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Heavy water leakage at Kakrapar atomic plant in south Gujarat, 1 plant shut, no radiation leak


Aug 24, 2015
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Ahmedabad: One of the two 220 MW units of Kakrapar Atomic Power Station(KAPS) in Gujarat's Surat district was on Friday shut down after leakage of heavy water and a temporary emergency situation was declared but there was no radioactive leak and all workers are safe.
According to officials, the leakage of heavy water that is used in cooling off the nuclear reactor core was detected around 9 am and it was fixed in some time and the temporary emergency was lifted shortly afterwards.

Surat District Collector Rajendra Kumar said there was no leakage of radiation at the plant and the situation was under control.

The incident took place on a day when Japan marks the fifth anniversary of Fukushima nuclear disaster caused by a monster tsunami.


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KAPS site director L K Jain in a statement said radiation levels in and outside the plant are normal.

"Unit-1 of KAPS, which was operating at its rated power, was shut down at about 9:00 Hrs today. Consequent to a small leak in Primary Heat Transport (PHT) system, the reactor was shut down as intended as per the design provisions. All safety systems are working as intended," the statement said.

"The radioactivity/radiation levels in the plant premises and outside are normal. KAPS 1 and 2 consists of two Units of Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors of 220 MWe each," Jain added.

The KAPS, located on the border of Surat and Tapi districts near Vyara town of Tapi, is run by Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL).

"The director of the plant informed me that unit-1 has been shut down following a problem in the primary heat transmission system. There was some leakage of heavy water that is used in cooling the reactor core. At present, the situation is under control," Rajendra Kumar told PTI.

According to KAPS website, the power station has two generation units of Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWR) that were commissioned during early 90s.

"The problem was detected in the morning and it has been fixed as of now. The plant also declared temporary emergency, which has been lifted after some time. As of now, there is no emergency and things are under control. We are told that Unit-1 will take some time to start functioning again," Kumar added.

Meanwhile, neighbouring Tapi district administration also swung into action and sought details from plant officials after learning about the leakage.

Tapi District Collector B C Patni also confirmed that there was no report of radiation leakage.

"The problem occurred in Unit-1 of the plant at around 9 am. As per the reports received from the site director, all the employees are working in the plant and no internal or external radiation leak took place. The leakage of liquid has been fixed," said Patni.

: The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited`s (NPCIL) atomic power plant at Kakrapar in South Gujarat was shut down on Friday morning following a leak in its Primary Heat Transport System (PHTS), official sources said.

NPCIL`s site director Lalit Kumar Jain said Unit One of the nuclear plant was closed at 9 a.m. after a "small leak" in the PHTS.

"All safety systems (at the plant) are working as intended," Jain said in a statement.

Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) comprises two units of pressurised heavy water reactor of 220 MWe each.

Allaying any fears, Jain said: "The radio-activity/radiation levels in the plant premises and outside are normal."

Official and police sources in Tapi district, where the plant is located, meanwhile, echoed Jain`s statement that there was no need for panic or evacuation at the plant.

Heavy water leakage at Kakrapar atomic plant in south Gujarat, 1 plant shut, no radiation leak | Zee News
Thank you for tagging.. Its a important news..

As of now following is being said in different news items

An expert from the nuclear regulator, who reached the KAPS site early on Friday, is learnt to have reported that the leakage was restricted to the Primary Heat Transport (PHT) system of Unit 1 of the station in Vyara district, and that the “safety system of the reactor had worked as intended, including the backup cooling systems”.

There has not been “any abnormal release of radioactivity outside the plant or radiation exposure”, according to the regulator’s initial assessment

- Gujarat: Leak at Kakrapara Atomic Power Station forces shutdown of Unit-1 | The Indian Express

GOI also released a statement


Shutdown of Unit-1 of KAPS Nuclear Power Plant following an incident of leakage from Coolant System

As of now situation is well under control and all necessary actions as laid down under procedure is followed. A full investigation and corrective actions wherever needed will be taken which is always good for the safety of everyone.

In my personal experience, i had been to Kakrapara way back when i was in my teens as part of my fathers visit of the site on the behalf of GOI. I am talking way long back in 90s when Unit 1 was only operational and Unit 2 was just about to commence operations. It is a very good layout and a well constructed and maintained plant. Its also a recipient of recognition from CANDU operator group. So this leak is a bit surprising. Good the situation is under control and a through investigation needs to be carried out to ascertain the cause and the solution to mitigate such lower tier risks for future.
@MaarKhoor thanks for tagging.

I was watching the news last night about the situation and luckily no loss of life as well but so far if I am not wrong, this is not the first accident. The word leakage is used where system fails most or to the some extent even but in such critical case, a single point could result in disaster. It has been reported in different times about quality conduct of Indian N program in different sectors whereby side effects are reported as well. India needs of rise the quality bar to avoid loss of lives and there are observations regarding the same. Fortunately backup cooling system worked in time otherwise I cannot imagine what would happen.
@MaarKhoor thanks for tagging.

