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Hafiz Saeed condemns Mumbai attacks


Oct 20, 2008
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Hafiz Saeed condemns Mumbai attacks

Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Mohammed Saeed has condemned the Mumbai attacks, which caused tension between the two countries. He said that people involved in militant activities were giving 'jihad' a bad name, as per a report. "I condemn these attacks in which innocent people became victim to atrocities of cruel miscreants... I don't support this attack or any violence of this kind," Saeed said in an exclusive interview to CNN.

Saeed also said that he is willing to co-operate and answer questions by National Investigation Agency's (NIA), which will soon be visiting Pakistan for investigation related to the 26/11 attacks. "If they (the NIA) want to talk to me, I have no objection. I am ready to answer their questions," Saeed said in that interview.

Saeed has repeatedly denied any involvement with the Mumbai killings or support for terrorism despite accusations he has masterminded numerous attacks. "I condemn this attack and the innocent lives that have been lost," he said. "I don't support this attack or any violence of this kind, but you don't even seem to believe me; I've said it so many times."

He highlighted charitable activities by Jamaat-ud-Dawa. The US State Department describes JuD's mission as the establishment of Islamist rule in India and Pakistan. Saeed softened his stance on Sharia law when speaking to CNN, saying he did not want to impose the strict laws by force but encourage it by raising awareness instead.

India's National Investigation Agency is to carry out inquiries in Pakistan into possible connections with the Mumbai attacks. Saeed told CNN he would speak with them. He said he has written letters to the UN and the European Union in attempts to clear his name, even offering to cooperate with investigations - to no avail. Until then, Hafiz Saeed - surrounded by armed guards - says he will continue to provide moral support, but no more, in the cause of liberating Kashmir. And he will deliver relief aid to the people of Pakistan, as the United States will not accept his offers.

Source: http://www.brecorder.com/general-news/172/1254301/
Source 2: Dunya News: Pakistan:-Hafiz Saeed condemns Mumbai attacks...

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May Allah give him hidayath...

An offer for aid to the US

Now this. Is he intending to stand for elections ?
Who cares what a terrorist say?

"Alleged" my friend only alleged. India is yet to prove any case against him and everything which India provided was thrown away by two independent courts and supreme court deciding twice trashing all allegations. You may not have faith in Pakistani Government (which honestly speaking I don't have either) but our Courts are Independent and they have proven this over time.

But I would be surprised if you say "Who cares to listen to an alleged terrorist" because you cannot give verdict without listening the alleged. Even USA has given reward to produce evidence and they acknowledge that they have no evidence of his invlvement. They only suspect and this is their whole base of hatred - a mere suspicion.
"Alleged" my friend only alleged. India is yet to prove any case against him and everything which India provided was thrown away by two independent courts and supreme court deciding twice trashing all allegations. You may not have faith in Pakistani Government (which honestly speaking I don't have either) but our Courts are Independent and they have proven this over time.

But I would be surprised if you say "Who cares to listen to an alleged terrorist" because you cannot give verdict without listening the alleged. Even USA has given reward to produce evidence and they acknowledge that they have no evidence of his invlvement. They only suspect and this is their whole base of hatred - a mere suspicion.

Cough cough - over the years your courts have hanged a Prime Minister and your courts have sanctified military coups. One or two anti-establishment decisions don't make your courts independent. Same courts showered petals on the guard who killed the Taseer.

So it is not just India - no one really thinks that the Pakistani courts are independent.
1. Proposes aid to the U.S. (Hurricane Sandy)
2. Condemns terrorist activities (Mumbai Attacks)

I may have just found a brilliant discovery;

Hafiz Saeed is a RAW/CIA agent!!! :woot:
"Alleged" my friend only alleged. India is yet to prove any case against him and everything which India provided was thrown away by two independent courts and supreme court deciding twice trashing all allegations. You may not have faith in Pakistani Government (which honestly speaking I don't have either) but our Courts are Independent and they have proven this over time.

But I would be surprised if you say "Who cares to listen to an alleged terrorist" because you cannot give verdict without listening the alleged. Even USA has given reward to produce evidence and they acknowledge that they have no evidence of his invlvement. They only suspect and this is their whole base of hatred - a mere suspicion.

He is a UN declared terrorist. I'm not even talking about Mumbai.
"Alleged" my friend only alleged. India is yet to prove any case against him and everything which India provided was thrown away by two independent courts and supreme court deciding twice trashing all allegations. You may not have faith in Pakistani Government (which honestly speaking I don't have either) but our Courts are Independent and they have proven this over time.

But I would be surprised if you say "Who cares to listen to an alleged terrorist" because you cannot give verdict without listening the alleged. Even USA has given reward to produce evidence and they acknowledge that they have no evidence of his invlvement. They only suspect and this is their whole base of hatred - a mere suspicion.

Graphican - he is a UN designated terrorist whether Pakistani courts find him innocent or not. Say for example, Iran's courts can say it can go for nuclear weapons but if UN decides against this, Iran has to comply. Though in this case, it is highly doubtful UN SC will act until he causes significant trouble for US or other western/middle-eastern countries and gains attention what Al-Qaeda gained.

He is dangerous not only to India but to the whole South Asia due to the significant nos of members he has with his various organizations. To give a perspective, Al-qaeda had few thousand members and was notorious and an headache for various countries such that terrorism was the foremost issue post-cold war. Compared to the few thousand members, Hafiz's organization has more than a lakh members. That itself is a dangerous thing.
"Alleged" my friend only alleged. India is yet to prove any case against him
Really? Have you gone through his dossiers? Are you in the FIA? The proof is all there. Only you guys are denying it, as is your habit. Denial is your doctrine.

