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Hariri says Hezbollah resistance against Israel outdated

Your arguement is wrong, Israel has murdered far more Lebanese civilians, and that makes IDF a terror group according to your conclusion.
idf didn't target random Lebanese citizens they mostly targeted hezbolla in 2006 ............and also i don't consider IDF some white knights in shining armors either
.......... but that is off topic ...............

but we both should agree that all foreign groups are only causing more misery to the Syrian people
Why must he stand against Israel?
For what reason could you explain?
Or is it because al Arabs must be against Israel?

Why he must be against Israel? Because Israel almost invaded Lebanon...
and a true Arab would stand against Israel before his own brothers... brothers fight and all, but when it comes to war brothers stand with each other... we have a saying in the Arab world.... my brother and I against my cousin... enough said...

Hariri says Hezbollah resistance against Israel outdated

Former Lebanese prime minister calls on Shiite terror group to disarm, slams it for fighting in Syria

By Times of Israel staff August 4, 2013, 8:53 am


Saad Hariri (photo credit: US State Department)
Former prime minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri joined a growing chorus against terror group Hezbollah over the weekend, calling on the organization to disarm and saying it was no longer needed.

Hariri’s statement came after a rare public speech by Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah Friday in which he called for the elimination of Israel.

“The idea … that Lebanon needs the weapons of the resistance [Hezbollah] in order to face the Israeli threat… is an idea that has expired, Hariri said in a television address later Friday, reported by AFP on Sunday.

Popular support for Hezbollah, which fought a three-week war with Israel in 2006, has waned in the face of the group’s continued backing of Syria’s President Bashar Assad in that country’s civil war. The group was also partially blacklisted by the European Union last month after being blamed for a bombing in Bulgaria that killed six people last year.

On Thursday, Lebanese President Michel Suleiman called for Hezbollah to fold into Lebanon’s national army, remarks that promptly drew rocket fire on the residential compound.

Hariri, who led Lebanon from 2009 to 2011 before fleeing to self-imposed exile in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, after citing security concerns, complained that Hezbollah was using its weapons “to instill fear into Lebanon’s political life.”

The son of slain Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, who was assassinated in 2005 in a bombing thought to have been carried out by Hezbollah, Saad Hariri criticized the group for its involvement in the Syrian civil war, which has bled into Lebanon.

The focus of the organizations activities “have been shifted from fighting the Israeli enemy to fighting the Syrian people,” Hariri said.

On Thursday, Suleiman gave a speech criticizing the involvement of Hezbollah in Syria’s conflict in supporting forces loyal to Assad.

Suleiman suggested Hezbollah’s weapons be folded into that of the national Lebanese army. The president said that “resistance weapons have trespassed the Lebanese border,” in a reference to Hezbollah. The Iranian-backed group has a formidable weapons arsenal that rivals that of the army.

That night, two rockets struck near the presidential compound in Baabda, southeast of the Lebanese capital, Beirut. It was the second time in two months that rockets have been fired in the area amid tensions related to the civil war in neighboring Syria.

Suleiman said Friday that the attack would not intimidate or make him change his convictions regardless of the party behind it.

“Repeated rocket messages, regardless of the sender or the target … cannot alter national principles or convictions that are expressed freely and sincerely,” the president said in the statement issued by his office. The statement did not say whom officials believed were behind Thursday night’s attack.

The rare criticism by Suleiman, a Maronite Catholic, angered Hezbollah and its allies. A pro-Hezbollah newspaper put a picture of Suleiman on its front page Friday with a bold-headlined single word: “Irhal,” Arabic for leave.

Nasrallah declared on Friday that “The elimination of Israel is not only a Palestinian interest… It is the interest of the entire Muslim world and the entire Arab world.”

Speaking days after the Arab League-backed resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Nasrallah said no Arab leader had the right to legitimize Israel, and that all of Palestine — “from the river to the sea” — belonged to the Palestinians, according to a report on Israel’s Army Radio. “No sheikh, prince, king, president or government has the right to relinquish a single grain of Palestinian sand,” he said.

Hezbollah’s open participation in the Syrian civil war is highly divisive in Lebanon, and has enraged Sunni Muslims there who sympathize with the overwhelmingly Sunni rebels fighting to topple Assad. Hezbollah fighters were instrumental in helping Assad’s forces achieve victory over the rebels in the strategic Syrian town of Qusair near the border with Lebanon in June.

