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Hindu woman, Christian man's marriage not valid without conversion: HC


Feb 20, 2013
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Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of
Marriage between a Hindu woman and a Christian man is not legally valid if either of them does not convert, the Madras High Court today held. Dismissing a Habeas Corpus petition filed by the woman's parents, justices P R Shivakumar and V S Ravi said if the couple wanted to solemnise the marriage as per Hindu custom, the man should have converted to Hinduism or she should have converted to Christianity if she wanted to do so as per Christian custom. In the alternative, their marriage should have been registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, if they preferred to follow their religions without conversion.

The woman, who was produced in court by police after the petition was filed, told the judges that she had got married in a temple at Palani, to which they asked how the marriage was valid as per Hindu law if the man did not convert.

The woman, however, remained steadfast in her decision to go with him, which they did as she was a major. "As she is a major she can go anywhere she likes, though they had not married as per law," the bench here said. The judges said that the girl became a major on May 29 and she was free to go to any place at her will. As per law, she did not need care and protection.

Hindu woman, Christian man's marriage not valid without conversion: HC
What stupid and misleading title.

I want to slap the reporter so hard that he converts to extinction.

All the hc said is that if u want to register under hindu act, both shud be hindu. If u wanna register under christian act, both christian. If you want to keep your respective faiths, then register under special act.

W t f is wrong with reporters these days?????
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Stupid idiotic title: The judgement is

For Hindu (personal) Law to apply both must be Hindus
For CHristian (personal) law to apply both must be Christian


In the alternative, their marriage should have been registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954, if they preferred to follow their religions without conversion.

So they just have to register under that act and move on.
What stupid and misleading title.

I want to slap the reporter so hard that he converts to extenction.

All the hc said is that if u want to register under hindu act, both shud be hindu. If u wanna register under christian act, both christian. If you want to keep your respective faiths, then register under special act.

W t f is wrong with reporters these days?????
TRP bro..the more fancy news you telecast the more special your channel looks...Why don't naxals target these rats..
10 stars for desi media. Who cares about the truth, a little chaat masala here and a few details left out or added here and there and voila, we have the news all ready for the 900 million idiots who will believe every word we say as well as for the remaining 200 million or so who will say something, but we're the bloody news, we don't care8-)
Let's start a prime time newhour debate as to 'Another example of intolarance' or Hindu Taliban makes its way into Judiciary, or Why Modi is silent on this. Writers should give away their Gopalrao Patvardhan awards for this.

At first after reading the tittle, I was like, ' Its very unlike Indian Judiciary', after reading the article I realized 'IOh, its ok, ts Indian Journalism'
Dismissing a Habeas Corpus petition filed by the woman's parents

The woman, who was produced in court by police after the petition was filed

1. who are hell are these parents to file a court petition against their daughter when what she did must be celebrated?? these parents must be punished.

2. the indian police sadly has a tendency to side with criminal parents going against the human rights of sons and daughters in love... in many cases, police instead of catching and executing real criminals have tracked down eloped people and handed them to families who proceeded to "honor kill" them... such police officials must be eliminated publicly.

Since SC has grated relationship status to Live in relationships what sanctity does Marriage have anyway ? :coffee:

yeah, let us have the "sanctity" of the traditional "indian" marriage with its "saath janmon ka bandhan" and in the first janam itself the holy activity of torturing or murdering the bride for dowry.
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1. who are hell are these parents to file a court petition against their daughter when what she did must be celebrated?? these parents must be punished.

2. the indian police sadly has a tendency to side with criminal parents going against the human rights of sons and daughters in love... in many cases, police instead of catching and executing real criminals have tracked down eloped people and handed them to families who proceeded to "honor kill" them... such police officials must be eliminated publicly.

yeah, let us have the "sanctity" of the traditional "indian" marriage with its "saath janmon ka bandhan" and in the first janam itself the holy activity of torturing or murdering the bride for dowry.

Wrong tree, wrong growl.

A couple living together is far less likely to have dowry hassles than one that goes through the family-arranged route. But that does not universalise the dowry system nor does it mean that all traditional marriages are vulnerable to dowry demands.

You might like to look up Dayabhaga and Mitakshara to find out why these issues are always present. It isn't society, it's personal law that has to be addressed.
You might like to look up Dayabhaga and Mitakshara to find out why these issues are always present.

did a rough go-through now on wikipedia... will read detail in time.

It isn't society, it's personal law that has to be addressed.

actually i felt bad about the "bullshit" comment i had made and removed it as you would have noticed.

what india immediately needs is the "uniform civil code".
Has Judge gone Nuts :crazy:

What has religion to do with Marriage .
If the families decided on Marriage , Then they surely would have decided on type of ceremony .
Why has one got to convert ???

I have attended various marriages between Kashmiri and non Kashmiri couples .
My Cousin ( Sister ) married someone from another state , her marriage ceremony was like those of Christians shown in TV.
My Cousin ( Brother ) married a Sikh girl but the ceremony was in Kashmiri style or at best Fusion of Sikh and Hindu Marriage ceremony
did a rough go-through now on wikipedia... will read detail in time.

actually i felt bad about the "bullshit" comment i had made and removed it as you would have noticed.

what india immediately needs is the "uniform civil code".

Couldn't agree more whole-heartedly.

Has Judge gone Nuts :crazy:

What has religion to do with Marriage .
If the families decided on Marriage , Then they surely would have decided on type of ceremony .
Why has one got to convert ???

I have attended various marriages between Kashmiri and non Kashmiri couples .
My Cousin ( Sister ) married someone from another state , her marriage ceremony was like those of Christians shown in TV.
My Cousin ( Brother ) married a Sikh girl but the ceremony was in Kashmiri style or at best Fusion of Sikh and Hindu Marriage ceremony

No, the judges had not gone nuts.

As long as there is no trouble, there is no judge in the picture. Once someone objects, the shit hits the fan. If it goes to court, the judges have a say in the matter. If the parents had not objected, nobody would have batted an eyelid.
Fcuk off Jihadi. First find out why your religious leader is a paedophile.
Do try to be civil, and not use profanities, next time.

Glory of Islam .......... perfect religion.




ISIS announcing marriage of 7 year old girl as per Islamic rites.

Equating ISIS with Islam?

Would you like to come to your senses, or would you prefer a ban?
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