The fact is that the Pakistani Establishment has avoided giving the evidence contained in the dossiers to the court. Why? It's obvious. Without evidence, a court cannot convict an accused. So the question is, why is the Establishment evading handing over the complete information contained in the dossiers to the court? You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out, do you? :coffee:
Pakistanis protest against improving trade with India | DAWN.COM

MUZAFFARABAD: Hundreds of Islamist activists in Pakistani-administered Kashmir on Friday demonstrated against the government’s decision to take steps to improve trade with India.

Pakistan’s cabinet last month said it approved a proposal giving India the status of “most favoured nation” in a move towards normalising trade relations between the two nuclear-armed neighbours.

Members of banned Islamist groups including Jamaat-ud-Dawa, Jaish-e-Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba, and hardline religious party Jamaat-e-Islami gathered in the main square in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-administered Kashmir.

Cough cough - over the years your courts have hanged a Prime Minister and your courts have sanctified military coups. One or two anti-establishment decisions don't make your courts independent. Same courts showered petals on the guard who killed the Taseer.

So it is not just India - no one really thinks that the Pakistani courts are independent.

If you base your opinion on biase, sure you will find 5 decission VS 20 decission and give verdict against it but lets not forget what happened with this judiciary and how much pain it took but stood on justice. May be you need 21 decissions against establishment to make an opinion but that will be pretty mathematical way of looking towards reality. If you keep the formulla, Humans have been monkeys for millions of years and they turned humans some 70 to 120 thousands years ago. Unfortunately that formula will make you conclude that humans are still monkeys. I don't force you to change opinion but I wish you would see what happened after 2009. I'm sure you will find hope and justice and respectable judiciary.

Regarding courts throwing petals - "some" lawyers don't constitute judiciary in Pakistan. If you believe in cherry picking, there are people in India who had backed murderer of Mr. Gandhi as well but you don't take their opinion as the opinion of Nation.

We Pakistanis have great hopes and respect for judiciary but even if you tend not to believe Pakistani Courts, may be you like to believe INTERPOL and AMERICA who have publicly acknowledged the same. I hope they would hold "some" value in your eyes.
He is a UN declared terrorist. I'm not even talking about Mumbai.

You are talking about allegations again. Go on take your PROOFS in UN and get him declared WANTED through INTERPOL. Why did you guys STOP just at UN's declaration which was result of USA's wishes but your wishes or mine wouldn't make somebody a terrorist or free him from that. Several countries had declared MOODI a terrorist and banned his entry but you guys don't seem to find a terrorist in him because he is on your line of border? Until proven guilty, Hafiz Saeed and everybody who is alleged will remain just alleged. Hope this is not impossible to understand.

Point is not that Hafiz Saeed is just "not proven guilty yet".. point is you guys tried your best and couldn't get it. We are not talking about proofs which were not used, we are talking about proofs which got rejected. Since your opinion is based because of patriotism and hatred against terrorists, you would need to come out of these two thought lockers before being able to see reality out there.
Graphican - he is a UN designated terrorist whether Pakistani courts find him innocent or not. Say for example, Iran's courts can say it can go for nuclear weapons but if UN decides against this, Iran has to comply. Though in this case, it is highly doubtful UN SC will act until he causes significant trouble for US or other western/middle-eastern countries and gains attention what Al-Qaeda gained.

He is dangerous not only to India but to the whole South Asia due to the significant nos of members he has with his various organizations. To give a perspective, Al-qaeda had few thousand members and was notorious and an headache for various countries such that terrorism was the foremost issue post-cold war. Compared to the few thousand members, Hafiz's organization has more than a lakh members. That itself is a dangerous thing.

That is the point. India couldn't prove him TERRORIST and is happy by winning the title of TERRORIST only which we know how it happened. Even USA had to change their stance that they didn't had proofs and they rather announced the bounty to collect proofs. Do you think USA is also biased as you term Pakistani Courts?

But there is another side of this story which you are ignoring. This gives India a political mileage and some "vote of hatred" to some politicians. IF and IIIFFF he is terrorist, Pakistani Courts might not (according to your assumptions) but Indian Courts can declare him guilty.. or take your case to UN Courts and present evidence against him. Hafiz Saeed is already willing to fight his case in the courts and not just Pakistani Courts but UN as well. IT IS INDIA WHO IS SHYING FROM PROCEEDING THE CASE and I fail to understand you guys don't see this side of picture and are only pushing the paddle because this gives you some "sense of blaming your enemy and earning satisfaction". This is your whole "gain" and you are not looking to get "more than that".
Graphican - he is a UN designated terrorist whether Pakistani courts find him innocent or not. Say for example, Iran's courts can say it can go for nuclear weapons but if UN decides against this, Iran has to comply. Though in this case, it is highly doubtful UN SC will act until he causes significant trouble for US or other western/middle-eastern countries and gains attention what Al-Qaeda gained.

He is dangerous not only to India but to the whole South Asia due to the significant nos of members he has with his various organizations. To give a perspective, Al-qaeda had few thousand members and was notorious and an headache for various countries such that terrorism was the foremost issue post-cold war. Compared to the few thousand members, Hafiz's organization has more than a lakh members. That itself is a dangerous thing.

Actually, neither part of the bolded statement is true.

To go in for nuclear weapons or not is not a legal decision anywhere but in Japan, where the constitution forbids it. There is no constitutional bar in Iran, and there is no legal matter for the courts to decide.

On the other hand, there is no jurisdiction that the UN has over a country that decides not to participate in an international regime imposed by the super-powers/ by the hyper power, as a country not a signatory to an international treaty cannot be held to be in violation of it. The decisions of the UN have no binding force on an individual country that decides to ignore it.
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