I was watching the news last night about the situation and luckily no loss of life as well but so far if I am not wrong, this is not the first accident. The word leakage is used where system fails most or to the some extent even but in such critical case, a single point could result in disaster. It has been reported in different times about quality conduct of Indian N program in different sectors whereby side effects are reported as well. India needs of rise the quality bar to avoid loss of lives and there are observations regarding the same. Fortunately backup cooling system worked in time otherwise I cannot imagine what would happen.
That is why I am against nuclear power plants, we are human not God we can't control natural disasters like earthquakes and floods even human are prone to mistakes exp Chinorbal plant....we should build more wind power parks they produces the most clean energy and old turbines and blades can be recycled...even solar panels are producing lot of pollution during manufacturing and later in huge non-recyclable waste...My wish is world must go for hydro and wind power plants...
@MaarKhoor thanks for tagging.

I was watching the news last night about the situation and luckily no loss of life as well but so far if I am not wrong, this is not the first accident. The word leakage is used where system fails most or to the some extent even but in such critical case, a single point could result in disaster. It has been reported in different times about quality conduct of Indian N program in different sectors whereby side effects are reported as well. India needs of rise the quality bar to avoid loss of lives and there are observations regarding the same. Fortunately backup cooling system worked in time otherwise I cannot imagine what would happen.
Firstly, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, that's Murphy's law, irrespective of the situation. India has and always maintained quality in their nuclear reactor's, but that doesn't mean accidents won't happen. Take an example from Japan, they have world class scientists, yet Fukushima happened, Russia, chernobyl happened. Just because you are from enemy country, doesn't mean you have to criticize everything, you can give suggestions on improving. Nuclear energy is the future, you can either chose to use it now and have an edge over others or choose it later. And yes, I do agree world needs pessimists but not another sharma aunty, who keeps on criticizing everything about its neighbours.
That is why I am against nuclear power plants, we are human not God we can't control natural disasters like earthquakes and floods even human are prone to mistakes exp Chinorbal plant....we should build more wind power parks they produces the most clean energy and old turbines and blades can be recycled...even solar panels are producing lot of pollution during manufacturing and later in huge non-recyclable waste...My wish is world must go for hydro and wind power plants...

Rightly said in case where the one needs energy and do hard work for, so the best resource should be green energy IMO but don't you think India is more concerned with Nuclear power rather than producing energy so also even if it is all about more energy then alarms the low quality and mishandling which may result in a disaster so once again, as you said and I agree for green energy indeed.
and they are always first to teach us about nuclear tech. however they should be careful if they are not capable enough to handle plants.

We are not only capable to handle plants but also build them from scratch using indigenous technology.
Hope the Chinese engineers looking over your nuclear plants are capable enough to avert any kind of accidents.
Just because you are from enemy country, doesn't mean you have to criticize everything, you can give suggestions on improving. Nuclear energy is the future, you can either chose to use it now and have an edge over others or choose it later. And yes, I do agree world needs pessimists but not another sharma aunty, who keeps on criticizing everything about its neighbours.

Criticism is always for betterment and depends how the one understands though the enemy country will take it always negative but when you try to cross the boundary becoming personal, is not an attitude that you may carry. I can match you with many examples that you may never wish but there wouldn't be any difference. Hope you understand and be aware. Thanks for no further reply where you cannot carry on a debate without going personal due to your ego and biased mentality.
Rightly said in case where the one needs energy and do hard work for, so the best resource should be green energy IMO but don't you think India is more concerned with Nuclear power rather than producing energy so also even if it is all about more energy then alarms the low quality and mishandling which may result in a disaster so once again, as you said and I agree for green energy indeed.
See powerful and advance nations like Russia (USSR at that time) and Japan find themselves helpless in case of nuclear accidents. Chinorbal was melt down while routine check up went wrong and Fokoshima blown up by natural disasters... Building more nuclear plants is recipe to disasters...It is like digging u r own grave...I urge Pakistan and India to stop building Nuclear plants, we have huge workforce, lands to build clean energy but it seems that both nations attentions was to get more weapons instead of energy.
Criticism is always for betterment and depends how the one understands though the enemy country will take it always negative but when you try to cross the boundary becoming personal, is not an attitude that you may carry. I can match you with many examples that you may never wish but there wouldn't be any difference. Hope you understand and be aware. Thanks for no further reply where you cannot carry on a debate without going personal due to your ego and biased mentality.
I am sorry if you have taken it as an personal insult, though it was not directed to be. Anyone will love to take criticism if it bears any fruitful results. We both know how our countrymen criticize one another and with what mind, and lets not be saint about it. A heavy water leak and you were quick to judge that India uses low quality reactor. Debate is valuable, profitable when you play the unbiased character from both the sides. Lets not further argue, the one who is critising other, is unable to take critisism on himself, says a lot about your character
We are not only capable to handle plants but also build them from scratch using indigenous technology.
Hope the Chinese engineers looking over your nuclear plants are capable enough to avert any kind of accidents.

Its also a recipient of recognition from CANDU operator group. So this leak is a bit surprising. Good the situation is under control and a through investigation needs to be carried out to ascertain the cause and the solution to mitigate such lower tier risks for future.
Now i am pretty dilettante in this but i am just curious if this was design based failure? had it been beyond design based failure then the pressure boundary of PHT would have malfunctioned. Isnt it?
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