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Hate-Speech Hypocrites

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Hate-Speech Hypocrites

How can we ban hate speech against Jews while defending mockery of Muslims?

By William Saletan

October 01, 2012 "Information Clearing House" - Jews have too much influence over U.S. foreign policy. Gay men are too promiscuous. Muslims commit too much terrorism. Blacks commit too much crime.

Each of those claims is poorly stated. Each, in its clumsy way, addresses a real problem or concern. And each violates laws against hate speech. In much of what we call the free world, for writing that paragraph, I could be jailed.

Libertarians, cultural conservatives, and racists have complained about these laws for years. But now the problem has turned global. Islamic governments, angered by an anti-Muslim video that provoked protests and riots in their countries, are demanding to know why insulting the Prophet Mohammed is free speech but vilifying Jews and denying the Holocaust isn’t. And we don’t have a good answer.

If we’re going to preach freedom of expression around the world, we have to practice it. We have to scrap our hate-speech laws.

Muslim leaders want us to extend these laws. At this week’s meeting of the U.N. General Assembly, they lobbied for tighter censorship. Egypt’s president said freedom of expression shouldn’t include speech that is “used to incite hatred” or “directed towards one specific religion.” Pakistan’s president urged the “international community” to “criminalize” acts that “endanger world security by misusing freedom of expression.” Yemen’s president called for “international legislation” to suppress speech that “blasphemes the beliefs of nations and defames their figures.” The Arab League’s secretary-general proposed a binding “international legal framework” to “criminalize psychological and spiritual harm” caused by expressions that “insult the beliefs, culture and civilization of others."

President Obama, while condemning the video, met these proposals with a stout defense of free speech. Switzerland’s president agreed: “Freedom of opinion and of expression are core values guaranteed universally which must be protected.” And when a French magazine published cartoons poking fun at Mohammed, the country’s prime minister insisted that French laws protecting free speech extend to caricatures.

This debate between East and West, between respect and pluralism, isn’t a crisis. It’s a stage of global progress. The Arab spring has freed hundreds of millions of Muslims from the political retardation of dictatorship. They’re taking responsibility for governing themselves and their relations with other countries. They’re debating one another and challenging us. And they should, because we’re hypocrites.

From Pakistan to Iran to Saudi Arabia to Egypt to Nigeria to the United Kingdom, Muslims scoff at our rhetoric about free speech. They point to European laws against questioning the Holocaust. Monday on CNN, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad needled British interviewer Piers Morgan: “Why in Europe has it been forbidden for anyone to conduct any research about this event? Why are researchers in prison? … Do you believe in the freedom of thought and ideas, or no?” On Tuesday, Pakistan’s U.N. ambassador, speaking for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, told the U.N. Human Rights Council:

We are all aware of the fact that laws exist in Europe and other countries which impose curbs, for instance, on anti-Semitic speech, Holocaust denial, or racial slurs. We need to acknowledge, once and for all, that Islamophobia in particular and discrimination on the basis of religion and belief are contemporary forms of racism and must be dealt with as such. Not to do so would be a clear example of double standards. Islamophobia has to be treated in law and practice equal to the treatment given to anti-Semitism.

He’s right. Laws throughout Europe forbid any expression that “minimizes,” “trivializes,” “belittles,” “plays down,” “contests,” or “puts in doubt” Nazi crimes. Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic extend this prohibition to communist atrocities. These laws carry jail sentences of up to five years. Germany adds two years for anyone who “disparages the memory of a deceased person.”

Hate speech laws go further. Germany punishes anyone found guilty of “insulting” or “defaming segments of the population.” The Netherlands bans anything that “verbally or in writing or image, deliberately offends a group of people because of their race, their religion or beliefs, their hetero- or homosexual orientation or their physical, psychological or mental handicap.” It’s illegal to “insult” such a group in France, to “defame” them in Portugal, to “degrade” them in Denmark, or to “expresses contempt” for them in Sweden. In Switzerland, it’s illegal to “demean” them even with a “gesture.” Canada punishes anyone who “willfully promotes hatred.” The United Kingdom outlaws “insulting words or behavior” that arouse “racial hatred.” Romania forbids the possession of xenophobic “symbols.”

Jews have too much influence over U.S. foreign policy. Gay men are too promiscuous. Muslims commit too much terrorism. Blacks commit too much crime.

