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Has MQM Made A Blunder By Supporting Pakistan Against Taliban?


Oct 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
Now-a-days, MQM is facing severe criticism on the reason that his founder Altaf Hussain, while talking about the Taliban`s on-going attacks and the poor performance of the government , asked the Pakistan Army to take over if the political government does not come on the same page against Taliban. “Through his advice, Altaf Hussain has violated the Constitution”, critics blamed. “Article 6 can be applied to him on such an advice”, added the Federal Minister Khwaja Saad Rafique. Although the ground reality about the Taliban`s increasing control in the country including its biggest city Karachi requires the similar big decisions as soon as possible, MQM`s critics availed of this chance to malign its leadership.

Not only on this interview, but MQM and Altaf Hussain were criticized on holding a solidarity rally in Karachi. In is an open secret that on 23rd February, MQM organized a rally to show solidarity with the soldiers of armed forces and the law-enforcement agencies. Surely, it was a historic gathering of the people who had come to express their solidarity with their soldiers on the appeal of MQM`s chief. Truly, in the crucial time when our Army and other law-enforcement agencies were scarifying their lives against Taliban terrorists, it was the need of the hour to show solidarity with them. Following “A friend in need is a friend indeed”, MQM took the lead and despite all its grievances from the past as well as present operations conducted by them, it held a massive rally to pay a tribute to the soldiers.
Unfortunately, instead of appreciating the MQM`s loud message of true patriotism, some anchorpersons, analysts and political rivals prejudicially inferred that MQM did not merely express solidarity with Pakistan army, but, in fact, it tried to bring the federal government under pressure so that it could not hand over the two allegedly arrested persons possibly involved in the Dr. Imran Farooq murder case to the UK officials. While others also claimed that MQM, through that rally, wanted toget some support from the military establishment.

To tell the truth, MQM has been facing such an attitude from its rivals since its inception. So, this kind of political analysis-cum- allegation is not new to it. However, honestly speaking, this behavior is a sheer disgrace to the highly respectable feelings of MQM as well as of the people who had gathered for a candid purpose. Instead of praising MQM and its leadership on the heartening gesture in the war like situation of the country, critics are maligning them?
Taking into account the criticism, allegations and sarcastic remarks for MQM, I feel like believing that MQM made a blunder by showing solidarity with the Pakistani soldiers. Instead, it should have expressed solidarity for Taliban and should have asked not the Pakistan Army, rather the TTP to take over the country. It is the bitter reality that all anti-MQM elements whether it is military establishment, political governments or media groups, have been fully supporting MQM`s political and ethnical rivals against it following “enemy`s enemy is our friends”. Now, this time MQM leadership, by adopting the same policy, should make an alliance with Taliban under “Live and Let to Live” so as to pay to all its enemies in the same coin.

Ironically speaking, extending its political support to Taliban in comparison to the government as well as the Army would turn out to be better for MQM and its voters. As a result of such a decision, the long-prevailing state`s policy against them would like to change positively. Whether we speak of the military establishment or political governments, they would consider MQM and Urdu speaking community as their own Patriot Pakistani Muslim Brothers just like Taliban. Further, there would be no more operations in Karachi as they would not like to see a Muslim army, Ranges or Police killing their own Muslim brothers. Similarly, the Karachi-ites would not hear any Prime Minister of Pakistan saying, ”We will not get blackmailed from anyone at all. Karachi operation would continue till the last criminal is brought into justice”, but, “We do not want bloodshed at all. Settling all differences with our brothers peacefully on table is our priority.” Not only this, even MQM`s previously arrested workers and supporters would not be shifted to other provinces or cities, but be kept in the prison nearing the MQM`s politically influenced areas in the same way as arrested Taliban were kept in the Bannu Jail situated at the border areas of Waziristan which is considered to be the TTP` s –run state.

In fact, after a pact or mutual agreement with TTP especially in Urban Sindh, nobody would ever think of criticizing MQM; no analysts or political leaders could dare to associate any negative meanings with MQM`s stands. Similarly, no anchorperson would ask MQM to revisit its policies, instead, not only he himself, but even the whole channel or media group would altogether amend their own policies in MQM`s favor just like the Express News and E-tribune did for TTP. In addition, through its political support to TTP, it would easily get its demanded people-friendly local bodies system enforced in Urban Sindh with all the necessary authorities and powers which the Constitution of Pakistan gives. Under the true democratic local bodies system, the elected government of Karachi would spend all of its earnings on its own citizens that would definitely help to turn the city into the most developed city of the world.

In short, there seem to be countless benefits of forming a sort of at least understanding with Taliban in comparison to its extremely bitter experience from the country`s military and political establishments. Satirically, when the sincerity and patriotism of MQM and its voters with Pakistan and its soldiers, are not being recognized and honored, rather being disrespected, then the racists should be dealt in the same way as Taliban treat them because:
“Laton Ke Bhoot Hathon Se Nahi Mante”
its a reaction, in words?
but it takes time , to heal the wounds of past?
i guss, MQM has done the right thing, with up most bravry, they need rewards, & in very short future, you ill be able to see, the change positivly?
but plz dont expect, a over night change , it will come slowly for sure!
more of that, solidarity rallies are needed, TTp will never stop, its quest to get karachi, at some point everything will be falling to MQM,s Patriotic stand!
hey, stupid learn manners, just got wings & u r trying to grab skies?lolzz
The Site allows PTI, APML,PPP,PML(N,Q,Rst etc) ANP.. why should we censor one party or show favoritism to one?

who is talking about allies here, MQM has been pro operation since the very beginning even when PPP supported sufi muhammad dealings, it was haider abbas NA speech in which he opposed sharia of sufi muhammadi as official stance of MQM

why do you act so retarded anyway? if i were to act retard i would flood noonies thread with factual news and not some garbage news, but im not even interested in PMLN, PTI, PPP or other garbage, utter waste of time
No it has not made a blunder, if anything it has gained some legitimacy atleast in my eyes....
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