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Hafiz Saeed leads Eid prayers in Lahore

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Are you saying these judges were not afraid to pursue cases against COASs of the Pakistan Army but were afraid to pursue cases against "assets"?

Can you tell me what evidence was there against Malik Ishaq?

That is precisely what they are saying.

The judges are not afraid of the Army because the Army cannot target the judges after they have been named.

The terrorists on the other hand have not only repeatedly been freed by Pakistani courts after being caught by Pakistani security forces, they have openly declared that they have killed ahmadis and shias before and will do it again. Yet the Courts have freed them.

Has there not been the case that one judge fled to Saudi Arabia after passing a sentence because he was scared for his life?

So yes, there is a lot of substance when saying that Pakistani Courts are a sham, their judges are scared of the terrorists.
Yea, just look at how well that strategy is working out for us in peace and prosperity. Well done?

Yeap. What is has proven that Pakistan Military is woefully inept that it cannot deal with a home grown insurgency. And this after entangling themselves with the Pakistani Taliban and taking massive losses, Pakistan Military has just let them be in North Waziristan.

And thus there is no chance of a military offensive against the Afghan Taliba and their Al Qaeda allies. Only when Pakistan needs more aid from USA that days before a high level Al Qaeda figure will be arrested to show case Pakistan's fight against Terror.
Indians are P!issing me OFF!

Look man if not the most I am one of the neutral person here. IF you guys got enough evidence present it to the courts/international courts/Pakistani government/Media. Not your sh!tty sources like your government or even your army forget about your Media. You Brainwashed F*CKS!

@ Its just the senior members they disappoint me, look at Pakistani Senior members most of the time they are neutral.

Remember that pr!ck Snagjeet singh or whatever, everyone was claiming he was innocent your government/army/media/ even your Bollywood & we know what happened after, and then you Killed that innocent Kashmiri in return.

If you guys think you're better than Pakistanis in anyway you're fu£king Wrong, just look at the history.

we are the same people, calm the fu£k Down. STOP BEING BRAINWASHED/BIASED even if your nationality, religion or whatever is at stake. you only get one life to live, dont waste it.

UN declares Jamaat-ud-Dawa a terrorist front group - The Long War Journal

Whne the UN says it, there is little more proof that you need , but you people's hunger for proof never ends.
What sort of proof will we find acceptable? After all, did anyone "prove" OBL as the leader of 9/11 attacks?

Since They are claiming him to be the terrorist so the Burden of proof lies on them,Give the proof or they should STFO ,so are some Obligatory Pessimists and western wanna be under the guise of Green Flag...

As long as we are consistent in obeying the courts, whether we agree with the verdicts or not, there is hope for us as a society and the rule of law. Revolution is not the answer for us, for we will gain little and lose much if we go down that path.
Revolution is the answer for us, just that who would do it? These Pakistanis? Anyway I digress... If the collective national thought process decides to not obey the judges, then there is no power that can do anything about it.

In the case of Hafiz Saeed we don't see that. People are ready, in fact I think willing to see this man brought to justice. But to justice. Not be executed at the whims of foreign powers.

Correction Saeenjee. The EXECUTIVE and the JUDICIARY are two different things, but they are BOTH organs of the STATE.

Yeap, that's what I meant. There are two parties at play here, and our Indian friends seem to be hopping from one to the other in their blame game, forgetting that it is extremely improbable that both parties played ball in some giant conspiracy to save a nobody like HS.

UN declares Jamaat-ud-Dawa a terrorist front group - The Long War Journal

Whne the UN says it, there is little more proof that you need , but you people's hunger for proof never ends.

So what happens after UN declares someone a terrorist? We take him to the town square and behead them?

We take that said person to court. In a trial, guilt has to be proven. It was not, he was let go.

What sort of proof will we find acceptable? After all, did anyone "prove" OBL as the leader of 9/11 attacks?

Technically he died an innocent man! Given the revelations of late that he was not even resisting arrest, it really is summing up to be a murder.

So is that what we have to do on the whims of foreign power? Murder Pakistani citizens without due process?
Since They are claiming him to be the terrorist so the Burden of proof lies on them,Give the proof or they should STFO ,so are some Obligatory Pessimists and western wanna be under the guise of Green Flag...
The reason why nobody trusts Pakistan is that Pakistan won't launch such investigations for itself - at least, they won't share the process and results of such investigations with others. So Pakistan justifiably remains a country that is presumed guilty when it comes to such matters.

I wonder: do the people in Hafiz Saeed's audience listen to him because they must, or do they listen to him because they think he had no connection with 26/11, or do they listen to him because they admire him for being successful at killing Jews and Indians and getting away with it?
That is precisely what they are saying.

The judges are not afraid of the Army because the Army cannot target the judges after they have been named.