Each of those claims is poorly stated. Each, in its clumsy way, addresses a real problem or concern. And each violates laws against hate speech. In much of what we call the free world, for writing that paragraph, I could be jailed.

Libertarians, cultural conservatives, and racists have complained about these laws for years. But now the problem has turned global. Islamic governments, angered by an anti-Muslim video that provoked protests and riots in their countries, are demanding to know why insulting the Prophet Mohammed is free speech but vilifying Jews and denying the Holocaust isn’t. And we don’t have a good answer.

If we’re going to preach freedom of expression around the world, we have to practice it. We have to scrap our hate-speech laws.

Muslim leaders want us to extend these laws. At this week’s meeting of the U.N. General Assembly, they lobbied for tighter censorship. Egypt’s president said freedom of expression shouldn’t include speech that is “used to incite hatred” or “directed towards one specific religion.” Pakistan’s president urged the “international community” to “criminalize” acts that “endanger world security by misusing freedom of expression.” Yemen’s president called for “international legislation” to suppress speech that “blasphemes the beliefs of nations and defames their figures.” The Arab League’s secretary-general proposed a binding “international legal framework” to “criminalize psychological and spiritual harm” caused by expressions that “insult the beliefs, culture and civilization of others."

President Obama, while condemning the video, met these proposals with a stout defense of free speech. Switzerland’s president agreed: “Freedom of opinion and of expression are core values guaranteed universally which must be protected.” And when a French magazine published cartoons poking fun at Mohammed, the country’s prime minister insisted that French laws protecting free speech extend to caricatures.

This debate between East and West, between respect and pluralism, isn’t a crisis. It’s a stage of global progress. The Arab spring has freed hundreds of millions of Muslims from the political retardation of dictatorship. They’re taking responsibility for governing themselves and their relations with other countries. They’re debating one another and challenging us. And they should, because we’re hypocrites.

From Pakistan to Iran to Saudi Arabia to Egypt to Nigeria to the United Kingdom, Muslims scoff at our rhetoric about free speech. They point to European laws against questioning the Holocaust. Monday on CNN, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad needled British interviewer Piers Morgan: “Why in Europe has it been forbidden for anyone to conduct any research about this event? Why are researchers in prison? … Do you believe in the freedom of thought and ideas, or no?” On Tuesday, Pakistan’s U.N. ambassador, speaking for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, told the U.N. Human Rights Council:

We are all aware of the fact that laws exist in Europe and other countries which impose curbs, for instance, on anti-Semitic speech, Holocaust denial, or racial slurs. We need to acknowledge, once and for all, that Islamophobia in particular and discrimination on the basis of religion and belief are contemporary forms of racism and must be dealt with as such. Not to do so would be a clear example of double standards. Islamophobia has to be treated in law and practice equal to the treatment given to anti-Semitism.

He’s right. Laws throughout Europe forbid any expression that “minimizes,” “trivializes,” “belittles,” “plays down,” “contests,” or “puts in doubt” Nazi crimes. Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic extend this prohibition to communist atrocities. These laws carry jail sentences of up to five years. Germany adds two years for anyone who “disparages the memory of a deceased person.”

Hate speech laws go further. Germany punishes anyone found guilty of “insulting” or “defaming segments of the population.” The Netherlands bans anything that “verbally or in writing or image, deliberately offends a group of people because of their race, their religion or beliefs, their hetero- or homosexual orientation or their physical, psychological or mental handicap.” It’s illegal to “insult” such a group in France, to “defame” them in Portugal, to “degrade” them in Denmark, or to “expresses contempt” for them in Sweden. In Switzerland, it’s illegal to “demean” them even with a “gesture.” Canada punishes anyone who “willfully promotes hatred.” The United Kingdom outlaws “insulting words or behavior” that arouse “racial hatred.” Romania forbids the possession of xenophobic “symbols.”

What have these laws produced? Look at the convictions upheld or accepted by the European Court of Human Rights. Four Swedes who distributed leaflets that called homosexuality “deviant” and “morally destructive” and blamed it for AIDS. An Englishman who displayed in his window a 9/11 poster proclaiming, “Islam out of Britain.” A Turk who published two letters from readers angry at the government’s treatment of Kurds. A Frenchman who wrote an article disputing the plausibility of poison gas technology at a Nazi concentration camp.

