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Have a look! World most powerful Militaries.


May 22, 2009
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Please have a look on the worlds most powerful Military.

World Military Strength Ranking

The thing I found from here is that China & India together can easily finish the domination of America. China is at 3rd place and India as at 4th place. Russia is on 2nd and I am sure it will never join hands with America. So America will be all alone.

lol - dont look much into all this stuff dude.
its all - stats -Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.
anyways good if it made your day.
enjoy this feeling while it last.
Umm..India is US's proxy against China.

I dont think so...
If India is there proxy against china they would have not supported Pakistan.They would have choosen one from us. But US is supporting Pakistan as well. so I Think its not true.

One thing is very clear US dominates PAK then any other country in world. US only created Talibaan for there advantage and now Pakistan is paying price for it. And now when US thinks Taaliban can create problem for them in future they are using Pakistan against it.Finally pakistan is killing its own people.Pakistan should have stopped creation of Talibaan long back.
Embarrasing statistic, they are not even ranking by the specs of the planes or tanks. They just go by numbers and infrastructure
i think france should be ahead of china and india as they have nuke subs,carriers and also uk must be ahead of brazil of course.
in a global sceme of things i feel that france can definitly project power futher than india or china but if say france was located next to or at least close to india or china it could not hope to win a war with either country they simple do not have the man power or equipment to do so, i think this maybe what the rankings are partially based on, the condition that a countries power compared to other countries is figured out as though they are next door neghbors in a war breaks out, in that case technologies obviously help but so do numbers as force projection is not a crucial as say france fighting china in their current geographical location
How come Nepal be on that list?They are a land locked country and does not own a navy.Only 18 ACs in air force.

Is this list a joke??
the credibility of the website is doubtfull, someone sitting at home made everything up
india is better than uk, france... all of europe.. :)

i would say, well done india(n) keep up the good work .....
That ranking is very strange..
the quantity of infantry is almost irrelevant in modern warfare.

and in addition to that
The US Military expenditure (607 Billion US Dollars) is more than that of Rank 2-22 combined..
41,5% of the Worlds Total military expenditure!

So yeah, not really@Peace Maker

Conventional Ranking by Military Budget (by Stockholm Institute of peace studies, 2008):

In billion US-Dollars

1. USA 607
2. China 84,9
3. France 65,7
4. Great Britain 65,3
5. Russia 58,6
6. Germany 46,8
7. Japan 46,3
8. Italy 40,6
9. Saudi-Arabia 38,2
10. India 30
23. Pakistan 7,8

The combined military spending of all NATO members constitutes over 70% of the world's defence spending

And isn't India a US ally? Why do you want to oppose them?
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Can we come up with Gutts ranking means who has the gutts to go to a war and win it? France does not have a gutts neither Saudi does. India will ever go eye to eye against USA or Russaia? No matter how much more UK spend over Russia, their soldiers will piss infront of Russian tanks...
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