The terrorists on the other hand have not only repeatedly been freed by Pakistani courts after being caught by Pakistani security forces, they have openly declared that they have killed ahmadis and shias before and will do it again. Yet the Courts have freed them.

Has there not been the case that one judge fled to Saudi Arabia after passing a sentence because he was scared for his life?

So yes, there is a lot of substance when saying that Pakistani Courts are a sham, their judges are scared of the terrorists.

So Army cannot target judges, but the assets of Army, ie. HS can... So why don't they do their masters a favor and help them out with these pesky judges?

Maybe, just may be you owe this dramatic conspiracy theory to an overly active imagination?
So Army cannot target judges, but the assets of Army, ie. HS can... So why don't they do their masters a favor and help them out with these pesky judges?

Maybe, just may be you owe this dramatic conspiracy theory to an overly active imagination?

Thats exactly the point. These terrorist groups were 'former assets'.
There is a reason why today these groups have launched attacks against the Pakistani Army.

I donot need your confirmation on this mate. The multitudes of reports generated in Pakistan confirm as much.
1. These were former assets that have turned against Pakistani establishment
2. The Pakistani Courts are now sham with them releasing terrorists one after another using bogus logic
3. The Judges are being actively threatened by the terrorists.
The reason why nobody trusts Pakistan is that Pakistan won't launch such investigations for itself - at least, they won't share the process and results of such investigations with others. So Pakistan justifiably remains a country that is presumed guilty when it comes to such matters.

Here I can agree - and it comes back to the issue of competence more than complicity. We do investigate. And there are always 100+ people arrested in any investigation in Pakistan. With that many people you know they are just rounding up people en masse, detain innocent people without trial.

I wonder: do the people in Hafiz Saeed's audience listen to him because they must, or do they listen to him because they think he had no connection with 26/11, or do they listen to him because they admire him for being successful at killing Jews and Indians and getting away with it?

Very few would be for all the above reasons.

Primarily, he earned a reputation for fighting Indians back when he was the leader of LeT and now he runs very successful charity and disaster relief organization and they DO work on a lot of social programs. Till now there has been no proof about his involvement with militancy since LeT was banned by Pakistan over 10 years ago. You would think there would be some after so much bickering.

He is just a big mouth who uses some very bigoted language and pisses off the Indians and they want someone to blame and take their frustrations out on him since he uses some very mean words.
The reason why nobody trusts Pakistan is that Pakistan won't launch such investigations for itself - at least, they won't share the process and results of such investigations with others. So Pakistan justifiably remains a country that is presumed guilty when it comes to such matters.

I wonder: do the people in Hafiz Saeed's audience listen to him because they must, or do they listen to him because they think he had no connection with 26/11, or do they listen to him because they admire him for being successful at killing Jews and Indians and getting away with it?

We don't give a damn if someone trusts us or not but when you presume someone to be convicted than you must have something or Ground or it will be consider as a Brain Fart both by the Accused and neutral party which is not the case here...

P.S..The Word Trust coming from an American is as good as sarcasm...
Thats exactly the point. These terrorist groups were 'former assets'.
There is a reason why today these groups have launched attacks against the Pakistani Army.

I donot need your confirmation on this mate. The multitudes of reports generated in Pakistan confirm as much.
1. These were former assets that have turned against Pakistani establishment
2. The Pakistani Courts are now sham with them releasing terrorists one after another using bogus logic
3. The Judges are being actively threatened by the terrorists.

So fine they are former assets, so it is established he has no backing from current EXECUTIVE and military authorities.

So again many judges HAVE convicted terrorists, why don't they just try them under those judges who are so much more brave?
Primarily, he earned a reputation for fighting Indians back when he was the leader of LeT and now he runs very successful charity and disaster relief organization and they DO work on a lot of social programs.
Do you really believe, as Pakistani officials claim, that Saeed has turned 180 degrees and is now working to de-radicalize Muslims?
Do you really believe, as Pakistani officials claim, that Saeed has turned 180 degrees and is now working to de-radicalize Muslims?

Believe? No, I have my doubts.

But I insist on following due process and proving his guilt and not shooting him just because foreign entities want him dead.

And his innocence is equally possible as well. 10+ years and no damning evidence as of yet? A bounty of 10m USD (for evidence against him)... Surely something should have come up. That is why the US has put up this bounty as well, even it knows there is nothing to hold him for - but they too have their doubts.

Having suspicions is legal.
We don't give a damn if someone trusts us or not but when you presume someone to be convicted
Why are you misusing language? Conviction requires a trial. There is no such thing as "presumed convicted" unless ou're not sure there was a trial or not. We're talking "presumed guilty", not "presumed convicted".

P.S..The Word Trust coming from an American is as good as sarcasm...
Read Wikileaks and you'll see that Pakistani politicians and military men pull Americans into their domestic political affairs because they trust Americans more than they trust each other. Propaganda about Americans being untrustworthy is merely their cover.
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