Look at the defendants rescued by the court. A Dane “convicted of aiding and abetting the dissemination of racist remarks” for making a documentary in which three people “made abusive and derogatory remarks about immigrants and ethnic groups.” A man “convicted of openly inciting the population to hatred” in Turkey by “criticizing secular and democratic principles and openly calling for the introduction of Sharia law.” Another Turkish resident “convicted of disseminating propaganda” after he “criticized the United States’ intervention in Iraq and the solitary confinement of the leader of a terrorist organization.” Two Frenchmen who wrote a newspaper article that “portrayed Marshal Pétain in a favorable light, drawing a veil over his policy of collaboration with the Nazi regime.”

Beyond the court’s docket, you’ll find more prosecutions of dissent. A Swedish pastor convicted of violating hate-speech laws by preaching against homosexuality. A Serb convicted of discrimination for saying, “We are against every gathering where homosexuals are demonstrating in the streets of Belgrade and want to show something, which is a disease, like it is normal.” An Australian columnist convicted of violating the Racial Discrimination Act by suggesting that “there are fair-skinned people in Australia with essentially European ancestry … who, motivated by career opportunities available to Aboriginal people or by political activism, have chosen to falsely identify as Aboriginal.”

My favorite case involves a Frenchman who sought free-speech protection under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights:

Denis Leroy is a cartoonist. One of his drawings representing the attack on the World Trade Centre was published in a Basque weekly newspaper … with a caption which read: “We have all dreamt of it ... Hamas did it”. Having been sentenced to payment of a fine for “condoning terrorism”, Mr Leroy argued that his freedom of expression had been infringed.

The Court considered that, through his work, the applicant had glorified the violent destruction of American imperialism, expressed moral support for the perpetrators of the attacks of 11 September, commented approvingly on the violence perpetrated against thousands of civilians and diminished the dignity of the victims. Despite the newspaper’s limited circulation, the Court observed that the drawing’s publication had provoked a certain public reaction, capable of stirring up violence and of having a demonstrable impact on public order in the Basque Country. The Court held that there had been no violation of Article 10.

How can you justify prosecuting cases like these while defending cartoonists and video makers who ridicule Mohammed? You can’t. Either you censor both, or you censor neither. Given the choice, I’ll stand with Obama. “Efforts to restrict speech,” he warned the U. N., “can quickly become a tool to silence critics and oppress minorities.”

That principle, borne out by the wretched record of hate-speech prosecutions, is worth defending. But first, we have to live up to it.

* Hate-Speech Hypocrites* :** Information Clearing House: ICH
Australia granted a visa to anti-Muslim Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

Australia continues to ban Holocaust-revisionist David Irving.

and? they also allowed you in... the great conspiratorial mind of " Zionist have a hold on everyone" . Maybe they were doing a balancing act, no different than the OP allowed in Netherlands .

You guys use free speech laws to spread your hate while cribbing about others... funny! Can we live in your lands( other than convenient adopted Christian lands)and use free speech to slam Muslims or Islam?
why insulting the Prophet Mohammed is free speech but vilifying Jews and denying the Holocaust isn’t. And we don’t have a good answer.

I have a very good answer for that.

Insulting Prophet Mohammed, even though it maybe in a bad taste, does not hurt anybody physically. The only people that harm anyone physically when Mohammed is insulted, are Muslims. Also, it does not particularly point to a tragedy that happened in the past.

However, the Holocaust ACTUALLY happened. 6 million innocent people died. The Holocaust was not a religious event, it was mass murder. A lot of present day Israelis might have had some of their relatives killed in that event, so it is insensitive and barbaric to bully and mock the Holocaust.

Lastly, the Holocaust is a historic event. Jews do not go around burning buildings when someone denies the holocaust.

But Mohammed is a religious figure, and Muslims will go around burning buildings and attacking **** if someone talks trash about Mohammed.

A historic event and a religious figure are totally different. And the historic event has more credibility and deserves more respect.
Hate-Speech Hypocrites

How can we ban hate speech against Jews while defending mockery of Muslims?

By William Saletan


* Hate-Speech Hypocrites* :** Information Clearing House: ICH

This author does not know about Islam and neither do his supporters including the person who posted this.

Muslims have fallen so low that we don't even know our own religion and thus keep on jumping up and down about Jewish holocaust? What a shame!

Oh my dear dear poster, as a Muslim, one should know there are two kinds of rights, that we as Muslims must observe.

