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Hinduism and Islamic

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Jun 28, 2013
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I would like the share some basic Information about belief and concepts of Hinduism and Islamic

Important belief and Concepts of Hinduism and Islamic

Muslims worship and submit themselves to none but Allah, the one and only God, who is Merciful, Eternal, Mighty and infinite, He is the Creator, the Provider and Sustainer of all creatures and the entire creation. He is considered to be not just the highest God of Muslims, but of all the people in the world, including the Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics and others. Allah is the ruler of the heavens, the earth and all that is between them. Yet He is closer to His pious and thoughtful worshippers, to whom He responds with overflowing love, forgives their sins and grants peace, happiness, knowledge and abundant wealth. Although He is known to most by His popular name Allah, He has 99 other names, which are enumerated in the Qu'ran. According to the Hadith, he who memorizes all the names of Allah, would go to paradise.


FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background


Important Belief and Concepts of Hinduism

During creation, Brahman, the Supreme Self, who is absolute, subjective consciousness, diversifies Himself, in the form of an objective relative reality, into innumerable beings and objects and enters into them as individual self or Atman. Atman is Brahman in is essence, but because of its involvement with the elements, qualities and principles of nature, it becomes deluded and suffers from the impurities of delusion or ignorance, desire becomes free through the grace of God or by its own good deeds and inner transformation. A person may go to either heaven or hell or the world of ancestors, depending upon his or her deeds upon earth. However afterlife in these worlds are temporary. Upon exhausting their good or bad karma, beings have to return to earth to continue their existence. True liberation comes only when they transcend their limitations, realize their supreme Brahman nature and become one with Him in consciousness.

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Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam part 1

1. Both Hinduism and Islam accept God as the Supreme Being and Absolute Lord of the universe. He is the creator and sustainer of all creatures and the entire creation. He is the source and cause of the divine law (dharma in Hinduism) which His invilable will.

2. Both religions acknowledge that while God has the knowledge and the power to execute and enforce His will, by which everything in the universe moves or moves not, God is generous enough to endow human beings with free will, so that they become responsible for their actions and the choices they make.

3. The Allah of Islam is known by 99 names. The Brahman of Hinduism is also known by several names and by knowing them and chanting them one can attain Him.

4.Both Hinduism and Islam acknowledge that God responds to the prayers and aspirations of His followers and grants them peace, happiness, success and knowledge. He loves those who love Him dearly and forgives them for their ignorant and sinful actions.

5. In Hinduism there is a belief that God is the Supreme Self and that the entire creation is His body. Islam believes that the believers of God are like a body who share the same experiences in their love, mercy and kindness towards one another.

6. Both religions believe that God rescues the faithful in times of distress and responds to their calls for help according to their faith and devotion.

FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background

Similarities between Hinduism and Islamic part 2

7. Both religions believe in the moral responsibility of each individual towards others and in the practice of such virtues as charity, doing good, righteousness, forgiveness, moderation in eating and drinking, tolerance, mercy or compassion, self-control, brotherhood, friendliness, patience and gratitude.

8. Hinduism believes in the law of karma, Islam believes in God's reward for good deeds and punishment for bad deeds. Thus declares the Qu'ran, "Whoever does good deed, he shall be repaid ten-fold; and whoever does evil, he shall be repaid with evil"

9. Both religions advocate non-violence and non killing of human life. Says Qu'ran "According to Jewish tradition... whoever kills a human life... it is as though he kills all mankind; and whoever saves a life, it is as though he saved all mankind".

10. Both religions believe in the company of the pious and not responding to evil. "And when they hear slander against them, they turn aside from it and say: "We shall have out good deeds and you sall have your deeds. Peace be on you, we do no desire the company of the uniformed".

Similarities Between Hinduism and Islam part 1

1. Both Hinduism and Islam accept God as the Supreme Being and Absolute Lord of the universe. He is the creator and sustainer of all creatures and the entire creation. He is the source and cause of the divine law (dharma in Hinduism) which His invilable will.

2. Both religions acknowledge that while God has the knowledge and the power to execute and enforce His will, by which everything in the universe moves or moves not, God is generous enough to endow human beings with free will, so that they become responsible for their actions and the choices they make.

3. The Allah of Islam is known by 99 names. The Brahman of Hinduism is also known by several names and by knowing them and chanting them one can attain Him.

4.Both Hinduism and Islam acknowledge that God responds to the prayers and aspirations of His followers and grants them peace, happiness, success and knowledge. He loves those who love Him dearly and forgives them for their ignorant and sinful actions.

5. In Hinduism there is a belief that God is the Supreme Self and that the entire creation is His body. Islam believes that the believers of God are like a body who share the same experiences in their love, mercy and kindness towards one another.

6. Both religions believe that God rescues the faithful in times of distress and responds to their calls for help according to their faith and devotion.

FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background

Similarities between Hinduism and Islamic part 2

7. Both religions believe in the moral responsibility of each individual towards others and in the practice of such virtues as charity, doing good, righteousness, forgiveness, moderation in eating and drinking, tolerance, mercy or compassion, self-control, brotherhood, friendliness, patience and gratitude.

8. Hinduism believes in the law of karma, Islam believes in God's reward for good deeds and punishment for bad deeds. Thus declares the Qu'ran, "Whoever does good deed, he shall be repaid ten-fold; and whoever does evil, he shall be repaid with evil"

9. Both religions advocate non-violence and non killing of human life. Says Qu'ran "According to Jewish tradition... whoever kills a human life... it is as though he kills all mankind; and whoever saves a life, it is as though he saved all mankind".

10. Both religions believe in the company of the pious and not responding to evil. "And when they hear slander against them, they turn aside from it and say: "We shall have out good deeds and you sall have your deeds. Peace be on you, we do no desire the company of the uniformed".

FNOTW: Other conflicts: The historical background

ok where are you getting at with this?
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