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Hindutva Is Anti-Hinduism ?

Well hindutvas do care, their whole existence is in stake. They want to prove they are not outsiders but locals aborginals who spread aryan culture, language to all over the world. :cheesy:

I dont care whose genes were in Aryabhatta...i still call him an indian and proud of him,,,,more than that who are pakistani's.....they confuse me,one day you guys are arabs,another day you are bastions of indus valley civilization....ehatever keeps you happy.

P.s : Hindutvas is not a word.
hindu is not religion
the real name is sanatam dharma i guess
Chamar beta, stop your theories now and do not poke your nose into Brahmin and Aryan matters.:coffee:

Aborginal brahmin its ok, mine is not a theory but a fact. But if someone being aboriginal want to live in a lie i can't do anything about it :pakistan:
Aborginal brahmin its ok, mine is not a theory but a fact. But if someone being aboriginal want to live in a lie i can't do anything about it
This is what I wanted to hear-"Brahmins are aboriginals". This is the ultimate motive of Hindutvadis. :D Otherwise, our existence was in threat.:lol:
This is what I wanted to hear-"Brahmins are aboriginal". This is the ultimate motive of Hindutvadis. :D Otherwise, our existence was in threat.:lol:

The problem is then you guys claim to be aryans who spread hindu religion and Indo-Europeans languages. Be proud of your aborginal roots and remember who were your masters :pakistan:
As i said before when Rig Vedic aryans moved to Ganga 2500 years ago. They absorbed native Aboriginals beliefs and made new religion called hinduism, or known as modern ganga hindusism. Ganga river become holy and slowly these aryans forget their original homeland and mixed with locals.

But there was still racist caste system in place to not dilute their genes completly, thats the reason now days higher caste Indians show less ASI in them.

Shan, I disproved you ASI and ANI theory in many other threads and you nonetheless persist with that nonsense. In fact, if I recall you got banned for being abusive towards me after I disproved your stupid theory. Now keep those silly beliefs to yourself and stop trying to incorporate madressa knowledge into scientific theories beta. The two just don't gel together
The problem is then you guys claim to be aryans who spread hindu religion and Indo-Europeans languages. Be proud of your aborginal roots and remember who were your masters :pakistan:

Why are Nordic snowwhite Pakistanis are concerned about where Brahmins came from. :laugh:
The problem is then you guys claim to be aryans who spread hindu religion and Indo-Europeans languages. Be proud of your aborginal roots and remember who were your masters
I do not know this Brahmin-Aryan matter totally. But, one thing I know is that the rulers of the Ganga Plane were your masters for 3000 years till 1947.:agree:
Your fifth grade mutala e pakistan history is showing. Besides the ignorance of not knowing there is only a human race, and various ethnicities, tribes and subtribes, you are verifiably not part of that ancient "race". How can it be in your blood when in another thread you claimed this:

Post your non Anatolian Turkish ancestry | Page 3

So the ancestors of dravidians who built the Indus valley civ. are the same as khorasani turks? Why is it always the people whose ancestors migrated after Mohammed was born that most vehemently claim the IVC, Vedic, Buddhist history of Punjab/Sindh, whilst denying it to every Indian? Like that one pashtun guy, and some baloch or sayyid people. I understand that pathan, baloch, turks, gilanis, shirazis, ghauris, siddiquis, etc. don't have a glorious ancient history to their name, but at least have some shame when trying to link yourselves to people and land which you came to co-inhabit about 4,000 years or more after the fact.