1. Haqooq ul Ibad (Human rights)
2. Haqooq Allah (divine rights)

Allah has clearly instructed us that if someone violates divine rights, then it is a matter between the insulting-person and Allah. It is upto Allah to punish him, or forgive him. what are those divine rights? Examples include but not limited to: mocking Allah, or long dead prophets, angels, fasting, prayers, Hujj etc. If someone disrespects Solomon (may peace be upon him), and Jews complain, this case would fall under the violation of divine rights. If someone disrespects Jesus (peace be upon him), and Christians complain, this case would fall under the violation of divine rights. If someone mocks a Hindu deity like Krishna, this again would fall under "divine rights". And as I said before, punishment or forgiveness of divine rights is the domain of God and not us the mere mortals.

If on the other hand if you violate human rights, then Allah cannot forgive you, and you have to ask forgiveness from the injured party. How do we ask forgiveness from the injured party?
I. Pay for the damages,
II. Pay for the emotional distress, and
III. Most importantly promise not to do it again. Ever!

Why on earth you would not know my dear Sir, that killing of Jews at the hands of Nazis was Human right violation. When Europeans asked forgiveness they paid the injured party and then promised not to do that again. And this my friend is enforced by laws against holocaust denial. Even though such crimes were committed by Europeans, we the Muslims must follow our religion and thus protect the laws against holocaust denial so that we never let that sad incident repeat itself.

Muslims should not only protect Jewish human rights, but the rights of other minorities around the world. We should never let the Hutus and Tutsi episode repeat again ever. We should never violate the human rights of minorities within Pakistan like the right so minority Hindus, Christians, Ahmadiya, Shias etc. etc.

On the other hand if someone is violating Divine rights, the only thing we should do is pray for him/her to stop doing so. But we should not try to behave as if we have nauzbillah become God and thus we can punish people for violating divine rights.

So please! As a Muslim you must educate yourself about the importance of Human rights in Islam and thus never ever try to mock holocaust or justify despicable behavior of other Muslims by repeatedly bringing up holocaust. It is not funny.

peace to all, peace to you.
This author does not know about Islam and neither do his supporters including the person who posted this.

Muslims have fallen so low that we don't even know our own religion and thus keep on jumping up and down about Jewish holocaust? What a shame!

Oh my dear dear poster, as a Muslim, one should know there are two kinds of rights, that we as Muslims must observe.

1. Haqooq ul Ibad (Human rights)
2. Haqooq Allah (divine rights)

Allah has clearly instructed us that if someone violates divine rights, then it is a matter between the insulting-person and Allah. It is upto Allah to punish him, or forgive him. what are those divine rights? Examples include but not limited to: mocking Allah, or long dead prophets, angels, fasting, prayers, Hujj etc. If someone disrespects Solomon (may peace be upon him), and Jews complain, this case would fall under the violation of divine rights. If someone disrespects Jesus (peace be upon him), and Christians complain, this case would fall under the violation of divine rights. If someone mocks a Hindu deity like Krishna, this again would fall under "divine rights". And as I said before, punishment or forgiveness of divine rights is the domain of God and not us the mere mortals.

If on the other hand if you violate human rights, then Allah cannot forgive you, and you have to ask forgiveness from the injured party.

Why on earth you would not know my dear Sir, that killing of Jews at the hands of Nazis was Human right violation. And thus we must not let that sad incident repeat itself.

Muslims should not only protect Jewish human rights, but the rights of other minorities around the world. We should never let the Hutus and Tutsi episode repeat again ever. We should never violate the human rights of minorities within Pakistan like the right so minority Hindus, Chritians, Ahmadiya, Shias etc. etc.

On the other hand if someone is violating Divine rights, the only thing we should do is pray for him/her to stop doing so. But we should not try to behave as if we have nauzbillah become God and thus we can punish people for violating divine rights.

So please! As a Muslim you must educate yourself about the importance of Human rights in Islam and thus never ever try to mock holocaust or justify despicable behavior of other Muslims by repeatedly bringing up holocaust. It is not funny.

peace to all, peace to you.

What is your background and how do Pakistanis ( very many on PDF too)get educated at your school vs the school of bullshit talks and walks... it's like a loosing battle being fought by you and Vcheng- But you guys don't give up and leave this cesspool of ignorance . bravo
The author appears to point to a more European problem than a Muslim one :lol:

No, there isn't any 'issue' between East and West regarding free-speech.

