too much working in HK break him...

Many people said, Democratic Chinese journalists like from HK and Taiwan are very rude and spicy. Don't blame us, because we were Cold War trained. We were at the front line of the Cold War against big communist in our border. Today Cold War is almost half-over. They have a lot of time and another job.

Please, don't blame or feel insulted to HK and Taiwan journalists attitude. Remember, that we are HEROES and CHAMPIONS.
Trying to embarrass the President of whatever country is really unethical, to think that journalist are professionals. They should always consider a good conduct aside from delivering news and update.

Well, Indonesia is an ex-dictator country. No wonder if the journalism culture there is kind of passive and coward.

HK and Taiwan is well-known to have the best free press and the freest in the world.

I can understand if Indonesia feel shock at the time, because never saw the real free press in the work.
Wow so when nationalist started out when the commies kick you guys out who was the leader again and i think he was a dictator too so again who are you to talk about freedom did you kick him out peacefully like we did or anyone else did huh?

The problem with chinese is sometimes your just plan rude to people besides the Nazi type superiority complex.

I think this HK journalist can't tell the different between the US-Ally Philippine government and Pro-Beijing HK government.

You will be rewarded and praised for doing the same thing to Pro-Beijing HK government, but not to one of US ally. Too much working in HK break him...

Many people said, Democratic Chinese journalists like from HK and Taiwan are very rude and spicy. Don't blame us, because we were Cold War trained. We were at the front line of the Cold War against big communist in our border. Today Cold War is almost half-over. They have a lot of time and another job.

Please, don't blame or feel insulted to HK and Taiwan journalists attitude. Remember, that we are HEROES and CHAMPIONS.

Of rudeness you forgot to add that part.
Trying to embarrass the President of whatever country is really unethical, to think that journalist are professionals. They should always consider a good conduct aside from delivering news and update.

Singapore don't have a free press and free speech culture as free as HK, Taiwan, and US.

We have freedom to mock and make fun our leaders. In my opinion, you people should feel shame!

Students’ humiliation of Hong Kong’s chief

Wow so when nationalist started out when the commies kick you guys out who was the leader again and i think he was a dictator too so again who are you to talk about freedom did you kick him out peacefully like we did or anyone else did huh?

The problem with chinese is sometimes your just plan rude to people besides the Nazi type superiority complex.

Of rudeness you forgot to add that part.

Chinese rude???

Chinese civilization is well known for respecting seniors and polite.

Except that HK and Taiwan are democracy and have free speech. We are Western cultured. If you want to protest, go to US and Europe.

Remember that we are not the coward oppressed mainland Chinese. We are HEROES and CHAMPIONS!
Singapore don't have a free press and free speech culture as free as HK, Taiwan, and US.

We have freedom to mock and make fun our leaders. In my opinion, you people should feel shame!

Students’ humiliation of Hong Kong’s chief

Freedom comes with responsibility. There is no restriction on the press here provided one can support allegations with facts and provide a balanced political view. There are plenty of high quality editorial reviews that give both sides of the story in the Straits Times. Sad that HK journalist had to cross between the streamlined boarder between being responsible and journalists.
Well, Indonesia is an ex-dictator country. No wonder if the journalism culture there is kind of passive and coward.

HK and Taiwan is well-known to have the best free press and the freest in the world.

I can understand if Indonesia feel shock at the time, because never saw the real free press in the work.

Blue: I can follow you, althought the "coward" is somewhat exagerated. Journalist organizations in Indonesia has been suing government officials, including military, for mistreatments during their investigations.

Red: Define the "real free press", i am interested to understand the difference between freedom of questioning and expressing opinion and freedom of showing butt and flashing middle finger to other people as a way to show a discontent. Is showing butt and flashing middle finger accepted by Taiwanese and HKers as a proper way to show a disagreement?
Jakarta says HK journalists ‘didn’t talk normally’

APEC host Indonesia denied stifling press freedom after withdrawing the credentials of nine Hong Kong journalists for shouting questions at Philippine leader Benigno Aquino, insisting they had posed a security threat.

Despite protests from Hong Kong's main journalist group, Aquino's spokesman also said the journalists had “crossed the line'' by aggressively questioning about a hostage siege in a Manila tour bus during which eight Hong Kong people were murdered in 2010.

“We deemed it improper for media to act that way, as they didn't talk normally but they were very demonstrative, like they were protesting,'' said Gatot Dewa Broto, the Indonesian communications ministry official in charge of the media center in Bali for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum.

“So we did this due to security concerns,'' he told AFP, adding that the press badges of nine Hong Kong journalists had been deactivated.

Hong Kong media said the journalists and technicians were from Now TV, RTHK and Commercial Radio.

A journalist at Now TV said three of its reporters were briefly detained by Indonesian police following the incident.

“They were detained for four hours Monday afternoon. There were three of them, including one text reporter and two cameramen, being detained,'' Daphne Lo, senior reporter of Now TV, told AFP.

As Aquino entered a meeting of APEC business leaders on Sunday, the reporters demanded to know whether he would meet Hong Kong leader Leung Chun-ying in Bali and apologize to the families of the hostage crisis victims.

Now TV footage showed the journalists shouting “So you're ignoring the Hong Kong people, right?'' and “Have you met CY Leung'' as they tried to extend their microphones over Aquino's entourage.

APEC staff then intervened to admonish the journalists.

Sham Yee-lan, chairwoman of the Hong Kong Journalists' Association, said Manila had “yet to provide a satisfactory explanation'' for why the eight Hong Kong tourists had died in a botched police rescue. Sham said the journalists in Bali were doing their job.

“The barring of the media for asking critical questions is an outright infringement of press freedom that is totally unacceptable,'' she said in a statement.

Now TV said its journalists were “only engaged in normal reporting duties'' and urged intervention from the Hong Kong government, which is one of APEC's 21 members.

One reporter whose pass was invalidated said the action was unwarranted.

“We didn't do anything that violated the rules. Their behavior was just unreasonable,'' Tiffany Hon Chuen, a reporter for Now TV, told AFP.

But Aquino's spokesman Ricky Carandang said the reporters had crossed an ethical boundary.

“The behavior of these reporters crossed the line from mere questioning to heckling, and was even construed by Indonesian security personnel assigned to the president as a potential physical threat to him,'' he said.

Jakarta says HK journalists ‘didn’t talk normally’ - The Standard
Chinese rude???

Chinese civilization is well known for respecting seniors and polite.

Except that HK and Taiwan are democracy and have free speech. We are Western cultured. If you want to protest, go to US and Europe.

Remember that we are not the coward oppressed mainland Chinese. We are HEROES and CHAMPIONS!

Man stupidity is indeed

Well done HongKong Journalist! They should have kicked Aquino's ***:omghaha:

But they got theirs instead epic fail
Journalist must always maintain decorum-this is a multi nation conference-it is unethical on the part of HK journalist to follow such aggressive questioning and loud talk.It is best to remove them-well done action by host country
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