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Hillary may push for fighter aircraft deal with India

News is Hilary didnt push for the fighters instead she pitched for the other deals like Helicopter etc.

Obviously man. She is smart and knows that F/A-18's train is long gone. The decision was made by IAF in technical terms and from what I remember, three out of 6 jets didn't make it well in Leh tests. Moreover US Congress' obsession with ToT restrictions to have a strategic achilles' hold proved to be a big factor in defeat compared to Eurofighter and Rafale who were literally agreeing to be walked over more than what was asked from them in terms of ToT.
i think Indian will not choose f-35 because f-35 is not good ad pak-fa
2nd Indian navy want VTOL jet but f-35b is so costly and still is in trails
hillary is so smart as *****
what a load of crap if Hilary pushes F-35 for MMRCA then we should probably push it back in her face the IAF can't wait till 2018 for MMRCA we're behind schedule as it is. I'm not even sure the Navy'll want em if IAF buys Rafaels. besides we expect medium-weight twin engine AMCA to be ready by 2025 so whats the point of buying F-35 which is a 70% A2G & 30% A2A fighter we'll need a more balanced fighter probably with a larger weapon bay.

Who told you that India is going to consider F-35 for MMRCA???

We should sign the deal for Apache Longbow earliest possible.

and where do you feel that these heavy attack helicopters suit in the IAF. just for the purpose of buying we can not buy these fancy gadgets. there should be a defined scope of our military expenditure.
As far as i suggest, we are progressing good with the existing contracts that we have with Eurocopter, so we can go with their heavy attack gismo or develop our own Light attack helicopters.
We should sign the deal for Apache Longbow earliest possible.

We don't know as of yet whether it will suit our needs or not. Just because it is a world class helicopter doesn't mean that it might meet all our doctrines. Remember, we're yet to show the full test capabilities of Mi-28 Night Hunters as well as AH-64s. With the existing infrastructure and minimal costs for upgrade training required, Mi-28N stands a big chance of winning. And my personal preference also goes for the Night Hunter. It looks mean. :devil:


You don't get to induct such beasts daily, do you? :smokin:
I'm sure the B-2 is still far more advanced than anything we have today or can even hope to have for the next decade at least.

B-2 = 1010 Millions (Wikipedia)

Agni V = 5.6 - 7.9 Million (Wikipedia)

i.e., 1 B-2 = 155 Agni V

B-2 Payload = 23,000 kg

155 Agni V Payload = 232,500 kg (Agni V will feature MIRV, i.e., one missile can strike 3 to 10 different targets)

Moral of the story: WHO NEEDS B-2 and WHY???

As per the F-22, don't tell me it can't be done. Folks said such things even before the nuke deal.

Nuke deal gives us no new technology. It just confirms India as a nuclear power; which is a truth written on the wall. And not only India, US gains a lot from this deal. N- deal may support 250000 US jobs (just a hint of US' share in benefits).

As far as F22 is concerned, there is no gain for US in selling them to India. They can make money by selling other weapons too (which they are making). Then why they will share their best jet with us (their arch rival's one of the biggest ally).

Moral of the story: If the US wants to do it, the US can do it.

Moral of the story: Don't Assume. ASSUME = A$$-U-ME.
Its in the mutul interest of both countries. Take a good hard look at the CHina - Pakistan Nexus. They have a plan and are working towards it. It is the destruction of India. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fool to not see it. They will give you signs of friendship and allow you lower your guard but thats exactly what they want. When both nations attack, India cannot fight alone. We need to make strong decisions about our future. We have to look after the survival of our nation first and foremost. This isa chance for us, to really the US how we are a capable partner and let our action speak not our words. India buy the fighters, it ill be the best deal in the long term scheme of things.

Normally, I reply for posts point-by-point...........but that is normally.:hitwall:

Why are you so depressed???:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

If Pak and China have a plan, so what? Why do we need to lower our guards? We are changing almost our whole defence inventory - where is the sign of lowering the guards? Do you know, we are world's largest arms importer today.

Do you really think that China will attack India with Pak??? World's biggest communist country attacking World's Largest Democracy with the help of Pakistan, which is mostly ruled by dictators............I DON'T THINK SO.

If we cannot fight, then we have no right to be independent.

In case, you are affraid of fighting with two countries at same time, Thank God its not your duty.........its IA, IAF, and IA who will do the job. And they are working in the right directions and we are making STRONG DECISIONS for future.

This isa chance for us, to really the US how we are a capable partner and let our action speak not our words. India buy the fighters, it ill be the best deal in the long term scheme of things.

What do you think..........why we need to show anything to them? They are just salesman for other countries, nothing more than that. And in that case, we are customer and "Customer Is King." So better learn to act like a KING.

If we need a partner, then go for any country than US..........You can't rely upon them. Remember Pakistan was their best buddy in Asia; and see now.

If India need a partner, better choose Russia. They are more reliable and China cannot attack with Pak because of fear of opening of their North Front (BTW, counties don't attack like this; MIND YOU).

India buy the fighters, it ill be the best deal in the long term scheme of things.

NO THANKS.............Nobody needs your golden words.:argh:
B-2 = 1010 Millions (Wikipedia)

Agni V = 5.6 - 7.9 Million (Wikipedia)

i.e., 1 B-2 = 155 Agni V

B-2 Payload = 23,000 kg

155 Agni V Payload = 232,500 kg (Agni V will feature MIRV, i.e., one missile can strike 3 to 10 different targets)

Moral of the story: WHO NEEDS B-2 and WHY???

Definitely you are trying 1=2 ... reality.. B-2 still exist after mission and can be used in future.. but Agni-V cant... once launched the system disappears in air..

In a mission the cheapest and deadliest option is always prepared.. To take high value targets which are guarded heavily missiles will be used... Apart from that it is the bombers job...
we should ask USA for F-22 instead :)

ok seriously now the chances of us inducting the F-35 is very low probably 0 for one its a less capable stealth fighter compared to the PAK FA and F-22 its expensive as well over 120 million per unit not to mention RAND corp conducted a computer simulation in which Russian SU-35BM fighters emerged victorious in mock combat battles against the F35

we need a 4/4.5 gen fighter for now as numbers of fighter squadrons is depleted and low compared to where it should be AMCA and FGFA will be our 2 stealth fighters only the AMCA will be comparable to the F35 while the FGFA will be comparable to the F-22

we should seriously consider a JV, MOU or consultation with another aerospace firm for the AMCA either Dassault IAI Boeing lockheed martin etc we can't be in a buyer seller relationship for ever we need to be swadeshi ourselves i doubt Americans would give us all sensitive technology for the F35 why should we buy F35 from USA in a buyer seller situation when Russia is willing to jointly work with us and give us cutting edge technology into 5th gen fighters?
STOBAR aircrafts can be used in CATOBAR configuration so we can operate even Su30mki with modifications on catobar carriers .

no STOBAR aircrafts require heavy modifications to the landing gear and lower fusselage in order to enable them to be launched from Catapults and the MKI is no small aircraft it's huge so u need a lot of power to stop such aircrafts on aircraft carriers when they land and no1 has more skill at operating aircraft carriers than the US navy which have the world's largest 100,000 tonne aircraft carriers in their service but even they dont use f-15s from them simply because these Planes are too large and as you know mass of the aircraft will increase it's momentum so i doubt we'll operate N-PAK FA
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