And just what are those Muslim 'leaders' going to do? What do they have to leverage that kind of influence? Not much.

Instead of going ballistic over some badly made films and cartoons, there are far better things to do to prove yourselves overtime that you are far superior to the West.

The opportunities are there, use your brains. Pllzz....
What is your background and how do Pakistanis ( very many on PDF too)get educated at your school vs the school of bullshit talks and walks... it's like a loosing battle being fought by you and Vcheng- But you guys don't give up and leave this cesspool of ignorance . bravo

Thank you.

What's my background? Really humble dare I say. A lot of education in our family comes from our elders, school teachers, and most importantly self learning. But no Jahil Mullahs are allowed no matter how long their beards and how white their Jubba Amamas are.

And thus it is really terrible to see many of my fellow Pakistanis behave like Jahil Mullahs, when Islam's true meaning is lost and people just do their thing for a show.

peace to all, and peace to you (that's the true meaning of Salam Elaikum).
Thank you.

What's my background? Really humble dare I say. A lot of education in our family comes from our elders, school teachers, and most importantly self learning. But no Jahil Mullahs are allowed no matter how long their beards and how white their Jubba Amamas are.

And thus it is really terrible to see many of my fellow Pakistanis behave like Jahil Mullahs, when Islam's true meaning is lost and people just do their thing for a show.

peace to all, and peace to you (that's the true meaning of Salam Elaikum).

Feelings are mutual about such characters. Only in my case I have two countries( and their countrymen) to sort out. We have christian fundamentalist and their Tea party in the US and Hindu zealots or Bal thackery's or this batch of new neo cons of civil rights in India that preach killing of civilians on the bangla border for merely crossing over -that are a source of immense embarrassment for me. But onward and forward yeah:)
This author does not know about Islam and neither do his supporters including the person who posted this.

Muslims have fallen so low that we don't even know our own religion and thus keep on jumping up and down about Jewish holocaust? What a shame!

Oh my dear dear poster, as a Muslim, one should know there are two kinds of rights, that we as Muslims must observe.

1. Haqooq ul Ibad (Human rights)
2. Haqooq Allah (divine rights)

Allah has clearly instructed us that if someone violates divine rights, then it is a matter between the insulting-person and Allah. It is upto Allah to punish him, or forgive him. what are those divine rights? Examples include but not limited to: mocking Allah, or long dead prophets, angels, fasting, prayers, Hujj etc. If someone disrespects Solomon (may peace be upon him), and Jews complain, this case would fall under the violation of divine rights. If someone disrespects Jesus (peace be upon him), and Christians complain, this case would fall under the violation of divine rights. If someone mocks a Hindu deity like Krishna, this again would fall under "divine rights". And as I said before, punishment or forgiveness of divine rights is the domain of God and not us the mere mortals.

If on the other hand if you violate human rights, then Allah cannot forgive you, and you have to ask forgiveness from the injured party. How do we ask forgiveness from the injured party?
I. Pay for the damages,
II. Pay for the emotional distress, and
III. Most importantly promise not to do it again. Ever!

Why on earth you would not know my dear Sir, that killing of Jews at the hands of Nazis was Human right violation. When Europeans asked forgiveness they paid the injured party and then promised not to do that again. And this my friend is enforced by laws against holocaust denial. Even though such crimes were committed by Europeans, we the Muslims must follow our religion and thus protect the laws against holocaust denial so that we never let that sad incident repeat itself.

Muslims should not only protect Jewish human rights, but the rights of other minorities around the world. We should never let the Hutus and Tutsi episode repeat again ever. We should never violate the human rights of minorities within Pakistan like the right so minority Hindus, Christians, Ahmadiya, Shias etc. etc.

On the other hand if someone is violating Divine rights, the only thing we should do is pray for him/her to stop doing so. But we should not try to behave as if we have nauzbillah become God and thus we can punish people for violating divine rights.

So please! As a Muslim you must educate yourself about the importance of Human rights in Islam and thus never ever try to mock holocaust or justify despicable behavior of other Muslims by repeatedly bringing up holocaust. It is not funny.

peace to all, peace to you.

This is most sensible and logic explanation I have heard on PDF for a long time...Good job.