Oh My God. Some of these indians have IQs below the inconceivable level :o: Look at the venom in the above post

Besides, I smell something burning real bad :lol:

@Nuri Natt @IamBengali take a look at this guy's post
Shan, I disproved you ASI and ANI theory in many other threads and you nonetheless persist with that nonsense. In fact, if I recall you got banned for being abusive towards me after I disproved your stupid theory. Now keep those silly beliefs to yourself and stop trying to incorporate madressa knowledge into scientific theories beta. The two just don't gel together

First of all ASI-ANI is not a theory but genetic terms used for 2 different set of ancient populations. So i would say keep your hindutva shit to your self. :pakistan:

The only ones here who need their head examined are hinduvadis who continue to believe in their own bs:enjoy:
First of all ASI-ANI is not a theory but genetic terms used for 2 different set of ancient populations. So i would say keep your hindutva shit to your self. :pakistan:

The only ones here who need their head examined are hinduvadis who continue to believe in their own bs:enjoy:

But Shan, I am a Persian like you :D
Hindutva Is Anti-Hinduism | New Age Article on Speakingtree.in


In an episode that recalls the book burnings that took place in Hitler’s Germany, an obscure right-wing group has prompted the publishers to withdraw from the market and destroy copies of a book on Hindus written by an American author, Wendy Doniger, on the grounds that the work would offend the religious sentiments of the majority community. Without going into the merits or otherwise of the book in question, liberals and all those who believe in the constitutional right to freedom of expression have denounced this enforced ban. The proscription of the book, however, does serve a useful purpose: it underlines, yet again, the unbridgeable gap between what has come to be called Hindutva and the many different, often divergent, schools of thought which over millennia have acquired the name of Hinduism.

As in the present case, the voice of Hindutva claims to speak for all Hindus and for Hinduism in general. Nothing could be further from the truth. The RSS-inspired ideology of so-called ‘cultural nationalism’ that has been labelled Hindutva can be said to be the antithesis of Hindu thought and belief.

Intolerance – dogmatic refusal to see any point of view but that which is your own – is at the core of Hindutva. If something so expansive and fluid can be said to have a core, the core of Hinduism is the exact opposite to that of Hindutva: not quiescent tolerance, but the rigorous obligation to acknowledge that which might be diametrically opposed to what any one of us may affirm.

The concept of Anekantavada, the imperative to adjudge the other’s affirmation to be as valid as one’s own, held up by Jainism, is the pivot on which the always revolving door of Hinduism is hinged. Anekantavada is the living embodiment of the proposition that the opposite of a great truth is not a great lie but another great truth.

Hindutva claims to have the answers to everything. Did Swami Vivekananda and M K Gandhi ever eat beef, as Wendy Doniger has said in her book, among many other objectionable things? Certainly not! To even suggest such a thing is utter blasphemy. Exorcise the demon of heresy. Ban the book. Ban all thought contrary to the thinking of Hindutva. Ban all questions, ban all doubt.

Hinduism doesn’t claim to have the final answer to anything. All that it claims, if anything, is that all answers can always admit of yet another question. What has been called the duty of doubt is the central tenet of both science and the spiritual DNA of Hinduism.

Science does not accord any ‘scientific truth’ the status of immutability, of being changeless and unchallengeable. What is called the scientific method deals not with ‘unquestionable truths’ – another term for dogma – but with ‘working hypotheses’ which continue to work only until they are disproven by another hypothesis.

This endless succession of hypotheses is reflected in spiritual Hinduism by limitless mind, consciousness unrestricted by the uncrossable boundaries of answers. A Hindu text on the cosmological beginning and end of the universe, ends with the words: “Only the gods know the answers to these questions, and perhaps even they know not.”

A Wendy Doniger? Hinduism can effortlessly accommodate her. As it can accommodate atheists, beef-eaters and blasphemers. The only thing Hinduism can’t

A legal case was lodged citing many historical & factual inaccuracies and wrong interpretation/translation of Sanskrit verses in the book which was trying to project itself as a scholarly work, the objections were specifically pointed out. Penguin decided to withdraw the book instead of fighting the case, the reason could be that the Penguin didn't have money to fight the case, or they didn't have a case to fight the case, whatever it is, the petitioners were extremely civil and law abiding citizen to go to court to present their case. How & when that became a sign of extremism?

In writer's own country people sue each other for silliest of reasons, hypocrites.
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