First off lets no forget hariri is a saudi born national on top of his lebanese origins. Another important issue is the fact he made this statement and as head of the opposing party to hezbollah it can lead to nothing but an arms build up between them. lebanon could most probably be going towards civil war again . ALL the while in israel people are enjoying their summer vacations.
Hariri father was a good guy he was honest he did a lot for lebanon
but Hariri is pro american and hates hezbollah
he wants to disarm the people who bought freedom to Lebanon
if Hezbollah is disarm Israel will take lebanon in few hour and there is no one to protect it

he talk this rubbish always , Hezbollah and Syria never killed his father
idf didn't target random Lebanese citizens they mostly targeted hezbolla in 2006 ............and also i don't consider IDF some white knights in shining armors either
.......... but that is off topic ...............

but we both should agree that all foreign groups are only causing more misery to the Syrian people

Yes they did target civilians and conducted strikes where they know women and children are located but purposefully chose to strikes many times.

Hence= terrorism

You stupid Israeli apologist fuvk.
Just like it was granted before 1982 ?

Seriously? Are you trying to conceal the fact that Lebanon dragged itself into a confrontation with the Israelis while the Lebanese were divided into groups based on secs?
idf didn't target random Lebanese citizens they mostly targeted hezbolla in 2006 ............and also i don't consider IDF some white knights in shining armors either
.......... but that is off topic ...............

but we both should agree that all foreign groups are only causing more misery to the Syrian people

Alll hezboallah fighter were south of litany river some less than 20km from border then how come idf started bombing 300 _ 400 km away from border.

Also didn't at the start of the war hezboallah only warned israel to stop attacking lebanese civilian and after repeatedly attacking them they started to attack idrael cities ?
Seriously? Are you trying to conceal the fact that Lebanon dragged itself into a confrontation with the Israelis while the Lebanese were divided into groups based on secs?

When 2006 or 80ies
Alll hezboallah fighter were south of litany river some less than 20km from border then how come idf started bombing 300 _ 400 km away from border.

Also didn't at the start of the war hezboallah only warned israel to stop attacking lebanese civilian and after repeatedly attacking them they started to attack idrael cities ?

To destroy civilian infrastructure. When has the West ever condemned that tactic which they actively employ? Double standard.
Yes they did target civilians and conducted strikes where they know women and children are located but purposefully chose to strikes many times.

Hence= terrorism

You stupid Israeli apologist fuvk.

name calling .............classy:no:

if they did that than it can be called terrorism...............but that claim is debatable...
but there is no denying the fact that hezbolla dragged lebanon into a confrontation with the Israelis
name calling .............classy:no:

if they did that than it can be called terrorism...............but that claim is debatable...
but there is no denying the fact that hezbolla dragged lebanon into a confrontation with the Israelis

I don't need to name call, but, I got a little emotional. Because, I hear that statement too much and it isn't true because I've experienced the war before and Israel targets a lot of civilian infrastructure and they do have limits too. But, sometimes with very disproportionate force which is a problem.

And Hezbollah did so after some of their men were kidnapped I believe. Initially, they wanted an exchange I believe. And you can't claim it dragged israel into a war. Hezbollah wasn't looking for a war and neither was the Israeli cabinet but they made a decision to let it escalate due to restoring their 'deterrence' as they call it.

name calling .............classy:no:

if they did that than it can be called terrorism...............but that claim is debatable...
but there is no denying the fact that hezbolla dragged lebanon into a confrontation with the Israelis

I don't need to name call, but, I got a little emotional. Because, I hear that statement too much and it isn't true because I've experienced the war before and Israel targets a lot of civilian infrastructure and they do have limits too. But, sometimes with very disproportionate force which is a problem.

And Hezbollah did so after some of their men were kidnapped I believe. Initially, they wanted an exchange I believe. And you can't claim it dragged israel into a war. Hezbollah wasn't looking for a war and neither was the Israeli cabinet but they made a decision to let it escalate due to restoring their 'deterrence' as they call it.
I don't need to name call, but, I got a little emotional. Because, I hear that statement too much and it isn't true because I've experienced the war before and Israel targets a lot of civilian infrastructure and they do have limits too. But, sometimes with very disproportionate force which is a problem
i can understand that .....i fell sad for the Palestinian situation ... and i support Palestinians in their cause............but i think the solution should be a political one .......an armed conflict does no good for Palestinians

And Hezbollah did so after some of their men were kidnapped I believe. Initially, they wanted an exchange I believe. And you can't claim it dragged israel into a war. Hezbollah wasn't looking for a war and neither was the Israeli cabinet but they made a decision to let it escalate due to restoring their 'deterrence' as they call it.
i dont know about the bold part...........but my point is in 2006 hizbolla wasnt some resistance force as some people claim ...............both hezbolla and israel were equally responsible for the war which caused destruction in lebanon
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