Every religion according to me says the same thing... "Who are we punish another of Gods creation in the name of God".
I think if somebody spreads hatred against a group/tribe/race of people, it should be consided hate speech.
However lampooning/criticizing/mocking a dead person/ an idea / a work of art / literature/ a religion is not hatred.

Making fun of yahweh , moses etc is not hate speech. Nor is making fun of prophet mohammed or allah.

However spreading hatred against jews/muslims is hate speech.

Saying communism have got it completely wrong because.... is not hate speech.
Saying communist party members should be taken out and shot infront of others is hate speech (unless you are Clackson)
This author does not know about Islam and neither do his supporters including the person who posted this.

Muslims have fallen so low that we don't even know our own religion and thus keep on jumping up and down about Jewish holocaust? What a shame!

Oh my dear dear poster, as a Muslim, one should know there are two kinds of rights, that we as Muslims must observe.

1. Haqooq ul Ibad (Human rights)
2. Haqooq Allah (divine rights)

Allah has clearly instructed us that if someone violates divine rights, then it is a matter between the insulting-person and Allah. It is upto Allah to punish him, or forgive him. what are those divine rights? Examples include but not limited to: mocking Allah, or long dead prophets, angels, fasting, prayers, Hujj etc. If someone disrespects Solomon (may peace be upon him), and Jews complain, this case would fall under the violation of divine rights. If someone disrespects Jesus (peace be upon him), and Christians complain, this case would fall under the violation of divine rights. If someone mocks a Hindu deity like Krishna, this again would fall under "divine rights". And as I said before, punishment or forgiveness of divine rights is the domain of God and not us the mere mortals.

If on the other hand if you violate human rights, then Allah cannot forgive you, and you have to ask forgiveness from the injured party. How do we ask forgiveness from the injured party?
I. Pay for the damages,
II. Pay for the emotional distress, and
III. Most importantly promise not to do it again. Ever!

Why on earth you would not know my dear Sir, that killing of Jews at the hands of Nazis was Human right violation. When Europeans asked forgiveness they paid the injured party and then promised not to do that again. And this my friend is enforced by laws against holocaust denial. Even though such crimes were committed by Europeans, we the Muslims must follow our religion and thus protect the laws against holocaust denial so that we never let that sad incident repeat itself.

Muslims should not only protect Jewish human rights, but the rights of other minorities around the world. We should never let the Hutus and Tutsi episode repeat again ever. We should never violate the human rights of minorities within Pakistan like the right so minority Hindus, Christians, Ahmadiya, Shias etc. etc.

On the other hand if someone is violating Divine rights, the only thing we should do is pray for him/her to stop doing so. But we should not try to behave as if we have nauzbillah become God and thus we can punish people for violating divine rights.

So please! As a Muslim you must educate yourself about the importance of Human rights in Islam and thus never ever try to mock holocaust or justify despicable behavior of other Muslims by repeatedly bringing up holocaust. It is not funny.

peace to all, peace to you.

Wow, more power to you mate.
Insulting Prophet Mohammed, even though it maybe in a bad taste, does not hurt anybody physically. The only people that harm anyone physically when Mohammed is insulted, are Muslims. Also, it does not particularly point to a tragedy that happened in the past.

It deeply hurts religious people when their saints are insulted. If you didnt knew - words can sometimes hurt more than physical harm.

However, the Holocaust ACTUALLY happened. 6 million innocent people died. The Holocaust was not a religious event, it was mass murder. A lot of present day Israelis might have had some of their relatives killed in that event, so it is insensitive and barbaric to bully and mock the Holocaust.

So much wrong with this point:

1. Nobody gets physically hurt if someone question Holocaust, thats your own logic from above. These people dont commit genocide or anything.

2. Holocaust of 6 mln. is arbitrary and nonetheless wrong figure. You would know if you would do any research in this matter.

3. US denies genocide against Indians, Turkey against Kurds and Armenians, ets. etc. Why the ONLY genocide which is punishable by law and even jail-time is Holocaust? In my country you can deny any other genocide as much as you want, but God forbid you deny Holocaust... Is Jewish life and history are worth more than anyone else? I dont think so.

Lastly, the Holocaust is a historic event. Jews do not go around burning buildings when someone denies the holocaust.

Actually Jewish organizations make sure that Holocaust denials are either in jail, or their life are destroyed. Like Jewish professor wrote "The Holocaust industry" about how Jews profit from it, and Zionists made sure he got fired, even though he wrote the facts and is a Jew himself.
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